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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Did you tell her that shes found her josh hartnett look alike?

I messaged a black girl last night whos profile said she was into white guys. I said something stupid like I was going to message you but then I saw you were into white guys so I got a little bummed... but then I remembered I am a white guy!

She thought it was funny. I find my humor to be a little low for GAFs intelligence level but on these sites I kill!

Damn that's a terrible message! Haha, glad it worked out
As a black male looking on white girl profiles, nothing stops me in my tracks faster than

lol..she's too damn cute though!

But on the flip side, imagine a guys had "You look like Kim Kardashin"...we'd get a bollocking for it!
Everything like this is the worst and I never message these people.

Message me if:
You have a beard.
You have long blonde hair.
You are this tall/short.

I'd never disqualify anyone awesome for minor details about how they look. I mention things that have to do with personality and hobbies, not physical traits they can't control.


So. I've been dating this girl from the site for about a month now. Tomorrow will be our 6th date and I'm still having trouble getting a read on the girl. When I'm with her, I have no doubt she is into me. I mean, she wouldn't still be hanging out with me otherwise I figure. Outside of that, I get doubts. I barely hear from her and I feel like I'm the one initiating conversation and hanging out. I'll wait a few days and not hear much. I'll usually ask to do something after the third or fourth day. We've been hanging out Fridays and I'll ask Monday or Tuesday basically. She doesn't seem to text much either really outside of the first two or so days we started talking. She seems like someone who wants to take things slow (no sex yet, yeesh) so I've been keeping the dumb over thinking to myself. What do you guys think? Any ideas on something I should be doing?


So. I've been dating this girl from the site for about a month now. Tomorrow will be our 6th date and I'm still having trouble getting a read on the girl. When I'm with her, I have no doubt she is into me. I mean, she wouldn't still be hanging out with me otherwise I figure. Outside of that, I get doubts. I barely hear from her and I feel like I'm the one initiating conversation and hanging out. I'll wait a few days and not hear much. I'll usually ask to do something after the third or fourth day. We've been hanging out Fridays and I'll ask Monday or Tuesday basically. She doesn't seem to text much either really outside of the first two or so days we started talking. She seems like someone who wants to take things slow (no sex yet, yeesh) so I've been keeping the dumb over thinking to myself. What do you guys think? Any ideas on something I should be doing?

You paying for meals/activities?

If yes, she has you pegged for a free good time every week while she probably is dating someone else regularly.

If no, and everything is split, then she could just be really shy and expect you to make all the movies.

I would ask her if she is actually interested or not and to be honest cause you dont want to waste time.


You paying for meals/activities?

If yes, she has you pegged for a free good time every week while she probably is dating someone else regularly.

If no, and everything is split, then she could just be really shy and expect you to make all the movies.

I would ask her if she is actually interested or not and to be honest cause you dont want to waste time.

Yikes. Yeah, I'm paying for dinner and when we go out. Sucks hearing something like that though. I'm seeing her tomorrow too so I'll bring it up. Is a month long enough to put something like that out there? Basically saying. "You know, I like you. I need to know what you think of this?"
Yikes. Yeah, I'm paying for dinner and when we go out. Sucks hearing something like that though. I'm seeing her tomorrow too so I'll bring it up. Is a month long enough to put something like that out there? Basically saying. "You know, I like you. I need to know what you think of this?"

just kiss her.
Yikes. Yeah, I'm paying for dinner and when we go out. Sucks hearing something like that though. I'm seeing her tomorrow too so I'll bring it up. Is a month long enough to put something like that out there? Basically saying. "You know, I like you. I need to know what you think of this?"

Wait and see if she offers to pay.


Well, finally got an unsolicited message from a cute girl. Now to try and not fuck up somehow.

A slight update on this. Girl messaged me 9 times yesterday, with a few back to back messages when I didn't respond right away. Was beginning to wonder if she was crazy, but then we chatted for a few hours on the OKC IM and found out she just started her account, so I guess she doesn't know proper OKC etiquette.


Depends on what the back to back messages say. I mean, if you send one and think of something you want to ask, what's the harm in sending 2?


