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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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For people struggling with OKCupid, I strongly recommend Match.com. Yes, you have to pay for it, but for that reason, I think it's more useful, as people there are a bit more serious (in other words, fewer people just there to boost their ego, much more likely to get responses, people are more willing to actually go out for drinks, etc).

I used OK Cupid for about six months, and while I had plenty of first dates, there were tons of girls who either didn't reply, or stopped replying after a while. Also, I didn't get much of a "date" vibe from many of the girls I met; it felt more like friendly drinks.

I started using Match.com a little over a month ago, and got chatting to three girls rather quickly. I ended up grabbing a meal/drinks with two of them, the second of which I hit it off with really well, and have just returned from a third date with her.

Of course, it could be coincidence, but I think it makes sense that a paid site would have users that take things more seriously.

I tried Match and eHarmony a few years ago, and never even had my request for communication reciprocated. Got to the point eHarmony paid a years subscription to me because I had ZERO success.


I tried Match and eHarmony a few years ago, and never even had my request for communication reciprocated. Got to the point eHarmony paid a years subscription to me because I had ZERO success.

Match has a refund policy as well, and girls exploit this to get free dates. Its almost as if some of them intentionally dont find someone in order to get the refund. Least thats what one of my female friends who used it told me she does.

Actually i think she said she sent out a bunch of messages with no intention of doing anything in order to fill her quota in order to be eligible for the refund or something.
For people struggling with OKCupid, I strongly recommend Match.com. Yes, you have to pay for it, but for that reason, I think it's more useful, as people there are a bit more serious (in other words, fewer people just there to boost their ego, much more likely to get responses, people are more willing to actually go out for drinks, etc).

I used OK Cupid for about six months, and while I had plenty of first dates, there were tons of girls who either didn't reply, or stopped replying after a while. Also, I didn't get much of a "date" vibe from many of the girls I met; it felt more like friendly drinks.

I started using Match.com a little over a month ago, and got chatting to three girls rather quickly. I ended up grabbing a meal/drinks with two of them, the second of which I hit it off with really well, and have just returned from a third date with her.

Of course, it could be coincidence, but I think it makes sense that a paid site would have users that take things more seriously.

Interesting. How much is membership for a year and do they have promo code discounts?


Online dating just doesnt seem to be the answer at all anymore. Too casual and flaky, not a lot of substance despite thats whats supposed to be the main draw. I really need a way to meet people. Im sick of being alone. After 29 years im done i need to mix shit up.
Online dating just doesnt seem to be the answer at all anymore. Too casual and flaky, not a lot of substance despite thats whats supposed to be the main draw. I really need a way to meet people. Im sick of being alone. After 29 years im done i need to mix shit up.
Do you have friends? Girl friends?

The latter is helpful in getting good info about girls/attracting other girls.

Go play trivia at bars and the like, ask others to join if they're in small groups. Be social, even if it's just saying hi and people not saying hi back.

I'm far from perfect when it comes to networking but these helped me get into better situations.


Online dating just doesnt seem to be the answer at all anymore. Too casual and flaky, not a lot of substance despite thats whats supposed to be the main draw. I really need a way to meet people. Im sick of being alone. After 29 years im done i need to mix shit up.
Try being in your mid 30's and dating. It is so confusing and strange.

Like said before, asking a girl out on the first message is a really bad tactic. They most likely don't want to get out of the system before knowing you a bit more.
I guess I just view it as I want to know someone face to face, not over email. I am fine to chat with someone a bit, but I try to make it clear that my intention is to meet them not to have a pen pal. I guess you get some advice to be bold and some advice to play it safe.

Well you might want to work on your profile if even you yourself don't think it's good. I made my profile funny but I keep my opening messages brief, because I consider my profile to be an extension of my opening message. I've had girls respond to me and refer to a specific part of my profile that made them laugh or smile but had nothing to do with the question in my message.
I just feel my profile is "normal", which I am fine with. I don't try to pump myself up to be something I am not. I enjoy cooking, I watch movies, I walk my dog. Some people might consider me boring, but that I just led a normal life. I'm 34, not 24.


