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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Ahh the good ole "stuck at work/last minute assignment excuse" that they just so happen to find out about a hour before you are supposed to meet. Nice try ladies, I've used that one before my self and I'm not falling for it. Automatic end all communication if they try that on me. You get one shot with me and that's it.
I heartily agree with you there.

Then again I need to add that I am for example in a job, where I can be called to work with very short notice. And usually the shorter the notice time is, the more they actually need me. Of course I can refuse to come, but it is quite negative thing to do in my books. It can be really annoying if you have booked something already, and I don't really know would I try to reschedule or would I miss work. This hasn't never happened, thank gods, but generally if I am going to work with short notice, it lasts from 15 minutes up to max 2 hours, so I guess that rescheduling could be an option and even perhaps asking people to pick me from work. But that is just me. I am only saying that sometimes it isn't necessary an excuse.


Whatever happened to that guy who met a girl online then 3 weeks later flew out to see her because she bought him tickets?


Wow. I learn something new every day.

I am all ears. How do you reverse images?

Also I would be a bit more careful, if a female seems to be too eager. It can be the start of the love story of the century, but it can be just someone pulling your leg. Good that you are smart and aware of that. Thank god I haven't never used sites like that, I would most likely be just way too naive.

Good luck with the Asian cutie!

Reverse imaging is a heavenly way of finding scammers. To reverse image:

1) Copy a person's image URL
2) Toss the URL into Google Image
3) Click on "search by image."
4) Profit

If Google doesn't find another image of the same kind, then the person is usually ok, but I tend to reverse image all the pictures to play it safe (and you do want to reverse image all the pictures). If a picture only has a page, the person is *usually* fine. When a picture brings up more than ten pages, then you know you have a scammer.

And thanks!
Damn man she sounds pretty flakey. If you value your time, I would suggest you put her down and cut her loose. My brother had a similar experience with a girl from the internet recently (I got his blessing to tell you). She was attractive, flirty texts, the works. However, when he tried scheduling a meet up with her a couple of times she would cancel on him at the last minute.

As a result, while it was cold, he told her flatout "I don't want to speak to you any more." You can imagine this infuriated her but fact of the matter is that he didn't want to waste his time with her any more. One of the golden rules of dating is if both parties are interested, they will make time for each other no matter what. You made time for her but she didn't make time for you. It looks like girl#3 is definitely making time for you.

Haha, not really cold, your brother absolutely did the right thing!

Yeah, Girl #2 was probably the oddest experience I've had so far. I had plenty of interest, but it was hard to show it because she was showing so much interest. I was more aggravated at wasting my time that evening to be honest. I was disappointed, but considering we hadn't even met, I got over the whole thing pretty much instantly. She hasn't reached out to me.... but I haven't heard. Girl #3 is awesome so far, and we got plans to hit up an Irish pub in the area and do some shopping afterwards tomorrow, so we'll see if that goes a little better!

Also just started talking to another cute girl (seriously, months of nothing, and with a lifetime 5% reply rate, my rate this past month is about 75%, doing nothing differently). She's 7 years younger, really unique look, but very attractive, into football (my Colts!) and JRPG's.

The whole online dating thing is an odd beast.


Ahh the good ole "stuck at work/last minute assignment excuse" that they just so happen to find out about a hour before you are supposed to meet. Nice try ladies, I've used that one before my self and I'm not falling for it. Automatic end all communication if they try that on me. You get one shot with me and that's it.

I will allow this to happen one time when it comes to a new woman, since "stuck at work/last minute assignment" has been a problem for me in the past.

I had to cancel a date a day prior because my father needed me at work really late that following day. I could have gone to the date, but I wouldn't have enough time to bathe and change after my workday was over....And I didn't want to meet this girl smelling and looking like garbage (I work part-time at a warehouse).


Haha, not really cold, your brother absolutely did the right thing!

Yeah, Girl #2 was probably the oddest experience I've had so far. I had plenty of interest, but it was hard to show it because she was showing so much interest. I was more aggravated at wasting my time that evening to be honest. I was disappointed, but considering we hadn't even met, I got over the whole thing pretty much instantly. She hasn't reached out to me.... but I haven't heard. Girl #3 is awesome so far, and we got plans to hit up an Irish pub in the area and do some shopping afterwards tomorrow, so we'll see if that goes a little better!

