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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Feels bad man :(

And Jipan, I liked you profile :) except you're a bit too far away for me >_>

That's good to know. :D New York is a massive city, but if you're ever in town in time for a GAF meet up, I'll be there. I totally understand the Facebook thing by the way. I get on it just to check status updates, group pages, occasionally send a private message or two if it's important, and for any event invitations then I get off.

This is a simple question that anyone can answer, but how do you know if you got any new messages? Before the redesign, it used to be that a pink envelope would signify that. I haven't gotten any but it's good to know. Otherwise, I typically receive an e-mail whenever I get a new message or get rated 4-5 stars.

Get rid of blurry pictures and post some clearer pictures. Remove air in things you could do without. Maybe add another picture where you're doing something that's not art-related. Other than that your profile seems alright. I would recommend changes if I knew how you were doing and were dissatisfied with your results.
Dutifully noted. I figured that the crappy phone pics wouldn't do. Luckily, I have a DSLR camera as well as some old pictures of myself that I took with it, so I suppose I could use those in the mean time until I get a new picture up.


I am an 89% match with Jipan, haha.

Quote this post to see my okc profile if you'd like to provide feedback. Kind of just threw it together.
That's good to know. :D New York is a massive city, but if you're ever in town in time for a GAF meet up, I'll be there. I totally understand the Facebook thing by the way. I get on it just to check status updates, group pages, occasionally send a private message or two if it's important, and for any event invitations then I get off.

This is a simple question that anyone can answer, but how do you know if you got any new messages? Before the redesign, it used to be that a pink envelope would signify that. I haven't gotten any but it's good to know. Otherwise, I typically receive an e-mail whenever I get a new message or get rated 4-5 stars.

Dutifully noted. I figured that the crappy phone pics wouldn't do. Luckily, I have a DSLR camera as well as some old pictures of myself that I took with it, so I suppose I could use those in the mean time until I get a new picture up.

I still get the pink envelope thing in the upper right of the top menu bar with a number in it.


I am an 89% match with Jipan, haha.

Quote this post to see my okc profile if you'd like to provide feedback. Kind of just threw it together.

Add two more pictures. It's hard to offer any advice to unusual profiles except just run with it and then overhaul the entire thing later on if you're unhappy with the results.


Ditto lmao. Forever alone/not mega hotty GAF unite!

zlatko I hope your second girl date goes great man, that chick sounds really ballin'. Snuggling under a blanket and watching a movie all on the first date? That's score territory right there. Score meaning "this is awesome" not "gonna get some". in this case.


Fëanor;39625170 said:
You know I'm not against dating our fine latinas, but fuck man the ones I have met barely like any of the stuff I like. Then I start listing the stuff I like and they look at me like I'm some traitor to the latino cause or something like that.

Nice about your brother, had a Ukrainian classmate during highschool she was so fine. Easter European women are so damn fine. Going a bit livejournal here, the thing with her parents was that they didn't want her to date outside of her color of skin/religion, but my exgf did it anyways. We dated since 2006 and she ended the relationship 2 months ago. It came down to her parents threatening to disown her and all that non sense, even her brothers took the parents side and the bastards are dating minorities argh!!! Oh yes, her parents always hated the fact that she was dating a non religious person hahaha.

I message them because they don't know me and I don't know them, and besides you never know when you might strike gold even if they are kind of intimidating. Oh yeah, I got one girl to reply because she likes Mexican food hahaha. Food is the way to their hearts!
It's cool. I flat out refuse to go out with nor bother hitting up Dominican women because I think a lot of them have ideals that the typical Dominican/Latino should have which includes being extremely aggressive, a play boy; like A-Rod basically which I'm not. It all comes down to individual preference. That doesn't mean you're a traitor; it means that you prefer to out with women outside your group.

My brother has gotten treated badly at restaurants because he was with a white woman; he calls people out on it; that's envy and bigotry. It's pathetic that it's still out there but it is what is. My brother's girlfriend's sister likes going out with Black guys herself. That's messed up that her brothers turned on you in the end; it seems that they were secretly out to get you. At least you stood your ground on your beliefs; women always respect that. It sounds like she did it to rebel against them.

