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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Seriously. The girls that piss me off are the ones with a 40% match that rate me highly and send me a message. You could tell all they did was look at my pictures.
Lately I feel the match percentage is just a troll. I've looked thoroughly through profiles of 50% like questions and their essays and they actually seem like a great match so I'll message them. Occasionally I'll make a joke about the out of whack percent.

They just view my profile and never reply...


Does rating actually do anything besides letting you keep track of who you've rated? Doesn't look like I can see my own ratings - assuming I have at least one.


Does rating actually do anything besides letting you keep track of who you've rated? Doesn't look like I can see my own ratings - assuming I have at least one.

I remember a women laughed at me when said I used the rating system.

What a btich.

EDIT: Is having a picture where you fake a mustache a thing? I must have seen like five different women with the same pose.


Does rating actually do anything besides letting you keep track of who you've rated? Doesn't look like I can see my own ratings - assuming I have at least one.
You see more good looking women on the FB style Activity wall. It hides unattractive women.

I hit up a Japanese-Korean chick earlier today and got a reply. Been procrastinating on replying but I'm about to do that now. I was playing Xenoblade for several hours before I got a disk error. The other Asian chick I was talking to lost interest and stopped replying. This one also has nice legs but one picture only. Doubt it'll lead to something but who knows? I better reply.
So, out of boredom, I messaged 2 profiles that clearly stated they were here for hook ups. I sent them a message, laughed, and forgot about it. The next day, I get replies from both of them... WTF!? I really don't understand woman anymore.

Chances are, this will lead to nothing. I don't want to die in a ditch somewhere.



Quickly redid my profile. I'm in an odd mood and feel I may have come off either too boring or too cynical. I would love some feedback from you guys on what you feel I should either expand on or revise/omit.
It's okay. Nothing particularly sticks out so it's pretty dry. Not that it matters any way since girls will always look at pictures first, profile second. I'll give you points for making it easy to read but I can't get a sense of who you are. Also rated you.


What should you do if you are emailing back and forth with someone and all the sudden they stop? Everything seems to be going well and nothing...


Yea put something funny in your profile (even if you're not funny). That always makes me like a person better.
Yeah its really hard to be funny in these things. In real life I'd like to think i'm a pretty funny person, but most of that is from playing off social dynamic and timing when I spout off a comment.



Sad thing is that someone is going to find this attractive.


Unlimited Capacity
About to break 200 messages sent back and forth with this girl and neither of us have asked for number/meet up yet lol

RC Cola

Wasn't planning on it, but here's my profile:
I've been planning on redoing it (or large portions of it) for a while, along with adding more/better pictures.

It is WAY too long, I know. I ramble on about lots of things (and my jokes probably aren't nearly as good as I think they are :(). I seem to get compliments from a few girls about it though (and girls that I actually am very interested in, more importantly). Also seems like I have enough in there to promote other girls messaging me (get lots of comments about the alpaca/sloth thing, the unique rabbit, etc.). So to some degree, I kind of would prefer keeping it more or less like that. I have had the most success with OKC with that profile, but doesn't mean I can't do better (and maybe just means my earlier profiles were really bad).

RC Cola

Haha, guess a lot of NeoGAFers can say that about each other. :)

I posted this in the Dating-Age thread, but thought I'd post it here too (somewhat referencing a post in that thread):
Wow, almost had weird Twilight Zone moment (especially after Kainazzo's post)!

There was one girl I hadn't messaged to in a while (we talked off and on for a few weeks). I messaged her this weekend, telling her about Meetup.com. She's new to the area, and I figured she might enjoy it.

Turns out that she already checked it out, and she alerted me about an event/group I missed! We talk about it some, and we both decide we would like to attend them together, so we can have a "buddy" to go with to make things easier (neither one of us have been to one yet). She doesn't want a relationship right now BTW, which I'm OK with (I prefer that myself). But looks like I'll be hanging out with her and some other cool people soon! As Kainazzo said, I think Meetups seem like a good thing, especially combined with OKC and other resources. Wish I had checked it out long ago!

