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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I never close my profile. Why? It should be seen as a secondary tool to going out and meeting women. That way, even if a girl replies five months later you'll at least get that. But you'll be too busy chasing real women to even notice.

I used to close mine when I got frustrated/mean/rude messages (I closed like, three accounts in a week once lol, low ass self esteem).

Now I don't really curr and just keep it open for whatever.
I used to close mine when I got frustrated/mean/rude messages (I closed like, three accounts in a week once lol, low ass self esteem).

Now I don't really curr and just keep it open for whatever.

curr? is that netspeak for care?

I'm slowly getting approached by more girls but I have only found one girl I am really interested in but I wrote her a long ass message last night and she did not reply. Lame.


Unlimited Capacity
Hahah, what a polite young man we have in here. :p

Ok, kitty, what comes to your photos I am sure you are very aware that they are all somewhat unsharp/dark/blurry. We all still see what kind of beast you are, but you could perhaps try to take one current one without these already mentioned flaws. Wear a tank top and show a bit of your arms as well and women will be drooling all over you (well, they might be already, but lets say that even bigger crowds).

I enjoyed reading your text. It was smooth and somewhat fluent. These two sentences still lost me or didn't sound as good as the rest.

"With that, new office job, meet new people and all that." -with that, all that... repetition is not a friend.

"I also think about the projects I should have done when I was studying film as well as finishing film school all the time. I will soon. " This might very well be correct, but my brains just can't get hold of it. Then again if I am unable to understand it, it might be a bad sign. All the time - perhaps change the place or change it to at the same time, if that is equally correct.

I will fix it up when I get home from work. I will also try to get a picture of me smiling or something. I hate taking a self shot of myself smiling because it looks so fake. To me at least.

I'm slowly getting approached by more girls but I have only found one girl I am really interested in but I wrote her a long ass message last night and she did not reply. Lame.

I try to avoid long messages in general. Maybe that is why no one replies to them though!


Went on two dates this weekend. Met a nice woman on Saturday for some burgers during lunch. Really no connection, and I could sense a little bit of negativity around herself. Would be a bud to hang out with but that's all she'd be. I don't think she was enamored with me either.

Date on Sunday was much better. Its a woman I've been dating. Went to go see a movie and then went out for pizza afterwards. She got scared during the movie and held my hand. We kissed a little at the end of the date. I really like her, she's an amazing person. We texted last night and she told me she wants us to be exclusive. I agreed. Doesn't mean a full blown relationship but just for us to focus on each other and see where it goes.
I'm baffled by posts like these. I have major self esteem issues and only have one picture on my page, and I've gotten like 10 numbers in the 2 months I've been on OKC. Maybe your messages need work. Telling people to give up because YOU had a bad experience is pretty dumb and cynical.

Yes, the fault is with the user. That's quite the condescending tone and it's also being an apologist for the site in one fell swoop. It's primarily a problem with geography, but the site holds a lot of the blame too. It's a chore to use if you're a man. I know very, very few men that have had any modicum of success using these things. I've found women use them as ego fluffers and it allows them to be even more picky.

I am not overweight in the least and I'm not an ugly person. I'm 6'1 and I weigh 180. So that might be a little overweight, but I am definitely not fat in the least. I love how the assumption jumps to, "This guy is just embittered because he's fat because the site is a godsend."
Honestly, online dating really is just random as hell. I mean, I'm a big dude who has broken nearly every supposed rule when it comes to online profiles and pictures, yet I still happened to be really lucky and got a bunch of messages from girls and I'm not even from a huge city or anything. I mean, Indianapolis isn't that small, but you won't find nearly as many people on these sites as you would in a coastal city or other big area. I suppose it would be even harder when you don't really live near a city at all.

All of my profile pictures were self-shots and I think I had a profile that was around 3,000 words long that was mostly negative.

Point is: it's random.


Yes, the fault is with the user. That's quite the condescending tone and it's also being an apologist for the site in one fell swoop. It's primarily a problem with geography, but the site holds a lot of the blame too. It's a chore to use if you're a man. I know very, very few men that have had any modicum of success using these things. I've found women use them as ego fluffers and it allows them to be even more picky.