It's funny that you mention Mexican food because that's exactly how I eventually met up with a Colombian chick last summer. I sent her a message about her liking Mexican food, told her that I've had bad experience eating fake Mexican food and asked her if she knew of any real Mexican food restaurants and we went from there. But alas, when I met her in person, I was pretty disappointed; it turn out to be simple talk in the park date and that was it. I never contacted her again.

I am an 89% match with Jipan, haha.

Quote this post to see my okc profile if you'd like to provide feedback. Kind of just threw it together.
Hey, aspiring artist too? High five. I'll get back to you on the profile.


zlatko I hope your second girl date goes great man, that chick sounds really ballin'. Snuggling under a blanket and watching a movie all on the first date? That's score territory right there. Score meaning "this is awesome" not "gonna get some". in this case.

Fingers crossed. Currently chatting with the first girl though. Trying to come to some sort of clarity. A deeper conversation than I thought just spilled out, and I'm trying to feel it out and reply as well as I can to it.

I root for all GAF in this thread. My one suggestion to you would be to swap my display pic to the one with Seth Kill. I tend to skip over chicks who I can't see a face of as their first pic. Yours is a bit zoomed out. Just make a note under the S.Kill pic that you are clearly the chocolate love machine on the left.

Also, tonight has been fairly decent on OKC. Just how it goes I guess. Two other girls started chatting me, and I figured I'd go for it. Although one has me a bit scratching my chin over. In her pics it seems like she might be a bit too chubby for me, but she describes herself as athletic for body type. The pics could be the mirage type to fool you. Trying to judge by face/cheeks if she is or not.

Oh and no I'm not some vain asshole who doesn't date curvy girls. One of my best relationships was with a short girl with curves a plenty, but I am not big on girls who are not comfortable in their bodies enough to just take a pic of themselves smiling/body shot/etc.
Apart from that one girl who messaged me first on OKC I haven't had any suitors. XD

I didn't really put that much effort into this though, since I do value meatspace approaches more. Just thought it was funny.


My goal is that the curvy girls I get with I want to inspire them to get into shape and lose weight - in that regard, I'll date any curvy girl (unless she's really heavyset) and turn her into a champion fitness pro, lol.

Looks don't matter when they are the easiest thing to fix about a person. Personalities are the hardest.

Just had some girl from POF message me, score!

zlatko: you might be wasting your time man. she obviously doesn't fit your type of dating thing and may not fit into your life the way you want.


Fingers crossed. Currently chatting with the first girl though. Trying to come to some sort of clarity. A deeper conversation than I thought just spilled out, and I'm trying to feel it out and reply as well as I can to it.

I root for all GAF in this thread. My one suggestion to you would be to swap my display pic to the one with Seth Kill. I tend to skip over chicks who I can't see a face of as their first pic. Yours is a bit zoomed out. Just make a note under the S.Kill pic that you are clearly the chocolate love machine on the left.

Oh and no I'm not some vain asshole who doesn't date curvy girls. One of my best relationships was with a short girl with curves a plenty, but I am not big on girls who are not comfortable in their bodies enough to just take a pic of themselves smiling/body shot/etc.

I just added those pictures, but thanks for the heads up; I just switched it to that one (even though my avatar is currently what I look like).

I'm looking at a chick's profile right now that describes what you're talking about. She only has one picture and in her body description, it says that she's full figured. I dunno what to make of it considering that it's only one picture; I might just pass on her. And for some odd reason I keep getting matched with women who smoke which is an automatic turn off. It's driving me nuts.


My goal is that the curvy girls I get with I want to inspire them to get into shape and lose weight - in that regard, I'll date any curvy girl (unless she's really heavyset) and turn her into a champion fitness pro, lol.

Looks don't matter when they are the easiest thing to fix about a person. Personalities are the hardest.

Just had some girl from POF message me, score!

zlatko: you might be wasting your time man. she obviously doesn't fit your type of dating thing and may not fit into your life the way you want.

You know, I think you're onto something. Could motivate me to get into the fitness swing too.


Damn I should be sleeping but this girl keeps messaging me, hahaha.

