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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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I've only really gone on one date from okc, we've pretty much friend zoned each other, but that's ok. Anyway, texting people from okc or real life is pretty much the same, I would do what you're doing, leave it until she contacts you sometimes, you want to try balance it out I guess so that it's not skewed too much one way. I don't think it's too much of a problem if you mostly always send the first text but then it goes with flying colours, perhaps the girl has confidence issues or something and doesnt like taking the initiative too much, but I'd say if she is pretty short and sharp with her replies and isn't opening up to conversations after you always send the first text, well.. I'd say it's on it's way.

I'm meeting said friend zoned girl tomorrow actually, third time meeting up, I'm pretty sure we've had an unspoken settlement as friends only but still looking forward to it.

In regards to the bolded what do you mean? Her replies have always fit within 160 characters. I've had a few of mine spill out to two or three texts worth depending on what was asked or talked about. Then again though none of hers are really are long. 1-2 sentences at most, and sometimes help carry conversations and sometimes do not. In person she was way more talkative, so maybe texting/messaging just isn't her thing.


In regards to the bolded what do you mean? Her replies have always fit within 160 characters. I've had a few of mine spill out to two or three texts worth depending on what was asked or talked about. Then again though none of hers are really are long. 1-2 sentences at most, and sometimes help carry conversations and sometimes do not. In person she was way more talkative, so maybe texting/messaging just isn't her thing.

Well it's tricky becuase it needs to be judged case by case I guess. Maybe I'm negative but if it was always me texting to initiate contact and she replied in really short answers and didn't really try to carry the conversation on, I'd just leave it and wait for her to contact me. I'd probably assume she wasn't that interested. I don't think I'm totally right or anything, like you said, what if she just doesn't really like texting or maybe she just has confidence issues and doesn't feel good initiating a conversation when it isn't face to face. I'm a bit stubborn probably, I subscribe quite harshly to the idea that it's a two way street.

I don't think it's a bad idea to leave it for a while and see if she gets in touch with you though. If only to put your mind at ease.


Wow suddenly like, 6 messages in the past two days. Most of them don't even live near me though, so that is a massive bummer. And two really don't seem like the kind of person I would get on with. There's maybe one or two people who live somewhat close to me and seem interesting.

I feel really cynical about how I'm judging people when I'm on this site. Does anyone else?


She ate my nuts. OH SNAP



Got a date tonight with a girl from okc. I hate the talk of "leagues" but this girl definitely seems a few above me :p. I haven't really been this nervous for a date before. I think the part that makes me nervous is that she lives an hour away and and she's the one offering to drive. Gonna meet at a local pizza bar, hopefully all goes well!


Got a date tonight with a girl from okc. I hate the talk of "leagues" but this girl definitely seems a few above me :p. I haven't really been this nervous for a date before. I think the part that makes me nervous is that she lives an hour away and and she's the one offering to drive. Gonna meet at a local pizza bar, hopefully all goes well!

If she's the one offering to drive man, that's huge in my book. Local pizza bar? Live it up, enjoy conversation, and eat some fucking pizza man. I think I'm about to go out and get me a Tombstone™.

And zlatko, status update?


Got a date tonight with a girl from okc. I hate the talk of "leagues" but this girl definitely seems a few above me :p. I haven't really been this nervous for a date before. I think the part that makes me nervous is that she lives an hour away and and she's the one offering to drive. Gonna meet at a local pizza bar, hopefully all goes well!

Clearly you got something going on that puts you in her league, though I know that feeling myself since the girl I'm into feels like a 10 in my book, and if I labeled myself I'd say I'm a 7.5 at best lol. Just have to realize though if a girl is giving you attention and wants to meet up though, then those numbers don't mean shit except people looking in and only looking at the physical. Plenty of great looking women end up with decent looking guys because they have more shit going on. (Money,funny,morals,religious beliefs, walks in life, sex)

As for an update for me Max there is nothing to update lol. We texted yesterday for a smidge like I mentioned, but now I'm playing the waiting game where I'm not texting her to start a conversation until Wednesday evening. If she texts me before then, great, because it will ease up my mind on it being a two way straight on being into each other.

Otherwise, talking to about 3 girls on the site, but no sparks really flying with any of them, most likely due to my head being in the clouds about the other chick. I have back up plans set up in case it does bomb out though with this girl. I'll most likely pony up the dough for match.com for a month and see how that goes.

Grinding. Always.


I'm hesitant to post what I said just because I know I'll be criticized. :p I don't like to play "the game".

