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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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My experience with okc so far is quite positive, I have to say. I have at the moment conversations with 8 girls all of whom I would not mind at all dating. Already had a date with one and it was quite good. I have received some crazy messages and some girls have ignored my ass even after sending some nice messages. But who knows, maybe in the end it all ends in nothing and I begin to talk shit about it too.


I'm starting to think that i look weird...i can handle being ignored by the really good looking women, but everyone?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
You guys are silly.

Smiley, were you at that Canuck meet up a couple years ago? I went to one. :p

I only moved to Vancouver 4 years ago... so probably not. I also only joined GAF like 2 years ago, and AFAIK there hasn't been a Vancouver-meetup since. Because... you know... we're all completely antisocial people here.
True true... And since I don't use OKC anyway...

Carry on :p



Has anyone else had it where they've signed up to A-list for a month and cancelled it, but they still get the benefits even though the end date on the subscription has passed?

I need to confirm that they have not taken another payment, but I did remove my payment details from the site when I cancelled it.
So I allowed my A-list membership to expire a couple of days ago.

I just logged in and it appears that I still have my A-list powers.

Hey, just wanted to say that I'm sure that the "who saw you recently" is the people that have seen you while looking for Matches because I changed my settings to "anywhere", went to check some matches and later have been receiving visits from people from the people that appeared on my search.

In any case, I think this feature was a pretty smart idea because now I get many more visits and messages than before, I assume, because people see me in that corner and decide to check me out.

Ah, and suddenly 3 of the girls I was talking with closed their accounts without saying anything. On the good side, the best girl of all will be coming for a visit to my city in a month and says she is really looking forward to meet me. Yay me!


I can't believe this but I've been using POF and had way better results then okcupid. I've already got a date with a salsa dancer and I'm talking with two other women also. This is a bit overwhelming at the moment but I'm going with the flow. Hopefully this turns out good either way.


Haven't had too much luck on OkC so far, but I've at least had an interesting experience. Girl messages me with the standard smalltalk, and as a conversation gets going I can tell she's especially sheepish. She was nice, but I felt I had to be especially careful with my words. After a long talk I asked her a question to try and change the subject, and that was that. I don't think I've ever met a girl who I've almost had to outright coddle to have a conversation with, it was like talking to a frightened rabbit. Surprised she was the one to start things.

Crossposted from Dating-Age, but here's my profile. First time on a dating site, so I'm sure there's a few things I can do better. Better photos would be a start, but I'm mostly stuck with selfies because I don't know anyone with a digital camera, phone or otherwise.
how does this last login shit work? this site is so twisted lol

i had exchanged a bunch of messages with this one chick in the span of ten, but then she stopped replying. she sent her last messages after when the site says her last login is?


Loooool I can't.

I was talking to a guy like...a month and a half ago and we were planning to meet up, then he stopped talking to me. Whatever.

He just contacted me again the other day and was like "oh hey! Still up for meeting up?"

Uuuuh...sure, why not? So I've said sure, what's the plan?

Now he's stopped talking again. Lmao.
I wish women wouldn't veil their libido under the guise of LTR and just be upfront.
Makes communicating with people really unideal.

Human nature, I suppose.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I'm 4 for 4 on a goodnight kiss my last 4 dates. 2 for 4 on sex. Thank you OKC

Loooool I can't.

I was talking to a guy like...a month and a half ago and we were planning to meet up, then he stopped talking to me. Whatever.

He just contacted me again the other day and was like "oh hey! Still up for meeting up?"

Uuuuh...sure, why not? So I've said sure, what's the plan?

Now he's stopped talking again. Lmao.
Men for ya.
My Experiment

One normal profile
One fake profile specifically for sex

I've been testing for a month now and here are my results.

I've received 0 replies for my normal profile.
My reply rate for the sex profile is 30-40%.

I'm only talking about reply rates. I gave no fucks when writing messages on either account. All of the people who did reply reply very selectively. So it's no different if they're looking for casual sex. They don't reply to just anyone. I have no pictures in my fake account, and have successfully gotten replies from girls with pictures. None of the replies I received were angry replies either, nor was I trying to get any angry replies.

No, I didn't meet anyone. Not interested in losing my wallet or my life, but I was able to carry out more lengthy conversations in my fake account than my real account. Real account reply rate is around 1-2% with all things considered.