She lives right in the same goddamn city I live in too, how crazy is that. Most of the women I've been looking at have been living at least 20 minutes away.

She's very interesting, here's her POF profile:


She's pretty damn cute.

Those who don't want to go look, here's a pic from the site:



My goal is that the curvy girls I get with I want to inspire them to get into shape and lose weight - in that regard, I'll date any curvy girl (unless she's really heavyset) and turn her into a champion fitness pro, lol.

Looks don't matter when they are the easiest thing to fix about a person. Personalities are the hardest.

Just had some girl from POF message me, score!

zlatko: you might be wasting your time man. she obviously doesn't fit your type of dating thing and may not fit into your life the way you want.

But then she might be brimming with new found confidence and go off and find herself a doctor or famous male celeb!


So youre picking girls in hopes that you can change them? Doesn't seem like the best way to go about things, IMO


But then she might be brimming with new found confidence and go off and find herself a doctor or famous male celeb!

I've had people say this to me before. I'd hope that with her confidence it would cement the relationship further.

And no, I don't get with them to try to change them right off, I'm saying that no matter what they look like, if they are overweight and want to get into shape, I want to be that driving force for them.


My goal is that the curvy girls I get with I want to inspire them to get into shape and lose weight - in that regard, I'll date any curvy girl (unless she's really heavyset) and turn her into a champion fitness pro, lol.

That's a very bad idea. You can easily cause a shit ton of problems. Date someone you want not who you want them to be.


That's a very bad idea. You can easily cause a shit ton of problems. Date someone you want not who you want them to be.

You're reading it wrong™.

If they don't want me to help them lose weight, that's fine too.

I just want to help them do that if they want to, and will encourage them when I'm with them to do so. Supportive all the way, instead of guys who will be like "whatever".


My goal is that the curvy girls I get with I want to inspire them to get into shape and lose weight - in that regard, I'll date any curvy girl (unless she's really heavyset) and turn her into a champion fitness pro, lol.

Looks don't matter when they are the easiest thing to fix about a person. Personalities are the hardest.

Just had some girl from POF message me, score!

zlatko: you might be wasting your time man. she obviously doesn't fit your type of dating thing and may not fit into your life the way you want.

Hell this site has motivated me to keep working out as hard as I've been. I'm at about 3 weeks where it's been 6 days on and 1 day off. I weigh myself again today, and I should be about 4-5 lbs lighter dropping from 180 to 175. I can see the differences already, and I can feel the muscles more in my legs, and my stomach going back to being more refined than it was since I moved out here. If I could write up a long message to thank GAF with all the advice I've gotten with my life in the past year it'd fill up a lot, but my life is super on track and I'm at my best thanks to you guys. :)

As for girl #1, it's a bit complicated. I'm not out to share all her private info online, but it's not as simple as she's out to hook up with guys like I thought or anything like that. In fact if I move on and blow her off right now, it'd could be the absolute worst thing for her and what she's going through. Plus, I already said I'd try for about a week or two with her to play it out and see how it goes. If she wants to talk and hang out, and I win her over, then great, but I'm not holding my breath and I'm not going to drop the other potential cool cuties I'm chatting.

So girl #2 date for Tuesday is a go. She texts me quite frequently too, and even sent me a pic of herself last night all dolled up, wowza! Plus, I just looked and she deleted her profile, but was the first of all these chicks to text me today. :)

Last night I was on a streak on OKC though. There is now a girl #3 who is also texting me and wants to hang out later this week. First girl on there who messaged me, AND asked me out. I've had girls message me and it's always the absolute shittiest messages. "Hey what's up?" This girl did that too, but I ran through her profile and pics, and decided to spark up a conversation as best as I could. Panned out great since I'm now texting her too.

I messaged 4 other ladies, and got replies from all so far but one. Going to see how that all pans out as well.


So a few tips I have to get more responses, and find more possible girls.

1) The age group I'm hunting in has been 19-26. I'm 24. So what I've done is refined searches just to do ages 19-19, 20-20, so on and so forth. This lets me look at ALL of that age group right in a row, and helps me find ones that don't pop up often or at all when I just leave it at 19-26.

