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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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let me tell you though the mods on OKC are the biggest bunch of dipshits I've come across. Can't fucking read for shit.

I imagine a bunch of frat boys hitting on the womens and are all like "hey baby, i'm a mod, that means we should go back to Neverland Ranch for Hee-Hee".
I imagine a bunch of frat boys hitting on the womens and are all like "hey baby, i'm a mod, that means we should go back to Neverland Ranch for Hee-Hee".

No it's more like we're told what we need to delete or whatever and the dumbass mods vote to leave alone stuff that should get deleted and delete stuff that's fine. Then there was a particularly douchebag mod who called any woman who reported sexually harassing messages as "dumb princesses." There is no way to report mod comments either.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So, I made an Okcupid profile for shits and giggles. No photo, and no filled out the stupid questions. Just answering their matches. And so far a female lesbian is the closest match to me in the "everything" search catagory.

I guess this means I should probably get a sex change at this rate. :/


Still Alive
70% of the messages I receive look like this:

So.... you don't like Harry Potter?

I thought you meant you were a mod here on GAF.
Are you color blind by any chance?
would explain your black and white avatar
Showing my inexperience that is almost very similar to a mistake I made where I messaged a girl who liked a lot of similar bands I like. I didn't mention anything about a relationship though. Needless to say, no reply and I moved on.
Showing my inexperience that is almost very similar to a mistake I made where I messaged a girl who liked a lot of similar bands I like. I didn't mention anything about a relationship though. Needless to say, no reply and I moved on.

No one seems to respond when it's just something like "Hey, we got this in common" or "I love that band too"

This is turning into a sheer numbers game. Each message you send has to somehow prove that you've read their entire profile, are interesting, and are clever/funny enough to entice them.

Nearly 100 messages sent to different people with approximately 15 replies back, 2 of which are considered dead-ends (one was insulting, the other deleted the account after their reply), several were short conversations (only a couple messages back and forth), and there were about four that seem to be sustaining over time, so that's not bad.


This is pretty much me. Only I didn't want to give up so I got up to about 80 messages, lowering my standards every time...still with only five replies, and even the ones who seemed totally into me stopped talking to me. Probably met some nutter, because we all know that's what girls are into, right? /sarcasm

Mostly the same here, I've had about a dozen conversations out of ~50 messages sent, only 5 substantial, 1 deleted her profile after she postponed a date, 2 has basically fizzled out, the 3rd is the chick I dig the most, she takes 1 week to respond (yeah, she ain't interested), the 4th chick seems really cool, but responses are getting shorter, the last one is actually my highest match, she seems to "dig me" we have a ton in common, the half a dozen or so messages we've exchanged are getting longer and more inviting, only thing is I ain't really attracted to her, and yes, I've lowered my own standards in some cases.
Mostly the same here, I've had about a dozen conversations out of ~50 messages sent, only 5 substantial, 1 deleted her profile after she postponed a date, 2 has basically fizzled out, the 3rd is the chick I dig the most, she takes 1 week to respond (yeah, she ain't interested), the 4th chick seems really cool, but responses are getting shorter, the last one is actually my highest match, she seems to "dig me" we have a ton in common, the half a dozen or so messages we've exchanged are getting longer and more inviting,only thing is I ain't really attracted to her, and yes, I've lowered my own standards in some cases

This is something I really don't want to do. Especially at my age and online!


What's the ruling on messaging people who visit your profile but don't contact you? I noticed over the past couple of days there have been a few hot girls who have viewed my okc page but not messaged(though really, they rarely do first anyway). Is it worth messaging them? I mean not like "hey, you viewed me!" but just a normal message.
What's the ruling on messaging people who visit your profile but don't contact you? I noticed over the past couple of days there have been a few hot girls who have viewed my okc page but not messaged(though really, they rarely do first anyway). Is it worth messaging them? I mean not like "hey, you viewed me!" but just a normal message.