I just feel my profile is "normal", which I am fine with. I don't try to pump myself up to be something I am not. I enjoy cooking, I watch movies, I walk my dog. Some people might consider me boring, but that I just led a normal life. I'm 34, not 24.

If you're fine with your profile then that's okay, but you made it sound like you personally perceived it to be lacking in some respect. I'm just saying it doesn't hurt to liven up your profile if you feel it could use livening up. I don't lead an exciting life so I use my profile to showcase my personality rather than just list off details about myself.


Haha thanks, always been bad at spelling and typing on a phone is meh for me.
Besides that, anything else? Good, bad, maybe both? It's still a wip

It's fine but i don't like that you wrote you were shy twice.

Edit: hold on that must have been someone else, but yea being shy and quiet is a deal breaker to a lot of women (believe me i know because i'm quiet)
It's fine but i don't like that you wrote you were shy twice.

Edit: hold on that must have been someone else, but yea being shy and quiet is a deal breaker to a lot of women (believe me i know because i'm quiet)
Thanks, I changed that as of now. Something I have been working on :/


Well, I do understand that if you don't find a person even remotely sexy/attractive it is quite hard or even impossible to base a relationship on to that. I don't say that looks are everything, but they do play a part.

Also like I have mentioned previously, people define "curvy" totally different. Some people actually see themselves only as "curvy" if they have way bigger friends for example and on the other hand a person with exactly the same type of body would say she is nearly morbidly obese. I am starting to think that on dating sites, it is very reasonable to depand full body shots, even if even those can lie quite much. It is totally possible to take a decent or even a nice photo from a bigger person and just play with lights and angle. Hahha, damn, online dating sounds like gambling were you never know will you win or even if you would, what will you actually get.

Ooh, the legendary look scale. I haven't actually never got my hands on it and can't really say I would be sufficient of rating people with it to be honest. Five to six would be still considered quite normal and not a sexy beast if I am correct...

Do you lads and lassies generally use that scale so should I actually get to know it a bit better? I can't say I would be that enthusiastic about it, since I find it a bit unreliable. I don't know have people been using the same scale, but I think I have been personally ranked anything in between 2 to 8 which makes me doubt it a bit since that is a huge variety. People might just define it a bit different ways I assume.

Even if I don't really get the scale I have noticed that people tend to naturally hunt partners from the same attractiveness level that they are themselves or if possible a bit above that. It is also possible to cheat your level a bit with flattering clothing, nice hair style and right attitude. Keep that in mind.

Oh and I am happy to help or share the little knowledge or experiment I have. At least, like you said, it is from a bit different point of view. And congratulations for the number by the way! Hopefully it will work out great.
Honestly, the looks scale is kind of a male created thing. I don't really believe in using numerical values to judge a woman's looks so I use words. And I don't believe that a perfect "10" exists. If a chick is decently attractive (6-7), then I'll message them. At one point I went out with a girl on a one time date to a night club was ok looking (5-6); not attractive, not good looking but somewhere in the middle. I had fun, but I realized she used me to go out since I paid for her cab.

Since pictures are deliberately chosen, it is very much hit or miss at the face to face meetings. But I do agree that through the magic of Photoshop which I use to crop images so that the frame looks tighter and for color adjustments, clothes and hair style, people look different in that moment only; who's to say if they still have that same haircut as in the main picture?

As for the woman who's number I got over the weekend. I responded to her text around 3:40AM ( or 15:40 in Europe), woke up the next day, got nothing. Texted her later on in the night, nothing again. The ball's in her court now, but I'm not holding my breath that she's going to reply so I'll remain a bit cynical. I'll give it a couple of days before I decide to delete her number and the thread of texts.
Could someone review my profile please! Thanks :) http://www.okcupid.com/profile/iRAWRasaurusREX?cf=profile
Honestly, I'm not a fan of mirror shots at all and absolutely avoid taking them at all costs since everyone and their mother is into taking those types of pictures in this day and age. I think if you're gonna take pictures of yourself and you don't have someone to do take some shots for you, you should do so with a camera that has a self-timer.

