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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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i'm not on okc anymore, but mine was 100%. i've found after experimentation that you should have no more than 2 pictures. 1 action shot/hobby shot and one interest shot (define it as you will). your entire profile should be no more than 200 words. peaking i got about 10 messages a week. on average about 3. the average views were about 21 people a week, meaning about 10% of people who visited my profile messaged me.

i'm not particularly good looking either.
basically your profile should a.) be interesting enough to warrant a view/write your profile in a way that someone has to click it after seeing the small part on the matching thing. b.) be consistently good enough to possibly warrant a message. some ratio between the two will get you a message, though a lot of women will only view your profile, expecting you to message them first (stupid, yes I know).

Yeah right you're probably really good looking
Lol, was about to make a profile, but than realized all pictures I have are 2 years old or older. Guess I'm going out tonight for a picture...I GUESS. I'm not expecting much, but who knows.
I absolutely hate people that lie in their pictures. Went to universal studios today w/a okc gal. She wasn't well, as pictured. Had a blast though none the less...

Big problem though, there was this beyond BEAUTIFUL indian goddess there. She was wearing a silk pink dress, and had a sister with her. We kept crossing each others paths, I looked, she looked, and that was that. After it happened a few times I figured "Wait, shes giving me F-me eyes. So one of the final times I saw her, i just decided to keep looking as she was passing. She was beautiful, she stared, smiled, and that was that. I Didn't want to be rude, as I was there with someone, but man. This is a serious toll that fake pictures, well out dated, has taken. God, her image is burned into my mind. There were double takes, and I was just in awe at how lovely she was to look at. It was nice to get the flirtatious looks, and the slight ego boost.

Ended up having fun, but man. This whole fake pictures thing needs to stop. I was 2 seconds from saying "I left something behind." to go talk to Mrs.Princess. It was well worth the risk. Me & My date probably looked more like friends than anything else.


Hahaha, that sucks. Depending on how deceptive the girl's photos were I don't know if I'd call talking to the goddess rude, and in fact I might call the OKC girl rude for deceiving you. That shit is definitely what scares me the most about meeting girls online.

Where in CT are you? I'm finding the same thing, with tons of awesome girls being in NYC, Northampton and Boson.

Milford, you?


UPDATE? I guess?

Stuff with Girl is going really good, the only problems I have is that she has to take a lot of downtime between visits (just because of how she is). I just want to show her that I really care and I like being around her.

She told me that she needs time to warm up to it, and I've been giving her a lot of space. So I hope this helps her out a lot, but after that initial couple of dates together, it is kind of hard to not miss her.


I want to see proof. You're probably tall, handsome, white, etc. Someone who's 6/10 getting 10 unsolicited messages in the best week and 3 per week normally doesn't make sense.

Agreed and I view myself as a 7.5 at best, so this is some bull shit I smell here.

Also, wtf is Japancupid? Is it only for people who live in Japan or a way to meet asian cuties? I won't lie I have yellow fever so this intrigues me...
I want to see proof. You're probably tall, handsome, white, etc. Someone who's 6/10 getting 10 unsolicited messages in the best week and 3 per week normally doesn't make sense.

not white, average height (5'9"-5'10"). physically the best asset is probably that I'm in shape and active. 10 unsolicited messages isn't difficult if you live in a congested city. that's probably low considering the amount of people who are online in the city I'm in. the 10 came from when I first changed my picture to me doing some active stuff, but it dropped pretty quick. i was only on okc for 3 months, so the 3 week average probably would've dropped to zero. it was like this:

month 1 - month 2 - month 3
0,0,1,2 - 2,1,1,10 - 4, 3, 3, 2

then I got a girlfriend (strangely not from okc) and I got off. looks are honestly overrated. women i've talked to on okc say they value humor and confidence more than looks, but it's possible that they're lying. finally, y'all are assuming that most of the women who messaged me were gorgeous, there were not. trust me. i'd rather have 1 message a week from a really good looking interesting girl than 100 from well below average women. you're only going to have when girlfriend in the end. quality > quantity.
not white, average height (5'9"-5'10"). physically the best asset is probably that I'm in shape and active. 10 unsolicited messages isn't difficult if you live in a congested city. that's probably low considering the amount of people who are online in the city I'm in. the 10 came from when I first changed my picture to me doing some active stuff, but it dropped pretty quick. i was only on okc for 3 months, so the 3 week average probably would've dropped to zero. it was like this:

month 1 - month 2 - month 3
0,0,1,2 - 2,1,1,10 - 4, 3, 3, 2

then I got a girlfriend (strangely not from okc) and I got off. looks are honestly overrated. women i've talked to on okc say they value humor and confidence more than looks, but it's possible that they're lying
Were the girls that messaged you good looking? and what was the active stuff you were doing in that pic cause it obviously worked
Were the girls that messaged you good looking? and what was the active stuff you were doing in that pic cause it obviously worked

out of all the messaged I received, there was only like three really good looking girls. oh and the picture was awesome. my friend managed to take a picture of me when I was riding my road bike shirtless, without the handle bars passing a bunch of sprinkler things. it looked awesome.

for real, put a picture of yourself doing something active with a tank top on and I guarantee you'll see a temp. increase in messages.
out of all the messaged I received, there was only like three really good looking girls. oh and the picture was awesome. my friend managed to take a picture of me when I was riding my road bike shirtless, without the handle bars passing a bunch of sprinkler things. it looked awesome.

for real, put a picture of yourself doing something active with a tank top on and I guarantee you'll see a temp. increase in messages.

That does sound like a pretty attention grabbing photo! I'll have to try for something that impressive...

Edit: thought I'd post again in case anyone is bored and wants to critique my POF profile: http://www.pof.com/viewprofile.aspx?profile_id=16932531


Idk how I would go about getting a pic of myself while I'm biking or jogging since I only go by myself. Sucks since I do it all at a nature reserve, and so it'd make for a great out doorsy shot. Blah.


all good things
I like how POF has the little meet me thing. At least you can get an idea if someone is interested instead of just viewing your profile. I just look at peoples profile out of curiosity half the time.

Even though probably 20 out of the 28 ladies who said they want to meet me are kind of ..... well not my type and one was a transvestite.

I messaged some of the attractive ones and a few didn't message me back lol wtf is that. I want to meet him.. wait I changed my mind, fuck you.


I absolutely hate people that lie in their pictures. Went to universal studios today w/a okc gal. She wasn't well, as pictured. Had a blast though none the less...

Big problem though, there was this beyond BEAUTIFUL indian goddess there. She was wearing a silk pink dress, and had a sister with her. We kept crossing each others paths, I looked, she looked, and that was that. After it happened a few times I figured "Wait, shes giving me F-me eyes. So one of the final times I saw her, i just decided to keep looking as she was passing. She was beautiful, she stared, smiled, and that was that. I Didn't want to be rude, as I was there with someone, but man. This is a serious toll that fake pictures, well out dated, has taken. God, her image is burned into my mind. There were double takes, and I was just in awe at how lovely she was to look at. It was nice to get the flirtatious looks, and the slight ego boost.

Ended up having fun, but man. This whole fake pictures thing needs to stop. I was 2 seconds from saying "I left something behind." to go talk to Mrs.Princess. It was well worth the risk. Me & My date probably looked more like friends than anything else.


I would've bailed because of her lies. Though, glad you had a good time anyway.
I like how POF has the little meet me thing. At least you can get an idea if someone is interested instead of just viewing your profile. I just look at peoples profile out of curiosity half the time.

Even though probably 20 out of the 28 ladies who said they want to meet me are kind of ..... well not my type and one was a transvestite.

I messaged some of the attractive ones and a few didn't message me back lol wtf is that. I want to meet him.. wait I changed my mind, fuck you.

Yeah fat chicks always want to meet me too.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
UPDATE? I guess?

Stuff with Girl is going really good, the only problems I have is that she has to take a lot of downtime between visits (just because of how she is). I just want to show her that I really care and I like being around her.

She told me that she needs time to warm up to it, and I've been giving her a lot of space. So I hope this helps her out a lot, but after that initial couple of dates together, it is kind of hard to not miss her.
Keeping in contact during down times via text?


So I ponied up for match.com. So far I feel it's a waste of money haha.

Tons of great looking girls, messaged about 14, and no replies or messages my way.

Still waiting for girl 1 to put some fucking effort into this, but she isn't and I doubt she will, so fuck it.

Asked real life buddies and people I know what I should do with girl 2, who asked me to hang out again tomorrow. Texts me frequently throughout the day, no stupid short messages, will respark up a conversation even if the last text i or her sent sort of dwindled what we were talking about. Genuinely a super cool chick and on the same level of geekiness/nerdiness as myself. Cute, but like I mentioned is about 10-20 pounds heavier than I'd like a chick to be for me to want to jump her bones. She DOES work out, so I feel I could guide her to results since I've lost 10 pounds in the last month and just today did my first day of P90x.