You are correct on the ego fluffers comment. My ex girlfriend sister's on POF and she is not very good looking. She's not unattractive but I'd say average in looks. She gets 80 to 100 messages a DAY. If a man got that many messages from women daily I'm sure he would think he's really hot stuff, when most likely he isn't. Now will every woman see this as an ego boost? No, but they sure can be choosy as there are usually more guys just around the corner. I was told by one woman on POF that I got lost in the "sea of men" on there. You HAVE to stand out from the crowd or you'll get unnoticed.

Honestly, I had to get off the free dating sites. I would join one that costs some money as it will cut down on the riff raff. You are more likely to find women on there that are truly serious about having a relationship than those that are on there to have fun and communicate mainly. She will still get a lot of messages but the number will go down for sure.
That's exactly my point. A mediocre looking woman will get swarmed with messages and an above average looking man can very possibly be totally ignored. It's just a way for a lot of women to feel good about themselves. It's fishing for compliments without actually doing the fishing.

I tried match.com and it's even worse. If you want to be inundated religious zealotry and women with ridiculous standards then that's definitely the place for you.
It sounds like your problem is you're an obvious misogynist who just thinks you're telling it like it is.

Unattractive dudes get action from dating sites all the time. I know plenty. They're funny and successful and aren't bitter losers like you.

Charm is about 90% of the game, and every person that posts in here complaining about their lack of success is so clearly lacking it. Every single person.


You guys make me sad lol. "An ugly woman will get 80 messages a day!!!!!"

I get like...maybe 2 a week without me putting effort into ~Meet Me~ and whatnot :p

If I sit on there and do the Meet Me stuff on POF, I'll get a couple more.

But I definitely don't get the ~average looks 80-100 messages a day~. Lol.
It sounds like your problem is you're an obvious misogynist who just thinks you're telling it like it is.

Unattractive dudes get action from dating sites all the time. I know plenty. They're funny and successful and aren't bitter losers like you.

Charm is about 90% of the game, and every person that posts in here complaining about their lack of success is so clearly lacking it. Every single person.

I know plenty that don't. Your anecdotal evidence doesn't trump mine, it merely cancels mine out. You clearly think that you are the one who is telling it like it is, but a person with class and charm would never jump to conclusions about a person and name call in the same breath. People in glass houses and what have you. I'll leave the armchair psychology and the complete lack of tact to you, that much is crystal clear.
There are no conclusions to jump to. You said women are there to have their ego stroked. But now you know you can at least get responses from dudes online.

A lot of them do and you'll find that a lot of people will agree with that sentiment. If anyone sounds embittered here it is you. I hope spitting venom makes you feel high and mighty.
Your problem is thinking I'm being an asshole out of nowhere because you think the things you're saying about other people just due to their gender are justified.

No, my problem stems from your condescending tone. The fact that you said that the only reason why a person wouldn't find success on one of these sites is because a lack of charm and that charm accounts for 90% of the game (I love fabricated numbers designed to make the speaker look a little more knowledgeable) is a complete oversimplification at best and a travesty at absolute worst.

Get off your high horse. It's somehow not acceptable for me to state that a lot of these women use these sites as an ego stroker (and I still maintain a lot do), but it's suddenly all right for you to state that people that are unsuccessful on these sites are charmless losers. Putting all of your eggs in the basket of charm does not eliminate other variables that could be causing people to have a lack of success. I see that blanket statements are perfectly fine, but only when you're doing it.
No, my problem stems from your condescending tone. The fact that you said that the only reason why a person wouldn't find success on one of these sites is because a lack of charm and that charm accounts for 90% of the game (I love fabricated numbers designed to make the speaker look a little more knowledgeable) is a complete oversimplification at best and a travesty at absolute worst.
You have no charm and didn't get a response for a year. You tell me.

It's somehow not acceptable for me to state that a lot of these women use these sites as an ego stroker (and I still maintain a lot do), but it's suddenly all right for you to state that people that are unsuccessful on these sites are charmless losers.
So you're saying you now see how judging is harmful then. Good.
No, it just shows that you're a hypocrite that got his feathers ruffled and had to white knight once someone said something about a certain sect of women on online dating sites that you didn't agree with it. And that's fine.