Also just started talking to another cute girl (seriously, months of nothing, and with a lifetime 5% reply rate, my rate this past month is about 75%, doing nothing differently). She's 7 years younger, really unique look, but very attractive, into football (my Colts!) and JRPG's.

The whole online dating thing is an odd beast.
My brother is saying that there's times where you must be blunt with women with if isn't working out. I don't know if I could be that direct as I prefer to cut off all contact with a woman if it isn't going well but I understand.

I had a chick that I hit up five days ago reply today. Same thing happened with another girl yesterday. Just when I assume they aren't interested, chicks reply back. I suppose it's because chicks don't check the app and are busy. Online dating is indeed a strange world. I'm not expecting anything out of to come out of these messages so it's more for practice than anything else.


Reverse imaging is a heavenly way of finding scammers. To reverse image:

1) Copy a person's image URL
2) Toss the URL into Google Image
3) Click on "search by image."
4) Profit

If Google doesn't find another image of the same kind, then the person is usually ok, but I tend to reverse image all the pictures to play it safe (and you do want to reverse image all the pictures). If a picture only has a page, the person is *usually* fine. When a picture brings up more than ten pages, then you know you have a scammer.

And thanks!
Thank you! Will definitely keep that info in mind.

At one point I was informed by a friend that someone was using my photo in a profile that definitely wasn't mine. Now I know how to keep track of those.


Okay so I went out with a girl a couple Saturdays ago. The date went great and we continued to text back and forth afterwards. Everything seemed peachy and I was really digging her. We were then gonna hang out last Wednesday but I cancelled because I wasn't feeling well. Since then I've definitely noticed a chill in her texts even though I explicitly said I wanted to hang out again. Like, I texted her over Fourth of July weekend asking if she was going to the fireworks show. All she said was "Nope!". She didn't even ask me what my plans were which was unusual because in previous texts she countered my question with another, and the conversation flowed well. I then asked her to hang out on Tuesday but she cancelled because she was tired. Whatever. So then I ask when she'd be free again, but she said couldn't remember because she was so tired. Bullshit. So today I sent her a picture I took and asked her what she'd been doing, she texted back "nothing really". Again, no question about what I had going on or a comment on the picture. I'm probably not painting a good picture of her personality, but the change in tone of her texts has been jarring. She's gone from being inquisitive to just plain cold. I'm kind of depressed because I had such a nice time with her compared to my previous dates. I really clicked with her.

So should I just drop hanging out with her again? I was thinking about sending her something like "so are we going to hang out again or not? if not, i need you to tell me so i can stop wasting both of our time." Is that a little too direct? Maybe she's just been having a rough week or something but I'm really not appreciating her suddenly being so coy.

Turns out I blew this shit way out of proportion. Just got done with a second date with her that ended with an AMAZING kiss. I was on cloud 9 for about an hour afterwards.


Turns out I blew this shit way out of proportion. Just got done with a second date with her that ended with an AMAZING kiss. I was on cloud 9 for about an hour afterwards.


So my conversation is running dry (read: boring) with a chick I've been messaging. Should I attempt to go for her number or change the subject and ask for her number? My brother is saying to go for it. I don't have anything to lose by doing so given that she replies every 2 days or so. I have the message all revved up and ready to go so I'm leaning towards it.

EDIT: I went for the number upon my brother's words of encouragement. Let's see what happens. *fingers crossed*


So my conversation is running dry (read: boring) with a chick I've been messaging. Should I attempt to go for her number or change the subject and ask for her number? My brother is saying to go for it. I don't have anything to lose by doing so given that she replies every 2 days or so. I have the message all revved up and ready to go so I'm leaning towards it.

EDIT: I went for the number upon my brother's words of encouragement. Let's see what happens. *fingers crossed*
I would have recommended you to do the same.

Good luck!

EDIT: Even though I need to add that I think it is a really bad sign if the conversation turns to be very boring in the early phase. That usually means it continues to be boring, but that is just me.


I would have recommended you to do the same.

Good luck!

EDIT: Even though I need to add that I think it is a really bad sign if the conversation turns to be very boring in the early phase. That usually means it continues to be boring, but that is just me.

Thanks, I have a bad feeling about it being boring as well. I need to re-read her profile and ask her questions about herself. It doesn't help that she hasn't asked me questions about me so I might holding my breath it'll lead anywhere. =/

I'll transition it over to fun topics such as hobbies, favorite places in the city, and stuff like that. If I don't get it, then no sweat off my back. It's because I l lead the conversation to a boring topic (note to anyone: don't talk about what people like about writing in cursive).