So more weird stuff...

I look for the group/event the girl was telling me about. I think I find it, but I start looking at the members to see if she's signed up for it just to make sure (I know her name, what she looks like, etc.). I find her...and I find someone else that I recently messaged by sheer coincidence (though she's not been online much recently...so hasn't responded yet...or that's what I tell myself :(). She sounded pretty cool in her profile, and I thought it would be great if I could hang out with her too (luckily my "buddy" would be there, or it might seem a little strange).

And it got really weird for a second, because she almost sounded like the girl Kainazzo was describing. Though don't think they're the same person (profiles don't seem to match up). Though even if it is, no biggie. Maybe we can all hang out together! :) (we're probably all 90% + matches).

I guess if anyone cares, here's my Meetup profile (and the groups I'm with):
I'll probably be joining other groups over the next week or so. If you guys know of any good groups that fit my interests, I'd love to hear them too. :)


Guys - need some tips.

I've been messaging a girl since last Thursday and have received replies to all of my messages (3 in total). I feel we've managed to get beyond the generic chit-chat of summing up what we do - both professionally and socially. Her last message back wasn't open-ended in the slightest, so I don't have anything specific to reply to. Unless I want to risk boring her with endless questions that no-one really cares about, I just need to ask her out.

What's the best way to go about this?

A couple of notes: she's currently abroad on business and I've yet to find out when she returns, and we live in the same town (which is quite small).


I don't know what is wrong with either of us lol

Lol, you guys are going to meet and have zero to talk about. I'd say "pull the trigger" but I'm sure that's advice you already expect after telling this story. That's such a unique case. I think the most I've gone is 35 messages before getting the number.

Guys - need some tips.

I've been messaging a girl since last Thursday and have received replies to all of my messages (3 in total). I feel we've managed to get beyond the generic chit-chat of summing up what we do - both professionally and socially. Her last message back wasn't open-ended in the slightest, so I don't have anything specific to reply to. Unless I want to risk boring her with endless questions that no-one really cares about, I just need to ask her out.

What's the best way to go about this?

A couple of notes: she's currently abroad on business and I've yet to find out when she returns, and we live in the same town (which is quite small).

Hm... that's a tricky one actually. I'd say find out when she returns and ask to set something up. But you also run the risk of her saying "I get back in a week, we'll talk then". Then you'll likely never speak again.

Could find something specific for you two to do and mention how you can do it when she gets back. Then you get into a conversation about what that thing is. Not sure how small your town is and whether or not there are events like that.
Guys - need some tips.

I've been messaging a girl since last Thursday and have received replies to all of my messages (3 in total). I feel we've managed to get beyond the generic chit-chat of summing up what we do - both professionally and socially. Her last message back wasn't open-ended in the slightest, so I don't have anything specific to reply to. Unless I want to risk boring her with endless questions that no-one really cares about, I just need to ask her out.

What's the best way to go about this?

A couple of notes: she's currently abroad on business and I've yet to find out when she returns, and we live in the same town (which is quite small).

Ask for her phone number. Or just ask her to meet up for coffee once she's back. It's a tricky situation, but those are really your only options


Once went 40 something messages back and forth. Offered my number around 15 but nothing. Then invited her out around 35.again nothing. Then discussion ended. Why?


Right, so I messaged her back with:

"Sounds very cool actually! You'll have to tell me a bit about your exploits when you get back. :) How long are you out there until? I was thinking we could grab a drink one evening when you're back.

Let me know what you think."

With this I'll hopefully find out when she gets back and I've put it out there that I want to meet up. I don't think not asking for her number at this stage will hinder my chances, so I'll ask for it if she's keen.
I had literally zero luck with online dating. I couldn't so much as get a single response...

So I have this idea for a social experiment. What if had a single account in my area with my photos and a few GAFers managed it? Just to see how successful it could be?

This could go either horribly, horribly wrong or just moderately wrong...


Guys - need some tips.