Eyy baby! I noticed you noticing me, so I just wanted to put you on notice that I noticed you too!
I might consider letting you be with me.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I met my current girlfriend because I had favourited her on OkCupid. I used to favorite profiles I liked so they were saved for when I had time to write a response. She wrote me a message before I could even respond saying 'So I'm one of your favourites huh?' and it progressed from there.

Most of the chemistry occurred when we met up and I was glad to finally meet someone worthwhile. I remember purposefully holding back and trying to take things slow in the beginning because I didn't want things to devolve into a fwb or hook-up situation with this girl. I thought she had potential for something real. And she did.

I still think OkC is a good staging ground for meet ups at least but you have to be prepared to go through a lot of potential disappointment.


This thread got me to make an account on OKC, only to find out that there are only a total of like 10-20 girls within my age range in my country (Sweden), and there are thousands of girls on that site who live in Norway.

I should probably move to Norway.


Wondering how to go on with a situation.

Was messaging this girl every day for a week or so, she asked me out for coffee, we said we would set it up once I knew my work schedule for the week. Then in my last message to her, I asked for her phone number so we wouldn't have to use okcupid to message her. This was 4 days ago. She had definitely logged on several times since (I had checked on per profile a couple times to see if she had been online, since she had always responded within a day.) It seems she had logged on a couple times, so I just dropped any intentions of messaging her since she probably wasn't interested after all. But she finally messaged me a little bit ago with her number.

Should I just forget about it like I was already intending to? Go on on the date but don't expect much since she couldn't take the time to send me that small of a message in 4 days...? etc. etc.


Wondering how to go on with a situation.

Was messaging this girl every day for a week or so, she asked me out for coffee, we said we would set it up once I knew my work schedule for the week. Then in my last message to her, I asked for her phone number so we wouldn't have to use okcupid to message her. This was 4 days ago. She had definitely logged on several times since (I had checked on per profile a couple times to see if she had been online, since she had always responded within a day.) It seems she had logged on a couple times, so I just dropped any intentions of messaging her since she probably wasn't interested after all. But she finally messaged me a little bit ago with her number.

Should I just forget about it like I was already intending to? Go on on the date but don't expect much since she couldn't take the time to send me that small of a message in 4 days...? etc. etc.

Yes. You're making something outta nothing. She asked you out first, so she's most likely interested.


What's the ruling on messaging people who visit your profile but don't contact you? I noticed over the past couple of days there have been a few hot girls who have viewed my okc page but not messaged(though really, they rarely do first anyway). Is it worth messaging them? I mean not like "hey, you viewed me!" but just a normal message.

Actually I get a higher response rate messaging girls that check my profile unsolicited. Typically I gave about a 35% response rate from messages I send out. The ones that visit my profile are about 60%.

Play the numbers brah.
My friend also has an OKC profile. I've been helping him out with (I pretty much re-wrote it cause the original was just so bloody awful and boring and terribly written) and I made him take a new picture cause his old one in his black trenchcoat made him look like a serial killer.

So, his problem (as he says to me) is that he's disparaging himself because he can't write funny e-mails like me and that he comes off as morbid and creepy. I've sent a few e-mails for him, but this is a 'Teach a man to fish' type situation.

How do I help him?
By the way don't trust people who give out their phone number right away unless you can verify they really are who they say they are. And don't send them anything either.
By the way don't trust people who give out their phone number right away unless you can verify they really are who they say they are. And don't send them anything either.

Is this one of those "You will wake up in a bathtub full of ice minus a kidney" type warnings?

Cause that is scary as hell, dude.


By the way don't trust people who give out their phone number right away unless you can verify they really are who they say they are. And don't send them anything either.

A girl gave me her number in the first message and turned out legit. But I guess that's not common. When should you give a number then?
A girl gave me her number in the first message and turned out legit. But I guess that's not common. When should you give a number then?

That's lucky. I don't necessarily know when. I've just come across a lot of scam reports when it comes to the number being fake.


I was actually going to give my number to a girl right now, maybe I'll wait one more message.

Edit: You know what I hate? Sending a message and the instant it's sent you seem like 3 spelling mistakes. Why do I not see them until the second I send it? Grrr!


