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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I kind of feel bad for having an account. I don't even want to waste my money on dating, i just like receiving messages with complements :p
Yeah females get a ton of hilarious messages from dating sites. Guys generally fall into a few categories:

(a) Way too wordy
(b) Creepy
(c) Desperate

One girl got a message from some guy and I copied it into word and it was two pages long of shit. If I went over 4 sentences in an opener I felt like I was rambling.

I think I saw that somewhere.
My advice? Avoid anything sexy. It might sound funny in your head, but it'll probably fly over the heads of most women just like sarcasm on this forum.

Yeah, that's what I thought too. I removed it even though it should be pretty obvious I'm joking. No point in being seen as a creeper.


So ever since I uploaded a picture of me pretending to poop on a sidewalk, I've been getting quite a few messages from girls and my response rate became a lot higher. Might be anecdotal on my part. But I think I'm officially done with OKC, will be going back to just meeting people at bars now.

Here's my profile if you want to see what a bad one looks like, but also reaffirm that you shouldn't spend too much time on your profile:
Well, I found out how many questions there are on OKC.


It's been kind enough to match me (in London) with people hundreds of miles away, even in France and Belgium. God knows what their matching algorithm is. I'm guessing it is a big hat and a random number generator at the moment.

Had one message from a nice woman. Replied with a long-ish email. No response (even though she has been on since). Ah well.


maaaaaaaan I signed up for OKC back in like 2011 for the first time lol,

met a girl and had somewhat of a weird relationship with her that jus kinda eventually dissolved.

now it's like 2013 and I had an account for a few months and outta nowhere so does she.

we are both idiots lol, it should be a fun date.
maaaaaaaan I signed up for OKC back in like 2011 for the first time lol,

met a girl and had somewhat of a weird relationship with her that jus kinda eventually dissolved.

now it's like 2013 and I had an account for a few months and outta nowhere so does she.

we are both idiots lol, it should be a fun date.

Haha awesome, definitely let us know what happens


Well, I found out how many questions there are on OKC.


It's been kind enough to match me (in London) with people hundreds of miles away, even in France and Belgium. God knows what their matching algorithm is. I'm guessing it is a big hat and a random number generator at the moment.

Had one message from a nice woman. Replied with a long-ish email. No response (even though she has been on since). Ah well.

Yeah its weird, right? I live in the Netherlands and I have London girls checking my profile ....
No, my profile is to express the type of person I am and what I want. I'm not picking elements which makes me desirable. I'm picking elements that makes me as a person to put on a dating profile, to let others know what they are expecting from me.

I don't put myself down, but rather even with hobbies like video games, I show "Yeah. I love them. What are you going to do about it?". If my profile is ineffective at that and make women eye roll, it's their loss and not mine.

I have no desire to compete with anyone. I just find a girl I like, message her and wait to see results. I'll refine my profile to better present myself, but I don't want to leave out key details that make me 'me'.

Yadda yadda, this attitude is super selfish.

What? Sarcasm? Ammish's attitude is pretty great. I have the same thinking.

I mention gaming and other geeky things because they're important to me. If someone sees that as a negative, then I'm not really interested in that person.


What do you guys think about the question:

"Do you think that a person's musical preferences are a good indicator of intelligence?"

I put "no" but lots of people keep answering "yes"
What do you guys think about the question:

"Do you think that a person's musical preferences are a good indicator of intelligence?"

I put "no" but lots of people keep answering "yes"

There are tons of weird-ass questions.

My favorite is "Do you believe in Dinosaurs?".


Had an awesome date tonight and it was basically a reverse catfish. She was better looking than her photos and it kind of took me by surprise. Spent about two and a half hours at this awesome restaurant/bar and agreed to do something again next weekend. No kiss but I'm not too concerned with that.


I got my first forward PM asking me about sex.

I feel like I've joined a club.


Is he/she good looking?

Is he/she good looking?

Doesn't matter, as now admitted that she just wanted to know if I was actually a virgin due to me saying I was inexperienced but had made love to many women in my lifetime.


(Aaaaaaand now she's telling me that she's just a troll that goes around trying to find "losers" for her anti-OKC blog)


Doesn't matter, as now admitted that she just wanted to know if I was actually a virgin due to me saying I was inexperienced but had made love to many women in my lifetime.


(Aaaaaaand now she's telling me that she's just a troll that goes around trying to find "losers" for her anti-OKC blog)

Link to da blugg, please


Doesn't matter, as now admitted that she just wanted to know if I was actually a virgin due to me saying I was inexperienced but had made love to many women in my lifetime.


(Aaaaaaand now she's telling me that she's just a troll that goes around trying to find "losers" for her anti-OKC blog)

Tell her that she's the loser since she's wasting her time looking for people to blog about instead of doing something productive.


I got a hot lady that lists herself as transsexual in her profile on my quiver, and who I've met in person because she works at a bar I've been at (who looks better looking in person than the photos).

I'm thinking I should introduce myself in person tho instead of messaging her...


Okay so I just made a profile yesterday night, and have had like 25 visitors already, but only one message. Am I just going to have to bite the bullet and message them myself? I already messaged one girl but she hasn't messaged me back. Looking back now the message came off as pretty stiff. I guess I should mention that I dont consider myself attractive but I am 6' 3". Could this have something to do with all the visitors?


Is this picture good enough for a profile?


I think it is.

Okay so I just made a profile yesterday night, and have had like 25 visitors already, but only one message. Am I just going to have to bite the bullet and message them myself? I already messaged one girl but she hasn't messaged me back. Looking back now the message came off as pretty stiff. I guess I should mention that I dont consider myself attractive but I am 6' 3". Could this have something to do with all the visitors?