I've been messaging a girl since last Thursday and have received replies to all of my messages (3 in total). I feel we've managed to get beyond the generic chit-chat of summing up what we do - both professionally and socially. Her last message back wasn't open-ended in the slightest, so I don't have anything specific to reply to. Unless I want to risk boring her with endless questions that no-one really cares about, I just need to ask her out.

What's the best way to go about this?

A couple of notes: she's currently abroad on business and I've yet to find out when she returns, and we live in the same town (which is quite small).

Just ask her if she wants to get coffee or something when she gets back. It's really not that difficult.


What's the accepted protocol for replying? (i've got my first conversation going with someone i've messaged and she's just replied to my second message). She took a day to reply to my last message and i feel like i should wait a little before replying so i don't look too keen. It's a fine line between playing it cool and playing it too cool...
What's the accepted protocol for replying? (i've got my first conversation going with someone i've messaged and she's just replied to my second message). She took a day to reply to my last message and i feel like i should wait a little before replying so i don't look too keen. It's a fine line between playing it cool and playing it too cool...

Do you have something interesting to respond back with? Then do it now. Otherwise, wait.


In my experience, white girls on OKC aren't into Asian guys. To be fair, I don't get much replies from any race lulz. I have been chatting with this girl of Irish decent though. I started out with a question about something she had in her profile and not on her picture. We sent each other several messages back and forth, then she sent me her number without me even asking. She asked for more pictures of me not on my OKC and thought I was cute. She sent me some of hers and she's pretty cute herself. Gonna try to play it cool and wait another day or something before asking for an actual date.

I do need to turn off who visited. I can get bummed out when I see a visitor and no replies lol.

Does ratings matter if you're not an a-list member? You can't even see who rates you without it right?


So I was looking at this girl's profile who is 5'10 tall. In her message me if section she said she didn't date guys under 6 feet tall due to previous bad experiences with shorter men. I find this pretty interesting because being 6 feet tall pretty much puts you in at least the 75th percentile of North American men. That's an incredible percentage of the male population to write off based on how tall you look in heels. Nevermind that men of certain ethnicities are shorter on average and would therefore be all but excluded altogether.

Maybe this is just another case of being pickier than you would be in real life due to being in a favourable position among online daters.


So I was looking at this girl's profile who is 5'10 tall. In her message me if section she said she didn't date guys under 6 feet tall due to previous bad experiences with shorter men. I find this pretty interesting because being 6 feet tall pretty much puts you in at least the 75th percentile of North American men. That's an incredible percentage of the male population to write off based on how tall you look in heels. Nevermind that men of certain ethnicities are shorter on average and would therefore be all but excluded altogether. Maybe this is just another case of being pickier than you would be in real life due to being in a favourable position among online daters.
I'm in the top 96th percentile of male height in the US. I contribute my success on okcupid to that more than anything else. Girls are incredibly shallow when it comes to height so when you've got it going for you it's like shooting fish in a barrel.


Once went 40 something messages back and forth. Offered my number around 15 but nothing. Then invited her out around 35.again nothing. Then discussion ended. Why?
My brother just asked for a girl's number yesterday after 25 exchanges. On my old OKC account, I went something like 20 exchanges with 2 girls one of which led to a disappointing date; the other which led nowhere after dozens of texts and 2 weeks of not talking.

As to why? There could be dozens of reasons. Maybe she saw you as a pen pal and wasn't interested in meeting up with you or uncomfortable with the idea of metting srrangers. It's very YMMV when to go for the number; some girls will oblige in as little as 3-4 exchanges before they lose interest; others will give it to you after building a rapport dozens of messages later or want to graduate it to Facebook/Skype before meeting up.
I had literally zero luck with online dating. I couldn't so much as get a single response...

So I have this idea for a social experiment. What if had a single account in my area with my photos and a few GAFers managed it? Just to see how successful it could be?

This could go either horribly, horribly wrong or just moderately wrong...
The idea sounds preposterous to be frank. You're suggesting that GAF members pose as you and send messages in your stead? I knkw you're being sarcastic but like the rest of us, you must struggle. What type of messages did you send out? Maybe it must've been the content of your profile.

