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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I feel a little dirty messaging 18-year-olds (I'm 24), but it does boost my ego when they respond.

Best OKC date I went on was with a 19 year old, I'm 27. Who gives a shit, it's just a number /YOLO

I've been messaged by younger girls (19-20) quite a few times. There are girls out there who want an older dude.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Got a first message from a cute nerdy girl, unfortunately she crossed one of my deal breaker lines. She sees homosexuality as a sin, and I had to inform her that I wouldn't continue messaging her because of that belief. Oh well, let's me continue to focus on my job hunt and JET application!
Good for you for sticking to your principles. I would have done the same.


Good for you for sticking to your principles. I would have done the same.

She messaged me back explaining the whole question was a misunderstanding and explained how her answer was a mistake; she is against anyone who discriminates against gay people. I'm still a little skeptical, but I'm going to play along and see where it goes. If I see any bigotry pops up, I'll bail.


So many retards on this site.


1. Talk about being a hypocrite
2. Get your shit together bitch cunt
3. At least she's honest
So many retards on this site.

1. Talk about being a hypocrite
2. Get your shit together bitch
3. At least she's honest

Eeer... I don't see the problem with the second one.

Edit: Well, I assume by having fun she's not meaning she won't take care of her kids although it's true that the way she worded it might make you think that.

Still I don't understand how some of you people use the word "bitch" so carelessly, it sounds very insulting.
Well for half shits and giggles (and half lack of social life) I got my OKC profile up. I'm not going to post the link publicly, but I'd be more than happy to share via PM if anyone wants to criticize or suggest a more interesting page.


Eeer... I don't see the problem with the second one.

Edit: Well, I assume by having fun she's not meaning she won't take care of her kids although it's true that the way she worded it might make you think that.

Still I don't understand how some of you people use the word "bitch" so carelessly, it sounds very insulting.

Oh, to me it sounded like she doesn't really care about her kids and just wants to party.

lol dude lots of women call themselves bitches.
So many retards on this site.

Just imagine the guy profiles.

Recently I ended up dating a girl from OkC who didn't have a job, or her own place really. After finding all this out I continued to date her a few times but it fizzled (on my end) eventually. She was gorgeous but I just didn't feel that connexion. Part of that magical attraction equation for me is someone who is independent and has something going on, at the very least. She was young too, and it's getting harder for me to relate to people in her stage of life.


So I just made an account today. I already have a girl coming over tomorrow to ummm... "learn to play guitar." ;)

Is it really that hard for some of you?

She messaged me back explaining the whole question was a misunderstanding and explained how her answer was a mistake; she is against anyone who discriminates against gay people. I'm still a little skeptical, but I'm going to play along and see where it goes. If I see any bigotry pops up, I'll bail.
Bro, I think you have this one in the bag already. With any luck, she'll actually see the errors of her ways. I mean, she seems to have pulled a 180 for you already.


Well that's a first. Girl said she lived in Queens in her profile. She let it slip during our date that she actually lived in bumfuck New Jersey and she listed Queens because she grew up there. What the fuck man.


So basically just say "you're hot"?

Yup thoughtful messages won't get you shit. Just say: "Eyyyy babe, i wus lookin tru ur profile and i saw that rack of urs and i'm like damn boo i need some of that bootay, so i was wonderin if you wanted to meet up or sumthin so we can get it on ;)"


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Yup thoughtful messages won't get you shit. Just say: "Eyyyy babe, i wus lookin tru ur profile and i saw that rack of urs and i'm like damn boo i need some of that bootay, so i was wonderin if you wanted to meet up or sumthin so we can get it on ;)"

if you're looking for a one night then, then the above might work in a VERY rare case, and only if you're good-looking.

If not, go by the trusted "see something interesting on profile, inquire about it, be funny, be short".
Thoughtful messages are actually kinda creepy if you think about it.

When I was using POF a couple of girls I went out with showed me some of the messages they received (in the 100's by the way) and yes, the longer "thoughtful" messages did come across as the most creepy and desperate. Some guys write their whole life stories, along with how "they are looking for the one". It was clear these guys meant well but getting all this stuff across through an online message to a person you don't know is difficult, especially when you don't know how the person reading it will interpret it. That's if they even read it at all. Remember even an average looking chick can get 100's of messages a week.

So basically just say "you're hot"?