Depends on what the back to back messages say. I mean, if you send one and think of something you want to ask, what's the harm in sending 2?

The last one was more along the lines of "Hey, I don't know if you're busy and that's why you're not responding, but I'd really like to chat on OKC". This was probably and hour and a half after her first message asking if I wanted to chat on OKC last night.

She seems cool though. Definitely nerdy, but she seems hesitant to meet someone off OKC, but also said she really wants to meet me so she'll try to overcome her anxiety. As long as she's okay we it we have a date for next weekend.


You're a monster.

What why?

The last one was more along the lines of "Hey, I don't know if you're busy and that's why you're not responding, but I'd really like to chat on OKC". This was probably and hour and a half after her first message asking if I wanted to chat on OKC last night.

She seems cool though. Definitely nerdy, but she seems hesitant to meet someone off OKC, but also said she really wants to meet me so she'll try to overcome her anxiety. As long as she's okay we it we have a date for next weekend.

Wow ok that's different haha. She's either really desperate or just doesn't know etiquette as you say. Although anybody should be able to realize maybe you're not responding because you're not interested.


damn, I'm in total not give a fuck mode. second message with this girl, I already asked for her number to schedule a meet up. I'm not even sure I want to meet her lol but I feel like trying a bunch of different approaches and see how they pan out. it's actually kind of fun, in a strange way.


I have very high hopes for tomorrow....in fact, I'm pretty excited about meeting this woman (the one with the red lipstick mentioned in my last post here) I met on Match tomorrow. Sunday I asked her out for Saturday and she accepted. I gave her my number "just in case you need it or whatever". She sent me a text on Monday and since then we've exchanged almost 900 text messages. We've hit it off like crazy, making each other laugh and getting to know each other a bit more. Crossing my fingers this goes well tomorrow!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Been a slow month for replies on here. My two hopefuls died out. One girl I was really hoping to get a date out of just stopped replying even after we had a good chat. Odd.

Sent a few more messages last night. I have terrible luck at meeting women in general. :p


Been a slow month for replies on here. My two hopefuls died out. One girl I was really hoping to get a date out of just stopped replying even after we had a good chat. Odd.

Sent a few more messages last night. I have terrible luck at meeting women in general. :p
I had a girl drop off, then get back to me life happens sometimes...keep it up


Been a slow month for replies on here. My two hopefuls died out. One girl I was really hoping to get a date out of just stopped replying even after we had a good chat. Odd.

Sent a few more messages last night. I have terrible luck at meeting women in general. :p

How long was the chat? Was it a chat or just messages? Did it span days?


Tell her that beauty on the outside is nothing if the person within hates Rush Hour and that Jackie Chan deserves her respect and attention

That'll do the trick.


:'( kinda similar to when I see a girl check out my profile and I don't even get a message. Hurts more when she's not even cute, at allllll


uh, people check out profiles all the time without sending messages, it doesn't mean it's because of the pictures if she doesn't message you


This girl flaked on the date we were supposed to have tonight and I can see that she's on okcupid right now. Yayyy Friday!

Happens friendo. Live and learn.. how about this:

1. Met girl online, talked for weeks(literally) before she showed up. did the whole you've got mail thing.
2. Meet in person, Oh my god, we are perfect for eachother in every way imaginable!
3. making out -edit- A SHIT TON -, holding hands.. she demands to see me the next week. and keeps recounting how amazing it is to meet someone like me online. so weird!! hahaha

4. Next week comes.. shes busy.

5. Just a few email exchanges talking about how busy she is.

6. Didn't return 2 calls( I always give it 2.) So shes sorta dead to me? Still on my facebook..

People are weird. Live and learn.. seems to be common on OKC? I think a lot of girls are on the rebound/mad at boyfriends or something.. her FB is showing that she was in a recent breakup. well 2011.. Can't figure it out, so it was just back to square one. Since then, met some great gals iRL, but still keeping OKC going.

and yes "im busy." but still on match.com/okc.. its a kick to the balls/ovaries but eh, its a game we are all playing.
and yes "im busy." but still on match.com/okc.. its a kick to the balls/ovaries but eh, its a game we are all playing.

