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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Somewhat related. Question for the wimminz: on a scale of 1 to 10, how important is it for a guy to have a car for you?
I guess it all depends where you live. I haven't never ever known basicly anybody from my age group who would own a car. At least in a big city like this, you can live very well without. If you are living in the middle of nowehere (or if the significant other is living in the middle of nowhere), things are most likely different.

Don't mind him, he's super frustrated with the website and thus is bitter about the whole online dating experience. As a result, he's pretty cynical about everything on OKC. It doesn't help that he's desperate (I'm being sincere Kinggi; I know people don't hearing the truth).

In other news, I got a message from a girl out of the blue. Not my cup of tea personally when I saw her pictures; she has a nice figure but her face is so-so that a third of face is seen in her main picture with the rest being her hair. But she put in some thought into her message which is cool I guess but her profile is once again, super bare bones which sucks. Don't know if I'll reply but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

I've also lost desire to hit up girls as I haven't hit up any in a couple of days. The sporadic replies that I've been getting has been discouraging. I'm thinking about removing a picture or two.

I'll agree with what Wolfgunblood Garopa said about Match % and the content on your profile not really mattering if it's funny. Although I'll be honest when I say that I've only been hitting girls that have a high match percentage; if it says friend, I'll tread lightly. If there's any kind of common interest, I'll go for the message regardless of percentage. In with regards to being funny, it's hard to write a funny profile if you're not a goofy person already. While it humor does help, the best thing to do is definitely be yourself and be honest in your profile. Women will at least respect that.
Out of pure curiosity, how important men think that the looks are for a girl?

I am not planning to do online dating, but I am just curious about the matter, since all of you all the time talk (ok, you don't, but anyways) that someone is ok looking, having awesome figure or being totally obese.

And like said, honestly goes a far way (or if it doesn't, well, she/he wasn't for you).

I'm not gonna lie, some girls do post tall tales which is why you have to take profiles with a grain of salt. But what can we do? Call them out on it?

I'd like to hear electricshake's thoughts on this as only other woman who posts regularly in this thread. Have you ever met guys who said something on their profile only to mention it in person and they've said something different?
Honestly, the only online dating profiles I have ever read have been linked to this thread or Dating-Age thread.

But what comes to real life, I have known men who bend the truth only to mention afterwards that the case wasn't really as they first told. Annoys the shit out of me to be honest. I think they first thought that it is just for laughs and giggles and didn't think they would be knowing me more than the first 15 minutes or so.

Also I have met couple of my Xbox friends and I don't really appreciate it, if your online personality and real personality are totally different. What is the point really? Perhaps they haven't been thinking that they would really be hanging around with anybody who they play with online.
(Of course this isn't always the case and some people I have met are absolutely awesome! For example I met a fellow gaffer online on Xbox and ended up roadtripping with him three weeks in US... even though I wasn't on GAF back then. Nowadays I consider myself to be his pimp and he is definitely my bitch. When I met him first time he didn't have neither job nor a girlfriend and things are definitely looking up for him in a form of beautiful gf and nice job. Call me an ego boost and a pimp, I definitely deserve both of those without even bragging.)

But yeah, it happens and I don't think it is worth the fuss afterwards. Just be yourself, if people aren't interested, they aren't meant for you.
I'm not gonna lie, some girls do post tall tales which is why you have to take profiles with a grain of salt. But what can we do? Call them out on it?

I'd like to hear electricshake's thoughts on this as only other woman who posts regularly in this thread. Have you ever met guys who said something on their profile only to mention it in person and they've said something different?

My only experience of this was the first guy I met - we dated for a couple of months before he told me he wasn't looking for a relationship, even though 'long term dating' was one of the things he was looking for on his profile. Though maybe he was just trying to let me down gently by saying that.

What sort of stuff do girls lie about?
Out of pure curiosity, how important men think that the looks are for a girl?

I am not planning to do online dating, but I am just curious about the matter, since all of you all the time talk (ok, you don't, but anyways) that someone is ok looking, having awesome figure or being totally obese.

And like said, honestly goes a far way (or if it doesn't, well, she/he wasn't for you).