But like I said, do not pretend that you're some sort of consummate gentleman when you've tried to throw off on me and name call because of the reason I detailed above. I generally try to help people and I generally try to discuss the shortcomings and benefits of online services. But since you're obviously a charmer you've decided to take the low road and resort to the, "Der-her, no responses in a year," road. Perfectly fine. Other posters have given a more productive input and I will continue the conversation with them.


Unlimited Capacity
You guys make me sad lol. "An ugly woman will get 80 messages a day!!!!!"

I get like...maybe 2 a week without me putting effort into ~Meet Me~ and whatnot :p

If I sit on there and do the Meet Me stuff on POF, I'll get a couple more.

But I definitely don't get the ~average looks 80-100 messages a day~. Lol.

I would message you Lee :D


I'm sure she's exaggerating, maybe she can't count after a certain number. I do know a woman who reopened her profile on an adult site and in one weekend had over a thousand views. She got about 100 messages or so but those weren't all different guys, she was talking to a few of them consistently. She had her profile open when I was there and saw in real time the views and messages sent. It was impressive.


I tried match.com and it's even worse. If you want to be inundated religious zealotry and women with ridiculous standards then that's definitely the place for you.

Listen, I know online dating can be frustrating but you have to remain positive. There are things you can do, like having a well written profile. Taking some good photos, and sending messages that get noticed by women. Yes, the tables are tilted in the woman's favor but you have to be proactive about things. Have you had someone critique your profile, photos, or the messages your sending?


Poet Centuriate
I never close my profile. Why? It should be seen as a secondary tool to going out and meeting women. That way, even if a girl replies five months later you'll at least get that. But you'll be too busy chasing real women to even notice.

I've closed mine twice now and it's currently closed. The first time I closed it was due to the fact that very few women near me use OKC. I'm not exaggerating when I say I exhausted/messaged my local pool in a few months or less and was frustrated that the only 'fresh' ones were hundreds of miles away and getting further and further each day. It hit a breaking point when OKC started suggesting matches for me in my hometown over 500 miles away. The second time was because I was moving away from a big city area back to that small rural area that dried up before. That alone, I think, is decent enough reason to close it, but in addition to both of those, I had maybe two dates that fizzled out and were far between each other, and received very, very few replies.
Listen, I know online dating can be frustrating but you have to remain positive. There are things you can do, like having a well written profile. Taking some good photos, and sending messages that get noticed by women. Yes, the tables are tilted in the woman's favor but you have to be proactive about things. Have you had someone critique your profile, photos, or the messages your sending?

Yes, and everyone seems to think it's fine. The bigger issue, and this is something that I can't control, is where I live. I simply don't have the resources to drive over an hour and a half away every time I want to see someone. I pray that none of you have to live in the Bible Belt either. There are many hoops one has to jump through when dating and religion adds so much conflict to relationships, or even dating, even if you're upfront with your beliefs. The arrogance of, "Well, I'll turn him on to going to church," is mind boggling.
Yes, and everyone seems to think it's fine. The bigger issue, and this is something that I can't control, is where I live. I simply don't have the resources to drive over an hour and a half away every time I want to see someone. I pray that none of you have to live in the Bible Belt either. There are many hoops one has to jump through when dating and religion adds so much conflict to relationships, or even dating, even if you're upfront with your beliefs. The arrogance of, "Well, I'll turn him on to going to church," is mind boggling.

So the problem with OKC isn't that you have to be a model to get results (which is what you said before), but where you live.
So the problem with OKC isn't that you have to be a model to get results (which is what you said before), but where you live.

No, the site is definitely problematic. Some people swear by it and others have sworn it off. I think there are a lot of variables at play. But the site is definitely problematic. The execution is completely lacking (the whole percentages aspect of the site is laughable, for example). Then there are people on there simply looking for friendship, and even explicitly state that, even though it's supposed to be a dating web site. And I still maintain that there are a fair share of socially inept people, overweight people, and people that have multiple children that frequent the site.

