Think this is a decent enough picture to upload?
Quote to see.
Its a bit over a year old, but I more or less look the same.
I'd let it rock yeah. Make sure to caption it.
@DarkLord who did you have give it the once over? It could be worse if you had NOTHING to improve. As you step it up in these departments, then you'll hopefully see better results, which is always a good thing.
Oh and my date is a bust. Idk what to do. Fuck you Friday the 13th bad luck bull shit. I went to work out at probably 1:40 or something, and had got a text from her at 1:38. Every time I'm about to head out I check my phone for texts, but not this one time. Turns out she texted me that I can come over anytime. In the hour I was gone, about 20-30 mins later from that text she threw out her back. She had surgery recently on it, so when I got home I had about 5 messages from her. Basically a play by play saying she was in the hospital.
FUCK! If I had checked my phone, and text back cool where do I go, on my way, etc. I know it would've been avoided. I offered to say I can come up and hold your hand so you have someone, but she insisted the first time she meets me should not be while she's in pain at a hospital.
We've been texting as she is waiting to see the doc, so I know she isn't full of shit by any means. I'm just so bummed. It's been like 2 weeks since we've been just texting, and knowing my luck the doctor will say she can't do shit and be in immense pain for like a week+. At that point I'm probably screwed to ever have the actual meet up be worth a shit since we'll either build each other up way too high, or we'll get sick of just texting. Who knows.
I have no luck with the universe.