Thanks, I have a bad feeling about it being boring as well. I need to re-read her profile and ask her questions about herself. It doesn't help that she hasn't asked me questions about me so I might holding my breath it'll lead anywhere. =/

I'll transition it over to fun topics such as hobbies, favorite places in the city, and stuff like that. If I don't get it, then no sweat off my back. It's because I l lead the conversation to a boring topic (note to anyone: don't talk about what people like about writing in cursive).
You are a dork.
I like that feature in a man.

It is a good idea to ask something about her like you said. Even though I think that it is also worrying that she hasn't showed genuine interest by asking something about you. But hey, you never know. She might maybe, perhaps, possibly be a positive surprise.


Thanks, I have a bad feeling about it being boring as well. I need to re-read her profile and ask her questions about herself. It doesn't help that she hasn't asked me questions about me so I might holding my breath it'll lead anywhere. =/

I'll transition it over to fun topics such as hobbies, favorite places in the city, and stuff like that. If I don't get it, then no sweat off my back. It's because I l lead the conversation to a boring topic (note to anyone: don't talk about what people like about writing in cursive).

When you transition to hobbies, make sure you let her know that your number one hobby is Neogaf, and you would die for our sins. That'll really turn her on. ;-D


You are a dork.
I like that feature in a man.

It is a good idea to ask something about her like you said. Even though I think that it is also worrying that she hasn't showed genuine interest by asking something about you. But hey, you never know. She might maybe, perhaps, possibly be a positive surprise.
Cursive is a lost writing art. I knew that you women love that stuff. :D

I don't think she's interested considering the fact that she looked at my profile again (I have the visitors disabled but I can see who was the last person that visited my profile via the app). It's her loss so oh well.
When you transition to hobbies, make sure you let her know that your number one hobby is Neogaf, and you would die for our sins. That'll really turn her on. ;-D

Hahaha, that's a good one. I'll be sure to mention that with a girl in the future; women love guys that lead a double life. How did your date go by the way?


Cursive is a lost writing art. I knew that you women love that stuff. :D

I don't think she's interested considering the fact that she looked at my profile again (I have the visitors disabled but I can see who was the last person that visited my profile via the app). It's her loss so oh well.
Hahah, of course we do. I was also referring that being a dork/silly, is somewhat desirable.

I am by the way really good at writing with cursive myself. I use it all the time if I need to write more than couple lines (since it is faster), especially on exams when I am hoping they don't understand what I am writing and just give me the best grade (which has worked brilliantly this far).

I guess ill just have to come to terms with not being a desirable person. Im never gonna date at this rate.
Don't be silly.

I am sure we are able to pimp you to someone.

I don't mean to bragg, but I am an awesome pimp.

And come on, honestly, I think you are adorable and I am sure you will find someone nice... and with all seriousness I am still an awesome pimp.
Girl #3 - Have a date with tomorrow. Lives kinda far away, but we've talked and texted non-stop for a week now, and have clicked 100%. She's incredibly cute, a nurse, has her own house, etc. So we'll see.

Well, as has been the routine, a night before.... we start digging a little deeper into the conversation. Despite it being on my profile, and bringing it up, she tells me she's nervous about me being divorced and that I was unemployed for 6 months. Well, I have been separated from my ex-wife for 3 years, left after she cheated on me. We got a dissolution in March (apathy, money, etc. is why it took so long, should have done it immediately). No kids, no house, made peace with it a long time ago.

Then, despite being in a great job since April 1st, wants to know why I was unemployed and that reason was you couldnt miss ANY days in the first 90, and I got kidney stones and missed two days. I put out over, without exaggeration, 100 resumes.

After that, she got icy, and wanted a new picture. So I took one... which all my pictures are recent. She said that the shirt I was wearing did me no favors and asked if I had something smaller. It was a regular shirt for me.

Pretty much went down hill from there. Said I was sweet, funny, smart, etc., etc., but it wasnt going to work. Think I may take a break for a bit from online dating.


Well, as has been the routine, a night before.... we start digging a little deeper into the conversation. Despite it being on my profile, and bringing it up, she tells me she's nervous about me being divorced and that I was unemployed for 6 months. Well, I have been separated from my ex-wife for 3 years, left after she cheated on me. We got a dissolution in March (apathy, money, etc. is why it took so long, should have done it immediately). No kids, no house, made peace with it a long time ago.