As in, how much do we think girls consider physical appearance when looking for someone or how much weight do men put on a girl's looks?

Well, for me, the only thing that I'm truly interested in is the face. I like people who have a unique look to their face. Sure, everybody is unique in their own way, but there are a few facial types that are very generic. I happen to have one myself.

Body type is not really all that important to me. Hell, I'm a pretty big guy myself.

Now, obviously, girls do take looks into account, but I don't think they put as much weight on it. I mean, I would trade my appearance with almost any other person I see on the street, yet I still seem to attract people from time to time. Of course, I can't really pinpoint why and I know for a fact that I'm not at all interesting. I just have very good presence.

What sort of stuff do girls lie about?

'Only after the wedding' = Sex you up and then disappear. :( I'm a follower, not a leader and yet that still happens to me.

I've somehow become a fling guy and that's not at all what I want. I don't have much lasting appeal, but apparently give off very strong 'take me' vibes.


People in this thread like to post about me being desperate as if its some cause for my failures. You really think I let that shit come across in my attempts? Its a fucking byproduct of experience and i only really talk about it here. I literally taken all advice to the point of ridiculousness. Im being myself now more than ever. Problem is the bitches are mentally fucked on this site. Its difficult to deal with girls that make up elaborate stories about going on trips but when they get back they want to meet, or how they'll call and insist on being interested. For some reason they go out of the way to lie. Why not simply stop responding? Its not like my messages are threats that they better respond. They are very casual 'alright well talk to you soon' type shit.


Best thing to do is simply not care. :) I stumbled into weird situations with girls online here and there, still do on some occasions. No point in trying to understand why certain things happen, its fruitless. To be honest, I've probably confused some girls too by suddenly disappearing or whatever.

We all have our reasons. Focus your energy into something positive and just keep trying. Doesn't work? Ok, keep moving. My best advice would be to go out and meet girls in person. I've been having success with online but the process is boring as hell (i.e. sitting in front of a PC).

I most recently had a '9' message me. Heck, she had EVERY physical feature that I like in a woman. She was pretty boring and simple but I was willing to cope if it would result in some "fun". Anyway, she stopped messaging me after the 3rd or so message. I have a feeling its because she was targeting Italians, which I'm not but very often get mistaken for (I'm still European, however). Shrugged it off. Who cares. Onto the next one?

I care about looks, yes. I'm quite blunt about it and honest. I WILL make concessions in the looks department if the girl is interesting, has a fun sense of humor, or just knows how to handle a conversation. I don't believe its a girl's duty to entertain me but its ALSO not her duty to bore me. :)


I'd like to hear electricshake's thoughts on this as only other woman who posts regularly in this thread. Have you ever met guys who said something on their profile only to mention it in person and they've said something different?

I had a guy who had pictures of himself on his profile and when he showed up, he was probably 50lbs heavier. :(

I get 5/10lbs difference or whatever, but he was very much not the same as his pictures.

Also, definitely scared off OKC haha. I never go on that one anymore, only POF.

Some guy on OKC sent me like...8 messages without me saying anything.

It was like... "Hi", "hey", "looked at my profile like what you see?", "guess not", "why aren't you replying to me?", "hey", "HEY", "this is so frustrating".



Unlimited Capacity
I had a guy who had pictures of himself on his profile and when he showed up, he was probably 50lbs heavier. :(

I get 5/10lbs difference or whatever, but he was very much not the same as his pictures.

Also, definitely scared off OKC haha. I never go on that one anymore, only POF.

Some guy on OKC sent me like...8 messages without me saying anything.

It was like... "Hi", "hey", "looked at my profile like what you see?", "guess not", "why aren't you replying to me?", "hey", "HEY", "this is so frustrating".


He wanted to touch you.


I had a guy who had pictures of himself on his profile and when he showed up, he was probably 50lbs heavier. :(

I get 5/10lbs difference or whatever, but he was very much not the same as his pictures.
A lot of the girls do the same thing. They post a photo of their face only since it looks relatively normal yet they are overweight in real life. I hate misleading photos :(

They should at least include one body shot.