So I think the mirror shot isn't doing you any favors. It would also help if you have a bigger variety of shots. I'm not a fan of wearing beanies or hats of any kind myself, but it would help if you put up a picture where you're not wearing a beanie because it almost seems like you're hiding your hair for whatever reason may be.

I know you mentioned that grammar isn't important and that you typed it from your phone, but given that you go to college, you should demonstrate how educated you are by fixing up all the grammatical errors in your profile, punctuation, and using proper capitalization e.g. ou is capitalized. The fact that you misspelled Asian when you have the correct spelling in your info box is embarrassing. I'm super anal about grammatical errors so I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but this is all common sense.

I don't get too annoyed by it since I run into women's profiles where they claim that grammar is important, but ironically enough I easily spot a few grammatical errors so at least you're not one of those people.

As a whole your profile is ok but there's nothing that really stands out to me that would give me a reason to send you a message; it sounds pretty average and kind of boring. I gave you a 5 star rating.

I changed my profile picture again since I just took a haircut this weekend, changed a few things in my profile, and reduced the amount of pictures I reduced it to 4 as opposed to five. I'll probably keep it at 4 pictures from here on out with the 4th picture being a bonus picture. Here's my profile again.
I changed my profile picture again since I just took a haircut this weekend, changed a few things in my profile and reduced the amount of pictures I reduced it to 4 as opposed to five. I'll probably keep it at 4 pictures from here on out with the 4th picture being a bonus picture. Here's my profile again.

New hair looks great. Also I agree with correcting grammar and spelling, I instantly notice mistakes and it puts me off.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
For people struggling with OKCupid, I strongly recommend Match.com. Yes, you have to pay for it, but for that reason, I think it's more useful, as people there are a bit more serious (in other words, fewer people just there to boost their ego, much more likely to get responses, people are more willing to actually go out for drinks, etc).

I used OK Cupid for about six months, and while I had plenty of first dates, there were tons of girls who either didn't reply, or stopped replying after a while. Also, I didn't get much of a "date" vibe from many of the girls I met; it felt more like friendly drinks.

I started using Match.com a little over a month ago, and got chatting to three girls rather quickly. I ended up grabbing a meal/drinks with two of them, the second of which I hit it off with really well, and have just returned from a third date with her.

Of course, it could be coincidence, but I think it makes sense that a paid site would have users that take things more seriously.

It's funny, I was using OKCupid for a year after breaking up with my last girlfriend... met a few girls but most of them didn't go past 3 dates... and the ones that did, I broke them off (the girls were extremely high maintenance). I was about to join Match myself, since in the (long) past I've had good luck off of it... but didn't have any $$ because I was between jobs. The week before I was to start a new job, I was at my mom's house browsing the OKC app on the phone... and a girl caught my eye. I was like "damn that girl's cute! First thing I'm doing when I get home is messaging her!". She was reserved at first because she was new to the online dating thing and her first few dates were bombs, but we really hit it off... and been dating for 2 months now.

But I definitely think Match is better... I dated probably about 50+ girls before finding the current one... Match I had better odds, lots of girls on OKC don't really take it seriously.


Could someone review my profile please! Thanks :) http://www.okcupid.com/profile/iRAWRasaurusREX?cf=profile
I am going to be a douche, but if I am able to notice these things when English isn't my native language, I would recommend you to change at least them. I also mention couple other things that I found annoying or at least things that I think do you no favour. (I am quite a grammar nazi and I seem to be the only one who actually bothers (or at least I try when it comes to English) to use proper grammar in all kind of messages starting from text messages.)

Your first paragraph says "I tend to" twice in a row, which always looks really bad imho. You also say the same thing in next paragraph, you could try to have a bit more variety in your language. Also it is "hopefully" not hopeful.

