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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Leeness - the reality is that 99% of the people on dating sites are there to hook up or date. Heck, they're even called dating sites, lol. You're better off finding friends at school and at clubs. You're wasting your time with POF, OKC, or whatever you're using.
Yeah, don't send another message. I made the same decision myself recently, this after actually meeting the girl and getting ignored on my attempts for a second meet-up. It sucks but you get over it with time.

Also, got messaged recently by a model. Got slightly excited. She replied a few times, suddenly stopped. There's my "weird OKC moment" of the day. :)
That's still better than the "decent conversation -> profile has been deleted" that I've seen.


Had a date a week ago, but unfortunately I guessed wrong about her photo and she was much bigger than I feared she was. Serves me right for messaging someone with only a single MySpace-angle photo.
Seemed nice, but no attraction. :(

First time this happened to me, In my head.."oh my gawd fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck"
Second time "ohhhh shit, again.."
Third.."*sigh* of course"

I''d still give people the benefit of the doubt because the worst that comes from it is a somewhat awkward date


Meetup.com was pretty meh around here last time I looked :(
Yeah it's not great where I live either. So the easiest way to meet people is online dating sites. Unfortunately most people on a dating site are looking for a relationship which is not something I'm ready for.

It's sucks but I'm sure there are some people on these sites that are looking for a friend.

RC Cola

So I messaged one girl on OKC, and she told me that she has problems saying no to guys, and she'd give out her number even to scary/creepy guys. Any plans they made, she'd go along with it since she's not a flake and doesn't want to hurt their feelings. I'm now waiting for her to not give me her number/contact info and to refuse to do anything with me. :) (mostly joking)

Definitely an interesting girl. I was trying to recommend the SpeedFriending thing I mentioned earlier since she seemed shy (yet she wanted to meet new people), but if that's true, that wouldn't work too well for her (18+ guys will be getting her number at every event).

On a side-note, guess I'm lucky there are some great Meetup groups around here. I'm having better dating luck with OKC and the rest, but I'm also having a good time meeting new people (and making the occasional friend) through Meetups. Even got some good recommendations for things related to my career.


Got my first "I want your genitalia" message, lol (it was MUCH more explicit than that). Feels like I've achieved some sort of online dating milestone.
I messaged a girl yesterday who just recently moved into town and I wrote her a great one full of personalized questions. We seemed to have a lot in common according to her profile. When I got home after work, I saw she had written me back but she hadn't visited my profile yet. She wrote a decent message and asked a couple of good questions. So I went about my business, took a shower, ate dinner, and wrote her back last night. This one being a little longer and a little more in depth. I had some time at lunch today, so I was checking the site and I see that she visited my profile after she had presumably read my last message. No response though. I'm guessing she finally checked out my profile, saw what a loser I am, and decided not to respond. Seems to be the way things are going these days. Maybe I'm jumping the gun, but my luck has seemingly spiraled way too low in the recent months. -sigh-


Maybe one guy on POF will want to be my friend someday. That's all I'm looking for.

You're fighting an uphill battle. :-(

If a woman only wants to be friends, then I move onto the next person.

I've been getting a lot of 4/5 stars over the past week. But I have been feeling very "eh" about the whole dating sitaution. As I get closer in starting a bloody career, I am putting more and more resoures in jumpstarting that than dating.


So, Leeness, I'm curious: why do you specifically want a male friend? I hope you find what you want. :)


So, Leeness, I'm curious: why do you specifically want a male friend? I hope you find what you want. :)

I dunno, I just want a guy friend I guess. Haha. In a way, I guess I want to be able to hang out with a guy and cuddle and watch movies. Emotional relationship? Not really, I guess. He could have a girlfriend and I wouldn't care. It'd just be nice to have a friend like that.

She doesn't want the sex part. That's a pretty critical element to ignore.

I wish you the best of luck though! You certainly seem like a rad woman from reading your profile and talking to you here.

Thanks :)


I dunno, I just want a guy friend I guess. Haha. In a way, I guess I want to be able to hang out with a guy and cuddle and watch movies. Emotional relationship? Not really, I guess. He could have a girlfriend and I wouldn't care. It'd just be nice to have a friend like that.

There's your problem. Friends don't cuddle with each other unless the person is clearly not attracted to you. Your best bet for finding a male friend, who will cuddle with you, would be finding a gay man (so a bi-sexual male since you're on a dating site). The majority of straight dudes will see cuddling as a green light that you're *into* them. It's possible to find a straight man who is into you, but with your cuteness, it will be a difficult feat.