You don't have to put it if you don't want. Did you end it on a question to continue conversation, or was it a statement that didn't outright let her reply to you?

Really though, if it's a 4-5 days, you exchanged several messages, but never got to texting, then I'd say it's dead based off of my experiences so far on the site, but crazier shit does happen...like 7.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
And she's been online after that? Well you are fucked sir. No sense in coming on the site and not replying to messages.

It happens man. Worse shit happens too, but just dust off your shoulder and go on a messaging spree today/tonight for like 5+ women.
I'm not sure I can find 5+ more women nearby me that have promise. I've looked at nearly all the profiles for women 80%+ within 50 miles. I hid the ones I could tell wouldn't work as well (based on questions + general interests).

Meh, I'm going to update my profile again to fix some parts I'm not happy with, look at a few more profiles before taking a long break from the site.


Unconfirmed Member
What'd you think gaf, aprove?




Her hair is more gingerly red at the moment but I just wanted to see some guys thoughts and I am not being silly here. She's a big gamer and loves the same shows and a fan of dark tower like me. Am I being an idiot thinking not too sure at the moment?
1. you shouldn't post her picture
2. who cares what we think? do you like her or not?
3. if there's even a slight interest you should hit 'er up.


I'm not sure I can find 5+ more women nearby me that have promise. I've looked at nearly all the profiles for women 80%+ within 50 miles. I hid the ones I could tell wouldn't work as well (based on questions + general interests).

Meh, I'm going to update my profile again to fix some parts I'm not happy with, look at a few more profiles before taking a long break from the site.

Don't be mega picky. Those match #'s don't tell you a whole story. If I see 60% or more I tend to message. Even then if it's less, but I see promising shit in their profile then I go message anyway.

Did you try the age group trick by the way? Like for me my range is 19-24, but when I search, I change it to 19-19, 20-20, 21-21, and so on so you see more results for that age chunk.

Edit: Everything foodtaster said.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Don't be mega picky. Those match #'s don't tell you a whole story. If I see 60% or more I tend to message. Even then if it's less, but I see promising shit in their profile then I go message anyway.

Did you try the age group trick by the way? Like for me my range is 19-24, but when I search, I change it to 19-19, 20-20, 21-21, and so on so you see more results for that age chunk.

Edit: Everything foodtaster said.
Alright, I'll start looking at least 70%+. I just find that even in the 80%s ranges the likelihood of a deal breaker question coming up increases. Probably the most frequent one is when they answer that it's unacceptable that the match doesn't drink. I don't drink and never plan to, so I can't see that working. I'll try the age trick.

I also agree with foodtaster.


Alright, I'll start looking at least 70%+. I just find that even in the 80%s ranges the likelihood of a deal breaker question coming up increases. Probably the most frequent one is when they answer that it's unacceptable that the match doesn't drink. I don't drink and never plan to, so I can't see that working. I'll try the age trick.

I also agree with foodtaster.

What if there is a non drinking lady with similar interests in the 60% tile range, but you guys are a 60% match only based off of some of the stupider questions on the site being different? Or she hasn't answered as many of the same ones as you?

Fish with a bigger net.


Clearly you got something going on that puts you in her league, though I know that feeling myself since the girl I'm into feels like a 10 in my book, and if I labeled myself I'd say I'm a 7.5 at best lol. Just have to realize though if a girl is giving you attention and wants to meet up though, then those numbers don't mean shit except people looking in and only looking at the physical. Plenty of great looking women end up with decent looking guys because they have more shit going on. (Money,funny,morals,religious beliefs, walks in life, sex)

As for an update for me Max there is nothing to update lol. We texted yesterday for a smidge like I mentioned, but now I'm playing the waiting game where I'm not texting her to start a conversation until Wednesday evening. If she texts me before then, great, because it will ease up my mind on it being a two way straight on being into each other.

Otherwise, talking to about 3 girls on the site, but no sparks really flying with any of them, most likely due to my head being in the clouds about the other chick. I have back up plans set up in case it does bomb out though with this girl. I'll most likely pony up the dough for match.com for a month and see how that goes.

Grinding. Always.

Was it a question? :p

I'm hesitant to post what I said just because I know I'll be criticized. :p I don't like to play "the game".

PM me the questions you sent, if you don't mind.

1. you shouldn't post her picture
2. who cares what we think? do you like her or not?
3. if there's even a slight interest you should hit 'er up.

I agree with 1. #2 is also relevant. You have to like her, not us. And three should be the mantra of okcupid. If you have a slight interest, THROW DOWN THE GAUNTLET MAN.