Seriously, try to figure out something that you are awesome with, it sounds really negative that you are not sure what you are good at. Just get something funny or silly, if you can't say anything real (or even if you could).

Favourite books and movies and so forth... There _are_ too many.

And come on, most private thing you are willing to say is that people should ask you anything. I have hard time believing that any girl would find that particularly interesting way of putting it.

Motivation and school are brilliant things to mention and same goes with PhD. I am sure your text will end up being absolutely smashing after you put a bit more time into it.

What comes to your photos I totally like the one with you and a dog, but I would say that it would be a good thing, if you would take the one that you took through mirror away.

Honestly, the looks scale is kind of a male created thing. I don't really believe in using numerical values to judge a woman's looks so I use words. And I don't believe that a perfect "10" exists. If a chick is decently attractive (6-7), then I'll message them. At one point I went out with a girl on a one time date to a night club was ok looking (5-6); not attractive, not good looking but somewhere in the middle. I had fun, but I realized she used me to go out since I paid for her cab.
I can easily see females to do this. I need to admit I have once done this with an older colleague who was from another city. I didn't need to be a tourist myself plus he was quite much a gentleman and paid all my drinks and food.

Since pictures are deliberately chosen, it is very much hit or miss at the face to face meetings. But I do agree that through the magic of Photoshop which I use to crop images so that the frame looks tighter and for color adjustments, clothes and hair style, people look different in that moment only; who's to say if they still have that same haircut as in the main picture?
Well yes, of course everyone try to pick a photo that would be the most flattering from their points of view.

I changed my profile picture again since I just took a haircut this weekend, changed a few things in my profile, and reduced the amount of pictures I reduced it to 4 as opposed to five. I'll probably keep it at 4 pictures from here on out with the 4th picture being a bonus picture. Here's my profile again.
Looking good my dear.

Really much digging your text and the new photo is seriously so much better than the older one. You, suprisingly, don't manage to look douche at all.

Out of pure curiosity though, do you have page with your art in it? Also if you are dreaming to become a concept artist and you haven't yet managed to find yourself on concept art forums I can recommend you to take a look. (I am not really sure does the site work atm, it is sometimes down.)

Seriously, if I would be around your area and needing some company, I would definitely hit you up.
I am going to be a douche, but if I am able to notice these things when English isn't my native language, I would recommend you to change at least them. I also mention couple other things that I found annoying or at least things that I think do you no favour. (I am quite a grammar nazi and I seem to be the only one who actually bothers (or at least I try when it comes to English) to use proper grammar in all kind of messages starting from text messages.)

Your first paragraph says "I tend to" twice in a row, which always looks really bad imho. You also say the same thing in next paragraph, you could try to have a bit more variety in your language. Also it is "hopefully" not hopeful.

Seriously, try to figure out something that you are awesome with, it sounds really negative that you are not sure what you are good at. Just get something funny or silly, if you can't say anything real (or even if you could).

Favourite books and movies and so forth... There _are_ too many.

And come on, most private thing you are willing to say is that people should ask you anything. I have hard time believing that any girl would find that particularly interesting way of putting it.

Motivation and school are brilliant things to mention and same goes with PhD. I am sure your text will end up being absolutely smashing after you put a bit more time into it.

What comes to your photos I totally like the one with you and a dog, but I would say that it would be a good thing, if you would take the one that you took through mirror away.
Haha thanks for being honest :) alright, I shall work on it later. I have no idea why, my English is terrible even tho I grew up in America :/


Did it again! Went for a run, and handed a girl a note that said "I'd like to take you out to dinner! Call or text me! (Then I put my name and #)"

Got a call 2 hours later.

Why is this so much easier then online? Hell I'm not handsome at all, and my forehead is big enough to put a whole pizza on! haha


Did it again! Went for a run, and handed a girl a note that said "I'd like to take you out to dinner! Call or text me! (Then I put my name and #)"

Got a call 2 hours later.

