Just not to seem so eager, I guess. I suppose I could just send a message now saying it was nice meeting her and innocently apologizing for sounding so nasaly due to my getting over a cold.
Meet them both. See where it goes. I mean, better to meet both than to only meet one and that not working out, and then not being able to meet the second one again, right.Congratz though! Hope you can pull off some meetings. I see you tried getting the first one to agree on meeting up twice, but she skillfully dodged it both times :lol. Maybe exchange phone numbers first? I think you definitely wrote exactly the way you should. Playfully suggesting a date, then if she doesn't bite right away introduce yourself. Now is a good time to start exchanging phone numbers. Then start setting something up!
You should feel terrible wanting to meet both those girls after having a pm session with the first.
What a complete scumbag.
Man, this website makes it too damn easy.
Makes what too easy?
Girls must be throwing their easy pussy at him and he likes them hard to get.
Seeing as how the dating thread seems to be off the frontpage and Im kinda proud of what Ive just done Ill post it here - I just street approach 5 girls this morning. First a Chinese girl on a conference trip to London. Second a cute Spanish girl who was kinda shy but appreciated the conversation. Third another Spanish girl who actually looked more South American but had terrible English, I talked with her for 5 mins and she was really cool, Im going to see if I can meet her again soon. Fourth, a Japanese girl who recoiled in horror when I spoke to her as if I was going to attack her! I could tell she was kinda freaked-out so I let her go almost straight away. Finally a Malaysian girl who was shopping for gifts as it was her final day in the country before moving back home.
I added them all to facebook apart from the Japanese girl. It was pretty terrifying at first but I actually had fun and once I got into the rhythm I became pretty natural. Im hoping to make a habit of this and do it more frequently
Uh... Not to take anything away from you, but wouldn't that post be more suited for the regular dating thread, not the OKC/online-dating one?congratz though!
Not my thing but I can tell you now... just make sure to be an utmost gentleman and know when your friendly approach for conversation starts to become overbearing. Seems like you already have this down but always keep yourself in check. Street harassment is a major issue around the world. Some may feel threatened when you do this to them because of past negative experiences from others.
How do you know if you're coming on too strong? I have no body language to judge or anything. This feels like the hardest part of online dating imo. I just don't know what's real. Should I just ask her to txt me? I'm losing interest in small talk on here and I have a feeling she is too.
A sport is defined as anything that requires physical athleticism or physical dexterity. You are confusing freefall with sport skydiving. Skydiving as you know is simply free fall.Skydiving isn't a sport, it's an activity, sry bro
Anyway so I met a girl last Saturday. It was probably one of the best first dates I've ever been on. We started with coffee, went to a music store where she tried to teach me how to play ukulele, then to a use bookstore where I read her the technical manual on how to service a color tv from like 50 years ago, then we went to a bar and had a beer. Her friend came to pick her up from there and we even kissed! I was pumped, we had basically just talked nonstop for like 4 hours or whatever. So we FaceTime for the next few nights and she mentions trust issues/wanting commitment etc. I chalk it up to the fact that's usually like 3am when we'd chat.
Anyway, so we meet for a second time and she's super awkward and annoying. She wanted to hold hands the time! I'm like dude we literally just met. Then we go to a coffee shop and she waits until after I order to tell me she's not gonna get anything because she's broke, and I'm like I don't care just order, but she refuses my offer! And makes me sit and drink a lattes and eat a muffin in from of her. Oh man anyway. I told her we shouldn't see eachother and she didn't see,mtoo upset. What a bummer though.
This shit doesn't compute. You're the one who seems awkward as hell in this situation.
Just had a kind of disappointing experience last week. I rarely look at my OKC profile mostly just because of how dated it is and I'm too lazy to maintain it. But every once in a while Ill some messages, or I'll browse on my lunch or something. Anyway so I met a girl last Saturday. It was probably one of the best first dates I've ever been on. We started with coffee, went to a music store where she tried to teach me how to play ukulele, then to a use bookstore where I read her the technical manual on how to service a color tv from like 50 years ago, then we went to a bar and had a beer. Her friend came to pick her up from there and we even kissed! I was pumped, we had basically just talked nonstop for like 4 hours or whatever. So we FaceTime for the next few nights and she mentions trust issues/wanting commitment etc. I chalk it up to the fact that's usually like 3am when we'd chat.
