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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Basically confirms all girls are gold diggers.

I wouldn't care what the income is of the girls in low-mid 20s. That is a time when we are all finding out career and just starting out. Just having a entry level position in your field is a huge plus in this economy.
Basically confirms all girls are gold diggers.
I wouldn't go that far. It might just be because of the type of women that would use a dating site like this can further filter down what they are looking for. Looking for the best of the best, I mean.

Whereas in actual life, if you met a nice girl at a supermarket (for example) and you were 25 making $20k It wouldn't be brought up for a while into dating and I doubt they would care.


What is up with girls on Match all wanting a guy that is at least a foot taller than them. It's like as a guy that is 5'6 I'm supposed to find a girl that is 4'5 on there or something. My ex-girlfriend was an inch or two taller than me and I kind of digged it (she rarely wore heels, probably because I was shorter haha).


I'm the same height and I have no problems. Although that may be because I'm asian and look for other asian girls, who are usually short anyway. The girls that are like 5'8" and above usually say something like "you have to be taller than me" or something. Personal preference I guess. I wouldn't want my girl taller, personally.
So finally pulled my finger out and got messaging a few girls. Used a template but obviously edited most of it but kept the structure, was about 2 short paragraphs long. I got looks at my profile and one looked a few times, but no replies

Then I saw another chick, fan of comics and geeky stuff, and I simply said

"Hmm comic books and geeky films?!

I think my friends have put this awesome and cute, but fake profile on here to catch me out!

Tell me I'm wrong!"

To which I got a good response back. So I'm idly chatting to her now. Just a little hesitant to get things really going due to the amount of flops I've had one here. I know some are just gonna happen, but other times I get my hopes up after a few weeks and blam....no content from them!

So I'm just gonna carry in the talk for now, hopefully she'll be up for a meet up. Not holding me breath anyway


OKCupid got a pretty healthy polyamory "scene", and most of the girls who answer the question saying they are up for an open relationship really are and don't mind my girlfriend at all.

Just saying this out of any particular context, it just makes me happy and somewhat hopeful for the future.
I used your template. I hope it works! haha, this girl is amazing sounding.

Try it! That was just something off the cuff that I decided to use- as it was late and I didn't want to type that much lol

OKCupid got a pretty healthy polyamory "scene", and most of the girls who answer the question saying they are up for an open relationship really are and don't mind my girlfriend at all.

Just saying this out of any particular context, it just makes me happy and somewhat hopeful for the future.

What country/city are you in?


Try it! That was just something off the cuff that I decided to use- as it was late and I didn't want to type that much lol

What country/city are you in?

Brazil - São Paulo
But I'm often checking out people all over the world and I feel I would be even more comfortable in the US (places like Portland and Seattle, not so much New York or Cali)
OKCupid got a pretty healthy polyamory "scene", and most of the girls who answer the question saying they are up for an open relationship really are and don't mind my girlfriend at all.

Just saying this out of any particular context, it just makes me happy and somewhat hopeful for the future.

Well I uhh.. err.. hmm. Didn't expect that last part.

Yeah this one girl invited me to her house last week to watch the meteor shower at like 6 in the morning. We were having a good chat, then we went inside and she cooked breakfast. Then out of nowhere she whips out a copy of The Ethical Slut and says I should read it. I'm like, I know what polyamory is, and I tell her I disagree with it. And she says, "But I thought you were atheist? Why would you believe in monogamy? That was an idea created by religions." I explain to her that, first of all, if someone proclaims themselves an atheist, they are saying nothing about the morals and values they hold, but only about their position on the existence of a god. And second, monogamy is one of the few things that religion has gotten right. With our intelligence, we should strive to control the population by procreating with only one partner and not fuck around like animals. She then looked all confused, and said "Well... just read it. You'll understand"

I think she's crazy, especially because she has a kid already. Later on, we were cuddling in her bed. She was really rushing to try and get laid and she started reaching down my pants. Luckily I had to take a huge piss because of all the coffee we drank, so when I came back to bed the mood was broken. We had a nap together and then I left her and that damn book behind. The next day she started texting me saying how much of a good time she had and I texted her back saying I wasn't going to be part of her stable. She actually got offended, and stopped texting me back thankfully.



hahaha.. I love walter and perry! Good luck my friend.. Good luck!


