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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Sadetar, I got that shirtless picture for you. ;-)

It shall come up in a few days. I had my mother take it as I held my white fluff ball who got her groom done too! If those two pictures are good, I might toss them up on OKC/PoF.


I am being totally honest, your body looks amazing and I need to admit I am somewhat jealous. You good girl stop worrying about your looks and your weight right now. I have also noticed that women pay way more attention to their bodies than they should. Men don't really look the negative part and mainly concentrade on the good things on your looks. Seriously, trust me on this one. There are of course couple douchey lads here and there, but they are not the majority. Most men I know are absolute sweethearts and will do their very best to make you feel good.

Just try to avoid the cocky bastards and you will do just fine. If you think the guy is not being sincere and pretends to be a bad ass, you can always ask is he just trying to act all tough cause he is unsecure or is he just really a douchey idiot. Just make the question sound like a joke.

I myself would always pick a good guy over the "cool guy". Plus once the nice lads feel confident enough they are according to my limited experience quite beasts in bed.

I am sure you will find some awesome little kitty for yourself. Just remember that you are in no rush to anywhere. Also you are so nice that you most likely have loads of friends, but if you anyways want to talk about anything or have some particular questions in mind you don't want to share on the forums don't hesitate to send me a PM any time.

Haha but what if all I want is a friend who cuddles with me? :D Sex and relationships are just too weird/awkward to me, I think. Haha.

I don't think I'm asexual but I just am way too repressed for sex haha.


Poet Centuriate
Just to jump on the train: You are pretty.

It definitely is a good picture. Even if I can see the phone in the mirror. But you did well there regardless.

I love this new trend. We should make Leeness fan club. :D

remember that one time i tried to ask Leeness out in DatingAge? yeah...not my best moment, but still.

but anyways, leeness, you're definitely not fat at all. Like, in total honesty.


Not listing your height is just asking for no one to ever write you. That says so much about your insecurity with it.
Yes, agreed. Gaining confidence is a gradual process for most people, Cyanide has made it clear he has some confidence issues. I'm just trying to help him in the most constructive way since I know it can be difficult for people to overcome some personal barriers. He's willing to listen and I'm willing to be positive and help. :)

Van Owen

Girl I'm talking to now says the only guy she met on there completely lied about his height and was too short for her in person lol.

Going to go out with her in the next few days. Feeling a bit nervous.


Girl I'm talking to now says the only guy she met on there completely lied about his height and was too short for her in person lol.

Going to go out with her in the next few days. Feeling a bit nervous.
I've had a couple girls tell me that they were surprised I'm actually the height I listed (6'3"). I think most girls expect men to lie about their height so when you're honest it's a huge plus.


I've had a couple girls tell me that they were surprised I'm actually the height I listed (6'3"). I think most girls expect men to lie about their height so when you're honest it's a huge plus.

I've had that a few times where a woman will go "holy shit, you're really tall!"

Van Owen

lol I haven't been measured since like high school though so I'm a bit worried. I think my listed height is fairly accurate though.
Well, what am I supposed to put?

I hate how I look and I apparently can't get the description right without sounding like a dick. It's pretty fucking hopeless, really.

I'm presuming you didn't list your height because you are vertically challenged. Post your honest height. Own it. It's not like they're not going to see how tall you are if you ever meet someone anyway.


I've had a couple girls tell me that they were surprised I'm actually the height I listed (6'3"). I think most girls expect men to lie about their height so when you're honest it's a huge plus.
Hahahahah. That is so insane. I don't understand the motivation behind lying your hight at all.
And with all honesty I would like to be a bit shorter. I kinda hate my 5'6'' / 168cm height. When I was in Liverpool I felt like a giant.

Going to go out with her in the next few days. Feeling a bit nervous.
Good luck! You will do just fine. Just relax and enjoy it!

I've had that a few times where a woman will go "holy shit, you're really tall!"
Wow. How tall are you then?

All the stuff in my profile is true though. I mean, I'm not saying guys aren't lying. I'm sure they lie just as much. I mean, this is the internet after all.
I don't know are people that much doing straight lying, but at least they might colour the truth a bit.

Sadetar, I got that shirtless picture for you. ;-)

It shall come up in a few days. I had my mother take it as I held my white fluff ball who got her groom done too! If those two pictures are good, I might toss them up on OKC/PoF.
Ooh. Attaboy! ;)

At least now I have something to look forward on Sunday when I come back home. I won't be around during the weekend since I will be going to my friend's island. Only couple more hours at work and I then some proper relaxing.
I'm 5'6" and that is displayed (not proudly) on my profiles. Why? Because if I'm really serious about meeting people on these dating websites, it's not going to be hard for them to figure out I'm a short son of a bitch the second they see me. I guess lying on your profile might get you some additional interest from others initially, but in the long run, it's not going to work out. I'm too old for games anyway. Either you like what you see or you don't. No point in not being honest if you're looking for a lasting relationship.