Then, despite being in a great job since April 1st, wants to know why I was unemployed and that reason was you couldnt miss ANY days in the first 90, and I got kidney stones and missed two days. I put out over, without exaggeration, 100 resumes.

After that, she got icy, and wanted a new picture. So I took one... which all my pictures are recent. She said that the shirt I was wearing did me no favors and asked if I had something smaller. It was a regular shirt for me.

Pretty much went down hill from there. Said I was sweet, funny, smart, etc., etc., but it wasnt going to work. Think I may take a break for a bit from online dating

what the fuck at all of this. Seriously, fuck that bitch.
I guess ill just have to come to terms with not being a desirable person. Im never gonna date at this rate.

You and me, Kinggi, you and me.

For some reason my OKC views have halved from last week, so there is not much happening there any more. I can't seem to find any site that has the kind of people that might be interested in me.


Hahaha, that's a good one. I'll be sure to mention that with a girl in the future; women love guys that lead a double life. How did your date go by the way?

That doesn't happen until tomorrow!

On another note, I keep having this gay man message me on a four-month basis. I was talking to my other friends about this individual, and they all received messages from him too (we're all straight). Does this person just go around messaging straight people hoping he can "convert" one of us? Anyone else have this problem? Oh Florida, you bring out the crazy in us all.
Well, as has been the routine, a night before.... we start digging a little deeper into the conversation. Despite it being on my profile, and bringing it up, she tells me she's nervous about me being divorced and that I was unemployed for 6 months. Well, I have been separated from my ex-wife for 3 years, left after she cheated on me. We got a dissolution in March (apathy, money, etc. is why it took so long, should have done it immediately). No kids, no house, made peace with it a long time ago.

Then, despite being in a great job since April 1st, wants to know why I was unemployed and that reason was you couldnt miss ANY days in the first 90, and I got kidney stones and missed two days. I put out over, without exaggeration, 100 resumes.

After that, she got icy, and wanted a new picture. So I took one... which all my pictures are recent. She said that the shirt I was wearing did me no favors and asked if I had something smaller. It was a regular shirt for me.

Pretty much went down hill from there. Said I was sweet, funny, smart, etc., etc., but it wasnt going to work. Think I may take a break for a bit from online dating.

Wow, she sounds like a terrible human being. Sorry, man!


Damn, Blendr has a lot of spammers! I was talking to a cute Korean girl on that site. She was "verified" too, and without any of that paying BS (you can verify yourself via two ways, mobile, FB, Google +, or paying money). So I thought perhaps this one was legit. After a few messages, I decided to reverse image some of her photos. And I received many pages of the same images on Korean sites. Alas, a little sad but I shouldn't be surprised at this point.

I reported that account, but I am screwing around with the person on the other side before I dropped the truth bomb of discovering the false account.
Umm... well... this is incredibly awkward... A girl asked me for dick pics...

Ok, back story. It was a random profile I stumbled onto. It wasn't anything special, just a bit of sex talk in it. What I thought was hilarious was her saying how she was hard to turn on. I shot her a message without thinking. I was basically like 'How do you like sex so much yet you're hard to turn on?"

I got back a reply with her asking for my dick pics and gave me her e-mail.

Now here's the thing, there is NO WAY in hell I will send her dick pics. At most I'll google one up for a laugh. Even that's probably not something I'd want to do.

Do you guys think I should continue to talk to her? This is the internet and I'm not going to let my dick do the thinking here. I'm wondering if anyone has any good tips in figuring out if she's real? I already googled her picture and nothing turned up. If she's real and I end up with a hookup, I'm not gonna cry about it, it's the possibility of getting murdered that has me more concerned. I don't think with my dick, that's why I want to try to figure out if she's real.


Umm... well... this is incredibly awkward... A girl asked me for dick pics...

Ok, back story. It was a random profile I stumbled onto. It wasn't anything special, just a bit of sex talk in it. What I thought was hilarious was her saying how she was hard to turn on. I shot her a message without thinking. I was basically like 'How do you like sex so much yet you're hard to turn on?"

I got back a reply with her asking for my dick pics and gave me her e-mail.

Now here's the thing, there is NO WAY in hell I will send her dick pics. At most I'll google one up for a laugh. Even that's probably not something I'd want to do.

