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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I went on a date the other night. My first online date and she was great. Fun to hang out with, very outgoing but not arrogant, and hot. I probably should have made more of a move but she enjoyed her time and I even stalked came across a comment she made online saying that too, so it wasn't sugar coated. I'm seeing her again...but not for a while as we live far apart. :(

That said it seems my online dating has kind of hit a wall. I've chatted to a few, kept in contact with one cute girl via IM and went on that date with the other. But now, I'm getting no replies from any new girls. Kinda bumming me out. I'm starting to wondering what I'm doing wrong but then think "How did I get a date with that first hot one then?". Just pure luck? Surely not. Oh well. It gave me some confidence that at least a girl of that caliber can be interested in a guy like me but still...

I've personally wondered this too after sending out tons of letters, all witty and charming... short, long, in between... All positive, good questions for replies... And sometimes you'll just get nothing. I honestly don't get it. But like real life there's minimal lost and everything to gain. All I think about is how awesome I am, how I'm not in their life now and laugh it off.

Woman are fickle. Stay positive and you'll find the one who isnt. :)


I always include light humour and a personalized comment about their profile. Im still ignored. Most of the time anyway, I seem to attract alot of bisexual women. Maybe it's because they're more open minded. That and women who live in places where there's almost no diversity among the selection of men, so they're naturally curious.

Most women consider themselves "bisexual". That's all it means.


Nice retort but you're still wrong. Most women do not declare themselves bisexuals and many would be apprehensive to admit they have fantasies about the same gender. Not as apprehensive as men but you're still full of shit.

I didn't say they would say it openly:p

Not all women are liberal college age students. Try the fuck again. And 20% is not most.

In a study of 484 college students in California who identify as heterosexual, 45 percent of the women in the study had kissed a woman, 50 percent fantasized about women and a full 60 percent reported at least some sexual attraction to women. Broader population data suggests that upwards of 20 percent of women are attracted to other women.
I think I'd use the third photo for your profile pic.

Lose some of the wishy-washyness. Use "I'm" instead of "I would describe myself as" in the first paragraph. Just "Basketball." instead of "I'd say I'm good at basketball." "My eyes, my beard(when I grow it out), or my smile." or even just "My eyes and my smile." instead of "If I were to guess it would be my eyes, my beard (if I grow it out), or my smile." etc. Be confident in who you are.

Add a hook to your "You should message me if" section. "If you want to know more about me!" seems super uninspired and unhelpful to me. This is the last thing they read in your profile -- go out with a bang, not a whimper!

Personally, I'm not sure if calling yourself a hopeless romantic and repeatedly bringing up your procrastination are good ideas, but take this with a grain of salt.

Sweet thanks for the advice. I changed my profile picture and have gotten two messages.


benevolent sexism

Maybe you're talking about the science daily article that says women tend to show a bisexual pattern of arousal in response to pornographic stimuli.

That's different from what you said which is that "most women consider themselves bisexual" which is a claim not about arousal patterns but about self-labeled sexual identity.

I was compelled to follow up on this. I know it's off-topic. I'll stop now.
Have you seen this? Pretty interesting! http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/page/7/

The worst part is there is a difference in who people fantasize about or want to engage in sexual activity with and who they want relationships with. While there are women who wouldn't mind engaging in threesomes or even lesbianism that doesn't mean they want to live out their romantic life with a woman. If we were more honest people there would be terms for relationship desires vs sexual desires.

But why?

I don't get it.

Just "look at what she wrote here." Or "what is she talking about"? And I'm logged in so I show up.


But why?

I don't get it.

I have a friend on okc that links me to guys profiles all the time to ask what I think. I don't go through the trouble of signing out so I show up on plenty of visitor lists I'm sure. It's probably that.

...or they're just masturbating to you. Who knows.


Does anyone have any experiences with long distance? I've been talking to a girl that lives 100 miles from me. How the hell do I go about this?

Don't bother unless there's a plan on not being long distance in the near future. Unless you can see each other a few times a month, even then probably not worth it. Dated a girl who was about an hour and a half away, and probably saw each other twice a month. Honestly, was a pretty horrible experience, but if you're interested, you might as well try. you never know what can happen.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
What's with the girls that put about a sentence or two under each category, but then say don't just say hi to me in a message? What am I supposed to put if you don't give me anything to work with? How is the weather?


What's with the girls that put about a sentence or two under each category, but then say don't just say hi to me in a message? What am I supposed to put if you don't give me anything to work with? How is the weather?

I hate this as well. Pretty hypocritical. At least give us something to work with. I wonder if they realize that they keep getting asked the same generic questions over and over again because they have a shitty profile.

Oh and I also love the grammar nazis. Don't bother messaging me if you don't know the difference between its and it's. I see that so often. Haha


What's with the girls that put about a sentence or two under each category, but then say don't just say hi to me in a message? What am I supposed to put if you don't give me anything to work with? How is the weather?

ironically the messages that got me the most reply was, "hi! I'm sarye!"


Darkness no more
What's with the girls that put about a sentence or two under each category, but then say don't just say hi to me in a message? What am I supposed to put if you don't give me anything to work with? How is the weather?

If they don't write anything in their profile and there's nothing interesting for me to comment on I just find someone else to message.


If they don't write anything in their profile and there's nothing interesting for me to comment on I just find someone else to message.

I've taken to sending them completely boring stories with no punch line and no point. I've gotten a few replies that way actually, lol.
This makes little sense on a dating site, but oh well.

I prefer the wanking theory in all honesty. At least that makes sense and is marginally flattering.


I want to make a dating site that is based on what hobbies you and someone else share. Maybe then I will met a woman that loves Truffaut just as much as I do.
What's with the girls that put about a sentence or two under each category, but then say don't just say hi to me in a message? What am I supposed to put if you don't give me anything to work with? How is the weather?

I've always gotten the impression that they do this to filter out all the guys they're not interested in. They'll look at your picture, and then maybe they'll read your profile, then maybe they'll message you back.


Great week!

A girl on the POF account gave me her number and wants a date next week. I thought this one was a lost cause since she replied to my messages in a generic way after one week or more, but yesterday, out of the blue, she said that she was out of the country and wanted to drink something with me after the trip.

Then, at the OKC profile, I started contact with a pretty girl who is into Nietzsche, House music and other cool stuff, after a few messages, she asked for my FB profile and wanted to chat. Interesting times ahead.

Just don't give up guys!


Started a chat with a girl, she said we would not get in, I asked why. She said did I thought men should be the head of the household. I said that only on the prerequisite that they earn more money and that I didn't miind debating with her our views. She said some tripe about how it's her view and basically it does not have to be held to practical scrutiny. Hmmm, not interested in feminists anytime soon.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Some girl messaged me saying its disappointing I don't live neae her, we gave a 90% match. On another note, I really only browse the who is new section, since I've messaged all the girls I'm interested in that are in a reasonable distance. Think I might give POF a shot.
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