Don't be mega picky. Those match #'s don't tell you a whole story. If I see 60% or more I tend to message. Even then if it's less, but I see promising shit in their profile then I go message anyway.

Did you try the age group trick by the way? Like for me my range is 19-24, but when I search, I change it to 19-19, 20-20, 21-21, and so on so you see more results for that age chunk.

Edit: Everything foodtaster said.

The age group trick works fucking balls awesome.

Update on Wednesday Plans

So the plan is to bring over my TV and Wii (I know she has one, but mine has all the games I have ripped to a hard drive for ease of portability), and she wants to hide away in her bedroom all day with me from a storm she saw coming from the weather forecast. I think I may just top Sunday, gents.


all good things
Grrr people are flakey as shit on these sites.

Here, let me give you my number so we can text.

Text for a little while back and fourth and ask if I can call and no reply. Wtf, I don't want to text I'm not 15.


Was it a question? :p


No it was not.

We talked about her day, my day, me being stoked for Batman 3 and her too, me saying it stinks we can't see it together cuz of her mega busy week, I asked if saturday was the day she has time again, she said she's going to a concert with her sis that day, but would still be in town probably sunday morning and that we'd figure something out. (Basically what lead me to the whole not to text her after this, because it gave me a vibe of don't try so hard, it'll happen naturally) So I said sounds good with me that I'm going to get back to working blah blah and that we'd talk later.

Now is the waiting game haha.



No it was not.

We talked about her day, my day, me being stoked for Batman 3 and her too, me saying it stinks we can't see it together cuz of her mega busy week, I asked if saturday was the day she has time again, she said she's going to a concert with her sis that day, but would still be in town probably sunday morning and that we'd figure something out. (Basically what lead me to the whole not to text her after this, because it gave me a vibe of don't try so hard, it'll happen naturally) So I said sounds good with me that I'm going to get back to working blah blah and that we'd talk later.

Now is the waiting game haha.

IDK man. I ALWAYS leave off messages with questions, because it puts the ball firmly in their court and they know they're kinda sitting on a timebomb.

She may be waiting for a simple message like "so how is your day today?" to keep her interest piqued.

edit: fuck, i keep remembering some crazy ass details about Sunday night. It was probably the dirtiest sex I ever had.


This kinda happened. Yeah.

DOUBLE EDIT: ZombieFred, go for that shit man.


IDK man. I ALWAYS leave off messages with questions, because it puts the ball firmly in their court and they know they're kinda sitting on a timebomb.

She may be waiting for a simple message like "so how is your day today?" to keep her interest piqued.

edit: fuck, i keep remembering some crazy ass details about Sunday night. It was probably the dirtiest sex I ever had.


This kinda happened. Yeah.

DOUBLE EDIT: ZombieFred, go for that shit man.

It was an afternoon chat during my lunch break yesterday though. I can't exactly be texting non stop at work so at some point I had to cut it off. We chatted about some things, figured out she was going to a concert on Saturday with her sister and would be in town Sunday morning. I said we can hang Sunday or else I don't mind coming back up to her town(1 hour away) again if she wants. She said we'd figure it out, and I replied that it sounds good to me, had to get back to work, and that we'd talk later.

Now I'm leaving the ball in her court to try to talk to me either today or most of tomorrow. At this point she knows I'm interested, especially since all but 1 day since we started talking I'll start a texting convo with her. I just want to see if she'll do it back, so I know I'm not being pushy or coming off needy. It's about giving her space too. Plus, more to talk about when you take a little break.

Trying to be super chill man. Yeah I want to text her to see what's up and shit, but I'm trying to play all the right cards to not blow it. Nice and slow.
This is what Girl #3 did for a couple days. She looked it over and just responded later after she thought about it a while. You just have to be patient when you see someone who links up to you so well.

Do this shit man. They eat it up (literally, lol). She said she never had anyone cook for her, and it was so intimate and romantic that it really just sealed the deal that she felt like we had an instant connection.

Okay, PART 2 TIME.

Last time on Romantic Ball Z, Maxrpg had just scored first base with the woman of his dreams.

Will he continue his reign of romantic silliness and cute innocence belying a true deceptive sexual nature? Find out, on ROMANTIC BALL Z.


We try to continue making the food, as I'm cooking on her stove, and even so often, I'll come over, and we'll make out some more, and time will feel like it stops. Things start to burn, the cooking is neglected just so but not so much that it won't be edible (the steaks I cooked medium raw anyway).

She really wanted to eat the food but really enjoyed kissing and I felt like I was in a dream. I literally hovered in the air two feet, I think, and I could tell she was in a haze too.