And second, monogamy is one of the few things that religion has gotten right. With our intelligence, we should strive to control the population by procreating with only one partner and not fuck around like animals.

Animals are also polyamorous. It's not that hard.

Yes, I know we are animals too, but we should use some intelligence and self control to be better.

So you don't have a problem with polygamy if people use birth control or are physically unable to have kids?

I'm fine with polygamy but I find your reasoning a bit odd.
So you don't have a problem with polygamy if people use birth control or are physically unable to have kids?

I'm fine with polygamy but I find your reasoning a bit odd.

I'm not fine with polyamory at all amongst human beings. I know it's natural for us to lean towards polyamory, and this girl I was talking about thought she couldn't get pregnant because of some condition she had, but then bam, she has a kid with one of her studs. Shit happens and being polyamorous increases the chance of unwanted pregnancies.


I'm not fine with polyamory at all amongst human beings. I know it's natural for us to lean towards polyamory, and this girl I was talking about thought she couldn't get pregnant because of some condition she had, but then bam, she has a kid with one of her studs. Shit happens and being polyamorous increases the chance of unwanted pregnancies.

In the context of what you wrote, what the hell is a Stud? lol


The girl that flaked on me on Sunday messaged me tonight saying that she's really sorry she did it. We ended up chatting for a long time and she flat out said that she misses having a boyfriend and that I seem like a really nice guy and she didn't mean to piss me off like that. Even though we haven't met, we have chatted a lot and we get along very well so I decided to give it another shot. She only gets one though, she flakes again and that's it.

I was thinking of changing our meet up to something other than just coffee this time. She loves Animals, would a zoo or aquarium be good?


Alright, planning a quick coffee meetup with my first okcupid girl on Thursday...I'm nervous! We've been texting a lot so I hope I dont run out of things to say to her :(
Alright, planning a quick coffee meetup with my first okcupid girl on Thursday...I'm nervous! We've been texting a lot so I hope I dont run out of things to say to her :(
Definetly slow your roll on the texting, and keep it that way even after the date. Do extensive communication through phone calls or in person. I learned that the hard way after a date I really liked. I burned her out through texts and she got annoyed.


Definetly slow your roll on the texting, and keep it that way even after the date. Do extensive communication through phone calls or in person. I learned that the hard way after a date I really liked. I burned her out through texts and she got annoyed.

I hear what you're saying, but it's hard for me to do that. I'm an avid texter. I even asked her the other day to let me know if I'm interrupting her studying or anything and she said she'd rather me text a lot than not at all lol. I guess if she's the right one we shouldn't have a problem talking in person either.


I can't believe MaxRPG is still banned from GAF. God damn. From what I recall his ban breaking thing he did wasn't too severe.

I thirst to know if his dream woman panned out or if it blew up in his face. :eek:
The girl that flaked on me on Sunday messaged me tonight saying that she's really sorry she did it. We ended up chatting for a long time and she flat out said that she misses having a boyfriend and that I seem like a really nice guy and she didn't mean to piss me off like that. Even though we haven't met, we have chatted a lot and we get along very well so I decided to give it another shot. She only gets one though, she flakes again and that's it.

I was thinking of changing our meet up to something other than just coffee this time. She loves Animals, would a zoo or aquarium be good?

A non-standard first date just raises expectations, perhaps unrealistically. Hammer out a date, but keep in mind the possibility of another flake.
hahaha.. I love walter and perry! Good luck my friend.. Good luck![/QUOTE] I don't use Okcupid (or any dating site). I just thought their blog was interesting. Thanks for the luck anyway though.