People in this thread like to post about me being desperate as if its some cause for my failures. You really think I let that shit come across in my attempts? Its a fucking byproduct of experience and i only really talk about it here. I literally taken all advice to the point of ridiculousness. Im being myself now more than ever. Problem is the bitches are mentally fucked on this site. Its difficult to deal with girls that make up elaborate stories about going on trips but when they get back they want to meet, or how they'll call and insist on being interested. For some reason they go out of the way to lie. Why not simply stop responding? Its not like my messages are threats that they better respond. They are very casual 'alright well talk to you soon' type shit.

Don't let it get to you, take a break for a couple days. Then get back to sending messages like you're job hunting. If it makes you feel better, i bet if you get yourself established and you're still single in your mid 30s+ you can probably have your pick of what's left over.....


I don't really get this. I mean if someone says she is curvy (and referring that not really fat, but just curvy) can't you see the truth from the photos? (or wait, they don't provide full body shots?) ...or do they really photoshop the photos as well? Now when I think of it, people also define the word itself so differently that some people who would consider themselves to be fat others would define only as sexy and curvy and vice versa.

A lot of the girls do the same thing. They post a photo of their face only since it looks relatively normal yet they are overweight in real life. I hate misleading photos :(

They should at least include one body shot.
This I agree. In a place like online dating sites one should at least be able to provide a full body shot if asked. If you get excuses like "I don't have a camera" or "I can't take one myself since I don't have a mirror" be very worried.

Then again there are very photogenic people who don't even photoshop their photos, but just look absolutely stunners in photos even if the reality isn't perhaps as rosy.

I had a guy who had pictures of himself on his profile and when he showed up, he was probably 50lbs heavier. :(

I get 5/10lbs difference or whatever, but he was very much not the same as his pictures.
Damn. That is quite rude. Perhaps he was being hopeful of being able to amaze you with other features, but I would definitely feel really cheated. Do you know did he use some ancient photo of himself?

May I ask what did you do? DId you go out with him or did you just leave him there?

As in, how much do we think girls consider physical appearance when looking for someone or how much weight do men put on a girl's looks?

Well, for me, the only thing that I'm truly interested in is the face. I like people who have a unique look to their face. Sure, everybody is unique in their own way, but there are a few facial types that are very generic. I happen to have one myself.

Body type is not really all that important to me. Hell, I'm a pretty big guy myself.

Now, obviously, girls do take looks into account, but I don't think they put as much weight on it. I mean, I would trade my appearance with almost any other person I see on the street, yet I still seem to attract people from time to time. Of course, I can't really pinpoint why and I know for a fact that I'm not at all interesting. I just have very good presence.
Well, I can see that quite well. If I remember correctly according to different researches people tend to look the pretty face over body if they are looking for a long time relationship and look more the body, if they are only looking for short time fun. I don't know how true this actually is, but at least I have noticed that it might have some truth in it.

Also good presence and how you carry yourself have huge importance. You can look basicly really normal, but if you carry yourself extremely well, people tend to think you are very charming.

I care about looks, yes. I'm quite blunt about it and honest. I WILL make concessions in the looks department if the girl is interesting, has a fun sense of humor, or just knows how to handle a conversation. I don't believe its a girl's duty to entertain me but its ALSO not her duty to bore me. :)
Well, at least you don't waste your time to something you know you wouldn't end up liking that much but also give the chance to people you feel connected.

Even though I think that people who are really stunning have a bit easier life and get away with things easier just because people will take more bad behaviour from them.
A lot of the girls do the same thing. They post a photo of their face only since it looks relatively normal yet they are overweight in real life. I hate misleading photos :(

They should at least include one body shot.

My general rule - if only close-up face pictures, no messaging. Shallow... but that's just how it is.

Messaged a girl back and forth for a while last night. Super cute. She said she never responds to guys on this site, but she thought my initial message was funny so she did! We went back and forth for a while (we were both online, IM style) and I had been asking most of the questions. In my last message I just answered hers in a long, good conversational way, but didn't ask her one back, then went to bed. Intentionally left the ball in her court, seeing if she's interested enough to ask another question. Nothing yet, but I'm curious to see if that was a good move.


