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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Something happen with the girl you messaged twice, or something?

yep, she ignored me again lol fuck, whyyyy. I just want some feedback! it's like she's describing me, word for word in her profile in what she's looking for, then...nothing! am I ugly gaf, is that what it is :(


The girl I've been talking to for a while totally changed the other day. After she bailed and I went cold on her she must have had a change on heart. She said sorry for doing it and since then we've barely stopped talking. It started getting really sexual, even after just saying good morning right up until she said good night. She's into some wild stuff and said she "willing to teach me ;)". I hope she isn't expecting me to be a pro though, I'm kinda very inexperienced and she seems...not.


Well, it took a few months but finally an attractive woman messaged me first! Woo

Lets see how many messages it takes for her to stop talking to me. lol

Yeah two surprisingly attractive girls have messaged me first in the last few days. One even asked if I wanted to meet her somewhere.

I respond. And then nothing...

The fuck did I do wrong?


yep, she ignored me again lol fuck, whyyyy. I just want some feedback! it's like she's describing me, word for word in her profile in what she's looking for, then...nothing! am I ugly gaf, is that what it is :(

I have been in this situation. I have come to the conclusion that yes, I am ugly.
yep, she ignored me again lol fuck, whyyyy. I just want some feedback! it's like she's describing me, word for word in her profile in what she's looking for, then...nothing! am I ugly gaf, is that what it is :(
Or she's already invested in someone else. I've ignored attractive, interesting women because I already met one.

I hate all of you that take ignored messages so personally. You're beating yourself up over nothing.


yep, she ignored me again lol fuck, whyyyy. I just want some feedback! it's like she's describing me, word for word in her profile in what she's looking for, then...nothing! am I ugly gaf, is that what it is :(

Nah, you're quite good looking. As is the majority of gaf.


Or she's already invested in someone else. I've ignored attractive, interesting women because I already met one.

I hate all of you that take ignored messages so personally. You're beating yourself up over nothing.

I really don't take it that personally lol I'm just on vacation and have a lot of free time and the boredom is really getting to me. I've met multiple people off OKC already with..pretty good success I'd say.


all good things
I have been in this situation. I have come to the conclusion that yes, I am ugly.

Just because someones not interested in you doesn't mean you're ugly. They're probably just into a different look or whatever.

The worst was back in the old days of the internet when you'd be in a chat and trade pictures with someone.

"You go first Az987."

"Ok, sent. Your turn!"

"So and so has logged off."

That would bum me out so bad lol.


girl I'm pursuing....

back in February my GF of 2 years broke up with me. I re-activated my OKC account that I had from even a few years before I met my then exGF.

anyways, I find this chick who seems awesome. She has a little of a suicide girls look to her and VERY pretty. We message back and forth... it gets to the point where we are probably going to meet and go to a museum... but I get cold feet. It had only been about a few weeks since my GF broke up with me, so I told her that. I said I'd message her in a few weeks because things were still a little weird as I lived with my ex.

about a week after that... I checked her profile and she had her last.fm linked. I checked it out and her most listened to band is one of my favorites. I have ONE tattoo and it was inspired by some art from this band. I messaged her about that but never heard back. I think I noticed a few days later that her profile wasn't coming up, so I thought maybe she had blocked me. This was back in March.

FAST FORWARD to a few days ago and she shows up when I'm looking through matches. "I guess she didn't block me..." Maybe she deactivated her account after meeting someone, I dunno. Anyways I figure I might as well send a quick message, won't hurt. Back in March, I had sent her a still image of a cartoon I'm working on. I had JUST put together a short animation test and figured why not send it to her. I prefaced it with "sorry if this is creepy..." considering I had sent a few messages back in March that she never replied to.

she replied "Not creepy at all! I thoroughly enjoyed your toon, I played some music over it and it was very interesting"

so I replied that we should go to a museum and that she's probably the most interesting person I've run across on the site.

so YEA... that was long. Dunno why I really wrote it out... I'm not really asking for advice I guess, it's pretty much up to her if she responds now. If she doesn't... I think I'm done browsing OKC... just leave my profile up and hope I get some messages I guess.

edit: also MAYBE interesting.... about a week after I messaged her about my tattoo back in March, I PASSED HER IN THE STREET while I was walking back from a meal with my ex. I'm about 95% sure it was her, but I don't really know if she recognized me or not. Will be interesting to bring up if we do hang out.
met a woman who makes music, and ended up going out with her a few times. I'm pretty much just interested in friends right now, and nothing "serious", but we got along pretty well, and she even sent me a dope beat to use for a song, lol. So she seems pretty cool.

Then today on facebook she posted some birther nonsense that's easily disproved with a 2 second google search. *sigh* There's all these perfectly reality-based reasons to criticize Obama's presidency, yet people latch on to the most insane nonsense. Sheesh.


All the success stories here are making me..........



all good things
Well, it took a few months but finally an attractive woman messaged me first! Woo

Lets see how many messages it takes for her to stop talking to me. lol

She's still replying! Oh boy! lol

I still can't figure out why I mostly get views from either ugly white women or attractive black women.

Its a good thing I'm into black chicks or I'd be pretty lonely.
I suppose messaging a girl again after some time has passed is okay, since they get so many messages they will have likely forgotten yours.