Well I was shown a lot of these types of messages too. I would say these are the majority, or variations of and the girls I went out with wouldn't reply to these. I basically just pick something from their profile and comment on that. For example, one I remember was the woman saying in her heading "Apparently according to this site I am fat and ugly". Now she was definitely not either of these so I sent a message saying "Regarding your profile heading, I beg to differ!". She replied and after a few exchanges we swapped contact info and met up. I only went out with her a couple of times but my point here is to get replies, its much better to do it with something short and sweet.
Well I was shown a lot of these types of messages too. I would say these are the majority, or variations of and the girls I went out with wouldn't reply to these. I basically just pick something from their profile and comment on that. For example, one I remember was the woman saying in her heading "Apparently according to this site I am fat and ugly". Now she was definitely not either of these so I sent a message saying "Regarding your profile heading, I beg to differ!". She replied and after a few exchanges we swapped contact info and met up. I only went out with her a couple of times but my point here is to get replies, its much better to do it with something short and sweet.
This is what I meant to convey, earlier. It's not like I'm writing a crown of sonnets or anything, I just comment on something from their profile. :p


I have no idea what is happening! I make a slight football joke about me being an Eagles fan instead of a Bucs fan, and now I am seeing myself getting five four-to-five star ratings over the last day and a half.

Edit: I didn't clear my quick match from yesterday, so it was showing two from late last night. So three or four. Still, not used to a barrage of them.


Best OKC date I went on was with a 19 year old, I'm 27. Who gives a shit, it's just a number /YOLO

I've been messaged by younger girls (19-20) quite a few times. There are girls out there who want an older dude.

Not quite as big a gap as I'm 23, but one of--if not the--best dates I've been on was last night with a 19 year old as well. (This was also the Jewish girl I mentioned a while ago. She turned out to be pretty cool and not as psychotic about religion as I thought).
Not quite as big a gap as I'm 23, but one of--if not the--best dates I've been on was last night with a 19 year old as well. (This was also the Jewish girl I mentioned a while ago. She turned out to be pretty cool and not as psychotic about religion as I thought).

I list my age as five years younger and only message 18 year olds. Works like a charm


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Ok so incredibly hot girl on dating site, but she has nothing in her profile, you have nothing to work with. No interests, no description.

How do you craft an interesting message? This is an aspect I struggle with. Happens quite often.


Ok so incredibly hot girl on dating site, but she has nothing in her profile, you have nothing to work with. No interests, no description.

How do you craft an interesting message? This is an aspect I struggle with. Happens quite often.

I don't even bother messaging them.


Ok so incredibly hot girl on dating site, but she has nothing in her profile, you have nothing to work with. No interests, no description.

How do you craft an interesting message? This is an aspect I struggle with. Happens quite often.

Just send her a random question, it'll work better than a thought-out message.


sup y'all

This thread gave to tons of motivation... created a okcupid profile.... just have to work on filling out my blank profile.

Today got shot down as things we looking golden for a potential face to face meeting. When I was judged where I work (I work as a retail manger and I'm 30 and not financially secure, according to her she's 21 and a finance student) When I get my college degree or a non high school job I'll be sure to let her know as she indicated in her message. F that i'll prolly won't haha

Lesson learned..... will include that I'm still in retail in my profile... save myself some time and headaches down the road.

Still got my confidence and I'm working on self improving myself daily and trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. time do get back to the grid.

Any help and insight would be appreciated.


Here's the message I send to women who are vague on details: "If you were me and had to gain your attention, what would you say?"
Let's see..

:: 20 thoughtful messages sent ::

:: no replies ::


I wrote a decent sized message, and in it I asked her what her favorite Harry Potter book was. Because she listed Potter as her number one book. I tried to make it funny by going "ffff, I hope that wasn't too stupid, trite, cliche, or douchey. I'm not very good at this first message stuff. There's only so much you can possibly say".

Her reply is one sentence that the Potter comment was "all of the above".

Oh, but she did take the time to say sorry.
Hello, so I'm going to poke my head in here just because I can.

I wrote a decent sized message, and in it I asked her what her favorite Harry Potter book was. Because she listed Potter as her number one book. I tried to make it funny by going "ffff, I hope that wasn't too stupid, trite, cliche, or douchey. I'm not very good at this first message stuff. There's only so much you can possibly say".

Her reply is one sentence that the Potter comment was "all of the above".

Oh, but she did take the time to say sorry.
So, the key is to not write a decent size message, something like talking about what they wrote? This shit is ass backwards and confusing as fuck then.

Edit: ok, so now that that I've scanned through more pages? God damn, I'm doing it wrong, aren't I. Filling out a page with actual content, sending messages that aren't just one-liner bullshit?

Second Edit: should I post a link here? I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be know that I know a few people IRL that browse GAF and could see this.


:lol way to go, Junior.
I'm not a man of many words ;)

Thoughtful messages are actually kinda creepy if you think about it.
Basically, this. Keep it short, simple, and witty. If you're typing out entire paragraphs, you're kind of coming of as a little desperate. A lot of girls don't wanna read an entire persuasive essay about why they should date you. Keep it along the lines of "Hey, I'm cute, you're cute. You like x, {insert witty line about x there}. I'm y, {witty comment about yourself and what you do}.

Even people who rate you 5 starts and continue looking at your profile from time to time won't message you. They expect you to do all of the work.
Pretty much. Girls wanna be swept off their feet.
I'm not a man of many words ;)

Basically, this. Keep it short, simple, and witty. If you're typing out entire paragraphs, you're kind of coming of as a little desperate. A lot of girls don't wanna read an entire persuasive essay about why they should date you. Keep it along the lines of "Hey, I'm cute, you're cute. You like x, {insert witty line about x there}. I'm y, {witty comment about yourself and what you do}.