My general rule - if only close-up face pictures, no messaging. Shallow... but that's just how it is.

Messaged a girl back and forth for a while last night. Super cute. She said she never responds to guys on this site, but she thought my initial message was funny so she did! We went back and forth for a while (we were both online, IM style) and I had been asking most of the questions. In my last message I just answered hers in a long, good conversational way, but didn't ask her one back, then went to bed. Intentionally left the ball in her court, seeing if she's interested enough to ask another question. Nothing yet, but I'm curious to see if that was a good move.

Lol I just realized that my only picture is a close-up of my face, I should replace it with a full-boy shot but I don't have a camera and my phone's camera sucks.


A lot of the girls do the same thing. They post a photo of their face only since it looks relatively normal yet they are overweight in real life. I hate misleading photos :(

They should at least include one body shot.

I'm just saying, it's not just a girl thing. Everyone does it.

Damn. That is quite rude. Perhaps he was being hopeful of being able to amaze you with other features, but I would definitely feel really cheated. Do you know did he use some ancient photo of himself?

May I ask what did you do? DId you go out with him or did you just leave him there?

Yeah, it was the same person, just much heavier.

We were having coffee so I drank mine quickly and peaced after about 45 minutes haha.

It's not even that he was big, it's that hey...a lie right off the bat. That's a good way to start anything with another person. :/


I'm just saying, it's not just a girl thing. Everyone does it.

Yeah, it was the same person, just much heavier.

We were having coffee so I drank mine quickly and peaced after about 45 minutes haha.

It's not even that he was big, it's that hey...a lie right off the bat. That's a good way to start anything with another person. :/
You so did the right thing. Hopefully he also offered you the coffee. :p

Hahah, did you bring up the reason why you were in such a rush or is he possibly whining about girls being moody and flaky on some other forum site?

My general rule - if only close-up face pictures, no messaging. Shallow... but that's just how it is.

Messaged a girl back and forth for a while last night. Super cute. She said she never responds to guys on this site, but she thought my initial message was funny so she did! We went back and forth for a while (we were both online, IM style) and I had been asking most of the questions. In my last message I just answered hers in a long, good conversational way, but didn't ask her one back, then went to bed. Intentionally left the ball in her court, seeing if she's interested enough to ask another question. Nothing yet, but I'm curious to see if that was a good move.
Congratulations about good conversation and good luck with it!

I would say that if a cute girl with nice facial starts a conversation with you, go for it, but ask webcam or full body shots. She might have just not thought about it through.

Lol I just realized that my only picture is a close-up of my face, I should replace it with a full-boy shot but I don't have a camera and my phone's camera sucks.
I am sure some of your friends have awesome camera. Go for them and ask some help. I think that we have seem some quality profile photos in here from couple of you lads. Perhaps same kind of upper body pic would do?
So, I get another message that X Rated you Highly, so I message them back, try to make small talk. No response for a little over a week, and then she responds, "Oh Sorry, I didn't mean to hit that many stars, sorry if I got your hopes up that someone of my looks would be interested in you."

Then I had another girl message me out of the blue, who was very impressed that I'm getting my PhD, we made small talk about teaching and what not, and then when I tried to ask her more about herself, she went completely ice cold and never responded to my message.


You so did the right thing. Hopefully he also offered you the coffee. :p

Hahah, did you bring up the reason why you were in such a rush or is he possibly whining about girls being moody and flaky on some other forum?

He did not lol. He actually didn't get any himself...just watched me drink mine. Lol.

Haha I said I was tired. :p And one would hope he's not whining, as this was back in March haha.


So, I get another message that X Rated you Highly, so I message them back, try to make small talk. No response for a little over a week, and then she responds, "Oh Sorry, I didn't mean to hit that many stars, sorry if I got your hopes up that someone of my looks would be interested in you."

Fucking lol, that has to be a troll account right?


So, I get another message that X Rated you Highly, so I message them back, try to make small talk. No response for a little over a week, and then she responds, "Oh Sorry, I didn't mean to hit that many stars, sorry if I got your hopes up that someone of my looks would be interested in you."