I've seen your pics and have been lurking in the Dating-Age thread and posting to a lesser extent. Like many people have said, you're a good looking guy; you're similar to me in that we both don't know how to take advantage of our looks. I just made out with the first girl ever this year a few months ago. I would highly recommend if possible to drum up interest for a GAF meet up in your area and host it. I've made a bunch of new friends that way. Any way this is way off-topic.

Regardless, you have to have a carefree and persistent attitude in order to succeed at online dating. It can be frustrating at times but don't take it personally if a girl doesn't reply.
What's the accepted protocol for replying? (i've got my first conversation going with someone i've messaged and she's just replied to my second message). She took a day to reply to my last message and i feel like i should wait a little before replying so i don't look too keen. It's a fine line between playing it cool and playing it too cool...

Honestly, there are no real rules for when to reply. Like I mentioned above, some girls lose interest if you don't reply quickly; others don't mind. Ultimately people have lives so if takes both of you several hours to a day or two to reply because you have a day job and/or are a student, then so be it.
Shit, I'm talking with the most perfect girl ever... she lives far away but wants to meet in person next month. I really hope I don't screw this up... If this works I think I'll stop looking to other women for the rest of my days, she is that good.

Probably I'll screw it up, as always :(

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Shit, I'm talking with the most perfect girl ever... she lives far away but wants to meet in person next month. I really hope I don't screw this up... If this works I think I'll stop looking to other women for the rest of my days, she is that good.

Probably I'll screw it up, as always :(

The idea sounds preposterous to be frank. You're suggesting that GAF members pose as you and send messages in your stead? I know you're being sarcastic but like the rest of us, you must struggle.
I was actually being serious. I think it'd be kind of interesting to see how far I could get if I was me but wasn't me. Y'know?

I don't know how long you want me to suffer but three years seems like plenty.

And for the record: I'm not attractive.

I know, I always do the same, I get all excited, mess it all up and stay depressed for weeks :(
But no negative thoughts! No negative thoughts!
Too late!


Unlimited Capacity
We have talked so much that OkC has started a new message history. I think it is about that time for me to ask to meet up lol


Had a date with a woman tonight.

I like to just talk to some women on okc with no real intention of dating them but she asked for new shows on her profile and I suggested orange is the new black. We both knew talking further was pointless because she had a kid and my answer to that was of the mandatory persuasion. So we agreed to a no pressure date. Just a chill situation.

She was nervous as all fuck but in a cute way. Cool as hell and gorgeous in an intimidating way. I suggested some activities for her and her son and she kind of stared at me longingly. This could be dangerous.

But she's soooooo cuuuutteeeee.


I've had my account for over a year now. Not a single date.

Had a date with a woman tonight.

I like to just talk to some women on okc with no real intention of dating them but she asked for new shows on her profile and I suggested orange is the new black. We both knew talking further was pointless because she had a kid and my answer to that was of the mandatory persuasion. So we agreed to a no pressure date. Just a chill situation.

She was nervous as all fuck but in a cute way. Cool as hell and gorgeous in an intimidating way. I suggested some activities for her and her son and she kind of stared at me longingly. This could be dangerous.

But she's soooooo cuuuutteeeee.

I'd say just keep it going and if something evolves from it, what's the harm? I think having a relationship with someone that already has a kid can only be a win/win for you. You get the experience of dating someone who knows what it means to have obligations and constant responsibility plus you can get some practice with kids in case you ever have any in the future.


And for the record: I'm not attractive.

Attraction also comes from confidence brah! If you don't think you're physically attractive, don't beat yourself down further by self-deprecating yourself (I haven't read or seen your profile. just a general statement).

We have talked so much that OkC has started a new message history. I think it is about that time for me to ask to meet up lol

Next step is usually her phone number, and then ask for a date!

I've had my account for over a year now. Not a single date.
What kind of messages do you send? I'm far from successful myself. I've only been on dates with 2 different girls from OKC and talkin to a 3rd one after being on it for months.
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