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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Seems like every second girl in my city is bisexual, that shit is intimidating.

Wouldnt it be amazing if someone released an add-on or something where you could spam every single girl in a 50 mile radius with a single message. I wonder how many replies you'd get.

Soon enough those messages would be identified and a filter for them would be developed, which would be perfectly fair, really.
Its because you suck at sending funny messages, bro.

Check out this message I just sent.

I made that entire thing up in like 2 minutes! Lets see if she responds. If she does I WIN!

I just hope we don't start dating and she asks to meet my imaginary cheese loving friend.

Edit: Oh fuck, I left out "you" between if and used at the end with the chunky peanut butter. Now shes going to think I'm dumb! lol

Outside of the cheese twist, this opener is straight from the game.
Everything like this is the worst and I never message these people.

Message me if:
You have a beard.
You have long blonde hair.
You are this tall/short.

I'd never disqualify anyone awesome for minor details about how they look. I mention things that have to do with personality and hobbies, not physical traits they can't control.

It's annoying! I know I don't look at other guy's profiles but I'm sure they don't say anything like that

Did you tell her that shes found her josh hartnett look alike?

I messaged a black girl last night whos profile said she was into white guys. I said something stupid like I was going to message you but then I saw you were into white guys so I got a little bummed... but then I remembered I am a white guy!

She thought it was funny. I find my humor to be a little low for GAFs intelligence level but on these sites I kill!

I messaged her but creeped on her profile yesterday and didn't realise she hasn't been on that site since 10 days before I sent it to her lol

Happens friendo. Live and learn.. how about this:

1. Met girl online, talked for weeks(literally) before she showed up. did the whole you've got mail thing.
2. Meet in person, Oh my god, we are perfect for eachother in every way imaginable!
3. making out -edit- A SHIT TON -, holding hands.. she demands to see me the next week. and keeps recounting how amazing it is to meet someone like me online. so weird!! hahaha

4. Next week comes.. shes busy.

5. Just a few email exchanges talking about how busy she is.

6. Didn't return 2 calls( I always give it 2.) So shes sorta dead to me? Still on my facebook..

People are weird. Live and learn.. seems to be common on OKC? I think a lot of girls are on the rebound/mad at boyfriends or something.. her FB is showing that she was in a recent breakup. well 2011.. Can't figure it out, so it was just back to square one. Since then, met some great gals iRL, but still keeping OKC going.

and yes "im busy." but still on match.com/okc.. its a kick to the balls/ovaries but eh, its a game we are all playing.

Tell me about it

I mean I had a chick that was cool, we talked for like an hour a day whilst she was back home in the US, she'd text me during the day, we went on a few dates then BLAM...no response

Tried to holla at her but it was taking her days to reply. Then she said she was just busy..then we drifted

What I've come to notice is that these ladies shouldn't be taken so seriously straight away. But it's HARD! I love women, I love being around them, but I can't afford to date more than 2 of them (in terms of first few weeks on OKC), so I have to put all my eggs in one basket- then I get annoyed with myself that I catch feelings too quick.

But some of use just need to learn to relax a bit on this site. The problem is that girls are going to get a shit tonne of messages a week, and unless you bag her quick and she likes you enough to be in a relationship with you, there's nothing that you can do.

And to be honest, I've done exactly the same with another chick. But it seems as if guys have the decency to tell the women, but women seemingly don't bother to tell us


The nice geeky girl is going OK. She asked me when I'm free last Friday, I told her prob Thursday if she is- she didn't reply...so I sent her a txt this morning and she replied straight away saying Thursday is OK if I'm free- but she hasn't checked her work rota, so she'll let me know when she's home.

From here I'm sitting back, don't think I'll be the txt initiator for another few days- I'll wait for her to holla. But like I said, not thinking forward, just gonna pretend like she doesn't even exist at the minute


If a chick rates me higher does that mean she wants me to message her? She viewed my profile, rated me, but never sent a message herself.