Then I had another girl message me out of the blue, who was very impressed that I'm getting my PhD, we made small talk about teaching and what not, and then when I tried to ask her more about herself, she went completely ice cold and never responded to my message.

Holy fuck at that first paragraph.

And it really does suck when a woman does a cold cut. That happened to me recently with a woman whose number I got, and then I sent her a text a few nights back, and nada. Though, I took a day to send her a text, so that may have been what screwed me over! :-D

I would say that if a cute girl with nice facial starts a conversation with you, go for it, but ask webcam or full body shots. She might have just not thought about it through.

I am sure some of your friends have awesome camera. Go for them and ask some help. I think that we have seem some quality profile photos in here from couple of you lads. Perhaps same kind of upper body pic would do?

When I check out a woman on OKC, I always want to see the entire package. I have always been more interested in thin women than curvy ones. A woman who is a tad too curvy (but proportional) may not get a message from me because of my preference.

Though, I noticed that I have been turned on by curvier women than I used to be. It might be from all those testosterone that I am getting from working out!

I need to talk to someone in my family (or in my circle of friends) of getting a picture of me playing with my cute little fluffy Bichon Frise, or with my friend's golden retriever.

@peteykirch - link to her profile? She sounds like a huge asshole.

And this!
@peteykirch - link to her profile? She sounds like a huge asshole.

I'd rather not, let's just say she has overly high self esteem, and over values herself for what she is.

Is she cute? Yeah, but she's not a super model, or the reincarnate of a goddess.


Fine, at least PM it to me? Or link her photo? Part of me really wants to send her some obscene message and see where it goes, lol. I've never "trolled" anyone on OKC but after what she said to you I'm really feeling it.


I'd rather not, let's just say she has overly high self esteem, and over values herself for what she is.

Is she cute? Yeah, but she's not a super model, or the reincarnate of a goddess.


I'm so bloody curious. You can always hide the link in an email tag to prevent lurkers from checking her out.
Fine, at least PM it to me? Or link her photo? Part of me really wants to send her some obscene message and see where it goes, lol. I've never "trolled" anyone on OKC but after what she said to you I'm really feeling it.


I'm so bloody curious. You can always hide the link in an email tag to prevent lurkers from checking her out.

She's cute, looks like a hipster chick. But she isn't good-looking enough to be all pompous, arrogant, or rude to others.
No women are good-looking enough to be rude to others.

On paper, she really had me interested, we have a lot of the same interests and ideals, and plus the fact she's so short that I'd even tower over her, she's 4'11, and I'm 5'5.

I guess it's true, if it seems too good to be true, than it truly is.


On paper, she really had me interested, we have a lot of the same interests and ideals, and plus the fact she's so short that I'd even tower over her, she's 4'11, and I'm 5'5.

I guess it's true, if it seems too good to be true, than it truly is.

I noticed that 95% match. I am curious to see which question(s) made you and her enemies.

On paper, so many things sound nice. In reality, so many of those things are sadface worthy.


Oh. If its any consolation, she's barely average in my mind. So yeah, hopefully you don't feel even slightly hurt at what she said. I was assuming she'd at least be an 8; she's barely a 6. Again, my opinion. :)

Anyway, on to the next one.
Oh. If its any consolation, she's barely average in my mind. So yeah, hopefully you don't feel even slightly hurt at what she said. I was assuming she'd at least be an 8; she's barely a 6. Again, my opinion. :)

Anyway, on to the next one.

Meh, I'm not overly picky when it comes to looks. I'd much rather have someone with a personality that has me interested and what not. As long as you aren't in need of a motorized scooter to get around, and have all (most) of your teeth then I'm pretty open minded.

I'm already behind the eight ball when it comes to dating period, just because I'm short, and so many women just automatically write someone like myself off from the get go.


I think its a mistake to assume women will just "write you off" because you're short. Its true you will have to try harder but don't make assumptions so easily. I'm close friends with this tall blonde, she's quite a sight and very good looking. She's 5'11, I'm only 6'0 so I'm barely taller than her.