I've realized there is a significant problem (at least for me) having so much information about a woman upfront: it's easy to find a hang up. For example, once I saw a women who piqued my interest did not want children, I found her less desirable. I'm only 24 and have no plans for kids soon, but it is most definitely a future goal. My last girlfriend did not want children either, but three years ago I had not decided then.

I don't want to say it's a dealbreaker, but it is a concern for me. Going in knowing it cannot ever be serious due to this difference or the idea I'd have to sway her in order for it to potentially work out in the long term. I'm not interested in short-term dating, I just want to see how things develop, not set an end point.

I kinda dated a girl much older than me when I was in my early 20s and she did not want kids. It was kind of a turn off even though I had no wish to have kids then. I can totally relate.
remember that one time i tried to ask Leeness out in DatingAge? yeah...not my best moment, but still.

Well this should be good for some laughs. Link please.

Haha but what if all I want is a friend who cuddles with me? :D Sex and relationships are just too weird/awkward to me, I think. Haha.

I don't think I'm asexual but I just am way too repressed for sex haha.

Confidence grows with you as you continue to date. It doesn't mean you'll be doing every guy tomorrow, just that you'll grow more comfortable with yourself as time goes on.


Sadetar, enjoy these when you return. For everyone else, I'm thinking about possibly putting these on my profile (or at least one), thus making my current hair style the dominant look on my profile instead of 50/50 (when I had long, colored hair).

Enjoy this one cute adorable picture, Sadetar.


I quite like this one, since I look so adorable in it!

Anyway, feedback would be much appreciated!

Edit: After looking at the first picture, I really didn't like it. Too much of a seductive modeling gaze. Though, I quite like this picture.
It's only weird beforehand. It's nowhere near as awkward afterward. Seems like there is just this huge block before the first time, but every time after seems so natural.


My best convos and matches are with women outside of this City. I really need to move the fuck out of this boring ass town.

I've added them to Facebook and even had great convos with them there. I'm sure without a doubt if I asked them out they'd say yes (although one of them got into a relationship recently). They don't live on the other side of the planet, but fuck if I have time to drive an hour and a half between work and school daily (assuming we hit it off well).

The last girl I went to see out of town with was, ok. She lived like 45-50mins away. We had great chemistry and all. She laughed at most of my jokes, and was a really good flirt. She was totally into me, and I was digging her. We went to a stip club and a IHOP with her crazy ass friends that night. I stayed over her UF dorm, and we madeout and had sex- we spooned afterward. Went home the following morning on like 3 or 4 hrs of sleep. I continued texting her from there on, even suggesting a second date which she was all for.

But one day she texted me and I forgot to text back. And when I had the chance to text back, I just didn't. Perhaps it could've went somewhere, but deep down I realized after that night I probably don't wanna date this girl. We had some things going for us, but her idea of a goodtime is waaaay different than mine. She was really cool though, and probably would've been fine with a casual relationship. She was really open about all things sex and what she was looking for.

I suck. Good news though, I'm thinking about asking out this pretty cute co-worker of mine.


Well I went out with a girl from the site for the first time since I made an account 5 months ago. It was also the first time I'd gone out with a girl who wasn't already a friend. It went really well, but I was expecting it to because I could sense some chemistry between us in our messages.

It was so natural that it felt like we already knew each other, even though we only got to talk for about an hour. I'm not putting any big expectations on things but it's going well so far. And this all started because she messaged me saying she thought my profile was funny, so... make your profile funny. It worked for me.


I decided to try this again. Also made a PoF account. Sent some messages today on OKC and got a couple replies back and promptly responded, but then nothing again after.

My problem with these sites is that I end up spending way too much time on them. Also PoF has an awful browsing experience.


jesus....why do girls always post the crappiest quality pics. its like everyone posts pics with image quality that was the norm from the early 2000s from their nokias and motorola razrs.

definitely not hiding something lol


I decided to try this again. Also made a PoF account. Sent some messages today on OKC and got a couple replies back and promptly responded, but then nothing again after.

My problem with these sites is that I end up spending way too much time on them. Also PoF has an awful browsing experience.
I find PoF is better if you're looking for a quick shag. OKC is better for dating and relationships. Agree with you about the browsing experience, though. PoF looks way too cheap, and even their iOS app is shit. They need a complete redesign.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I've been 0/3 with messages since my return. Feels bad man.