Do you guys think I should continue to talk to her? This is the internet and I'm not going to let my dick do the thinking here. I'm wondering if anyone has any good tips in figuring out if she's real? I already googled her picture and nothing turned up. If she's real and I end up with a hookup, I'm not gonna cry about it, it's the possibility of getting murdered that has me more concerned. I don't think with my dick, that's why I want to try to figure out if she's real.

Send her a horse dick pic. She will find you creepy as fuck but it will be worth it.
Don't do it


Umm... well... this is incredibly awkward... A girl asked me for dick pics...

Ok, back story. It was a random profile I stumbled onto. It wasn't anything special, just a bit of sex talk in it. What I thought was hilarious was her saying how she was hard to turn on. I shot her a message without thinking. I was basically like 'How do you like sex so much yet you're hard to turn on?"

I got back a reply with her asking for my dick pics and gave me her e-mail.

Now here's the thing, there is NO WAY in hell I will send her dick pics. At most I'll google one up for a laugh. Even that's probably not something I'd want to do.

Do you guys think I should continue to talk to her? This is the internet and I'm not going to let my dick do the thinking here. I'm wondering if anyone has any good tips in figuring out if she's real? I already googled her picture and nothing turned up. If she's real and I end up with a hookup, I'm not gonna cry about it, it's the possibility of getting murdered that has me more concerned. I don't think with my dick, that's why I want to try to figure out if she's real.

Do you want freaky sex with a potential crazy person? Thats the answer.
Honestly AT BEST this will end up being nothing. I might just troll her for shits and giggles though.

Technically, my original message was more of a troll message than anything. I didn't even remember her until I looked back on the message I sent and her profile.
Reactivated my profile after the guy I was seeing told me he just wanted to be friends. Hopefully the guys in my area have improved since I was last on.


@Cow Mengde

Be careful. I'm probably over-thinking but what if its a fake account just looking to troll people? I've seen some sites in the past where girls would post up what they receive from guys just to humiliate them.
@Cow Mengde

Be careful. I'm probably over-thinking but what if its a fake account just looking to troll people? I've seen some sites in the past where girls would post up what they receive from guys just to humiliate them.

Oh I know. The first thing that came to my mind was all the bad things that could happen. None of my messages were even remotely sexual. I was just scratching my head wondering "how the hell does that work."
Haven't been on this thread for quite sometime, but just tried something that someone else posted way back when after getting a message from someone I'm not really interested in. Needless to say, the reply doesn't work LOL.....


tl;dr. try to limit your message to five characters or less ;)

Just thought that I would go and share my newfound knowledge with everyone here!


Got good feedback, and it's a little sad to read this now. Shame on me for writing and feeling that. Forgot the core lessons on Gaf during my dating hiatus. Leaving it over on the dating side, since my mark of shame must exist somewhere!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So I did a probably dumb thing, depending on your viewpoint. I recently broke up with the last girl I mentioned I was seeing. The reason I wanted to do that is because before we physically met, we spoke for like a month on the phone, and got to be really good friends. We were really buddy-buddy and could talk for hours about anything. Have very few of my current friends that could do such a thing.

Well, it was because of that, that I thought it'd be kinda weird if we actually started properly dating. So I called her the other day saying that I hoped that we could remain friends, and so perhaps not surprisingly, she didn't take it well, and didn't want to talk to me anymore at all. Kinda sucks since the whole reason I told her this in the first place was so that we could remain friends, but now I don't have a girlfriend OR a friend. So I had a little sad for a bit, but I'm over it.

Somewhat related. Question for the wimminz: on a scale of 1 to 10, how important is it for a guy to have a car for you?


So I did a probably dumb thing, depending on your viewpoint. I recently broke up with the last girl I mentioned I was seeing. The reason I wanted to do that is because before we physically met, we spoke for like a month on the phone, and got to be really good friends. We were really buddy-buddy and could talk for hours about anything. Have very few of my current friends that could do such a thing.

Well, it was because of that, that I thought it'd be kinda weird if we actually started properly dating. So I called her the other day saying that I hoped that we could remain friends, and so perhaps not surprisingly, she didn't take it well, and didn't want to talk to me anymore at all. Kinda sucks since the whole reason I told her this in the first place was so that we could remain friends, but now I don't have a girlfriend OR a friend. So I had a little sad for a bit, but I'm over it.

Somewhat related. Question for the wimminz: on a scale of 1 to 10, how important is it for a guy to have a car for you?

Yeah, that was kind of dumb, but live and learn. I would have at least met first prior to making any decisions like that.