"I'm busy, we should get together next week" when actual intention is of disinterest is probably a meaner thing for a girl to say than "I think you're too ugly to date". At least with the latter answer, you can move on instead of trying to keep your social calendar open for the possibility of something that will never happen.

This happened to me over the past few weeks with a non-okcupid girl. Got me a bit out of sorts. A little more honesty would have been slightly more awesome.


Gave her my number last night and already 80 texts back and forth today alone. This is either going to go real well or crash and burn horrifically. Trying not to get too involved after my last experience, so I won't feel like shit if it doesn't work out. Going to be a long wait until next Sunday.
Sitting here, alone on a Friday. Had female friends review my pictures and profile. Everything's good to post, except... I'm going fucking nuts overthinking a username.

I can't think of a single one that doesn't have a negative connotation or gives off a weird impression or that I just want to represent me. This is painful, and my anxiety about it is holding me back. Dammit.


Sitting here, alone on a Friday. Had female friends review my pictures and profile. Everything's good to post, except... I'm going fucking nuts overthinking a username.

I can't think of a single one that doesn't have a negative connotation or gives off a weird impression or that I just want to represent me. This is painful, and my anxiety about it is holding me back. Dammit.

eh, just use your initials + birth year or something. just keep it simple then. no one really cares about the username.


Ok so I'm going on my date tomorrow. One thing though, she confirmed the date tonight but should I reconfirm it tomorrow as well? I'm only thinking that because we planned it for last week and she flaked but was genuinely sorry for it. I don't want to come off too pushy though.


Don't reconfirm it, just text her periodically throughout the day asking her how she is doing, just light convo nothing overbearing.

If she's going to flake on you during the convo you'll prolly get the seed planting excuses like "I got up with a stomach ache" or "work is giving me a headache today" or "I didn't sleep well last night".


I got a drunk text from her going "Cant wait to see you tomorrow hehe" so I guess it's okay. And then something about lesbians which I have a feeling she meant for someone else as I have NO idea what she's talking about.


met this girl like 3 months ago at a bar. We hung out for like 45 minutes and I just kind of awkwardly left because it was pretty lame. Her friend came and they wouldn't stop talking about guys.

Just found her number in my phone. Tried to delete it but it CALLED HER. My phone would not exit the call and was basically frozen. It was pretty lame. Haha. She called back but I turned my phone off.


It's been a really slow month for me regarding OKC or PoF. I might have been on these sites for a tad too long, but none of the recent women on here do anything for me. Hell, I may have sent four messages during this month.

For dating reasons, it's probably good that college is beginning once again.


set up another meet up for next week with a new girl, im surprised being so aggressive isn't scaring people away lol maybe I just have a face you can trust :)


Yea, I know, I learned that the hard way with a previous girl. But I got this girls number after 2 messages, that's the quickest I've done that. I wonder if I can do it after just 1 next time, hmm!


It's weird. I got nothing for a period of about 6months,.But then i shag about 4 girls in the space of a month. 3 from OKcupid and 1 from POF. Not trying to stealth brag but it's one of those when it rains it pours. Also one was a MILF!


I have very high hopes for tomorrow....in fact, I'm pretty excited about meeting this woman (the one with the red lipstick mentioned in my last post here) I met on Match tomorrow. Sunday I asked her out for Saturday and she accepted. I gave her my number "just in case you need it or whatever". She sent me a text on Monday and since then we've exchanged almost 900 text messages. We've hit it off like crazy, making each other laugh and getting to know each other a bit more. Crossing my fingers this goes well tomorrow!

900 text messages? Good god man, it took at least 2 years of dating for my ex and I to get near that number.


I went on my date before. She was a bit less attractive than I thought. Pretty sure her body shot was an old one as she was packing a few extra pounds on there. It kind of threw me off. She seems really nice though so I'm not sure if I want to try for a second date. Maybe I'll just see how things go over text for a couple days and see.
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