girl I'm pursuing....
back in February my GF of 2 years broke up with me. I re-activated my OKC account that I had from even a few years before I met my then exGF.
anyways, I find this chick who seems awesome. She has a little of a suicide girls look to her and VERY pretty. We message back and forth... it gets to the point where we are probably going to meet and go to a museum... but I get cold feet. It had only been about a few weeks since my GF broke up with me, so I told her that. I said I'd message her in a few weeks because things were still a little weird as I lived with my ex.
about a week after that... I checked her profile and she had her linked. I checked it out and her most listened to band is one of my favorites. I have ONE tattoo and it was inspired by some art from this band. I messaged her about that but never heard back. I think I noticed a few days later that her profile wasn't coming up, so I thought maybe she had blocked me. This was back in March.
FAST FORWARD to a few days ago and she shows up when I'm looking through matches. "I guess she didn't block me..." Maybe she deactivated her account after meeting someone, I dunno. Anyways I figure I might as well send a quick message, won't hurt. Back in March, I had sent her a still image of a cartoon I'm working on. I had JUST put together a short animation test and figured why not send it to her. I prefaced it with "sorry if this is creepy..." considering I had sent a few messages back in March that she never replied to.
she replied "Not creepy at all! I thoroughly enjoyed your toon, I played some music over it and it was very interesting"
so I replied that we should go to a museum and that she's probably the most interesting person I've run across on the site.
so YEA... that was long. Dunno why I really wrote it out... I'm not really asking for advice I guess, it's pretty much up to her if she responds now. If she doesn't... I think I'm done browsing OKC... just leave my profile up and hope I get some messages I guess.
edit: also MAYBE interesting.... about a week after I messaged her about my tattoo back in March, I PASSED HER IN THE STREET while I was walking back from a meal with my ex. I'm about 95% sure it was her, but I don't really know if she recognized me or not. Will be interesting to bring up if we do hang out.