So there's slim pickings no matter where you live unless you live in a huge city. But, in that case, why not simply go out and get dates? I also still maintain that it's easier for mediocre looking women to get dates on there than it is for above average looking guys to get dates on there just because of "lost in the fold" aspect of the site when it comes to gender.
No, the site is definitely problematic. Some people swear by it and others have sworn it off. I think there are a lot of variables at play. But the site is definitely problematic. The execution is completely lacking (the whole percentages aspect of the site is laughable, for example). Then there are people on there simply looking for friendship, and even explicitly state that, even though it's supposed to be a dating web site. And I still maintain that there are a fair share of socially inept people, overweight people, and people that have multiple children that frequent the site.

So there's slim pickings no matter where you live unless you live in a huge city. But, in that case, why not simply go out and get dates? I also still maintain that it's easier for mediocre looking women to get dates on there than it is for above average looking guys to get dates on there just because of "lost in the fold" aspect of the site when it comes to gender.

Are these people not allowed to date? I'm not saying you have to date them (I wouldn't want to either) but that doesn't mean other people don't.

As for going out and getting dates, presumably then you are judging based solely on appearance which surely makes it harder for those who don't have model looks, no? At least on OKC etc you can find out a bit about the person and see if you have any mutual interests etc before initiating contact (assuming they have filled in their profile).

I'm not saying the site is perfect (far from it), and it's been pretty hit and miss for me (I met a few guys but nothing ever led to anything serious, and recently I haven't encountered anyone I'm interested in) but I don't think it's fair to dismiss it entirely.
If I've had no luck whatsoever then it's very easy for me to dismiss it entirely. And I've known others to do the same thing. I definitely will not be giving it a ringing endorsement.


Never really had problems with getting reponses back from girls on the site and I haven't even filled out the profile part yet. Good pictures are the key.

But I guess I don't take the site all too seriously either -- the site itself feels rather laid back and I think that's also the approach you should take....just like in real life. Desperation is never attractive.

I will fix it up when I get home from work. I will also try to get a picture of me smiling or something. I hate taking a self shot of myself smiling because it looks so fake. To me at least.

How To Take GOOD Smiling Pictures!


Online dating is a mess. Its mostly because of the fact that a majority of the people who inhabit it are socially inept and confused. You'll have people stating they're looking for a good conversation, yet they "reply very selectively." You'll also have people who message you and then cease replying. Or you'll have people who become bored quickly.

There were some girls I messaged just because they were in the legal field (same as me). In my message I even stated I wasn't looking to date them, just wanted to talk about law to gain insight. No reply. I mean, its fine but people there seem to be VERY close-minded. I used to reply to every girl who contacted me because I generally liked random conversations. Once I saw that every girl there was "replying selectively" I literally ignored the next 30 girls who messaged me (not exaggerating the number).

As for me? My profile needs work but my picture is good. I get complimented on my looks a lot. What are my observations based on this?

-I have never succeeded with girls I messaged first
-I am very successful with girls who message me
-I get tons of views but probably 1-5% of them actually message
-You have to pass the looks barrier in order to get a chance at conversation
-Many girls may respond simply because they feel sympathy or are just bored
-The average girl who messages me is above-average looking. A few are HOT. A small few are below average
-I most commonly get "HI" or some kind of variant of that as an incoming message
-The girls who send more than a "HI" are usually lesser looking
-If you have a muscular shirtless pic you should post it. Immediately.

So, what do I do? I almost never message girls on my own unless I see one I am REALLY attracted to (has to be a 9-10 in my eyes). I just let my account sit there and let others message me. Seems to be the only way I've made it work.

My point is that I have zero issues attracting women in real-life but even I have had my hurdles online. Its not easy. In my humble opinion it also gets much harder if you're "average looking" and the like. I really do believe the online community is the most shallow.

I came in looking to chat with all kinds of girls and share some laughs, I came out a bitter and boring guy who "replies very selectively".



So, what do I do? I almost never message girls on my own unless I see one I am REALLY attracted to (has to be a 9-10 in my eyes). I just let my account sit there and let others message me. Seems to be the only way I've made it work.