Most of the time I wait a couple days for a response. I don't know how some of you get replies near-instantaneously. I guess the popular ones are swamped while the less-popular ones probably follow standard online dating rules and wait to respond to seem less desperate/needy. :lol



I am getting messages from girls I sent like days ago. I guess they are just getting around to my message?

I had some chick respond to a message literally 2 weeks after I sent it, and she had been online during those 2 weeks. Best part is I think I asked her about her weekend and how it had went back then, but she was talking about the current weekend as if I had asked her just that day.

I thank Jesus and the Spaghetti monster in the sky everyday I found someone off this site, or else I'd probably be banging my head against a wall still lol.


omg a girl I went to highschool I looked at her profile then realized that she can see me checking it out... omg she messaged me! Ugh I deleted the message and didnt respond when she said she recognized me... awkward.

BTW I had no interest in her at all.


omg a girl I went to highschool I looked at her profile then realized that she can see me checking it out... omg she messaged me! Ugh I deleted the message and didnt respond when she said she recognized me... awkward.

BTW I had no interest in her at all.

LOL awkwaaaaard

I'm so happy I can browse privately and still see visitors. Have no idea what that's about, but I'll take it.


all good things
^lol that would be funny.

I usually message someone with a dumb ass joke to get things going but the problems is I don't know where to go after they reply back with "haha you're funny." Dammit, some of these women don't give you anything to work with.


Are we still doing the things where we critique people's profiles? If so, I'd like some advice on mine. I've been single for 11 years so I figure it might be time to do something about it, even if it is making a simple dating profile. lol


Are we still doing the things where we critique people's profiles? If so, I'd like some advice on mine. I've been single for 11 years so I figure it might be time to do something about it, even if it is making a simple dating profile. lol

I'd get rid of that self summary and the virgin talk.


Are we still doing the things where we critique people's profiles? If so, I'd like some advice on mine. I've been single for 11 years so I figure it might be time to do something about it, even if it is making a simple dating profile. lol

OK, so I haven't been following this thread, so I don't know what's the standard approach to giving advice, but here I go:

1. I would try to get a better picture of yourself. I find the pic funny, but problem is your face is very hard to see. I feel like this is the most important thing. Regardless of whether a person views your profile picture just by browsing, or from looking at your message, the first thing that they're going to check out is your picture. I'm a big believer that first impressions are made from the moment you set your eyes on a person. You gotta put your best foot forward. I noticed a huge jump in reply rates as well as view rates just from having decent photos. If you have someone that has a DSLR or whatever, and can snap a pic of you, I'd recommend doing it.

2. I'm not sure I would put putting your most private fact there. It's up to you obviously, but I feel like that might be a bit too much to put, especially for a person essentially "meeting" you for the first time.

3. I might elaborate a bit on what you do.

Also to those who are frustrated: It's doable. Keep fighting the good fight everyone.


Are we still doing the things where we critique people's profiles? If so, I'd like some advice on mine. I've been single for 11 years so I figure it might be time to do something about it, even if it is making a simple dating profile. lol

You're a decent looking guy no homo, but yeah take out that virgin talk even if its true you dont want to set preconceived notions into the other persons head.
The girl I've been talking to for a while totally changed the other day. After she bailed and I went cold on her she must have had a change on heart. She said sorry for doing it and since then we've barely stopped talking. It started getting really sexual, even after just saying good morning right up until she said good night. She's into some wild stuff and said she "willing to teach me ;)". I hope she isn't expecting me to be a pro though, I'm kinda very inexperienced and she seems...not.

Hey man just be cool about it. Chances are she's just a very horny virgin since she is asking you to teach her stuff
OkCupid is not wearing me down because I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket with it. I'm sort of just winging it.

If you bank on a girl replying, it's probably not meant to be.
she wants to teach him...

Oh yeah. Its her talking so I assumed the "me" was referring to her.

But still, if she's nice its no problem. My first time was with my girlfriend and I didn't know what the hell I was doing (don't watch much hardcore porn).

Afterwards be sure to thank her for the pro tips


Alright thanks for the help on the profile guys, I appreciate it. Been out of the game so long it's good to get some outside opinions.


Man, meeting people using this site is super easy. I want to say I've met around 6 or 7 people and have been messaged first about 15-20 times.

I know there are a lot of "help me write my profile!" posts here, and even though I honestly don't know what's so good about mine, but something's obviously working... here's a link: http://www.okcupid.com/profile/Alegrias2005
As a black male looking on white girl profiles, nothing stops me in my tracks faster than

You should message me if:
You look like Josh Hartnett

lol..she's too damn cute though!

But on the flip side, imagine a guys had "You look like Kim Kardashin"...we'd get a bollocking for it!


all good things
Deed has been done!

Got 2 dates lined up for next week, but my main option (the third one) hasn't hollered back although she did invite me out

We'll see anyway!

Did you tell her that shes found her josh hartnett look alike?

I messaged a black girl last night whos profile said she was into white guys. I said something stupid like I was going to message you but then I saw you were into white guys so I got a little bummed... but then I remembered I am a white guy!

She thought it was funny. I find my humor to be a little low for GAFs intelligence level but on these sites I kill!

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I can't believe MaxRPG is still banned from GAF. God damn. From what I recall his ban breaking thing he did wasn't too severe.

I thirst to know if his dream woman panned out or if it blew up in his face. :eek:
I keep checking this thread once in a while to find out. Free MaxRPG!
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