If a chick rates me higher does that mean she wants me to message her? She viewed my profile, rated me, but never sent a message herself.

yea I would say so. Girls like being perused, so they won't always message you. assuming she rated you highly of course. plus you have an easy first message, make a joke about her rating you highly! and peanut butter.
I've been on the site for 7 years now, messaged close to 200 women, have answered 3500 questions all without getting a date.

So take your pick. You can cut your losses now, or hang on to false hope.

Seriously though (though I am serious about my OKC experience), I wouldn't expect immediate results but at the same time, if you don't get much interest off the bat, you're probably not ever going to get much.

Assuming that you're being honest then this is absolutely fascinating. Can you show us your account?


yea I would say so. Girls like being perused, so they won't always message you. assuming she rated you highly of course. plus you have an easy first message, make a joke about her rating you highly! and peanut butter.

It said she chose me in an e-mail which apparently means she rated me 4 or 5 stars. So I guess I might as well.


Girls that just want to talk aren't worth your time. You're on an online DATING site. If you want to meet people, there are other sites for that.
Excluding Facebook, what other sites? I'm looking for new friends more so than a date and spending 4 hours talking to a girl and then no more replies is lame as shit. Especially since she was like yeah I'll show you some of my art when I get to know you better.


If you see a girl online for chatting, and you sent her a message before but she didn't reply, would you message her?

Depends on how long it has been, and whether it was the first message. If she hasn't responded to any message, then no. You can glance at her profile to remind her though. If she has responded to at least one message, and it hasn't been more than 3-4 days since you sent your message, then I'd say go for it. I like to get into chat ASAP if the girl frequents it. The discussions aren't as deep but you generally have a better chance of getting a date.


So I sent a message to that girl that rated me. Awful, just awful. I couldn't think of shit to say so it's a muddle of garbage. I'll be lucky to get a reply. -_-
Some days I can send real winners, other days I send trash. Today is trash. And I don't get many women rating me highly either!


Depends on how long it has been, and whether it was the first message. If she hasn't responded to any message, then no. You can glance at her profile to remind her though. If she has responded to at least one message, and it hasn't been more than 3-4 days since you sent your message, then I'd say go for it. I like to get into chat ASAP if the girl frequents it. The discussions aren't as deep but you generally have a better chance of getting a date.

I'm talking about girls that haven't responded to any message. It's hard to really know when a girl genuinely dislikes you, or just didn't bother to really read your message. But yea, I probably won't start a chat with someone who didn't message.

I initiated a chat with one girl yesterday and you're right, it's alot easier to get a date on that. I just asked if she wanted to meet up and she's like "yes. that's why I'm talking to you" lol...smartass


So.... I just found my dream girl (as far as looks go) who is also the female version of me (tastes, rare and specific personal issues.)

But she's in another country.

Life is cruel.


So I sent a message to that girl that rated me. Awful, just awful. I couldn't think of shit to say so it's a muddle of garbage. I'll be lucky to get a reply. -_-
Some days I can send real winners, other days I send trash. Today is trash. And I don't get many women rating me highly either!

what did you write? im curious lol there's really no reason to over think anything, just keep it short and natural.

..currently texting with 3 girls simultaneously I met on OKC /SWAG


You guys do searches for other countries? Or is she just traveling or something
I see a lot of attractive girls near me, but they are more successful than me and don't have or list the same personal issues. I wanted to see what girls near me have it, but I'm not attracted to them in the slightest. So I just did a random world search just to see all the girls that list they have it and there she was. Very bad anxiety is the issue. She described her experience in a very detailed and related way to me. And she's stunning looking. It's hard to relate to college girls that are socially stable while I'm trying to improve my life and get back into college. I don't care if she would be attracted to me or not if we lived closer, It'd be cool to improve ourselves as friends, It's just nice knowing that there's a female version of me so damn attractive I'd consider it dream girl level.


all good things
Dammit! I checked my email and it said I had a message and I was about to gloat because I thought my awesome message worked but its just a random person I never messaged.