Double post, sorry.

I was chatting to a cute girl on OKC most of the night. Gave her my number at the end saying if she wants to text instead of message she can. She was saying I look like some English music artist I've never heard of which she thinks is hot, so that's good. Looks like I got off to a good start with this one.

Though one girl I've been speaking too went all paranoid on me. She now refuses to meet with me on the grounds that guys are dicks and after I had my fun I'll move on to some other girl and stop all contact with her. She was also the girl asking me to go out with her on Saturday night(I couldn't then so we didn't end up meeting but I told her we will soon, which she was into...at that moment). I told her I'm not like that and I think she's pretty cool and that I wouldn't want to stop chatting with her, even just as a friend, but she point blank thinks all guys will end up doing. Nice way to generalize! I might be a bit of an arsehole but I'd be it to your face, not to your back and not without reason.

Actually I get a higher response rate messaging girls that check my profile unsolicited. Typically I gave about a 35% response rate from messages I send out. The ones that visit my profile are about 60%.

Play the numbers brah.

I guess I'll message them then!


Double post, sorry.

I was chatting to a cute girl on OKC most of the night. Gave her my number at the end saying if she wants to text instead of message she can. She was saying I look like some English music artist I've never heard of which she thinks is hot, so that's good. Looks like I got off to a good start with this one.

Though one girl I've been speaking too went all paranoid on me. She now refuses to meet with me on the grounds that guys are dicks and after I had my fun I'll move on to some other girl and stop all contact with her. She was also the girl asking me to go out with her on Saturday night(I couldn't then so we didn't end up meeting but I told her we will soon, which she was into...at that moment). I told her I'm not like that and I think she's pretty cool and that I wouldn't want to stop chatting with her, even just as a friend, but she point blank thinks all guys will end up doing. Nice way to generalize! I might be a bit of an arsehole but I'd be it to your face, not to your back and not without reason.

I guess I'll message them then!

Let the paranoid girl go. If she's already that jealous just days into it, she's not worth the effort.

So I joined OKC this morning in a delirious drowsy stupor. It seems like a pretty good site, and it could be an interesting way to casually date a girl. Would someone be willling to take a look at my profile and see what things I could add? I tried to be as honest as I could while half asleep.

My name is MullyGK1.


Well, that girl who was 'ill' when we were supposed to go out and texted me about The Avengers on Saturday has now just removed me from Skype out of the blue.

A bit depressing, she was the only one in my area that seemed promising...


Well, that girl who was 'ill' when we were supposed to go out and texted me about The Avengers on Saturday has now just removed me from Skype out of the blue.

A bit depressing, she was the only one in my area that seemed promising...

That's her loss. Dont just say it, believe it. I guarantee that its true. Move onto other options, you have them.


That's her loss. Dont just say it, believe it. I guarantee that its true. Move onto other options, you have them.

Yeah. I don't have any more options from this site though (seriously, I think I've exhausted all possibilities in a distance I'm willing to travel. I need to wait for new girls to sign up).
Well damn, after quite a number of dead end people on here the past couple years, including one "ambush date"(Just getting out of the shower, random weekday, sudden phone call wanting immediate directions from a lady I'd been talking to that lived a few hours away) that caught me off guard and really didn't end well, I finally had a proper'ish date thanks to an OKC match---not a shabby feeling to have that settled at long last here at age 27.

Went OK, enjoyed the company, got the date arranged after only talking to her off and on for the past week or so, was generally chill with no fancy nonsense, prospects for a 2nd date seem solid once she figures out her work schedule for next week.

Not all that sure about recommending the site to others considering the massive amount of really troubled people up to this point with uncanny timing to drop a venomous message on you when you've just so happened to have had a bullshit day in other respects, but given my circumstances don't really allow for the mingling opportunities of the general person in most places, well, an avenue is what it is.

Good lord at the Devo message though----that's just...wow...
Well damn, after quite a number of dead end people on here the past couple years, including one "ambush date"(Just getting out of the shower, random weekday, sudden phone call wanting immediate directions from a lady I'd been talking to that lived a few hours away) that caught me off guard and really didn't end well, I finally had a proper'ish date thanks to an OKC match---not a shabby feeling to have that settled at long last here at age 27.

