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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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lolol you should feel proud that you have a 0% match rating with this person
whereabouts do you live???


If you didn't kiss Girl #1 on the first date you dun goofed and if you don't do it after the second you're messing up

I actually agree with this

Got matched up with a white supremacist the other day.

Her profile was amazing. I'll try to post it.


I've always had best luck just going for the kiss on date #1. It lets me know where I stand so I don't have to do the awkward "Text her while my heart is racing hoping she liked me back and will text me" shit. I go in for the kiss. If she doesn't want to then cool. We had a meal and we won't be seeing each other again. If she does then you know there was something and it puts me in the driver seat for setting up the next date. Personally it just makes my life easier.

Unless of course I'm just not interested in the girl and at that point I'll just stop communicating with her unless she communicates with me and I tell her I wasn't feeling it

Two for two. We agree on something, finally.

I honestly don't understand the big deal with what date you kiss on. Depends on both people, some go for it halfway through the first date. Some go for it not until the 3rd or 4th date. As long as it feels natural for both of you it's fine, and don't let anyone tell you that if you don't kiss by the second date something is wrong with you. I'd say if you've managed to go out 4 times though there definitely is mutual interest and you shouldn't have to worry about going for it anymore. She went out with you 4 times, she's definitely interested.

Everyone does have their own pace but kissing on the first date is a great indicator of mutual attraction.

Before meeting my current gf, I was seeing a girl for a little over a month. I kissed her within the first ten minutes of our first date. Like full blown, long, mouth to mouth and tongue. And fuck you guys. I'm not making this up. I was channeling major pimp vibes that day. It was cold and cloudy. We had lunch at a nice hibachi place. We had a great time.

Anyway, I could tell she was into me and giving me every sign that she wanted me to step it up. So I did. Her reaction? As soon as leaned back, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me back towards her for more. She told me that the first kiss meant a lot to her and said a lot about a man and who he is. Things were cool until she got stressed with work...and well....just disappeared. She was cool as hell. Short, sexy Italian girl. Great breasts, a solid, firm ass. Damn.....

Holy shit


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Didn't the Klan actually, you know, hang people. I would say that goes above and beyond racial segregation.

Well at least she doesn't like the WBC. I've actually heard neo-nazis and Klan mention they don't even like them.

I wonder how much hate mail this girl gets in any given week?


The WBC pretty much tries to be hated as hard as it can by everyone, in order to collect that sweet lawsuit money in case they get attacked or something.


What you're looking for is an activity partner; someone who's down to do anything with you at the drop of a dime without think twice about it. Those are hard friends to find indeed.

Yup, this is exactly it. I've found it's really difficult to find these kind of friends and have it last. Usually they get into a relationship and then disappear. So I've always found it easier to get into a gf relationship with someone you get along with and there you go, you've got an activity partner. Which is pretty weird I'll admit. Want a friend, so get a gf instead of want a gf, make a friend.

EDIT: I second meetup.com if you're looking for special interest groups that cater towards what you're into. There's bound to be a group like that that meet ups up regularly.

Sounds like you need to meet new people who are into the stuff you're into. Have you tried joining a Meetup.com group?

Yeah, meetup is awesome. I've made a lot of friends through it and even good close friends/activity partners. But they've all gotten into relationships and don't go to anything and aren't that available lately. We also have a severe lack of concert meetups in this area (So CA). There's like a country music/older rock meetup for the 50+ crowd and LA has a reggae meetup, but that's about it. I'm actually thinking about starting up my own group for punk & indie rock concerts.
Yeah, meetup is awesome. I've made a lot of friends through it and even good close friends/activity partners. But they've all gotten into relationships and don't go to anything and aren't that available lately. We also have a severe lack of concert meetups in this area (So CA). There's like a country music/older rock meetup for the 50+ crowd and LA has a reggae meetup, but that's about it. I'm actually thinking about starting up my own group for punk & indie rock concerts.