What the fuck, man?
I seriously don't get how some of you guys do it. I have a profile people on here and everywhere else say is perfect, not a single issue at all.

I've changed my approach to messages, trying to be funnier, more unique. Yet the same old shit, zero replies. Oh sure i get plenty of profile looks but thats it. No girl can bother to spend 5 seconds sending me a reply and trying to get to know me.

Yes i know they don't have to, yes they get a thousand messages a day. But i feel like im jumping through all their hoops and getting no where. Im getting wound up when i see at the end of their profile them saying 'Send me a message thats more than just 'hi' or 'how are you' and i'll respond.' I do much more than that and yet no response.

The internet used to be a great place for me to meet people, it never was about looks but now the general population has found it it seems its just like real life, all about looks.

And i don't believe im an ugly guy, but obviously i am. I envy you guys who have 8 people talking to you, i can't even get 1. Even the most ugly, undesirable girls don't reply to me so don't think im just going after the best looking girls either.


I seriously don't get how some of you guys do it. I have a profile people on here and everywhere else say is perfect, not a single issue at all.

I've changed my approach to messages, trying to be funnier, more unique. Yet the same old shit, zero replies. Oh sure i get plenty of profile looks but thats it. No girl can bother to spend 5 seconds sending me a reply and trying to get to know me.

Yes i know they don't have to, yes they get a thousand messages a day. But i feel like im jumping through all their hoops and getting no where. Im getting wound up when i see at the end of their profile them saying 'Send me a message thats more than just 'hi' or 'how are you' and i'll respond.' I do much more than that and yet no response.

The internet used to be a great place for me to meet people, it never was about looks but now the general population has found it it seems its just like real life, all about looks.

And i don't believe im an ugly guy, but obviously i am. I envy you guys who have 8 people talking to you, i can't even get 1. Even the most ugly, undesirable girls don't reply to me so don't think im just going after the best looking girls either.

I'm getting about 1 reply out of every 10 messages or so...

What I've found out so far is that shorter, more direct messages are more likely to get you a response. Also if you feel your photos are putting you at a very significant disadvantage, maybe consider going without a picture?


Waah waaah.

Messaged a guy who stopped talking to me last night to see if we could catch up, he's online right now, no reply.

Sad as hell, cause I miss him a lot, but oh well! We'd have been awesome friends, so he's missing out. I really wish he didn't think being friends with me was such an awful thing though. Haha.



Online dating getting you down? Delete your profile. What's the point of thinking you're ugly and shit just because some randoms online don't reply? Online dating is a very "chaotic" place in terms of meeting people, its all very random. Don't let your self-worth be dictated by the fact that girls you've never met aren't replying to you online. Bad attitude.
I seriously don't get how some of you guys do it. I have a profile people on here and everywhere else say is perfect, not a single issue at all.

I've changed my approach to messages, trying to be funnier, more unique. Yet the same old shit, zero replies. Oh sure i get plenty of profile looks but thats it. No girl can bother to spend 5 seconds sending me a reply and trying to get to know me.

Yes i know they don't have to, yes they get a thousand messages a day. But i feel like im jumping through all their hoops and getting no where. Im getting wound up when i see at the end of their profile them saying 'Send me a message thats more than just 'hi' or 'how are you' and i'll respond.' I do much more than that and yet no response.

The internet used to be a great place for me to meet people, it never was about looks but now the general population has found it it seems its just like real life, all about looks.

And i don't believe im an ugly guy, but obviously i am. I envy you guys who have 8 people talking to you, i can't even get 1. Even the most ugly, undesirable girls don't reply to me so don't think im just going after the best looking girls either.

Since I was the one saying I had 8 conversations going on maybe it will make you feel better that 4 of those girls have deleted their accounts without giving me their contact. So yeah...

But it's weird, sometimes I also write very nice messages and they don't give a flying fuck. Sometimes they give a fuck but after 3 messages they suddenly stop. And sometimes they respond but I realize I have not much to say to them because there's no meaningful connection and the conversation simply ends.

Still, with those girls that I have things in common (mainly music) I managed to keep the conversation going, mainly due to the fact that I have more to say on that. I'd say you should approach those girls that really have things in common with you, eventually they will respond.