2) My standard thing is to find one thing on her profile you either can make a cute little joke out of, or can ask her about. If she mentions she's in college, but no major mentioned, find out what she's going for. If she has a major, then ask her how she likes it why she's going for it. The one other thing I've been slipping in with all of my messages this week, is "Get into any shenanigans for the 4th of July? :)". You can also change it to "this weekend."

3) Always, don't creep. If you check out someones profile, readily know 3-4 things about her that you can use to carry a convo before you message her. This way you don't have to go back to her profile and come off as a creeper.

4) If in doubt, ask GAF.


Had a coffee date with a woman from Match.com last weekend.... It was very promising until it turned out she was a Jesus-freak and her tag "Loves to laugh" means laughing at jokes that really aren't funny.

Then 2 days later I get into a huge fucking argument with my ex.

Bleh. This week sucks.


yeah, like buying the majority of shares of an undervalued company with the attempt of running it better.

anyway how often do you guys get unsolicited messages and visitors?

Pretty much fuck never. Unless I've been to the profile myself, then it's a super rare thing and generally from girls I don't find attractive at all.

Just have to grind as a duder I feel.


What do you do when you get a visitor to your page? Rush to send a message or ignore it? Do you ever bring up that you noticed they visited you...and do you ever mention your compatibility ratings?


What do you do when you get a visitor to your page? Rush to send a message or ignore it? Do you ever bring up that you noticed they visited you...and do you ever mention your compatibility ratings?

Well if someone visits, and you check it out and she's cute/compatible to what you have read, then just find something on her profile you can spark a conversation out of, and then make sure to end it off on a question about her.

No reason to bring up her visiting or comp ratings, she is probably aware of those things. Girls just tend to not be the ones willing to hit on you on these sites, much like the rest of life. You have to be the smooth operator and start things off probably 90% of the time.


What do you do when you get a visitor to your page? Rush to send a message or ignore it? Do you ever bring up that you noticed they visited you...and do you ever mention your compatibility ratings?

Check her out, see if she's worth messaging, and go for it man. And yeah you can bring it up that they visited you or the ratings man. It's there for a reason, and not a creeper thing. How else do they figure you got to know they looked at you? :p

So girl #2 date for Tuesday is a go. She texts me quite frequently too, and even sent me a pic of herself last night all dolled up, wowza!

Girl 2 is fucking brutally into you man. Cheers. I'm jealous. edit: I just looked back, she deleted her profile and everything man. She wants you bad.

I have two girls that I have talked to so far today. #1 was the girl you saw earlier that I posted the picture of, she went to the beach and gave me her yahoo messenger. Neat.

I pretty much indirectly asked her on a date to a local sushi bar, so that's neat. Will see what becomes of that.

Then Girl #2, I had the oddest experience with. When I saw that she visited me, I looked at her profile. Plays video games, loves Aperture Science, has a fucking portal tatto--- goddamn, I'm messaging this chick! So I go to do that and Up, nope, she has blocked guys above 26 years old. I'm like FUUUUU because I would totally hit it off easy with this girl. She's 21 btw.

Come about an hour or two later, I check her profile again and try to message her, and wtf? I can do it. I think she saw that I visited her, after she visited me, realized that I couldn't message her because of my age, and changed it, I think. Soon after I sent her a message from work, I got one right back. Fucking hell yeah. Messaged back and forth and really hit it off with references to video games and movies, and waiting on a message back from her soon. She's also pretty cute too.

And then on POF, I find this THIRD girl who has absolutely the same interests as I do, thinks the same way about relationships that I do, and everything.

I threw a huge fucking wall of text at her (she has a wall of text in her profile too, so I figure it's all good) showing off how we both match up. POF doesn't do it like okcupid, so I went out of my way to let her know.

She has a fucking N7 hoodie. Goddamn!

I'm excited about my prospects, really.


Well if someone visits, and you check it out and she's cute/compatible to what you have read, then just find something on her profile you can spark a conversation out of, and then make sure to end it off on a question about her.

No reason to bring up her visiting or comp ratings, she is probably aware of those things. Girls just tend to not be the ones willing to hit on you on these sites, much like the rest of life. You have to be the smooth operator and start things off probably 90% of the time.