Anyway, so we meet for a second time and she's super awkward and annoying. She wanted to hold hands the time! I'm like dude we literally just met. Then we go to a coffee shop and she waits until after I order to tell me she's not gonna get anything because she's broke, and I'm like I don't care just order, but she refuses my offer! And makes me sit and drink a lattes and eat a muffin in from of her. Oh man anyway. I told her we shouldn't see eachother and she didn't see,mtoo upset. What a bummer though.
Well, I'm putting my account on hold for a while. Getting messaged by another crazy no personality Chinese woman was the last straw for me. Apparently getting uninteresting people with no sense of humor and no personality is the best I can do. Her message was stupid, and her profile was an incoherent rant about money? I think? This is about all the luck I have. It's one of the reasons I avoid Asian women. They're ok as friends, but can't stand them in a relationship. I'd give my own rant, but I know people will call it out as generalization. There's a reason they get generalized though.
Holding hands on the second date seems pretty normal to me
Racist much?
How do you guys reply back to a girl that actually writes you a well thought out message? Thanks, but no thanks or don't reply back at all? I usually don't respond to half ass messages, but this one actually took the time to read my profile etc.
If you're not interested, then don't reply. That's what we all do.
Fuck that. Reply and just say you don't think you two would be a good match. Hell, she took the time to send you a message with actual thought put into it and you wasted your time coming in here to post about it. You could have easily sent her a message essentially saying what you did here.
Ignoring messages is why most people just resort to a lazy 'Hi' to everyone that's online. It just propagates the shittiness that plagues dating sites at the moment.
Holding hands on the second date seems pretty normal to me
Straight talk: what is wrong with you?Just had a kind of disappointing experience last week. I rarely look at my OKC profile mostly just because of how dated it is and I'm too lazy to maintain it. But every once in a while Ill some messages, or I'll browse on my lunch or something. Anyway so I met a girl last Saturday. It was probably one of the best first dates I've ever been on. We started with coffee, went to a music store where she tried to teach me how to play ukulele, then to a use bookstore where I read her the technical manual on how to service a color tv from like 50 years ago, then we went to a bar and had a beer. Her friend came to pick her up from there and we even kissed! I was pumped, we had basically just talked nonstop for like 4 hours or whatever. So we FaceTime for the next few nights and she mentions trust issues/wanting commitment etc. I chalk it up to the fact that's usually like 3am when we'd chat.
Anyway, so we meet for a second time and she's super awkward and annoying. She wanted to hold hands the time! I'm like dude we literally just met. Then we go to a coffee shop and she waits until after I order to tell me she's not gonna get anything because she's broke, and I'm like I don't care just order, but she refuses my offer! And makes me sit and drink a lattes and eat a muffin in from of her. Oh man anyway. I told her we shouldn't see eachother and she didn't see,mtoo upset. What a bummer though.
I just realized...
I had a second date with a girl last fall, and we were out hiking in the woods. She stumbled on a rock (possibly on purpose) and I masterfully caught her fall by grabbing her hand. We then held hands the rest of the hike. It felt totally right and normal.
Yeah, Jtwo, definitely you were the awkward one dude.
Agreed. There's nothing wrong with that; it's a harmless gesture and like Wabbit said, it's pretty normal by the second date. It's not like she wants to hold hands so she can place it on her ass. Jtwo, it almost sounds like you got offended/defensive when she said that. Obviously she's into you. Maybe it takes more dates for you to warm up to women in which case I suppose I understand.
Me too, I wouldn't have had any problems provided I like the chick too. Either way, from his perspective he would have been repulsed to do anything which again makes zero sense. Liu Kang always bakes truth pies.I would have been down with that on a second date as well (and possibly the first)
Has anyone tried the Broadcasting feature via the app? For the uninitiated, Broadcasting basically sets up an instant date; you pick the place, activity and either within (now) 90 minutes or Tonight (in several hours).
I know a few GAF members have had success so I've been thinking about trying it out after not getting any hits. I think my profile or pictures aren't winning me any favors. I'll probably repost it for critiques. Reddit's OKC section is also pretty informative.
I think the general consensus is that "your mileage may vary". Depending on where you live it might be slim pickins
Has anyone tried the Broadcasting feature via the app? For the uninitiated, Broadcasting basically sets up an instant date; you pick the place, activity and either within (now) 90 minutes or Tonight (in several hours).
I know a few GAF members have had success so I've been thinking about trying it out after not getting any hits. I think my profile or pictures aren't winning me any favors. I'll probably repost it for critiques. Reddit's OKC section is also pretty informative.