And for your question, it depends. If you live in a Metropolitian, then a 3. If you live in a place that requires a car to get around, a 9.
I've been using the site for a few months, with most of it being flirting/game playing messages (which is really tiring) or job interview type dates. I finally met a great girl- cool, beautiful, no game playing. I didn't think much of the match % but as we're getting to know each other, it's kind of neat to find out how much we agree on things.

A few things I've learned:

You don't have to be funny in your profile, just be sincere and normal even if it's boring. The girl I'm dating said she almost didn't message me because of a dumb joke in one of the sections. Don't say too much in your profile. One of the topics on dates is always the OKCupid experience, and I found out that most of the competition is not that great, to put it mildly (swingers, married creepers, guys in ski masks posing with rifles).

Don't bother with other dating sites.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yeah, that was kind of dumb, but live and learn. I would have at least met first prior to making any decisions like that.

Oh no, I DID meet her. Once. And we hit it off pretty well, but I thought I should stop before it went any further.



Don't mind him, he's super frustrated with the website and thus is bitter about the whole online dating experience. As a result, he's pretty cynical about everything on OKC. It doesn't help that he's desperate (I'm being sincere Kinggi; I know people don't hearing the truth).

In other news, I got a message from a girl out of the blue. Not my cup of tea personally when I saw her pictures; she has a nice figure but her face is so-so that a third of face is seen in her main picture with the rest being her hair. But she put in some thought into her message which is cool I guess but her profile is once again, super bare bones which sucks. Don't know if I'll reply but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

I've also lost desire to hit up girls as I haven't hit up any in a couple of days. The sporadic replies that I've been getting has been discouraging. I'm thinking about removing a picture or two.

I'll agree with what Wolfgunblood Garopa said about Match % and the content on your profile not really mattering if it's funny. Although I'll be honest when I say that I've only been hitting girls that have a high match percentage; if it says friend, I'll tread lightly. If there's any kind of common interest, I'll go for the message regardless of percentage. In with regards to being funny, it's hard to write a funny profile if you're not a goofy person already. While it humor does help, the best thing to do is definitely be yourself and be honest in your profile. Women will at least respect that.


Don't mind him, he's super frustrated with the website and thus is bitter about the whole online dating experience. As a result, he's pretty cynical about everything on OKC. It doesn't help that he's desperate (I'm being sincere Kinggi; I know people don't hearing the truth).

In other news, I got a message from a girl out of the blue. Not my cup of tea personally when I saw her pictures; she has a nice figure but her face is so-so that a third of face is seen in her main picture with the rest being her hair. But she put in some thought into her message which is cool I guess but her profile is once again, super bare bones which sucks. Don't know if I'll reply but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

I've also lost desire to hit up girls as I haven't hit up any in a couple of days. The sporadic replies that I've been getting has been discouraging. I'm thinking about removing a picture or two.

I'll agree with what Wolfgunblood Garopa said about Match % and the content on your profile not really mattering if it's funny. Although I'll be honest when I say that I've only been hitting girls that have a high match percentage; if it says friend, I'll tread lightly. If there's any kind of common interest, I'll go for the message regardless of percentage. In with regards to being funny, it's hard to write a funny profile if you're not a goofy person already. While it humor does help, the best thing to do is definitely be yourself and be honest in your profile. Women will at least respect that.

I can't say i blame him, if you have to treat it like job hunting in a recession, with equally as shitty results; If you have to send 10 messages for every response and about 30-40 messages for a phone number or so, orif you feel you are playing the game and sending out well thought out messages and not getting so much as a no thanks, i can empathise with why he says fuck it. I am not saying it's right but there are times when i have to take about 3 days of OKC because it can get frustrating.


Oh no, I DID meet her. Once. And we hit it off pretty well, but I thought I should stop before it went any further.

I just reread your last post, and I saw where I made my mistake. I take back what I stated then regarding your issue. If you had forced yourself to date her, particularly when you felt it was weird, things probably would have turned poorly for you. When entering a relationship, you gotta go with your guts. Sometimes, you just want a person to be your friend and nothing more; there is nothing wrong with that.


It is true, though lol
I'm not gonna lie, some girls do post tall tales which is why you have to take profiles with a grain of salt. But what can we do? Call them out on it?

I'd like to hear electricshake's thoughts on this as only other woman who posts regularly in this thread. Have you ever met guys who said something on their profile only to mention it in person and they've said something different?
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