That's true but it does happen from time to time. My brother gets hit up by women all the time even though he does his share of looking at profiles and sending messages. I still have a feeling of insecurity to check who's viewed my profile (a lot of Gaffers lately). I suppose it comes down to how good looking a guy is in the end of the day.

Any way, after consulting my brother (he told me to get rid of information; less is more), I trimmed the fat off my profile. It's a lot more simpler and more mysterious; he told me that too much information comes off as boasting. But then again, women do the same thing too; it's just that they love to talk about themselves a ton more than men do. I've sent out a few more messages, but no dice. I'm planning send out messages to several more women today.


MaxRPG juggling the ladies like a boss nerd!

Good luck man. Something has to pan out right? :D

Aw fuck yeah man, I really hope so.

That third chick? If she messages me man, I'm gonna flip shit. She's the most totally matched girl I've talked to yet, so if I score her I'm set man. She is beautiful, smart, and really identifies with a lot that I'm into, video games, music, life, everything. It would be a fucking gorgeous relationship. And she loves being in the house than outdoors, which a fuckton of girls around her love to do. be outside, be outside, be outside... why even have a house then? LOL. I'm more introverted and homebody-ish.

I hope you can score something awesome too man, and dude, I really like that Girl2 for you texts you a lot, I really enjoy that type of communication. Is she texting you right now?

edit: Jipan, I don't know what the fuck is going on with okcupid right now but I'm getting more hits and responses off POF. I think the whole match % on okc is coming back to bite me in the fucking ass. I haven't had a profile view since 1:40 am last night on okc, but all these crazy women checking me out on POF.

It's thrilling, really. When you know you've gotten to the point where women really seek you out. I like feeling desirable.

EDIT2: Goddamn, scouring okc again, and this chick must have just signed up, because she's pretty and her profile is awesome too. I messaged her just now, and I was looking at the question match ups.

Her "how much would you have sex"? Every day. The comment she wrote below it? "3 times a day? Like square meals." Holy SHIT.


Don't sweat it Jipan. I think you are a way more handsome dude than myself, but last week was absolutely a shit show for me on OKC. Nada. This end of the week/weekend is where it picked up again. No matter what, keep grinding. I'm just better at dealing with rejection than most I guess. Just lets me knock off 1 more lady from the possibles of being that one chick I'm looking for out there.

Max be careful with girl 3. You set your hopes up too much you'll get into what happened to me first week. This girl was a 10 in my book. Super beautiful, insanely into games and movies, same humor, talked at long lengths, etc. Then she just disappeared and even though she has my cell #, never texted. It made me feel far less confident and a bit down about it, but I took GAF's advice to keep using the site and going for it. It put me into a bit of a funk trying to compare other potential girls I'd message to her, because I was like, "well she isn't as cool as that other girl was." Can't think that way, because hey, these new girls after her WANT to talk to me more texting AND want to go on dates, which really at the end of the day is more important than the fact girl 1 linked me to demon's souls songs she digs. :p

I am texting both girl #2 and #3 right now. They both texted me about the same time when I woke up.


Don't sweat it Jipan. I think you are a way more handsome dude than myself, but last week was absolutely a shit show for me on OKC. Nada. This end of the week/weekend is where it picked up again. No matter what, keep grinding. I'm just better at dealing with rejection than most I guess. Just lets me knock off 1 more lady from the possibles of being that one chick I'm looking for out there.

Max be careful with girl 3. You set your hopes up too much you'll get into what happened to me first week. This girl was a 10 in my book. Super beautiful, insanely into games and movies, same humor, talked at long lengths, etc. Then she just disappeared and even though she has my cell #, never texted. It made me feel far less confident and a bit down about it, but I took GAF's advice to keep using the site and going for it. It put me into a bit of a funk trying to compare other potential girls I'd message to her, because I was like, "well she isn't as cool as that other girl was." Can't think that way, because hey, these new girls after her WANT to talk to me more texting AND want to go on dates, which really at the end of the day is more important than the fact girl 1 linked me to demon's souls songs she digs. :p

I am texting both girl #2 and #3 right now. They both texted me about the same time when I woke up.