Why is this so much easier then online? Hell I'm not handsome at all, and my forehead is big enough to put a whole pizza on! haha
Ah, reading your posts just makes me so very happy. ^___^

I love this new inspirational way of yours of asking girls out.

Hell, I would also call to someone who would give me such a note!

Haha thanks for being honest :) alright, I shall work on it later. I have no idea why, my English is terrible even tho I grew up in America :/
Oh well, at least you try. I am sure it will be absolutely smashing when you are done.

I started adding girls to favourites and just discovered that you get a message when that happens lol I am lame even online
Shit happens even to the best of us.

Plus they might just think it is cute...


Did it again! Went for a run, and handed a girl a note that said "I'd like to take you out to dinner! Call or text me! (Then I put my name and #)"

Got a call 2 hours later.

Why is this so much easier then online? Hell I'm not handsome at all, and my forehead is big enough to put a whole pizza on! haha

So wait, you went on a run, with note in hand, saw a cute random woman, and handed her said note as your ran past her?

If that's the case, I might have to steal that idea (and wait until I go to a city, since my neighborhood has a lot of high school girls, and I cannot distinguish ages too well!).


Ah, reading your posts just makes me so very happy. ^___^

I love this new inspirational way of yours of asking girls out.

Hell, I would also call to someone who would give me such a note!

I'm horrible with asking women out head on, and literally thought of this in the shower. I hope more people try this, would love to hear how it works out for others.

So wait, you went on a run, with note in hand, saw a cute random woman, and handed her said note as your ran past her?

If that's the case, I might have to steal that idea (and wait until I go to a city, since my neighborhood has a lot of high school girls, and I cannot distinguish ages too well!).

Yep. 2/2 so far. Nothing is set up with this second lady, but I did go to lunch with the first. I've seen this lady today around before, and have always been keen on her. She always walks some huge white dog.

I figured what's the worst that happens? They either call or don't call. No skin off my nose if they don't.

On your point of high school girls. Here, the high school I went to starts in 2 weeks. So come then, I won't have much to worry about in terms of younger women.

EDIT: The note isn't on a big piece of paper either. I just write it on a post it note and fold it up.


I'm horrible with asking women out head on, and literally thought of this in the shower. I hope more people try this, would love to hear how it works out for others.

Yep. 2/2 so far. Nothing is set up with this second lady, but I did go to lunch with the first. I've seen this lady today around before, and have always been keen on her. She always walks some huge white dog.

I figured what's the worst that happens? They either call or don't call. No skin off my nose if they don't.

On your point of high school girls. Here, the high school I went to starts in 2 weeks. So come then, I won't have much to worry about in terms of younger women.

EDIT: The note isn't on a big piece of paper either. I just write it on a post it note and fold it up.

Oh yeah, I forgot about school starting up soon. Well, I'll adopt your method in the near-future, and I'll see how that turns out.


Trying out making my mails shorter. It is really odd as it feels like I am not putting any effort into it. But worth a shot.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Logged in for the first time in a couple of weeks and had an invite to be a moderator (although I think this is an extremely common thing). It's an interesting diversion from the rest of the site, I suppose. Guys are fucking weird and creepy (I never look at other dudes' profiles, for the most part).


Did it again! Went for a run, and handed a girl a note that said "I'd like to take you out to dinner! Call or text me! (Then I put my name and #)"

Well, who wouldn't like a free meal with a person that obviously didn't try to murder them at first sight?

But seriously, well done. Inspirational even. But to ask a quick question: You pay for both your meals, right? And did so the first time as well? I wonder if it would work as well when that is not insinuated. Second question: You don't even talk when handing over the note? And third question: If that works without running in daily life too? Intriguing.


Well, who wouldn't like a free meal with a person that obviously didn't try to murder them at first sight?

But seriously, well done. Inspirational even. But to ask a quick question: You pay for both your meals, right? And did so the first time as well? I wonder if it would work as well when that is not insinuated. Second question: You don't even talk when handing over the note? And third question: If that works without running in daily life too? Intriguing.