Does this make me a shitty person? I think we've talked about this before in this thread about "investing in the potential" of a girl in regards to weight loss. I mean I don't want her skinny or Barbie mode, but I'm a tall and slender dude myself, and my father once told me you should always be in good enough shape to toss your woman over your shoulder to take her to the bedroom.


So I ponied up for match.com. So far I feel it's a waste of money haha.

Tons of great looking girls, messaged about 14, and no replies or messages my way.

Still waiting for girl 1 to put some fucking effort into this, but she isn't and I doubt she will, so fuck it.

Asked real life buddies and people I know what I should do with girl 2, who asked me to hang out again tomorrow. Texts me frequently throughout the day, no stupid short messages, will respark up a conversation even if the last text i or her sent sort of dwindled what we were talking about. Genuinely a super cool chick and on the same level of geekiness/nerdiness as myself. Cute, but like I mentioned is about 10-20 pounds heavier than I'd like a chick to be for me to want to jump her bones. She DOES work out, so I feel I could guide her to results since I've lost 10 pounds in the last month and just today did my first day of P90x.

Does this make me a shitty person? I think we've talked about this before in this thread about "investing in the potential" of a girl in regards to weight loss. I mean I don't want her skinny or Barbie mode, but I'm a tall and slender dude myself, and my father once told me you should always be in good enough shape to toss your woman over your shoulder to take her to the bedroom.

Hmm, that's tough, I'm sorta dealing with that with the new girlfriend, I mean she's beautiful but a little overweight. But she's like a vegan and eats super healthy so there's not much more she could be doing.

I think it's their attitude and obviously other things about them, if she was eating burgers all day and never worked out maybe it'd be different, also I'm pretty skinny and want to gain weight and she still likes me so it'd be hypocritical not to like her for something like that.

How many times have you hung out? If you have met in person how was it?

Also the pof meet thing is broken because if they say maybe they wanna meet you it'll tell you they do, so they may have just said maybe if they don't respond to a message


all good things
Someone sent a message that said
ur so cute and handsome
today. I Said thanks. Too bad she looked kinda like a guy in drag with drawn on eye brows. Fuck that sounded kinda mean.


Someone sent a message that said today. I Said thanks. Too bad she looked kinda like a guy in drag with drawn on eye brows. Fuck that sounded kinda mean.

Is it bad that I would completely ignore that message simply because of the "ur" ?


all good things
Is it bad that I would completely ignore that message simply because of the "ur" ?

Maybe. It might be hard to find someone with good spelling and punctuation on these sites that's also interested in you.

I've been talking to a girl today and every single thing she sends me has a "lol" in it. Sometimes one for every sentence. I just say lol too.

I almost asked her if she was laughing every time she types it but I stopped myself. I'm pretty sure her reply would probably just be "lol yes =)"


So I ponied up for match.com. So far I feel it's a waste of money haha.

Tons of great looking girls, messaged about 14, and no replies or messages my way.

Still waiting for girl 1 to put some fucking effort into this, but she isn't and I doubt she will, so fuck it.

Asked real life buddies and people I know what I should do with girl 2, who asked me to hang out again tomorrow. Texts me frequently throughout the day, no stupid short messages, will respark up a conversation even if the last text i or her sent sort of dwindled what we were talking about. Genuinely a super cool chick and on the same level of geekiness/nerdiness as myself. Cute, but like I mentioned is about 10-20 pounds heavier than I'd like a chick to be for me to want to jump her bones. She DOES work out, so I feel I could guide her to results since I've lost 10 pounds in the last month and just today did my first day of P90x.

Does this make me a shitty person? I think we've talked about this before in this thread about "investing in the potential" of a girl in regards to weight loss. I mean I don't want her skinny or Barbie mode, but I'm a tall and slender dude myself, and my father once told me you should always be in good enough shape to toss your woman over your shoulder to take her to the bedroom.