That sounds like a lot of work, which is probably a good thing for you in your state right now. If you're truly passionate about it, I highly recommend it


Neo Member
So met this girl for drinks yesterday, thought it might only last an hour and then we'd go our seperate ways. We ended up having drinks and then going for a stroll through town, in all up we spent a couple of hours together and towards the end she indicated she wanted to meet up again.

Shes a nice girl, we have a lot in common so I enjoyed being with her, I was going to wait a couple of days to ask her out again but she started sending me text messages last night telling how much she enjoyed meeting me last night, a bit of flirting back and forth, good fun, but at least now Im a bit more certain that she wants more then a friendship which is what Im looking for.

Was going to text her today if shes doing anything tonight and wants to hang out

Too soon? Help me out GAF Im freakin useless at this dating thing.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Yo this site. These girls. They don't know what curvy means.
I know exactly what you mean, but curvy is just too broad of a term in general (especially compared to some of the other options, like thin or athletic). It's totally understandable that a girl would choose curvy even if it's pretty apparent that she should choose something else. You just gotta have a discriminating eye on this site (and the internet in general), and be wary of anyone who has less than three pics, heh.
Kissing: if I made it to a third date or later without a kiss I would be seriously worried that the guy wasn't attracted to me. If it's going well I generally kiss on the first date but I'm ok with taking the initiative if he seems interested. Obviously other girls are different but you don't want to wait too long.

Curvy: I hate that this basically means fat now because I am legitimately curvy without being fat but I'd never put it on my profile because of the connotations. Had to settle for average. Damn you fatties!
Haha, he seems like a decent guy anyway, so we'll see. Maybe it will go well.

Oh it's a guy? Huh I meant women's profiles I don't know how that would translate with a man. What's your impression of it? For women they mean someone with their own place, car, job etc... Also 80% of the time they have kids.


Oh it's a guy? Huh I meant women's profiles I don't know how that would translate with a man. What's your impression of it? For women they mean someone with their own place, car, job etc... Also 80% of the time they have kids.

Haha I dunno, I just said I hadn't dated a lot and he was like "well it sounds like you need to date men, not boys". Haha. Which is probably true. Whatever, I'll see.
I had an awesome, amazing date last night. The girl was cute, very intelligent, and hilarious to boot. I just got out of a long term relationship a year ago (and 'free of her physical presence' 6 months ago), so I'm kind of torn if I should just hang out with this girl, or keep dating other people. I don't want to just jump back into a relationship, but I'm leaning towards the former, as our connection was mind-blowing, and it's always amazing when that happens. Sappy, I know.



I had an awesome, amazing date last night. The girl was cute, very intelligent, and hilarious to boot. I just got out of a long term relationship a year ago (and 'free of her physical presence' 6 months ago), so I'm kind of torn if I should just hang out with this girl, or keep dating other people. I don't want to just jump back into a relationship, but I'm leaning towards the former, as our connection was mind-blowing, and it's always amazing when that happens. Sappy, I know.

that's a tough one. You don't wanna jump right back into relationship, wanna test the waters and see what's out there, but you risk losing something potentially awesome. I would just stick with the girl personally and see where it goes.


I'm meeting a girl tonight, she seems pretty great so far, I'm really curious to see what she looks like though because her pictures aren't the most clear. I've been in this situation before and it has not gone well to say the least lol.

also this other girl I'm texting with, it's kind of the opposite, she sent me a pic last night and holy shiieeet, I haven't been sexually attracted to someone in quite some time. But she's very hesitant to meet, we've been texting for a while now and she'll make comments about wanting to meet but when I push it, she can't for some reason. She also takes FOREVER to text, so I can't even have a conversation with her, it's more like really short emails or something lol. I must meet this girl though, I must! She told me to come to her gym and we could 'play' together, cmon son, stop teasing
that's a tough one. You don't wanna jump right back into relationship, wanna test the waters and see what's out there, but you risk losing something potentially awesome. I would just stick with the girl personally and see where it goes.