I think there is still hope though. I sent it at like 1 am and its only 5 pm. It'll work! I know it.


what did you write? im curious lol there's really no reason to over think anything, just keep it short and natural.

..currently texting with 3 girls simultaneously I met on OKC /SWAG

A joke about fake tans(she said she hates them), then just typical "oh you like X music? cool me too. That movie you listed is my favourite" stuff...then the peanut butter thing.

I know I shouldn't over think it but sometimes I just draw a blank. Writers block or something. I try and think of a good opening, can't, a question to ask, can't. Bah! Maybe I should have just waited until tomorrow and sent it then. Quality control!


A joke about fake tans(she said she hates them), then just typical "oh you like X music? cool me too. That movie you listed is my favourite" stuff...then the peanut butter thing.

I know I shouldn't over think it but sometimes I just draw a blank. Writers block or something. I try and think of a good opening, can't, a question to ask, can't. Bah! Maybe I should have just waited until tomorrow and sent it then. Quality control!

damn, u dun goofed. well not really, if she's into you, she wont care. just pretend like you already know her, thats what i do and it works out for me. some of them probably think im strange though, just because some random dude is talking so casually about random shit instead of being all HEY GIRL U WANNA TALK/SMANG

damn pictures! why you gotta be so deceiving. this girl sent me a pic via text and she looks different, not bad mind you, just different. shit, she really had the 'look' i go for too in her okc pic. meeting her tomorrow for some sushi, should be a good time :)
A joke about fake tans(she said she hates them), then just typical "oh you like X music? cool me too. That movie you listed is my favourite" stuff...then the peanut butter thing.

I know I shouldn't over think it but sometimes I just draw a blank. Writers block or something. I try and think of a good opening, can't, a question to ask, can't. Bah! Maybe I should have just waited until tomorrow and sent it then. Quality control!

Sounds like a long message. My advice is to only talk about one thing from her profile, no more. My most successful messages are usually only 2-3 sentences long.


Feel like I messed up talking to one chick. We sent a few messages back and forth a week ago and I tried to set up a date. She said she was out of of town all last week, but would when she got back. I didn't send her any messages over the last week, and then yesterday I asked if she still wanted to meet up for coffee, but haven't heard back.

Oh well, at least I have a date tomorrow night.


So.... I just found my dream girl (as far as looks go) who is also the female version of me (tastes, rare and specific personal issues.)

But she's in another country.

Life is cruel.

I see a lot of attractive girls near me, but they are more successful than me and don't have or list the same personal issues. I wanted to see what girls near me have it, but I'm not attracted to them in the slightest. So I just did a random world search just to see all the girls that list they have it and there she was. Very bad anxiety is the issue. She described her experience in a very detailed and related way to me. And she's stunning looking. It's hard to relate to college girls that are socially stable while I'm trying to improve my life and get back into college. I don't care if she would be attracted to me or not if we lived closer, It'd be cool to improve ourselves as friends, It's just nice knowing that there's a female version of me so damn attractive I'd consider it dream girl level.

Be honest. You just want to fuck yourself.


all good things
Dammit! I checked my email and it said I had a message and I was about to gloat because I thought my awesome message worked but its just a random person I never messaged.

I think there is still hope though. I sent it at like 1 am and its only 5 pm. It'll work! I know it.

Dammit! The same thing just happened. Well actually it sent me a message saying so and so has expressed interest in me but I thought it was the girl I sent the message too. I know where I went wrong though, I sent it to a white girl. White girls don't show much interest in me for some reason. Its probably cause Im white.
This girl is like the female version of me (not in the looks area though). Like we share a lot in common. So much that when my introduced me to her he said "this is the female you."
20 messages out in the past three days.. Zero replies.