Yea, so I just re-messaged a girl who ignored me about a month ago. I know it's not "proper
protocol, but I really don't give a shit!

I'm also not sure about taking this girl out for a second time, we went out last week and it was...OK, she was kinda more quiet then I was expecting, but she said say it was her first time meeting someone off OKC. I know I didn't get that instant 'connection' when we met so
I'm unsure if I should ask her out again, hmmm.!!


Try it! That was just something off the cuff that I decided to use- as it was late and I didn't want to type that much lol

What country/city are you in?

Hasn't worked out yet haha.

On another note, I sent this girl who had a pretty smile a message complimenting her, and wishing her luck (she's too tall for me). I saw she checked my profile but didn't message. No biggie. But then she uploaded more pictures and shes so damn pretty, I sent another complimenting her again, saying she looks stunning and I'd love to be friends blah blah. She replies saying I'm cute and we can be friends.

Do compliments normally work?! I thought it was creepy ish so I never sent them to the girls I actually want to date


Me? Here are my 2 messages. They are corny as fuck because I didn't care if she replied back or not lol

Hi there just wanted to say that you have an amazing smile. Good luck on your OKcupid conquests :)

So I planned on just sending the one message and that's it, but then I saw you posted new pictures and I have to compliment you again. You look..stunning. Damn that's forward, never sent messages like this lol.

Also noticed you updated your profile, never seen a girl so adventurous and down for new things. I'd love to talk to you and maybe be friends and "explore the world". Just friends, you're too tall for me =P

Wasn't really a template, took forever to write that second message lol. Don't judge me bro!
Me? Here are my 2 messages. They are corny as fuck because I didn't care if she replied back or not lol

Wasn't really a template, took forever to write that second message lol. Don't judge me bro!
Don't tell women they look beautiful.


You might think that words like gorgeous, beautiful, and sexy are nice things to say to someone, but no one wants to hear them. As we all know, people normally like compliments, but when they’re used as pick-up lines, before you’ve even met in person, they inevitably feel…ew. Besides, when you tell a woman she’s beautiful, chances are you’re not.



Don't say "hi" either

For the girl I'm seeing Saturday, she wears really bright red lipstick so I just sent a message saying that has to be the brightest lipstick on a woman I've ever seen in a joking/ribbing manner. She replied, we conversed a bit...and we're going out Saturday.
Yes. That is what you must do. They have a chart for that as well :p

WTFFF dont say hi?! Fuck these graphs, it's worked for me lol
....it's worked but it could work better.

Do not bash these charts and graphs. Look at them. Look at the bars and percents and despair, when in the fabric of your soul you know them to be true.


I bet those response rates are so low on the "beautiful, sexy, cutie" messages is because most are just "Hey sexy" or "Hey cutie...". I've had success telling girls they looked beautiful, etc. but its usually after a few messages in. For instance I've done the same thing Ashhong has done and complimented a girl when she puts a new picture up after we've been chatting for a bit and it works well.
What if I say Hi how's it going? Starting with How's it going seems weird..
It seems weird but women are weirdos.

..but its usually after a few messages in. I've done the same thing Ashhong has done and complimented a girl when she puts a new picture up after we've been chatting for a bit and it works well.
That's fine. Those charts are for the first message sent. Start with something specific about her, tattoos, bright lipstick (like that one dude) a book she said she liked etc.

If you start by telling her the reason you messaged her is because you thought she was beautiful you will not be doing yourself any favors.


all good things
Well, it took a few months but finally an attractive woman messaged me first! Woo

Lets see how many messages it takes for her to stop talking to me. lol
Well, it took a few months but finally an attractive woman messaged me first! Woo

Lets see how many messages it takes for her to stop talking to me. lol

Haha, I know that feeling. I feel a bit more pressure when I'm messaged first, I guess because it's more like, "they came to me first, now don't scare them away!" lol.
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