I'm meeting a girl tonight, she seems pretty great so far, I'm really curious to see what she looks like though because her pictures aren't the most clear. I've been in this situation before and it has not gone well to say the least lol.

also this other girl I'm texting with, it's kind of the opposite, she sent me a pic last night and holy shiieeet, I haven't been sexually attracted to someone in quite some time. But she's very hesitant to meet, we've been texting for a while now and she'll make comments about wanting to meet but when I push it, she can't for some reason. She also takes FOREVER to text, so I can't even have a conversation with her, it's more like really short emails or something lol. I must meet this girl though, I must! She told me to come to her gym and we could 'play' together, cmon son, stop teasing

Yeah that's what I'm leaning towards. We talked for a week before we met up, and I was thinking to myself, "I hope this girl lives up to my expectations . . . " and she did, above and beyond. It felt good. Thanks for your advice, and good luck with your dates!


also this other girl I'm texting with, it's kind of the opposite, she sent me a pic last night and holy shiieeet, I haven't been sexually attracted to someone in quite some time. But she's very hesitant to meet, we've been texting for a while now and she'll make comments about wanting to meet but when I push it, she can't for some reason. She also takes FOREVER to text, so I can't even have a conversation with her, it's more like really short emails or something lol. I must meet this girl though, I must! She told me to come to her gym and we could 'play' together, cmon son, stop teasing

How long does she usually take? That's kind of like the guy I am/was dating.

He'd take foreverrrrr to respond. He's into me when we hang out (this is the guy who I had two 9 hour long dates with, and one more recent one with dinner and a movie, we had a great time, but I had a cold and he had allergies, so we stayed physically away from each other lol) and he talks plans ("next time I come see you here, we'll go to that sushi place you talked about") and a couple times, we've text flirted, but he is terrible at texting/vanishes sometimes. I'm guessing he's not THAT into me then, but whatever. Last time he vanished, it was a week and he had friends visiting, so that was cool, and he's vanished now (he mentioned last week that his best friend was moving back, so it is most likely that), but I've texted him and left a voicemail, and that's that, if he wants to contact me again, he can. But pft. He missed oooooout if he doesn't call back.



How long does she usually take? That's kind of like the guy I am/was dating.
on average, 3-4 hours. It can be frustrating to say the least, but maybe she's just not a 'good' texter, or maybe she's just looking for an ego boost and not looking to actually meet anyone, who knows!


on average, 3-4 hours. It can be frustrating to say the least, but maybe she's just not a 'good' texter, or maybe she's just looking for an ego boost and not looking to actually meet anyone, who knows!

Oh lol, not as bad as the guy then. He was days :p

As of right now, we haven't spoken since last Friday haha. I called and left a voicemail, and left a text as well, on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. Still nothing.

Like I said, I have a feeling his crummy communication skills combined with the fact that his ~BFF~ moved back in the last few days, is what it is, but MEH. Haha.


oh maybe we should swap 'partners'! let them text each other instead, I'm sure they'll love each other


6 hours later
'NM U?'

2 days later


oh maybe we should swap 'partners'! let them text each other instead, I'm sure they'll love each other


6 hours later
'NM U?'

2 days later

Haha awesome, yes.


A week later

Month later


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I had an awesome, amazing date last night. The girl was cute, very intelligent, and hilarious to boot. I just got out of a long term relationship a year ago (and 'free of her physical presence' 6 months ago), so I'm kind of torn if I should just hang out with this girl, or keep dating other people. I don't want to just jump back into a relationship, but I'm leaning towards the former, as our connection was mind-blowing, and it's always amazing when that happens. Sappy, I know.