My point is that I have zero issues attracting women in real-life but even I have had my hurdles online. Its not easy. In my humble opinion it also gets much harder if you're "average looking" and the like. I really do believe the online community is the most shallow.

I came in looking to chat with all kinds of girls and share some laughs, I came out a bitter and boring guy who "replies very selectively".

I agree with you, it's much easier to attract women in person. That's my hurdle, get them to meet me in the first place but once they do, they seem to like the real me better than the online one. Why? The way I carry myself, converse in real time, body language, tone of voice is all missing online. And that's a BIG part of who I am and who anyone is, man or woman. I'm also short guys, I'm 5'4", yes you read that height correctly. It cracks me up all you "poor" guys on here that are "only" 5'10" and complain about it. Hell, I'd LOVE to be 5'8". Anyways, I don't have short man syndrome and carry myself with confidence and pride about who I am. I KNOW I'm a catch and that seems to percolate when I'm around my date. I'm not boastful, which is a huge turn-off. I'm just comfortable in my own skin regardless of how short I am. Will women disqualify me because of my height? Yes, but I wouldn't want to know those people anyways.

Also, you have to make the first move. Waiting back and letting them come to you is a recipe for failure online. Remember, they are getting swamped with messages so they are just going to most likely read the messages, and either like it and your picture or not. Be proactive, put your ego on the line and start messaging women you find attractive. Here's the good news, if you know how to do it correctly you will be surprised at how little competition you have. Most are "hey", and "hi, how are you?" with zero thought and effort. Or being sexual right out of the gate, which never works.

My ex wife was online for a little bit of time and gave up. She was horrified at these messages she was getting. Their profiles weren't much better, boring with lots of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Bad pictures too. She met ONE guy out of many that she wanted to get to know. They chatted online. They talked about their love of sci-fi, particularly Star Trek. The guy then goes immediately into his love of back rubs and would she provide him with one. She was done. And another friend of mine liked this guy and asked if he could send her a video. It was a video of him urinating. And she really LIKED him and was ready to meet him in person. So the competition out there is plentiful but not that great.
The looks hangup is such bullshit considering how many ugly or normal looking dudes are making it work both on OkCupid and in real life.

The real way in is charm and personality, which no one who's complained in this thread has actually shown.


The looks hangup is such bullshit considering how many ugly or normal looking dudes are making it work both on OkCupid and in real life.

The real way in is charm and personality, which no one who's complained in this thread has actually shown.

I agree with you but conveying your charm and personality online is much harder to do than in person. And that's the hurdle right there. There are certainly things you can type that convey those traits but a whole lot of it is missing too, like body language, tone of voice, how confident you are, etc. But people on here who complain need to know they can stand out from the crowd online so that they can be successful.


Sweet, got a date in like 3 back and forth messages from one person. I don't think I'm that attractive. I have to send a billion messages to get 1 response. My profile sucks too lol. I usually just chat about something related in their profile or pic and go from there if I get a response. Play the odds, even if they are lottery odds lol!


I think ill send a message to the first 100 matches on the list regardless. Same structure of message slightly tweaked.

lets see what comes back ...

anyone got a good template message that's worked well?


Unlimited Capacity
I think ill send a message to the first 100 matches on the list regardless. Same structure of message slightly tweaked.

lets see what comes back ...

anyone got a good template message that's worked well?

"Gurl u cute letz cyber"

The looks hangup is such bullshit considering how many ugly or normal looking dudes are making it work both on OkCupid and in real life.

The real way in is charm and personality, which no one who's complained in this thread has actually shown.

I like to think of myself as charming and the ladies don't love me. At least not on OkC.


I just got a date with a girl by asking what her favorite running gag on Arrested Development was. Score.

She's already a winner in my books for liking AD.

Someone just messaged me after we "liked" each other on the mobile app version. Pretty simple and straight forward feature if you're just looking at pics.