EDIT: I suppose it's more like 0/2 since one of those was just a compliment, not an attempt to "court". Puts my overall "courting" message success rate at 41%.

RC Cola

I've realized I've had some great success sharing this video:

I think some of you might have followed my "adventures" from the Dating-Age thread in the OT, so I won't bother with all that. But since returning to OKC after my break-up, I think I've sent 5 messages. 3 of them had that video, while 2 of them did not. It seems like I hit it off with the 3 girls (actively talking with each...though still awaiting a 2nd response from the most recent one), while the other 2 have yet to respond.

Alpacas are great for getting the interest of the ladies it seems.

Of course, 2/3 the girls I've messaged only want to be friends, at least initially...maybe 3/3 (not sure how the most recent girl I messaged prefers things). And 1/3 actually messaged me first, so I guess the alpaca wasn't really needed in that case.

Nevertheless, I say the alpaca can bring great results if used correctly. If only I can make a shirt with a loop of that alpaca...

RC Cola

Not quite, I add other stuff too. But I send the same type of messages to everyone, only these messages had the alpaca video.

Usually just point out a few things in their profile I liked (or joke about whatever they joked about...like not being a murderer), then I wrap it up with:
"And here's a video of an alpaca trying to eat an apple...just cause."

So I do add stuff that would get them to respond, but I do that with pretty much all my messages. Yet the alpaca video seems to get a high response rate when added. Who knows, maybe I would get replies by just having it and nothing else?
Not quite, I add other stuff too. But I send the same type of messages to everyone, only these messages had the alpaca video.

Usually just point out a few things in their profile I liked (or joke about whatever they joked about...like not being a murderer), then I wrap it up with:
"And here's a video of an alpaca trying to eat an apple...just cause."

So I do add stuff that would get them to respond, but I do that with pretty much all my messages. Yet the alpaca video seems to get a high response rate when added. Who knows, maybe I would get replies by just having it and nothing else?

The name of the game is to get them to respond. You sir gave them a reason with the video. Thats why im having success with the bacon pancakes song.


Got this gorgeous girl talking to me. I'm so terrible at moving from small talk to getting digits to getting dirty / flirty


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Got this gorgeous girl talking to me. I'm so terrible at moving from small talk to getting digits to getting dirty / flirty

"Hey, you seem nice and I'd like to get to know you better! How about we exchange numbers/set up to meet for a cup of coffee?" (choose a/b depending on if you already have digits or not)

RC Cola

The name of the game is to get them to respond. You sir gave them a reason with the video. Thats why im having success with the bacon pancakes song.
Yep (I guess?). I usually try to throw in some random video to get a response, though none have been as successful as the alpaca. Pooping sloths = no good.

I'm trying to figure out why I didn't do that for all of my recent messages now... :\

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
This thread has inspired me to give OKCupid a whirl. I was wondering if I could get some opinions on my profile. I lost about 50 pounds this year and I could only find one recent picture of just me, so I used it.

I wouldn't put much effort into the site seeing you'll be starting college college in a few weeks. Tons of luscious ladies to court there. ;)

Great profile; You sound rad. Any woman would be lucky to have you.
Only suggestion I have is to get rid of your smile being what people usually notice about you first as it's the most common answer (at least for women).


It's gotten to the point where almost every girl that answers the "Are you willing to meet someone in person?" question seems to have a problem with my "totally willing" answer as it often comes up in red. What are you even on this site for? Not sure what's up with that.


I wouldn't put much effort into the site seeing you'll be starting college college in a few weeks. Tons of luscious ladies to court there. ;)

Great profile; You sound rad. Any woman would be lucky to have you.
Only suggestion I have is to get rid of your smile being what people usually notice about you first as it's the most common answer (at least for women).

lol Thanks man, that's a total boost to my confidence! If you're ever in my neck of the woods, I'll buy you a thank-you drink and we can go on the town. I only started delving into online dating because I wasn't totally sure I could hack it organically.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
lol Thanks man, that's a total boost to my confidence! If you're ever in my neck of the woods, I'll buy you a thank-you drink and we can go on the town. I only started delving into online dating because I wasn't totally sure I could hack it organically.
Unless you're awkward and weird like me, it sounds like you shouldn't have any trouble making friends and picking up college ladies. You're at a time in your life it should be easy to build relationships. Keep the confidence up! Not bad to have a back up plan though.
I just really happen to like CCR, Besides, I couldn't think of anything too original. I wish I had a better idea of a name. On a sidenote, almost all my visitors are Gaffers so I'ma leave you guys some ratings!

Haha I think you just came across my profile. I was 'brobasaurs'.

I did enjoy your profile though, good reads. I wish you luck.
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