But I agree that girls tend to go by the pictures a lot. I changed my main picture to a better one and suddenly I got many more replies.

Edit: Also, I almost never get responses from those that rate me highly or that like me through the mobile app. You need a freaking psychology master to work around this okc shit, I swear haha
But it's weird, sometimes I also write very nice messages and they don't give a flying fuck. Sometimes they give a fuck but after 3 messages they suddenly stop. And sometimes they respond but I realize I have not much to say to them because there's no meaningful connection and the conversation simply ends.

Yeah I had this strange flurry of exchanges the other day where it seemed like we were repeatedly texting back and forth for about 15 minutes. It was getting somewhere and she was opening up more, then she stopped and that was that

It happens!


Maybe we should all just date each other. For me, the highest match % of any age within 25km that was online within a week is 97% from a guy and 96% from a girl. Yet I randomly clicked on one of the profiles in this thread and saw a 100% :\
The most I get is 96% but seriously, who gives a fuck about those percentages? Most of the times I check their answers I have my answer in red for completely trivial stuff. Most of the questions I answered I left as "irrelevant" because I think that except for a very few things like religious, homophobic, racist or xenophobic views I really don't care so much about it and I think most girls don't.


The most I get is 96% but seriously, who gives a fuck about those percentages? Most of the times I check their answers I have my answer in red for completely trivial stuff. Most of the questions I answered I left as "irrelevant" because I think that except for a very few things like religious, homophobic, racist or xenophobic views I really don't care so much about it and I think most girls don't.

Well obviously I don't mean the percentages as everything, but higher number likely means more shared beliefs and interests....and the numbers I get from you guys are usually high. Leeness for example is 85%.
The most I get is 96% but seriously, who gives a fuck about those percentages? Most of the times I check their answers I have my answer in red for completely trivial stuff. Most of the questions I answered I left as "irrelevant" because I think that except for a very few things like religious, homophobic, racist or xenophobic views I really don't care so much about it and I think most girls don't.

Smoking and drugs is a huge deal breaker for me. High percentages means they past those requirements. They're not useless.


The most I get is 96% but seriously, who gives a fuck about those percentages? Most of the times I check their answers I have my answer in red for completely trivial stuff. Most of the questions I answered I left as "irrelevant" because I think that except for a very few things like religious, homophobic, racist or xenophobic views I really don't care so much about it and I think most girls don't.
I have to go through like 5 pages of matches to get down to 96%. I love NYC.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Smoking and drugs is a huge deal breaker for me. High percentages means they past those requirements. They're not useless.
Same here. If I see someone who isn't okay with me not drinking I instant hide in most cases. Other things like thinking men should be the head of the household are red flags.

Online dating getting you down? Delete your profile. What's the point of thinking you're ugly and shit just because some randoms online don't reply? Online dating is a very "chaotic" place in terms of meeting people, its all very random. Don't let your self-worth be dictated by the fact that girls you've never met aren't replying to you online. Bad attitude.

I know you're totally right and i feel the exact same way. Except the only difference would be is that still no one would know or care that i exist. At least by trying to put myself out there i feel like...well im trying to do something instead of sitting inside where no one will know im there.

It never used to be this way, i made loads of friends and girlfriends from online meetups up till around 2010 when everything seemed to change.

I know what you'll say next, get out there. Thats a different issue, mainly due to UK culture and having zero friends in the area im in now. Im an out going person but its almost impossible to go to a bar by yourself and chat to people because everyone is already in their little groups and highly defensive. I am trying to make friends, trying to find a girlfriend but right now im having zero luck on either no matter how hard i try.

Actually yesterday in a minute of frustration i contacted about 6 girls who i'd previously messaged a few weeks ago and who had seen my profile just to ask why they never replied. Yeah its needy and pathetic but i didn't care and just wanted an answer, something to help me figure out why the lack of replies. One said she didn't fancy me (read: looks), one said i lived too far away and we wouldn't get on, odd considering we share MANY interests but two replied saying 'Oh sorry, i dont remember getting your message, but you seem nice so lets chat'. So we'll see where that ends up.


All I'm going to say is, don't chat with the girls who said you should chat. Its out of total pity, don't fall into the trap. Where in the UK do you live?
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