One thing she said is that she would NEVER date a guy shorter than her. She was very insecure about her height in general and always wanted taller men. Anyway, she's been in a 4-year relationship with a guy who's 5'7. And he's not muscular or anything.

Its ironic that the girl who supposedly has "personality" is the same one that decides to insult you for no reason. In my mind, she can take her personality and fuck herself.

Anyway, good luck! :)


Unlimited Capacity
In the sea of random "Hey" messages I usually get on POF I got one from a girl that was actually really good looking. She had nothing on her profile, so I just sent some random shit back based on one of her pictures. Then, "u cute". lulz
I think its a mistake to assume women will just "write you off" because you're short. Its true you will have to try harder but don't make assumptions so easily. I'm close friends with this tall blonde, she's quite a sight and very good looking. She's 5'11, I'm only 6'0 so I'm barely taller than her.

One thing she said is that she would NEVER date a guy shorter than her. She was very insecure about her height in general and always wanted taller men. Anyway, she's been in a 4-year relationship with a guy who's 5'7. And he's not muscular or anything.

Its ironic that the girl who supposedly has "personality" is the same one that decides to insult you for no reason. In my mind, she can take her personality and fuck herself.

Anyway, good luck! :)

I'm realistic, I'm not going after 5'9+ Amazon women, but when you run into so many girls whom are actually shorter than me, i.e 5'-5'4 who have in their profile "Message me only if you're 5'10+" it's depressing.

So many women are so gungho about the height thing, that they can't deal or get over the fact that they are taller than the guy. It doesn't bother me, I have no control over my height, so it's just annoying to be judged and pretty ostracized on that basis.


So, I get another message that X Rated you Highly, so I message them back, try to make small talk. No response for a little over a week, and then she responds, "Oh Sorry, I didn't mean to hit that many stars, sorry if I got your hopes up that someone of my looks would be interested in you."

That is brutal. :(


Poet Centuriate
So, I get another message that X Rated you Highly, so I message them back, try to make small talk. No response for a little over a week, and then she responds, "Oh Sorry, I didn't mean to hit that many stars, sorry if I got your hopes up that someone of my looks would be interested in you."


just...holy shit


I'm realistic, I'm not going after 5'9+ Amazon women, but when you run into so many girls whom are actually shorter than me, i.e 5'-5'4 who have in their profile "Message me only if you're 5'10+" it's depressing.

So many women are so gungho about the height thing, that they can't deal or get over the fact that they are taller than the guy. It doesn't bother me, I have no control over my height, so it's just annoying to be judged and pretty ostracized on that basis.

I'm 5'7" myself and every time I see a guy who's the same height as me I always say to myself "Jesus fuck is that really how tiny and child-like I look?". I can see why women would find my height unattractive, and unfortunately there's nothing I can do about my height, so fuck it I'll just have to deal with it.

Like I've mentioned before, perhaps I would have more success if I lived in a town with an actual hispanic or asian population. I feel like white women don't find me attractive because they're used to guys that are taller. I'm sure there's a girl out there for me but it's gonna take a lot searching if I want to find her.
I'm 5'7" myself and every time I see a guy who's the same height as me I always say to myself "Jesus fuck is that really how tiny and child-like I look?". I can see why women would find my height unattractive, and unfortunately there's nothing I can do about my height, so fuck it I'll just have to deal with it.

Like I've mentioned before, perhaps I would have more success if I lived in a town with an actual hispanic or asian population. I feel like white women don't find me attractive because they're used to guys that are taller. I'm sure there's a girl out there for me but it's gonna take a lot searching if I want to find her.

I'd kill to be 5'7, I'm only that tall when I got ice skates on.


The way to go about it is not care what you think the woman wants. What she wants is irrelevant. You make her choose you. Girls state they want taller men because they feel as if they'll be looked at funny if their man is shorter. If you're shorter then its your job to make them feel comfortable around you. Unfortunately, online dating SUCKS for that. Moral of the story is don't listen to what a woman "wants" when she says it. Ignore it and move in. If you fail, move on. But don't limit yourself because a woman tells you she wants tall, with hair, muscular, etc...

Online dating has too many limitations and should be used as a secondary source next to going out and meeting women. Not only are people more close-minded and superficial but many are unable to express their true personalities through the internet.