Aw fuck that man, I'm wading through some serious confidence right now. It's radiating like super saiyan auras in this bitch.

And you and I have the same mentality. Grind that bitch until the epic loot drops. hahaha.

Yo dude that shit ain't cool that she disappeared man. That's why the 21 year old I had to message her quick because I always get the idea that girls who play games get snapped up like fucking ribs at Golden Corral.

Yeah you can't drop it like it's hot on just one girl, even though she's super cool. If she can't handle shit then just fuck it. Move on and find one who will actually talk to you.

Jipan. Why the fuck the girls ain't all on you dog? You are seriously that exotic dude chicks would go gaga for.

I am texting both girl #2 and #3 right now. They both texted me about the same time when I woke up.

Dude, do you absolutely love the epic feeling that it gives you? Playing the field is big pimpin'.


Aw fuck yeah man, I really hope so.

That third chick? If she messages me man, I'm gonna flip shit. She's the most totally matched girl I've talked to yet, so if I score her I'm set man. She is beautiful, smart, and really identifies with a lot that I'm into, video games, music, life, everything. It would be a fucking gorgeous relationship. And she loves being in the house than outdoors, which a fuckton of girls around her love to do. be outside, be outside, be outside... why even have a house then? LOL. I'm more introverted and homebody-ish.

I hope you can score something awesome too man, and dude, I really like that Girl2 for you texts you a lot, I really enjoy that type of communication. Is she texting you right now?

edit: Jipan, I don't know what the fuck is going on with okcupid right now but I'm getting more hits and responses off POF. I think the whole match % on okc is coming back to bite me in the fucking ass. I haven't had a profile view since 1:40 am last night on okc, but all these crazy women checking me out on POF.

It's thrilling, really. When you know you've gotten to the point where women really seek you out. I like feeling desirable.
I once had a POF profile but deleted it after getting frustrated with not getting any results. That site has a little of bit of micromanagement going more so than OKC; trying to think of a good, catchy headline was tough.

It's kind of a poor man's OKC without the navy blue and bubble gum pink color scheme. I tried sending out messages to no avail; there was one attractive chick in particular with a picture in a bikini who wanted guys to send her a message with the subject "Hey Princess."

About a week after I made my profile an attractive white chick hit "Meet me" on my picture. I didn't hit "Meet me" back and instead I contemplated for a few days on whether she was serious about it or not. Eventually, I sent her a message, but once again no dice; she lost interest.

So I didn't have a good experience with that site; it left a very bad taste in my mouth. I'll consider making a new one but I'm not holding my breath. I know a couple of Gaffers that have girlfriends thanks to that site; one told me that he wrote an extremely detailed and long profile since women will read it all according to him. I'm pretty iffy about it otherwise.


Aw fuck that man, I'm wading through some serious confidence right now. It's radiating like super saiyan auras in this bitch.

And you and I have the same mentality. Grind that bitch until the epic loot drops. hahaha.

Yo dude that shit ain't cool that she disappeared man. That's why the 21 year old I had to message her quick because I always get the idea that girls who play games get snapped up like fucking ribs at Golden Corral.

Yeah you can't drop it like it's hot on just one girl, even though she's super cool. If she can't handle shit then just fuck it. Move on and find one who will actually talk to you.

Jipan. Why the fuck the girls ain't all on you dog? You are seriously that exotic dude chicks would go gaga for.

Dude, do you absolutely love the epic feeling that it gives you? Playing the field is big pimpin'.

The girl who disappeared was 26 and a first grade teacher, so she really has her shit together, and it just baffles me to no end man. Pretty much a 100% match on everything, even life experiences and our sexual lives too. Still SMH, and I am dumb and still check AIM messenger once a day just on the off chance she'll reply to the last thing I said. :p

Well I don't know about an 'epic feeling', but it's nice to have more going on for future plans in the week. I moved out here to Denver in November by myself, and all my friends are back in North Dakota, so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly lonely and bored. I can only game and go to work so much.