Pretty much. Girls wanna be swept off their feet.

Well, I kind of disagree. If you have a lot to say then say it. The problem is writing a long message when you are not being interesting at all. If that's the case then I agree that keeping it short is a better strategy but, at the same time, if that's the case, then why even bother pursuing that person?
Basically, this. Keep it short, simple, and witty. If you're typing out entire paragraphs, you're kind of coming of as a little desperate. A lot of girls don't wanna read an entire persuasive essay about why they should date you. Keep it along the lines of "Hey, I'm cute, you're cute. You like x, {insert witty line about x there}. I'm y, {witty comment about yourself and what you do}.
Hmm... I'll be more specific, I'm not writing persuasive anything, but rather just things they wrote that I figured would spark conversation. Still too much bullshit?
Let's see..

:: 20 thoughtful messages sent ::

:: no replies ::


So basically just say "you're hot"?
The way you guys have no self-awareness fucking kills me.

No one wants to read your long ass shit. They don't know you. They want you to crack a joke and flirt with them. Have something actually funny to say about something in their profile, and say it with confidence, and say nothing else. It works.
Hello, so I'm going to poke my head in here just because I can.

So, the key is to not write a decent size message, something like talking about what they wrote? This shit is ass backwards and confusing as fuck then.

No, I was just replying to person that was making the post about how nobody replies.


I...feel like I'm being messaged by a bot or fake profile, but I'm not sure WHY. What purpose is there to fake lady speaking to me? Haha.
The way you guys have no self-awareness fucking kills me.

No one wants to read your long ass shit. They don't know you. They want you to crack a joke and flirt with them. Have something actually funny to say about something in their profile, and say it with confidence, and say nothing else. It works.
I guess my humor is just situational and depends on being in-person, then.


Hmm... I'll be more specific, I'm not writing persuasive anything, but rather just things they wrote that I figured would spark conversation. Still too much bullshit?
Obviously not a persuasive essay lol but don't write too much. Start off with a question/comment and let it flow from there. Let her do a lot of the talking. Don't be Silent Bob, but don't be a motormouth either.

I guess my humor is just situational and depends on being in-person, then.
I'm getting a defensive vibe from you here. Basically, you don't know them yet; They're not comfortable exchanging long messages, or interested yet. Small humorous questions/comments will lead to longer, more meaningful conversations... or sex, if sex is all you want lol

Also, update on the chick that came over: WORST KISSER I'VE EVER ENCOUNTERED. So wet and rhythm-less! That said, I did not stop her as her mouth moved south.
I'm getting a defensive vibe from you here. Basically, you don't know them yet; They're not comfortable exchanging long messages, or interested yet. Small humorous questions/comments will lead to longer, more meaningful conversations... or sex, if sex is all you want lol

Also, update on the chick that came over: WORST KISSER I'VE EVER ENCOUNTERED. So wet and rhythm-less! That said, I did not stop her as her mouth moved south.
Def not trying to be defensive, I'm just a dick when it comes to constructive criticism. Believe it or not I'm listening to you guys.

And lousy kisses suck. =\
Obviously not a persuasive essay lol but don't write too much. Start off with a question/comment and let it flow from there. Let her do a lot of the talking. Don't be Silent Bob, but don't be a motormouth either.
Fair enough. But good lord, I literally get one sentence replies back that doesn't leave any room to say anything. Sign for me to cut myself loose?

Oh, somehow I just got Moderation powers on OKC. Oh wow. Geez.


Got a second date booked for tomorrow night with the Jewish girl. We're going to a comedy club (with possible meal thrown in) instead of just a bar this time. Even though she isn't overly religious she still does all festivals and 'holy days', so she claims to not do much else apart from family-orientated stuff on Friday and Saturday nights. I managed to convince her to 'rebel' this time though, but I'm not sure how often that'll work or how well it'll go down with her folks (assuming we still want to see each other beyond tomorrow).

I'm in London next Thursday (Eurogamer), so I'm hoping I can get a third date/meetup arranged for the evening. Got the Friday off work too, so no need to rush back down home.


Fair enough. But good lord, I literally get one sentence replies back that doesn't leave any room to say anything. Sign for me to cut myself loose?

Oh, somehow I just got Moderation powers on OKC. Oh wow. Geez.

A reply is a reply. Try not to go much longer than what they write. Unless all they're writing back is "ok" "yeah" "lol," don't give up all hope.

I'm debating whether or not keeping slobber-mouth as a FWB... not sure I can deal with such a horrible kisser... on the other hand, guaranteed sex with kinky girl.... Decisions lol
Just dropping by to mention that the girlfriend and I recently celebrated our 3 year (dating) anniversary a couple months back.

We met through Plenty of Fish.

So keep trying!
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