We sat onto her couch with our food, and made out some more before eating, during eating... it was magical. Like our bodies were meant to be this close always.

You know you've found the perfect nerdy girl of her dreams when she grabs her Wii remote, queues up Netflix, and we start watching The IT Crowd. Later on, she puts on some Louie C.K. It was absolutely hilarious.

We finish eating, and we dispose of the dishes (it's all a blur right now), and then we made our way back to the couch (the main event, I could feel it).

We start just eating each other's face, I couldn't believe how well our lips and tongues intertwined as if they knew each other before, I've never kissed anyone so passionately in my entire life.

This lead to her getting on top of me on the couch, and I could go into it in more detail, but suffice to say, it started with head, then progressed to sex.

Seven Times. I have never, ever had that much sex in my entire life in one day. With ANYONE. She was absolutely blown away with how well we, like.... merged.... and just kept wanting it. I wasn't going to deny this woman anything, I told her she can have everything of me, and she offered herself in return. It was blissful and peaceful just being near her, really it was.

And that's my story. I was there until 5 AM this morning, when I got back an hour later and I got chik fil a. Needless to say, my body is fucking sore. But it was entirely worth. EVERY. SINGLE. WAIT.

Don't stop looking people. Keep grinding, you will find the one that matches you. I guarantee it as long as you keep your heart open and continue to look for love.

Hey Max are you the guy in the avatar?
Eh, have any of you gotten spam messages?
Looks like spam to me....:
hi,what's up?I am sara and i like to have fun with you are you interested?I am so friendly and like to try some new thing because i just live for once and i 'm gonna do whatever i like.
From a profile without pictures (edit: and very basic info), lol

Also guys who put their sex in as female suck and I hate every time one shows up when I look for chicks :(


Eh, have any of you gotten spam messages?
Looks like spam to me....:

From a profile without pictures (edit: and very basic info), lol

Also guys who put their sex in as female suck and I hate every time one shows up when I look for chicks :(

YOLO! Hit up that picless lady. She needs loving too!

Well to be fair duders who put their sex as ladies might be pre-op.
YOLO! Hit up that picless lady. She needs loving too!

Well to be fair duders who put their sex as ladies might be pre-op.

I dunno, the one I've stumbled upon not too long ago looked a bit like a younger version Tank Abbott (former UFC fighter), with beard & shit. But yeah, whatever. Kinda kills my mood though :/
Also the percentage of bisexual chicks is higher than what I would have imagined :O
But I guess okc peeps don't even begin to represent the population.


the piano man
so guys what do you think of posting shirtless pics, assuming your upper body is worth showing?

will it come off as arrogant/annoying? or will it attract more people??


I dunno, the one I've stumbled upon not too long ago looked a bit like a younger version Tank Abbott (former UFC fighter), with beard & shit. But yeah, whatever. Kinda kills my mood though :/
Also the percentage of bisexual chicks is higher than what I would have imagined :O
But I guess okc peeps don't even begin to represent the population.

Well some dudes might be trolling.

And yeah the amount of bi chicks is staggering.

Edit: @ Sphinx. Go about it smartly. If you got abs/pecs worth showing off, try to get a shirtless pic of you doing a water related activity with people or outdoors doing something. Just full on shirtless pic is going to both harm and help depending on who you want to attract.

Personally when I finish P90X if I'm still using the site in 3months, then I'll get an action shot of me with my shirt off on there. Why not? I want a fit lady too. :/


Well some dudes might be trolling.

And yeah the amount of bi chicks is staggering.

Edit: @ Sphinx. Go about it smartly. If you got abs/pecs worth showing off, try to get a shirtless pic of you doing a water related activity with people or outdoors doing something. Just full on shirtless pic is going to both harm and help depending on who you want to attract.

Personally when I finish P90X if I'm still using the site in 3months, then I'll get an action shot of me with my shirt off on there. Why not? I want a fit lady too. :/

I find those types of shots are very superficial. But that may be just me. I think smiling, funny shots, and overall ones that say "you are going to have a lot of fucking fun with me" do much better than "check out my bod." It just speaks higher volumes.


I find those types of shots are very superficial. But that may be just me. I think smiling, funny shots, and overall ones that say "you are going to have a lot of fucking fun with me" do much better than "check out my bod." It just speaks higher volumes.

That's why I said it can both harm and help. If he wants another lady who takes care of her body too and works out often, then it may help them flock more to the pic. Being in good shape is something to be proud of and takes hard work, so if you got it, show it off.
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