In short, online dating can suck. It can also be great.


So, I get another message that X Rated you Highly, so I message them back, try to make small talk. No response for a little over a week, and then she responds, "Oh Sorry, I didn't mean to hit that many stars, sorry if I got your hopes up that someone of my looks would be interested in you."

WOW. You need to send something good back.

"Oh, thank goodness you responded to me. I thought for a second there you were a decent human being. Luckily, you showed me your superficial and egotistical identity that clearly shows you think of yourself as some kind of pedestal-worthy idol of worship. I appreciate you clarifying this, so I didn't have to waste my time with a person such as yourself who I cringe to think I share the same oxygen with."


WOW. You need to send something good back.

"Oh, thank goodness you responded to me. I thought for a second there you were a decent human being. Luckily, you showed me your superficial and egotistical identity that clearly shows you think of yourself as some kind of pedestal-worthy idol of worship. I appreciate you clarifying this, so I didn't have to waste my time with a person such as yourself who I cringe to think I share the same oxygen with."

God damn. That's a cold-ass response. Copy, paste it into reply box, and ship it!

I just want to see if she reacts to that!
WOW. You need to send something good back.

"Oh, thank goodness you responded to me. I thought for a second there you were a decent human being. Luckily, you showed me your superficial and egotistical identity that clearly shows you think of yourself as some kind of pedestal-worthy idol of worship. I appreciate you clarifying this, so I didn't have to waste my time with a person such as yourself who I cringe to think I share the same oxygen with."

Bravo, sir.


He did not lol. He actually didn't get any himself...just watched me drink mine. Lol.

Haha I said I was tired. :p And one would hope he's not whining, as this was back in March haha.
Hahah, ok that was already some time ago.

Seriously, asking someone for coffee and not drinking oneself is by the way really creepy. Perhaps he was just really poor...

I need to talk to someone in my family (or in my circle of friends) of getting a picture of me playing with my cute little fluffy Bichon Frise, or with my friend's golden retriever.
Ooh, a good looking man with a cute fluffy thing sounds awesome! Go for it.

WOW. You need to send something good back.

"Oh, thank goodness you responded to me. I thought for a second there you were a decent human being. Luckily, you showed me your superficial and egotistical identity that clearly shows you think of yourself as some kind of pedestal-worthy idol of worship. I appreciate you clarifying this, so I didn't have to waste my time with a person such as yourself who I cringe to think I share the same oxygen with."
Seriously, this.

Show her that she is being a total douche (even though she is most likely too full of herself to realize the problem is her, not you).
So, I get another message that X Rated you Highly, so I message them back, try to make small talk. No response for a little over a week, and then she responds, "Oh Sorry, I didn't mean to hit that many stars, sorry if I got your hopes up that someone of my looks would be interested in you.".

I don't even understand someone like this. Even if you had you're head up your own ass to enjoy the smell, why wouldn't you just NOT respond? To take the time to reply and send that... takes a certain type of asshole. The reply above doesn't even do her justice. And I too don't think she's that cute, not my type.

In other news, 10 messages out, 8 read, 0 responses. I'm back baby! Lol

Suppose to talk to two different girls for date plans in the next few days, so not all is lost.


I read somewhere that ladies love men who have pictures of their pets (maybe only dogs?) on dating sites.
Dogs, cats... I would say that to a stereotypical woman any type of normal cute fluffy thing will do. Seriously, I think it would be an extra point from basicly any female I know.


Hahah, ok that was already some time ago.

Seriously, asking someone for coffee and not drinking oneself is by the way really creepy. Perhaps he was just really poor...

I even offered to buy him some. It was just sufficiently awkward. Haha.

POF is really boring right now...not much going on. :(


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
In other news, 10 messages out, 8 read, 0 responses. I'm back baby! Loll

*high five*

Roughly the same for me. Feels weird being back on OKC after such a long time.

I dunno about you guys, but I go through periods where I don't get shit from any of the women I message for a couple of weeks straight, then all of a sudden they start flooding in. Sadly, I'm at the former phase at the moment.
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