Yeah. I plan to each time, unless they ask to pay for whatever reason. It may work. You could ask to go on a walk or something?

Nope, had Tupac blasting through my headphones, haha. Just slowed my run down and handed it to them.



Was having a really awesome 30+ message thread with a girl, shared similar interests, nice multi-paragraph responses every time, and we were both trying to find a night we were both free to set up a date and then BOOM I wake up this morning and see she's deleted her account.




Was having a really awesome 30+ message thread with a girl, shared similar interests, nice multi-paragraph responses every time, and we were both trying to find a night we were both free to set up a date and then BOOM I wake up this morning and see she's deleted her account.


Why would you exchange 30+ multi-paragraph messages with a girl before meeting her? You're just getting way too invested over nothing then. Which leads to situations like this one


We were just talking. I'd asked to get lunch at like message 10. But neither of us could find a day we were both off of work. So we were pretty much just killing time until our days off both lined up.
Seriously, what the fuck am I doing wrong? Over 200 messages sent out and not a single reply! I've even paid to be a member of OKC for one month and it shows me that 95% read my messages and I'd then say most of them actually check out my profile but they never reply!

Sometimes if they check me out first I might send them a message, they visit my profile again but still no reply.


Seriously what am I doing wrong to not get ANY sort of reply. I write unique messages but so far I feel like I've just wasted hours of my life writing messages. What am I doing wrong as its driving me nuts not knowing :(
Seriously, what the fuck am I doing wrong? Over 200 messages sent out and not a single reply! I've even paid to be a member of OKC for one month and it shows me that 95% read my messages and I'd then say most of them actually check out my profile but they never reply!

Sometimes if they check me out first I might send them a message, they visit my profile again but still no reply.


Seriously what am I doing wrong to not get ANY sort of reply. I write unique messages but so far I feel like I've just wasted hours of my life writing messages. What am I doing wrong as its driving me nuts not knowing :(

Honestly, I have only been a few days in but I can already see that happening. I only receive messages from girls I have nothing in common with (I always answer though) and the ones I kind of find interesting do not reply (well, I only sent 3 messages, but still).

What I am really not enjoying is the fact that I cannot find anybody that shares my tastes in music and movies in the Netherlands because whenever I search for keywords of bands and movies I like there are like hundreds of matches in the US and UK and NOBODY around me. Maybe it's time to move somewhere else.


Yeah. I plan to each time, unless they ask to pay for whatever reason. It may work. You could ask to go on a walk or something?

Nope, had Tupac blasting through my headphones, haha. Just slowed my run down and handed it to them.

I've thought about this a little more. And I believe your method works for a few reasons: One of the few Americans who exercises and takes care of himself, confident as hell by giving a stranger a sticky note with your info, and running is a sexy sport. :p
I've thought about this a little more. And I believe your method works for a few reasons: One of the few Americans who exercises and takes care of himself, confident as hell by giving a stranger a sticky note with your info, and running is a sexy sport. :p

I look anything but sexy running


I've thought about this a little more. And I believe your method works for a few reasons: One of the few Americans who exercises and takes care of himself, confident as hell by giving a stranger a sticky note with your info, and running is a sexy sport. :p

Those are reasons I took in to count before trying this. It makes them think you exude confidence to a point. I don't exactly think I'm an attractive person though, but I think the whole part that they KNOW I exercise helps a bit.


I'm horrible with asking women out head on, and literally thought of this in the shower. I hope more people try this, would love to hear how it works out for others.
Hey, at least you are being very imaginative and working around your weak points.

Awesome, just purely awesome.

You are my new hero.

Those are reasons I took in to count before trying this. It makes them think you exude confidence to a point. I don't exactly think I'm an attractive person though, but I think the whole part that they KNOW I exercise helps a bit.
Well, I think what you do just screams "SEXY BEAST".

I hope people are making notes.