You're kind of like me. I was on a third date this Thursday and it's going really well, making steady progress and we get along really great. I'm honestly NOT sure what I'm gonna do. She's nice and cute, I just don't know if I'm ready or even WANT to get into something serious again 3 months after "end of physical presence" (6 months after "end of emotional presence, basically) already, after my long-term relationship. I'm not seeing other people (solely because I don't date multiple people at the same time anyway, even though maybe I should), but I don't think I want to get into something serious. I'm really not sure what to do. I'm just enjoying what I have right now and try not to give it too much thought.


proud of his butz
Went to an ambient show with a girl from OKC two weeks ago. We talked a little bit, but we were both pretty awkward. Ended up hanging out with her last week, still pretty awkward, neither of us really saying much. Even so, we ended up fooling around a bit at her place. Invited her to hang out a few times, she then invites me to go to a show. I get there, we are a bit awkward still, and she starts to leave after the first band. I ask if she wanted to hang out, she's says no, and then I frustratingly ask for a ride home, which was awkward. So I think that's that.

It's kind of a shame I guess, since she's the highest match on there, and we are into a ton of the same stuff.

Anyways, long time lurker of this thread, I'll share my profile: http://www.okcupid.com/profile/lambdabutz


So met this girl for drinks yesterday, thought it might only last an hour and then we'd go our seperate ways. We ended up having drinks and then going for a stroll through town, in all up we spent a couple of hours together and towards the end she indicated she wanted to meet up again.

Shes a nice girl, we have a lot in common so I enjoyed being with her, I was going to wait a couple of days to ask her out again but she started sending me text messages last night telling how much she enjoyed meeting me last night, a bit of flirting back and forth, good fun, but at least now Im a bit more certain that she wants more then a friendship which is what Im looking for.

Was going to text her today if shes doing anything tonight and wants to hang out

Too soon? Help me out GAF Im freakin useless at this dating thing.

If she's blowing up your phone with texts it's not too early


Haha awesome, yes.


A week later

Month later

But at least you've actually met the guy, right? So you got that going for you. It just drives me crazy that people are on these sites and DON'T wanna meet, like..what's the point? But talk about it like you actually want to? uhh Was your guy as awkward in person as he was in text?

So today I get a message from a girl who hasn't texted me in days, says HEY STRANGER :), I respond..and nothing? what is this haha, I don't even care, it's just kinda silly.


But at least you've actually met the guy, right? So you got that going for you. It just drives me crazy that people are on these sites and DON'T wanna meet, like..what's the point? But talk about it like you actually want to? uhh Was your guy as awkward in person as he was in text?

So today I get a message from a girl who hasn't texted me in days, says HEY STRANGER :), I respond..and nothing? what is this haha, I don't even care, it's just kinda silly.

We've met three times and talked for about a month and a bit (I was super busy with finals and then working 7 days a week for two weeks), so I'm hoping he won't just stop talking to me (you'd think even one date deserves a "It's not gonna work out, bye").

And nah, he wasn't awkward at all in person. I thought we would be (internet meetings, eeeh), but we got along really well (first date, spent most of the day together, second date, spent most of the day together, third, spent about five hours together, dinner and a movie).

Looool, I had that happen to me once too. I went on a 20 minute date with a guy (it was super awkward and he bailed almost immediately lmao), and I was like...yeah, I don't even want to hear back from you, and then like a week later, I got a text from him, and I replied and nothing. I'm guessing they texted us, thinking we were someone else, and then when we responded, they were like...oops. Haha.


that's really funny, I just sent her a message saying "sent that to the wrong person I guess", and she replied back, 'Don't be smarmy' haha. What's weird is we follow each other on instagram, I think it's time I take her off, shits about to get REAL

edit. I say, 'dont worry, it happens'. she says 'no in this case, love ;)'



Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Maybe it makes them feel better if "they" are the one to "end it"? As in, after the date YOU ended it, but if THEY are the ones ultimately "not responding anymore", it makes them feel as if they were the ones that ended it and it makes them feel better about getting rejected. Aka it makes them feel as if they didn't get rejected, but they rejected you.

Just a guess. :p
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