The girl who disappeared was 26 and a first grade teacher, so she really has her shit together, and it just baffles me to no end man. Pretty much a 100% match on everything, even life experiences and our sexual lives too. Still SMH, and I am dumb and still check AIM messenger once a day just on the off chance she'll reply to the last thing I said. :p

Well I don't know about an 'epic feeling', but it's nice to have more going on for future plans in the week. I moved out here to Denver in November by myself, and all my friends are back in North Dakota, so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly lonely and bored. I can only game and go to work so much.

About the 26 year old, I dunno man. Maybe she got scared or an ex showed up in the shadows. Could be anything.

Yo I feel the same way man.

Jipan, you might want to try it again man, you can advanced search keywords based on what you want, and go from there.

I just found this amazing chick on okc and sent her a message. She wanted a guy with a huge vocabulary, and her interests matched mine, so I laid it on kinda thick in a couple sentences. We'll see what comes out of that.


Check her out, see if she's worth messaging, and go for it man. And yeah you can bring it up that they visited you or the ratings man. It's there for a reason, and not a creeper thing. How else do they figure you got to know they looked at you? :p

Fair enough. I'm getting really bad at actually sparking up conversations lately. I used to say cool shit now it's all like, "So hey there, I heard you liked Doctor Who..." (not actually written like that, but yeah)

Is it a good sign if they want to be facebook friends?


I messaged this nerdy girl last night and she just replied a while ago. She says she used to pwned at COD. Favorite gun M16 oh and Tolkien nerd and really excited for The Hobbit.


Then I start wondering how many other nerds besides myself send messages to her lol. We'll see if she replies back, her profile says she's pretty shy. The waiting begins!

I mentioned this many pages ago, but does anyone get messages from call girls? I had convo going with a cuban call girl, pretty attractive but no thanks! I'm wondering if she was trying to get me to buy her services haha.


Fair enough. I'm getting really bad at actually sparking up conversations lately. I used to say cool shit now it's all like, "So hey there, I heard you liked Doctor Who..." (not actually written like that, but yeah)

Is it a good sign if they want to be facebook friends?

Yes it is.

Oh shit, Girl #3 just put her profile up on OKC. She was from POF.

I think she's going to be surprised when she finds out that I'm 96% compatible with her, hahaha.

I don't know what to fucking do man. She's got a profile up on OKC, but I think I'll wait until she sees me (the % match is going to put me up there immediately) before messaging. On POF.... I want her to read my giant message. This is troubling.

She's viewed my profile on POF... hnnn.. after looking at her OKC questions i'm not so sure now either. She's very particular about certain things and I'm sure that I would grate on her one way or another. This is sort of why I hate the questions thing on OKC. You get to intimately know the person before even talking.

I think I'm gonna step away from it for a couple hours and see if she pulls the trigger.


Okay so POF has a lot more interesting girls than okcupid in my area atleast, but match.com seems to have the most, is that a scam to get you to sign up or what? cause i've had more "visit" to my profile then on any of the other ones. just curious if thats a known thing for them to do to get you to pay.


Okay so POF has a lot more interesting girls than okcupid in my area atleast, but match.com seems to have the most, is that a scam to get you to sign up or what? cause i've had more "visit" to my profile then on any of the other ones. just curious if thats a known thing for them to do to get you to pay.

Don't know about sites, but some call dating service ( Lavalife) pay women just to hook some guys up and eat some minutes on the phone to make them feel "wanted". My cousin used to do this


Yes it is.

Oh shit, Girl #3 just put her profile up on OKC. She was from POF.

I think she's going to be surprised when she finds out that I'm 96% compatible with her, hahaha.

I don't know what to fucking do man. She's got a profile up on OKC, but I think I'll wait until she sees me (the % match is going to put me up there immediately) before messaging. On POF.... I want her to read my giant message. This is troubling.

She's viewed my profile on POF... hnnn.. after looking at her OKC questions i'm not so sure now either. She's very particular about certain things and I'm sure that I would grate on her one way or another. This is sort of why I hate the questions thing on OKC. You get to intimately know the person before even talking.

I think I'm gonna step away from it for a couple hours and see if she pulls the trigger.

I've messaged chicks with like 57% enemy before, simply because they were cute, non smokers, and had a few similar interests in their profile. I've dated a variety of women in my life so far, and I generally just get along with anyone, so I really use the conversations as my tool to see how much we click. So what's the update? I'd try to chat with her just to see how the messages go back and forth.