But (!) one message from someone I didn't message. But (!) I'm not really attracted to her. Cruel irony.

What number of messages do I have to send out before I'm allowed to wallow in depression? GAF, please advise.


all good things
Some girls just take a while to respond. even this not so cute girl I was talking to gets like 100 a day. Ridiculous

Yeah. I'm not really interested in her anyway. I was just trying to show up Dralla because he said I was jealous my peanut butter message didn't work and DarkLords did!


So I sent a message to that girl that rated me. Awful, just awful. I couldn't think of shit to say so it's a muddle of garbage. I'll be lucky to get a reply. -_-
Some days I can send real winners, other days I send trash. Today is trash. And I don't get many women rating me highly either!

How can you tell if someone rated you?


I said goddam. I'm not using OKCupid yet, I have a broken hand and I'm waiting two more weeks for my brace to get off before I start a profile, but I was scoping the girls in my area out and one of the new girls is unbelievably attractive and a gamer. So attractive that I'm tempted to make a profile right now and send her a peanut butter joke. What is the general concencus on pictures? Two good pictures of me and one of me doing something exciting/cool?


You get an email if a girl rates you 4 or 5, you don't have to have messaged them. You don't get to find out what, but does it matter? 4 or 5 is good imo.

How can you tell if a girl is new to OKC?
I said goddam. I'm not using OKCupid yet, I have a broken hand and I'm waiting two more weeks for my brace to get off before I start a profile, but I was scoping the girls in my area out and one of the new girls is unbelievably attractive and a gamer. So attractive that I'm tempted to make a profile right now and send her a peanut butter joke. What is the general concencus on pictures? Two good pictures of me and one of me doing something exciting/cool?

Tell her if she goes out with you...you have contacts to get her an immediate GAF account.
20 messages out in the past three days.. Zero replies.

But (!) one message from someone I didn't message. But (!) I'm not really attracted to her. Cruel irony.

What number of messages do I have to send out before I'm allowed to wallow in depression? GAF, please advise.

100 or so.


If I sent out 20 messages and didn't receive a single one back, I'd be depressed already. Did you at least get viewers from those messages?
100 or so.


Ashhong said:
If I sent out 20 messages and didn't receive a single one back, I'd be depressed already. Did you at least get viewers from those messages?

Three viewers from people I messaged. 26 total viewers. I put up my profile Sunday afternoon.

I would start being depressed per your advice, but for my own mental health, I think I'll go with vicissitudes.


23 views from strangers in 2 days? I would be happy with that. I don't get nearly as much :( Although my message reply rate seems a bit better.


I was thinking about signing up for okcupid, but I decided to try my luck meeting girls outside the internet, when I checked the girls in my area on okcupid almost all of them were single moms, even those younger than me. :\
23 views from strangers in 2 days? I would be happy with that. I don't get nearly as much :( Although my message reply rate seems a bit better.

I got one unsolicited message. Even though I wasn't into her, it's the rope keeping me from jumping off the bridge.

2 1/2 days, though. Not all of my 20 messages have been read also. I went through and checked when people last logged in.

I just know that what I've been doing for the past year hasn't been working. It's been tough to get out lately, so I'm giving this a try.

Edit: Although this does begin to feel like the fabled experiment of asking 100 girls on the street if they'll sleep with you. One has to say "Yes."


I got one unsolicited message. Even though I wasn't into her, it's the rope keeping me from jumping off the bridge.

2 1/2 days, though. Not all of my 20 messages have been read also. I went through and checked when people last logged in.

I just know that what I've been doing for the past year hasn't been working. It's been tough to get out lately, so I'm giving this a try.

Edit: Although this does begin to feel like the fabled experiment of asking 100 girls on the street if they'll sleep with you. One has to say "Yes."

I would say that that is a high number of views, which means you at least have your profile pic done right. Fix up that profile information to make the ladies love you
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