I like to think of myself as charming and the ladies don't love me. At least not on OkC.[/QUOTE]

Don't feel bad, Im the pariah on POF. Seriously, what is wrong with that site? In three years of being online I had just a few dates, and only went out with the woman one time. Lets put it this way, the last date I got on there was in May. I drove from out of town and she NEVER showed up. Texted her the night before too to remind her and she was SO excited to meet me! That was the last text she ever sent me. I said screw it and had a nice steak dinner by myself there anyways. I jokingly call POF "plenty of flakes". I was much more successful on OKC.
Well, I haven't posted in here for a very long time. Seems like a lot of shit got stirred up in here recently. I guess I'll keep my opinions to myself and just share my actual experiences.

Now I'm not a good looking guy by any means. Here's my profile on OKC. It's a me! Between OKC and PoF, I've probably sent close to 200 messages at this point. I think I started on OKC at the beginning of this year and PoF some time shortly after that. I've met 3 girls in person (none of whom clicked with me) and I've had lengthy conversations with about 4 or 5 more but it never went passed messaging even with me asking to get together. The only thing I currently have going on right now is a speaking relationship with one girl. We've only spoken on the phone once and I've put the ball in her court twice when it comes to getting together in person. She's actually in a weird spot right now with family health issues so she's hesitant to go head first down the relationship road because of everything else she's dealing with. Considering I have nothing else going on, why not stick around and see what happens. I still message people here and there, but not nearly like I used to. I guess the system has worn me down a bit.

So take from that what you will. I can say that persistence pays off. I don't mean keep messaging the same girl until she gets back to you. I mean just keep trucking and contacting people.
Online dating is a mess. Its mostly because of the fact that a majority of the people who inhabit it are socially inept and confused. You'll have people stating they're looking for a good conversation, yet they "reply very selectively." You'll also have people who message you and then cease replying. Or you'll have people who become bored quickly.

There were some girls I messaged just because they were in the legal field (same as me). In my message I even stated I wasn't looking to date them, just wanted to talk about law to gain insight. No reply. I mean, its fine but people there seem to be VERY close-minded. I used to reply to every girl who contacted me because I generally liked random conversations. Once I saw that every girl there was "replying selectively" I literally ignored the next 30 girls who messaged me (not exaggerating the number).

As for me? My profile needs work but my picture is good. I get complimented on my looks a lot. What are my observations based on this?

-I have never succeeded with girls I messaged first
-I am very successful with girls who message me
-I get tons of views but probably 1-5% of them actually message
-You have to pass the looks barrier in order to get a chance at conversation
-Many girls may respond simply because they feel sympathy or are just bored
-The average girl who messages me is above-average looking. A few are HOT. A small few are below average
-I most commonly get "HI" or some kind of variant of that as an incoming message
-The girls who send more than a "HI" are usually lesser looking
-If you have a muscular shirtless pic you should post it. Immediately.

So, what do I do? I almost never message girls on my own unless I see one I am REALLY attracted to (has to be a 9-10 in my eyes). I just let my account sit there and let others message me. Seems to be the only way I've made it work.

My point is that I have zero issues attracting women in real-life but even I have had my hurdles online. Its not easy. In my humble opinion it also gets much harder if you're "average looking" and the like. I really do believe the online community is the most shallow.

I came in looking to chat with all kinds of girls and share some laughs, I came out a bitter and boring guy who "replies very selectively".


I agree with you 100%. But when I said similar things I was accused of being misanthropic and lacking charm. If you're a man the looks quote is particularly apt. In real life, confidence can carry you half way, but not all the way. In online dating, confidence may not carry you at all.

The only thing I really disagree with you about is the shirtless pic comment you made. A lot of women absolutely hate that and even detail that in their profiles. It's one thing to be confident but the whole shirtless pic thing often ventures into self absorption and douchey behavior.


I haven't read this thread for a day and what do I walk into... I like a good conversation and love a smashing debate, but accusing and blaming each other might fall to the category of arguing.

ThisWreckage, I actually agree with most of your points and understand your situation. You seem to be a lovely and likeable lad. If you aren't yet totally fed up with online dating, we could try to help you in some way. If you want, you can any time PM me your profile and I can read it through and say what I think. It might be for nothing, but you have absolutely nothing to lose.