So far today for me no texts from any of the 3 girlies. Did have an ex g/f drunk text me last night and this morning lol. Thinking girl 3 is less interested now for some reason. Just have this gut feeling. She added me on facebook, I tried to talk to her on there, but the convo didn't flow on my end. I was busy watching EVO and baby sitting. Whoops.

Sent girl #2 a text pic of me this morning because she wanted one Saturday of what I look like prettied up. One of the better pics I've managed to take of myself lol, and something I may use for OKC in the future if stuff doesn't gel with her after the date tomorrow. Which I hope we are still on for. Have to confirm today so I can fill up on gas due to having to drive an hour to go to her town lol.

How is everyone else fairing?


Don't know about sites, but some call dating service ( Lavalife) pay women just to hook some guys up and eat some minutes on the phone to make them feel "wanted". My cousin used to do this

Holy shit, really? That's terrible. Well lucky I haven't come across that. I haven't felt wanted yet. /foreveralone


I've messaged chicks with like 57% enemy before, simply because they were cute, non smokers, and had a few similar interests in their profile. I've dated a variety of women in my life so far, and I generally just get along with anyone, so I really use the conversations as my tool to see how much we click. So what's the update? I'd try to chat with her just to see how the messages go back and forth.

So far today for me no texts from any of the 3 girlies. Did have an ex g/f drunk text me last night and this morning lol. Thinking girl 3 is less interested now for some reason. Just have this gut feeling. She added me on facebook, I tried to talk to her on there, but the convo didn't flow on my end. I was busy watching EVO and baby sitting. Whoops.

Sent girl #2 a text pic of me this morning because she wanted one Saturday of what I look like prettied up. One of the better pics I've managed to take of myself lol, and something I may use for OKC in the future if stuff doesn't gel with her after the date tomorrow. Which I hope we are still on for. Have to confirm today so I can fill up on gas due to having to drive an hour to go to her town lol.

How is everyone else fairing?

Yeah I am thinking about just messaging girls regardless of percentage now.

You gotta show me that pic, dog!

I've got Girl #2 for me on phone number status, and she's texting me from work now. I think she's very apprehensive about any sort of dating or anything, especially since she's had troubles in the past. She let me read a blog of hers, very thought provoking stuff.

Girl #3, I sent her a message on okc based on what you said earlier, just to let her know that I see her here too, and thought it was cool. I made sure not to come off as stalkerish.

Damn man, hope Girl #2 works out for you.

I've sent more messages off today to more random girls, just really throwing myself out there.

Today started off really shitty however. I woke up with a dream about the ex I recently broke up with, and it was a dream about her using me for sex. In the dream, I wanted her to do it, because I thought I deserved it from what happened. So I texted her this morning and we talked, and I ended up crying in bed because of past feelings brought up. Not the best way to start the day.


Welp, it's official, over the weekend she came over and I ended up deleting with her watching, adding her on Facebook and changing my relationship status to being in a relationship with her, all in about 12 hours haha, never even did that with my ex that I was with for a year lol

Zlatko: seems like you're doing well, I wouldn't worry about not hearing from them every second

Max: congrats on having multiple prospects, definitely feels good, but finding that one that you have a relationship with feels even better :)
So big day tomorrow and I've been doing some planning on what to do and such (totally unlike me as I'm very spontaneous) and I think if it all works well im gonna have, hopefully, a great story for you guys tomorrow. Actually told her on the phone I was nervous as shit but I think it should go well. I'm just thinking tomorrows date is just a formality and everything from there will just take off.


Dude that's awesome gazele. You got a picture of her, just for reference?

Shanks: Good luck man!

My reasoning for not putting girls here on GAF is my name is Zlatko in real life, so it might be pretty easy to see I'm blowing them up online to strangers lol. I figure I'll respect their privacy somewhat ha.

Girl 2 is texting me at work now. Sharing pics of our nieces lol. :)

I'll post the pic of me later on here after work or on my lunch break.

@ gazele yo daaaamn. Nice. *internet bro fist*
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