Love the wedding picture Puckmarin.
Thanks. Here's another one and a bit more detail on the whole wedding.

- We weren't even dating at the time we got married. She was still dating the other dude although the writing was on the wall that their relationship was over. She just felt like she had to exhaust all possibilities there in order to fully move on.
- She will tell you that she had been thinking about marrying me for about a month before it happened. In fact, she evidently had a conversation with a work friend about how she was going to marry me 3 in early December.
- I own my own business and we had a running joke about how I was going to have to get married for tax purposes and it was either going to be her or a Russian bride. The Tuesday before Christmas we were talking on the phone and as she was hanging up she said something like "One day really soon we're going to have to talk about how serious you are about this whole marriage thing." I was floored. She hung up the phone and wouldn't pick up when I called back.
- The next day we had a very odd IM conversation (she was at work) in which she let it be known she was very serious but I couldn't ask her anything via IM or phone. I let it be known that she needed to break up with the dude before I asked her anything. She did that night.
It's important to note that while we were broken up we talked everyday in some form (phone, IM, or text) and we'd hang out on occasion but everything was totally on the up and up. No one cheated on anyone else.
- We proposed to each other over a basket of sweet potato fries at our favorite restaurant in Baltimore and then went to play pub trivia. The next day (two days before Christmas) we went ring shopping.
- She met my family for the first time on Christmas day. I let my parents know that we'd be having a guest for Christmas dinner but couldn't tell them I was engaged over the phone. I arrived at their place late on Christmas Eve and so I didn't get to tell them until Christmas morning. They were shocked but took it all in stride. However, my mom did drink A LOT of wine with dinner.
I met her parents the day before we got married. We had to drive up to Michigan for that. When we were dating over the summer she told her mom about me but not her dad (they aren't super close) so he found out about me and the fact that we were engaged in the same conversation. Our wedding did prompt him to propose to his girlfriend (who is younger than my wife).
- My favorite part about the ceremony (which happened in MI because of timing) was that everyone was in jeans, except for her dad. He wore a suit and looked totally out of place.
- After getting married we went to Red Lobster and then grocery shopping. Hey, it's rural MI. Not a lot to do.
- We didn't tell anyone but our families we were getting married and announced it to everyone else via Facebook. We got a lot of "WTF" replies to those postings. One of my friends now calls me honey badger because of it. I asked him why and he said "Because you just don't give a sh*t"
- I left work on the Thursday before Christmas totally single but everyone knew that I had spent the last three months pining over my future wife. I returned a week later married. Everyone was shocked and then they thew us a HUGE engagement party after the fact.
- We put in a contact on a house less than a month after getting married. When we decide to do something we just do it, I guess.