Why would you exchange 30+ multi-paragraph messages with a girl before meeting her? You're just getting way too invested over nothing then. Which leads to situations like this one
I can easily see that happening when both of are having a whole lot of free time and nothing else to do. I talk with people on instant messaging quite often at work for example in battlelog without even having any other motivation that to past some time and entertain myself.

And even if that case didn't lead to anything, it was most likely quite pleasurable discussion and good experience on what kind of topics to discuss.

Your personal privacy settings make your profile visible for only those who can log in on that site. I would love to take a look and give my opinion about your profile, but I can't view it.

Also if you want, you could send us couple example messages so we could see if there is something fundamentally wrong. I am also curious have you tried to contact only the extremely attractive females who might have some piss in their head or some regular looking ones as well?

I look anything but sexy running
I think this is quite common. When I am jogging I feel nothing even remotely near to sexy - more like a little red sweaty steam engine puffing around. I am not really sure how other people see it though. I have once (and I will remember it the rest of my life) got a compliment while jogging. Couple words along the lines "Oh my, you look fit. I would totally buy you a drink" and I was quite much ready to kiss the lad.

I get tempted at times to tear my shirt off and go shirtless while running. It feels (and looks) so good!!!!


I think this is quite common. When I am jogging I feel nothing even remotely near to sexy - more like a little red sweaty steam engine puffing around. I am not really sure how other people see it though. I have once (and I will remember it the rest of my life) got a compliment while jogging. Couple words along the lines "Oh my, you look fit. I would totally buy you a drink" and I was quite much ready to kiss the lad.


I don't think too many noticed exactly how a person runs. When I go running (which I am about to in a few minutes after this post and a PoF message), I only think of positive and competitive thoughts when I see others run.

So, I started talking to this one woman on PoF, she's pretty bloody rad so far. But it seems we know each other from somewhere. We both recognize each other, but neither of us can pinpoint how we know each other.

Also, off with the shirt today, let's see how it feels running shirtless!


I don't think too many noticed exactly how a person runs. When I go running (which I am about to in a few minutes after this post and a PoF message), I only think of positive and competitive thoughts when I see others run.

So, I started talking to this one woman on PoF, she's pretty bloody rad so far. But it seems we know each other from somewhere. We both recognize each other, but neither of us can pinpoint how we know each other.

Also, off with the shirt today, let's see how it feels running shirtless!

It may be me only, but anytime a runner is on the same side of the street as me I go for a high five. Gives me and hopefully them a little extra boost.
Thinking of going in on this. Thoughts? Impressions? Looking for some distilled experiences over ploughing the entire thread, really... UK based. Is there much of an audience in the UK? I don't know that I'm looking for another full relationship so soon after my last, but just to meet people and help get my head straight. How does this compare to others - POF, Match, etc? This seems to be a catch-all dating thread as far as I can tell...


I don't think too many noticed exactly how a person runs.
I actually asked this from couple of my friends today cause of this discussion. They informed me that yes, they actually pay attention - tits very much go up and down.

...I don't know should I be relieved that they skip the red sweaty face.

Also, off with the shirt today, let's see how it feels running shirtless!
Ummm, will it work if I say that pics or it didn't happen?

So, I started talking to this one woman on PoF, she's pretty bloody rad so far. But it seems we know each other from somewhere. We both recognize each other, but neither of us can pinpoint how we know each other.
Good luck mate!

It may be me only, but anytime a runner is on the same side of the street as me I go for a high five. Gives me and hopefully them a little extra boost.
Marry me?
Also if you want, you could send us couple example messages so we could see if there is something fundamentally wrong. I am also curious have you tried to contact only the extremely attractive females who might have some piss in their head or some regular looking ones as well?

Ill make it visible so you can see and here's a typical message, maybe my messages are just dull.

Hey, how's it going? You've lived in a lot of places, so what made you choose SF? I've just moved from the UK although i've lived in New York and Australia amongst other places.