I think Girl 2 is going to work out better for you man than Girl 1 attention wise. She's totally into you, and you seem to need the attention more than Girl 1 is giving you man. Sure Girl 2 might not look the best in your eyes, but like you said, she's working on it and helping her work towards that would give her and you a more redeeming and satisfying relationship in the end, should you choose to pursue it.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
So I've been talking to the girl from Mexico who messaged me a little bit. She asked to add me on Facebook, a first for someone I met on Okcupid. I don't think it'll go anywhere due to the distance, but she's nice and is fun to talk to.
I can't say this method would work for everyone, but I've received positive comments concerning my profile from women in the past :p

It's also old as shit (I haven't really changed it since 2008...Funny People, really?), but that doesn't really seem to matter I guess.

That said, it's still a numbers game, so I still send out way more messages than I ever receive. I've met some awesome people on okcupid though that I'm still friends (and more!) with, so the site's definitely been a net positive for me overall.


Oh God GAF. A highly religious lady from Match has been emailing me. I'm not completely running for the hills from her or anything, because she's super cool and a good conversationalist, but some of the stuff packed into these long emails are mmm red flags I guess. i.e. wants to settle down ASAP and have kids haha. I'm 24, still in college, work a crappy paying job----nowhere NEAR that point in my life. She's 27, so it makes sense she would want these things, and I do too, but just currently would not be able to make that kind of life happen.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Oh God GAF. A highly religious lady from Match has been emailing me. I'm not completely running for the hills from her or anything, because she's super cool and a good conversationalist, but some of the stuff packed into these long emails are mmm red flags I guess. i.e. wants to settle down ASAP and have kids haha. I'm 24, still in college, work a crappy paying job----nowhere NEAR that point in my life. She's 27, so it makes sense she would want these things, and I do too, but just currently would not be able to make that kind of life happen.

I'd stop talking with her. Why waste your time and her time??


4 messages into talking to this girl and the topic is already about bondage.



I'd stop talking with her. Why waste your time and her time??

Several reasons. 1) Cute from what I can tell. 2) Has a ton of similar outlooks on life 3) Is super honest and great conversationalist. (You know how many chicks I've dated that are hard to read and play games? Too many. All of them probably in fact. This girl is not doing that shit which is a HUGE breath of relief.

Now I already stated to her I'm not super religious by any means, that I'm agnostic, but talked about myself and how I am a good person. She said she IS spiritual and it is her passion, but she doesn't necessarily need her man to be that way too as long as he has things he is passionate about and is kind,honest, etc.

I'll reply to her again and be myself and completely honest with where I'm at, since she's doing that with me. I feel it's worth seeing how it plays out and talking a bit more. If I'm honest with her and vice versa, and we still are interested in each other, then why the hell not?


Ask her when you are coming over.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I'll reply to her again and be myself and completely honest with where I'm at, since she's doing that with me. I feel it's worth seeing how it plays out and talking a bit more. If I'm honest with her and vice versa, and we still are interested in each other, then why the hell not?

a lot of red flags but have fun!


a lot of red flags but have fun!

Yeah, plus she's out of the country for another like 3 weeks. So plenty of time to just chat back and forth slowly, and if more red flags pop up, then no big deal. Can easily squash it before it becomes anything in that long of a time frame.
Yeah, plus she's out of the country for another like 3 weeks. So plenty of time to just chat back and forth slowly, and if more red flags pop up, then no big deal. Can easily squash it before it becomes anything in that long of a time frame.

So for match.com both people have to be paying subscribers to send and receive msgs? doesn't that narrow the field dramatically


So for match.com both people have to be paying subscribers to send and receive msgs? doesn't that narrow the field dramatically

Yeah if you aren't paying you can't see who is trying to message you or view your profiles. Basically you pony up and then you can start sending messages and get them, plus see all of what is happening towards you.

It also has a cool feature of seeing who is looking for someone like you based on your profile/personality. That lets you just skip over trying to hunt through random ladies, and go straight to the ones who apparently want a guy like you.

There is a LOT of women on match in my area though. More so than OKC in terms of good looking ones which is definitely a bonus, but you run into a lot of way too similar profiles. "I like going out for hiking, camping, a night out bar hopping, but also like a night in." Which to me is all sorts of bull shit.

Is it worth the money? Not sure yet. Only been a few days, and only talked to one girl which is the one I mentioned above. You can still make a match profile, without paying, and do search's to at least check out what your area has, then you can see if it's worth investing money into or not.


"You can call me Mercy". After reading those messages that has a whole new sinister meaning to it.

You hear stories about creepers on these sites, but usually it's the men doing the weird shit like this. Kinda surprised a chick went this bat shit over some dude so fast lol.
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