Nah that's what happens when you are new to the site. The same thing happened to me and then the views per month started going down.


Okay so I just made a profile yesterday night, and have had like 25 visitors already, but only one message. Am I just going to have to bite the bullet and message them myself? I already messaged one girl but she hasn't messaged me back. Looking back now the message came off as pretty stiff. I guess I should mention that I dont consider myself attractive but I am 6' 3". Could this have something to do with all the visitors?

I'm guessing you're a guy? If so yes, you're going to have to send messages. Send out a batch of messages every couple of days and then wait for responses. Rinse and repeat. I'v been using OKC/POF for six months and have been on dates with 8 different girls (some for a month, some only a first date). It works you just have to be persistent and patient. Finally just went on a date with a girl I really think I have a connection with beyond I'd like to bone you.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I just recently been using Match and been talking with this girl for about a week and when I attempt to meet her for coffee then she just stops texting me :( Shitty feeling lol...even more when you see her online on match.

Doesnt help now that I have moved back to my parents for a short period of time while I look for a house to purchase, I dont even know how to mention that to someone online/text without feeling I will get instant ignored.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Doesn't matter, as now admitted that she just wanted to know if I was actually a virgin due to me saying I was inexperienced but had made love to many women in my lifetime.


(Aaaaaaand now she's telling me that she's just a troll that goes around trying to find "losers" for her anti-OKC blog)
.... the hell?

I guess another reason for me to stay away from dating sites.


Is this picture good enough for a profile?


No. (edit: if that's the only pic you mean. If you have others, sure)

If you want any chance of getting girls to be interested in you based on your profile, follow these tips:

1) Don't have your primary pic of you taking a pic of yourself with a cell phone.

2) Have pics of you doing something INTERESTING, other than purposely posing for a pic for your profile.

3) Smile. You can post pics of you being cool later, but for your primary pic show a nice normal smile.

Trust me. These are the things that really help get you visitors and replies.

My experience: Started online dating, was afraid to show many pics, so I just took a few stupid ones of me posing at home with my cell phone. Met 0 women in the course of 3-4 months. Got a girlfriend from outside of online dating, lasted 7 months, now here I am back online dating again.

Now, I put up nothing but pics of me doing something exciting, or active and only ONE pic of me with the cell phone (which I mocked in the pic description for comic value) and I now get plenty of visitors, replies, and I've met 4 women in the past 3 months alone. I attribute this mostly to my MUCH better pics now.

My current pics consist of: Me in a suit at a friend's wedding (my primary photo), in a river outside fishing, on a bike in Washington DC with a friend, in a racing suit at a race track, and one crappy cell phone pose pic just for kicks. This makes it look way more appealing, and like I do things in life.


Okay so I've been messaging this girl for the last couple hours. 15 messages back and forth and still no number or offer to meet up. I'm starting to get bored. Time to cut and run?
2) Have pics of you doing something INTERESTING, other than purposely posing for a pic for your profile.

Now, I put up nothing but pics of me doing something exciting, or active and only ONE pic of me with the cell phone (which I mocked in the pic description for comic value) and I now get plenty of visitors, replies, and I've met 4 women in the past 3 months alone. I attribute this mostly to my MUCH better pics now.

Interestingly enough, those are the types of people I don't bother messaging. I mean, if they are already having a good time doing what it is that they are doing now, I see no reason for me to bother them. I'm looking for people as bored and as boring as I am.

The girl who has been trying to get me to go out with her now keeps talking about all the crazy shit she does on a daily basis and I can't help but think that I'll only slow her down.

I've always been a tad different though.


Well I was like "So is this the part where I ask for your number"? And she kind of side-stepped it a little bit. She's still been responding to all my messages almost immediately after I send them so I'm not sure what the deal is.

"Hey I've really been enjoying messaging with you. How would you like to exchange phone numbers so we can text/talk sometime?"

Nothing more, so that she can't side step it by answering something else you wrote.

Interestingly enough, those are the types of people I don't bother messaging. I mean, if they are already having a good time doing what it is that they are doing now, I see no reason for me to bother them. I'm looking for people as bored and as boring as I am.

The girl who has been trying to get me to go out with her now keeps talking about all the crazy shit she does on a daily basis and I can't help but think that I'll only slow her down.

I've always been a tad different though.

lol if you want to attract boring people, sure.


Man, the girls arent even viewing my damn profile after sending them messages. Makes no sense. The messages are great. They arent too long, not too short. Are casual and inviting. Clearly state i read something about their profile, and arent blatantly trying too hard. Least look at my damn profile! This site is horrid for guys. And the girls that do use it might even be addicted to using it cause of the swarm of mail they get. I can see why guys end up just spamming 'hey' messages. Takes too much time to invest in looking.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
You never know if they're browsing invisibly; they wouldn't show up as having viewed your profile if so. This ISN'T an A-List feature, by the way. A couple people on here have mentioned that it is.
You never know if they're browsing invisibly; they wouldn't show up as having viewed your profile if so. This ISN'T an A-List feature, by the way. A couple people on here have mentioned that it is.

Yeah, the A-List feature is the ability to browse invisibly while also seeing your visitors.
Back for another round. I've decided to start a brand new profile, new pictures, new text. Over the weekend i sent out 50 messages. So far no replies, quite a few views but no messages.

So what am i doing wrong? 0/50 can't be right. Im really starting to think its my pictures/looks, if it is tell me.


looks solid, but why does it say you're only looking for new friends? To me, that implies you're not interested in dating.

Figured I should give it a shot. I'm 27 and have never been a serious relationship. Better late then never, right???


Lookds good, but put a picture up of you smiling, and use that as your main

Gave both of you guys ratings as well
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