If you kill off the cuddling part, then you'll have a better likelihood of finding a guy friend, straight or gay, who is interested in being just a friend.


I dunno, I just want a guy friend I guess. Haha. In a way, I guess I want to be able to hang out with a guy and cuddle and watch movies.

There are guys out there that rent their time and bodies for people like you. You can also get one of these.



There's your problem. Friends don't cuddle with each other unless the person is clearly not attracted to you. Your best bet for finding a male friend, who will cuddle with you, would be finding a gay man (so a bi-sexual male since you're on a dating site). The majority of straight dudes will see cuddling as a green light that you're *into* them. It's possible to find a straight man who is into you, but with your cuteness, it will be a difficult feat.

If you kill off the cuddling part, then you'll have a better likelihood of finding a guy friend, straight or gay, who is interested in being just a friend.

Well I haven't said things like that. I've only met a couple of guys anyway.

I dunno. Haha. I don't really talk to many guys anyway :D Like I said, probably very unlikely I'll ever find anything like that.


Well I haven't said things like that. I've only met a couple of guys anyway.

I dunno. Haha. I don't really talk to many guys anyway :D Like I said, probably very unlikely I'll ever find anything like that.

Gaf needs a community thread for asexual people. We have one for everything else.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I assume linking to profiles other than our own is frowned upon? I just read the longest profile I've seen on the site with a total of nearly 3,000 words. She's hot, smart and accomplished, but from my impression is looking for a guy to feed her ego; No thanks.
I assume linking to profiles other than our own is frowned upon? I just read the longest profile I've seen on the site with a total of nearly 3,000 words. She's hot, smart and accomplished, but from my impression is looking for a guy to feed her ego; No thanks.

Just take a screenshot and edit out the name/link.

Leeness said:
I dunno, I just want a guy friend I guess. Haha. In a way, I guess I want to be able to hang out with a guy and cuddle and watch movies. Emotional relationship? Not really, I guess. He could have a girlfriend and I wouldn't care. It'd just be nice to have a friend like that.

Shame you live in Canada, I'd be down for a completely non-sexual but still emotional friendship. Yeah I want to have sex with people, but I'd love to make some new friends (whom are females) that I could just relax and feel comfortable around without having to worry about how I am acting/look/all the other bullshit. Just talking and fun. If you ever pass through PA let me know.

Anyway, I've been seeing this one girl (first OKCupid girl I've met in person). We've "hung out" twice. I get really weird mixed messages from her. I kind of don't understand what she wants, and I feel it would be rude to just straight out ask, I might have to soon. We've had really good conversation, she's interesting, we don't have issues talking. She's not "shy" or anything but she just seems a bit walled off emotionally? She gets weird when I ask her hows she's feeling or anything "emotional". Who knows, maybe I'm just over-thinking it after so long out of the dating scene.

We've also slept together each time we've hung out, like it always inevitably leads there, so it makes me feel like that's why I've seen her a second time, but we have perfectly normal dates before hand. It just feels weird.

I imagine I'll see her more, I like her, she's nice, but I don't think I could emotionally invest myself and I feel as though she doesn't want to?

It's nice to be "dating" again though, not in a relationship, just out dating.


So yeah since this one girl I've been dating is always busy and never makes plans, I've decided to look elsewhere in the meantime. Have another date set up for next Friday. Is it weird to be dating more than one person at a time?
So yeah since this one girl I've been dating is always busy and never makes plans, I've decided to look elsewhere in the meantime. Have another date set up for next Friday. Is it weird to be dating more than one person at a time?

Considering I know tons of females (including both my sisters) who do this, I don't see why it wouldn't be okay for a guy. Just make sure you're not leading the girl on/getting serious, or else then that kind of starts hitting a gray area.

If she hasn't been initiating on you chances are maybe she's seeing someone else too, I say go for it.


man that is a lot of words. I've always tried the phrase "keep it simple stupid"

I figure no one wants to read a book


You are wrong.

Just got on OKC message from a blank profile:

"hello. i am looking for someone young to get to know....."

:(((((((( Vampires coming to kill me.

I don't see the problem. Haven't you seen True Blood? Being a vampire will make you sexier and cooler. You would also have amazing sex, but that's not too much of a plus for someone in your situation. Man, I want to be a vampire now.
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