Never really had problems with getting reponses back from girls on the site and I haven't even filled out the profile part yet. Good pictures are the key.

But I guess I don't take the site all too seriously either -- the site itself feels rather laid back and I think that's also the approach you should take....just like in real life. Desperation is never attractive.
Awesome photos play a big part. If you don't smile and look easily approachable, people won't be thinking that positive about you. Same goes with real life - a big smile and awesome attitude goes a long way
(for example I have got nearly every job I have ever applied (this spring was first time I didn't get the one I applied) and three I didn't even apply, but they called me and asked can I come to work for them (also this spring after I didn't get the one I applied I got a phone call and proposal to better job with better pay)
. I am always an advocate for positive attitude.

I instantly fell in love with that lad.

Thanks for the link, it is priceless.

Awesome post is awesome
That was very insightful and underlines also the problems in the site quite well.

Yeah, that's more or less what I figured. It's just that I didn't want to be like the numerous fatties that mislead people using closeups and angles and list themselves as "curvy" when they're actually overweight, haha. But it is something out of my control, unlike weight.
I agree with the closeup photos and do think that to online dating sites you should always include also a proper full body shot. It doesn't even need to be posed, you can also do something, but still, a full body shot is required.

What I disagree is listing oneself as "curvy" since how people define the word varies seriously so much. Some people think that, let say for example Kim Kardashian, is a total fattie, while other people think she is absolute hottie with smashing curves. Also some people who have been way heavier may think that now when they are smaller, even if still big, are then curvy instead of the former fat. Same way some people who have been more petite and curvy and have gained weight might see themselves overweight, even if they wouldn't be. It is all about perspective.

I will fix it up when I get home from work. I will also try to get a picture of me smiling or something. I hate taking a self shot of myself smiling because it looks so fake. To me at least.
Honestly, you look awesome even when you aren't smiling. One of the few people I actually would even without a smile want to eat alive.

I still agree that you should try to take a nice smiley one, use for example the advices from that hilarious youtube vid. It does do wonders. Try it out.

And of course awesome to hear I could help you a bit!

I like to think of myself as charming and the ladies don't love me. At least not on OkC.
Hey, at least I think you are charming.

There must be something wrong with that site.

You guys make me sad lol. "An ugly woman will get 80 messages a day!!!!!"

I get like...maybe 2 a week without me putting effort into ~Meet Me~ and whatnot :p

If I sit on there and do the Meet Me stuff on POF, I'll get a couple more.

But I definitely don't get the ~average looks 80-100 messages a day~. Lol.
I am madly in love with you, if that counts for anything. Everything I have read from you have made me think that you are genuinely awesome and adorable!

I actually went to send Lee a message and I am too old vaderno.jpg
Wait a second... you know her profile in there?!

Give it to me, give it to me!

For real, Lee, Tetsuo, you can PM it to me. :D Please.

I just got a date with a girl by asking what her favorite running gag on Arrested Development was. Score.

And at this point I deleted the rest of my message by accident and I am not pleased! I do hope I didn't miss that much, since I am so not going to write it all again... Hmpf.

I still need to answer to this though, even if little shorter. I apology.

I agree with you 100%. But when I said similar things I was accused of being misanthropic and lacking charm. If you're a man the looks quote is particularly apt. In real life, confidence can carry you half way, but not all the way. In online dating, confidence may not carry you at all.
I wasn't here! I don't think you lack charm or are misanthropic! I should be in bed already (it is way over 2 am), but I think you are so nice I still need to write you back, cause I hope you that you realize, most of us still think you are awesome!

The only thing I really disagree with you about is the shirtless pic comment you made. A lot of women absolutely hate that and even detail that in their profiles. It's one thing to be confident but the whole shirtless pic thing often ventures into self absorption and douchey behavior.
It depends totally what you are after. If you are fit and you want those mega sexy babes who are looking for sex to reply or contact you, you will so do this. If you want something else, I recommend to think twice and say that you should perhaps go with a nice upper body shot showing your arms while not being too posey. A white t-shirt would do just fine for a shot like that.
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