Went OK, enjoyed the company, got the date arranged after only talking to her off and on for the past week or so, was generally chill with no fancy nonsense, prospects for a 2nd date seem solid once she figures out her work schedule for next week.

Not all that sure about recommending the site to others considering the massive amount of really troubled people up to this point with uncanny timing to drop a venomous message on you when you've just so happened to have had a bullshit day in other respects, but given my circumstances don't really allow for the mingling opportunities of the general person in most places, well, an avenue is what it is.

Good lord at the Devo message though----that's just...wow...

Yeah, there are a surprising amount of crazy people on this site.

Also, the last girl I was chatting with seemed angry I had no photo. Well, not angry, but a little miffed. I put one up just for her, but no message back.

Also, some people's lives just seem sad and bum me out. Others are just insanely crazy or are narcissistic or are like... borderline drug addicts and alcoholics trying to show off how chill they are.


Its just like meeting someone in person, I had many a dates with people I met face to face through friends, at bars ect and alot of them turned out the be fucking crazy.. Just the way it is, you gotta sift through the shit to get the goods.

I met my wife on an online dating site, stick with it! Don't get turned off by people that fizzle out, delay dates or remove you from skype.. There will be a shit ton more trust me
Decided to get back on it a couple weeks back and trying to approach it with a more carefree attitude than I did when I used it before. Definitely trying to take the advice someone mentioned when they said to use it as a supplement to real life interactions and not your sole source of trying to find a date.

A lot of time I just enjoy browsing it without the intent of actively trying to engage anyone. It's interesting to read some of the profiles on there.


Ok guys, i'm a long time lurker of Neogaf in general but especially this thread (along with NBA age) I was wondering if you gents can provide some sort of insight for my profile.

Here is my summary:

I enjoy going to LA, San Diego, South OC (beach cities), Lakers and Ducks games, and my couch. I like going out to eat, getting hot chocolate (I actually don't like coffee) at Starbucks, and seeing movies.

I'm very attentive, dedicated, family oriented, friendly, outgoing, I love sports, particularly Basketball and soccer. I love a lot of different kinds of music and open to anything really.


so the closest match i got was couple of thousand miles away from me, anyways i started talking to this girl she was cool and all until something hit me, what if this shit is a dude posing as a chick? all because of one message. call me paranoid or whatever but hell im not used to someone being so direct
lord if its the chick in the picture i will fucking thank you
its just weird tho. any recommendations?
i literally asked her, "so besides working what do you do?", like regular question. it just confuses me so much that i had to ask the opinions of you guys.

I would remove her pic, you never know. That said, it's a bit weird, but from the overabundance of punctuation i'm 99% sure it's a girl. Or, a genius impersonator.


How does my profile look?


I've put some thought into it.

"My name's Sean and I'm not boring."

No, no, no.

What kind of opening statement is that? Just imaging saying that in real life to some girl. She's going to be weirded out.

You say "I'm Sean, and here's the things I like to do."

The reason you say the things you like to do is that you want, in that FIRST sentence for her to have a list of things that hopefully one of them will stand out and pique her attention to continue reading.


I just got back from my first OkCupid "date". Date is in quotes because I'm not looking for a hookup or a relationship, just activity partners. I had never heard of the site before this thread came up.

Anyway, everything went great. Woman was really sweet, into IT and sports, and, as a rare bonus for the Net, was actually better looking in person than her profile pics would lead you to believe. Body was smoking. We went for a 12 mile bike trail on some local trails. I was even nice enough not to leave her behind when she started getting winded :)

I'd definitely do something with her again, but more to the point, there are some nice woman to be found on that site if you are looking. Keep the faith.


Every girl on that site only go on for the attention. You could be big ugly weird looking they only come on for the attention from all the messages. You try to make covo with anyone they act like you should be brad pitt. Lololol sociallifefail.
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