So what art are you into, do you create any of your own art? As you'll see from my profile i make tonnes and i sell it all around the world.

Anyways your profile makes you sound pretty awesome and i think we'd have loads to talk about so hope to chat more.

So I take a few key words from their profile and use that to make the message. But re reading that I just think they read it and can't be arsed to reply. But I have no idea how to make it exciting or funny when their profiles are not either.

I do message pretty girls, not 10/10s but what I find attractive although recently I started messaging ugly fat girls and even they don't bother. Maybe it's just my messages or my picture but I have no clue why hundreds of messages go unanswered.


It may be me only, but anytime a runner is on the same side of the street as me I go for a high five. Gives me and hopefully them a little extra boost.

I haven't thought about that. I usually tell anyone who passes me, "Good morning." Never thought of giving them a high five. I probably wouldn't high five 90% of the people who passed me (because they are three times my age).

It's as glorious as you think it's going to be.

It was quite glorious. My chest felt so wet, it was such an amazing feel....I probably shouldn't feel myself up while outside!

I actually asked this from couple of my friends today cause of this discussion. They informed me that yes, they actually pay attention - tits very much go up and down.

...I don't know should I be relieved that they skip the red sweaty face.

Ummm, will it work if I say that pics or it didn't happen?

Good luck mate!

Oh yeah, I didn't think about tits bouncing up and down when I wrote that original post. When I run, I usually don't notice those details, but that's stems from me aiming to keep my breaths going at a rhythm, getting deep enough breaths, and pushing myself to the limits. Hard to oogle at a woman when you're dying of exhaustion. Though you mentioning that piece of info will probably ruin that now! :p

Maybe if you said it prior to my run this morning! Though, I'll do it again on Sunday morning, so maybe pics then. Some other Gaffers can tell you how open I am about my body. The downside of nude modeling is the death of one's modesty (though I see that as an upside!).

And thanks! I got her number, so I am making some progress there. I stated that we should meet up, and told me she will text me a little later about the details (she was about to get off her work break). Though, she does have a glaring flaw: She's an avid Reddit fan.; my Gaf allegiance is being challenged!
inb4 someone takes my prior statement as being a serious criticism.


Ive concluded cupid (from a guy's perspective), besides being a waste of time for most guys, is really only useful in two doses.

One is where the girls are young, 18-26 or so, and want to have fun. Cupid gives them the illusion of a lot of choice and so the concept of finding the perfect guy means they arent going to settle for even a guy they really enjoyed. So this means they use the site longer than a normal guy and is really only useful in messaging these girls if you want casual fun.

Then you have the older ladies that are looking for the 'good' guy and actually want to settle down. I find most of these girls are in their 30s and despite the desire to settle, they are still falling into the trap of having a lot of choice so they keep skipping along to the next guy, maybe even making more of an effort to carry multiples just in case others fall through.

This isnt like the romantic comedies where two people meet and they like each other and decide to become couples. Thats a very minute portion of the population. The friends at work who have managed relationships from cupid are in their mid-30s and arent super hot or anything. Those folk tend to have the best shot.

Im not saying all fit into this category but its a landslide margin to the point where its just a lot of luck for a lot of effort. And with that im deleting my account. Goddamn waste of time.

This is a very spot on observation. I think women have most of the power online and are looking for the next guy to come around. "I like him but...." I bet goes through a lot of their minds. All you can do is date and make enough of a positive impression that you go to the head of the line. You can't control what other people do. I'm going on another date Sunday with a woman who obviously likes me, she wants me to call her so she can hear my voice, compliments me, talks about future events together, etc. but in the back of my head I'm thinking she's gotta be seeing other guys. I think there is all this jockeying for position going on all the time. You like two people, person A better than person B, so you show more attention to person A until he/she becomes uninterested in you so now person B gets the attention now. Repeat. I'm guilty of it myself but don't like to serial date, preferring only a couple at a time. I've dated about 15 women this year and nothing so far. They appear in my life and then disappear. It can be draining.
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