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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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The cute geeky girl text me to meet up tomorrow

Really not in the zone to take her out. Got a 20k thesis to hand in next Friday and I'm stressing out too much man

I need a nice shirt.


all good things

Someone hot wants to meet me and she lives in California. What the fuck?

I live in Maryland haha. POF didn't even send me the message, I wonder if that's why.


I'm just going to leave this here...



I'm pretty sure patriotpony is a joke account:

"I have a rare penile deformity. Ask me about it! If only Dr. Paul would start seeing male patients... "

Edit: Although it seems like the photo is of a real brony


I'm curious as to why zerokku blocked out the match percentages lol. Was it like a 90% match and you don't want us to know?


I'm curious as to why zerokku blocked out the match percentages lol. Was it like a 90% match and you don't want us to know?

Nah, I got it off of tumblr, it was already like that. I'm curious what the match percentages were as well haha.


What is the general concencus on pictures? Two good pictures of me and one of me doing something exciting/cool?

They have a way to help you choose:


You submit some photos, then it asks you to compare other people's, so yours get evaluated like you evaluated others', and when they feel it's done, they send you a report about it.

Been away from the site for a few years while I was in a relationship, trying to at least update the profile and pics, and that might be useful as soon as it manages to output a report.

Speaking of profile updates, dos the site ever stop saying you need to rate and message people to complete yours? It never subtracts from the amounts itmentions, it only changes categories, then back to a previous task with a bigger number, as far as I've tried...


I went past that already, now its' asking to contact 25 people - I guess it'll stop pushing for random messaging after that number's reached? (well, there's till the Quiver thing...)


She's mixed. Are you white? I'm starting to think I have that white boy look that attracts black woman who are into white guys. White girls show me no love. I'm ostracized by my own people. *cries*

Looking at match.com, see cute white girl... looking for white guy. Fuck. I guess I can't really say anything as I narrowed my search to white girls haha. Done dating Hispanic girls, done it practically my whole life. Time for a change :)


Whoa, I got a reply from my shitty message. Amazing. Though my second message is huge. Too many questions! Especially when I'm asked "tell me about you? :)". You can't make that small.

She thinks I'm in a band too for some reason. I'm not. I hope that isn't why she liked me lol.
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I joined about 3 weeks ago, and messaged over 60 girls. My results:

7 replies. 4 of which who didn't even visit my profile.
2 people messaged me. One local, and one from Brazil. WTF?

I was having a good exchange of messages with one girl, and she just suddenly stopped responding. I messaged her like two more times, but no response. I sent her a message today, and she visited my profile...still no response.

Another girl seems interested in me, but she takes FOREVER to respond. She's online like all the time, and says it's because she's lazy. She can go days without messaging me, and I usually have to pester her. She said she'd add me on facebook two days ago, but still hasn't.

I just changed my profile pic a couple of hours ago in hopes of getting more messages. It used to be the second picture...what am I doing wrong? Is it because I'm Asian? Haha. I don't have anything witty written on my profile, but maybe I should.

This is usually what I write:

Probably won't get a reply, but thought I'd try anyhow. How's it going? We seem to have similar interests, and I think we'd get along well. :)

Feel free to check out my profile and critique me:



I messaged her like two more times but no response.

Take a hint. If you don't get a reply, don't keep messaging. Some never reply, some stop replying. That's online dating.

I usually have to pester her. She said she'd add me on facebook two days ago, but still hasn't.

Pester her? Honestly, that makes me cringe. Pestering someone to interact with you is possibly the WORST thing you can do. She said the FB thing to shut you up. If a conversation is slow, then it's slow. If it dies then move on.

Probably won't get a reply, but thought I'd try anyhow. How's it going? We seem to have similar interests, and I think we'd get along well. :)

Starts off with you sounding really insecure. Instantly bad and a major turn off. It's also bland and just any copy & paste they'd see a hundred times. Point out some things in her profile, add a joke or two, ask a question.


Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I joined about 3 weeks ago, and messaged over 60 girls. My results:

7 replies. 4 of which who didn't even visit my profile.
2 people messaged me. One local, and one from Brazil. WTF?

I was having a good exchange of messages with one girl, and she just suddenly stopped responding. I messaged her like two more times, but no response. I sent her a message today, and she visited my profile...still no response.

Another girl seems interested in me, but she takes FOREVER to respond. She's online like all the time, and says it's because she's lazy. She can go days without messaging me, and I usually have to pester her. She said she'd add me on facebook two days ago, but still hasn't.

I just changed my profile pic a couple of hours ago in hopes of getting more messages. It used to be the second picture...what am I doing wrong? Is it because I'm Asian? Haha. I don't have anything witty written on my profile, but maybe I should.

This is usually what I write:

Probably won't get a reply, but thought I'd try anyhow. How's it going? We seem to have similar interests, and I think we'd get along well. :)

Feel free to check out my profile and critique me:


Damn, even I don't pester girls like this. I wouldn't go messaging 2-3 more times if they dont reply.
Good advice, everyone. Although I kind of disagree about the pestering. If they don't respond after we had a good exchange of messages, I usually try messaging them 2-3 more times, and move on after that. They could just ignore my messages, so I don't see what the big deal is. This is the Internet after all-- it's not like I'm calling her or knocking on her door. Just my opinion though.
Good advice, everyone. Although I kind of disagree about the pestering. If they don't respond after we had a good exchange of messages, I usually try messaging them 2-3 more times, and move on after that. They could just ignore my messages, so I don't see what the big deal is. This is the Internet after all-- it's not like I'm calling her or knocking on her door. Just my opinion though.
It's self-respect. If a girl wants you, she will talk to you.


It just comes off as desperate. If she doesn't reply to your first message by the 3rd she will probably have blocked you. It's not like texting where the chat can stop and start at any time.
Hmmm...desperate, or anxious? Shows that I'm very interested in the girl. I only did this with two girls that actually really interested me, and that I had a good exchange with. Just seems like a waste to stop contacting them. I don't know, these are all just my opinions.


Hmmm...desperate, or anxious? Shows that I'm very interested in the girl. I only did this with two girls that actually really interested me, and that I had a good exchange with. Just seems like a waste to stop contacting them. I don't know, these are all just my opinions.

Anxious is also bad. They are random internet people, if you come off TOO interested it can be clingy or seem very needy. You just need to chat like you would a friend, make some jokes, flirt a little here and there and then ask to meet. And yes, online dating is a 95% waste of time. We're all over that 5%.


I had a girl very recently start talking to me again (the same one I mentioned earlier) only for her to stop talking to me for a second time. I'm not even gonna try to process that one, but I do know better than to pester her.
Fucking OK Cupid! I'm at 24 messages sent out. No replies yet.

Then... I get a message. A beautiful pink notification.

It was "Chris" from OK Cupid in an automated message. Fuck you, Chris.
Fucking OK Cupid! I'm at 24 messages sent out. No replies yet.

Then... I get a message. A beautiful pink notification.

It was "Chris" from OK Cupid in an automated message. Fuck you, Chris.


Haha the joys of seeing that pink notification, the heart rate flutters...you think "who could it BEEEEE?!"...

Then the inevitable let down!!


Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I joined about 3 weeks ago, and messaged over 60 girls. My results:

7 replies. 4 of which who didn't even visit my profile.
2 people messaged me. One local, and one from Brazil. WTF?

I was having a good exchange of messages with one girl, and she just suddenly stopped responding. I messaged her like two more times, but no response. I sent her a message today, and she visited my profile...still no response.

Another girl seems interested in me, but she takes FOREVER to respond. She's online like all the time, and says it's because she's lazy. She can go days without messaging me, and I usually have to pester her. She said she'd add me on facebook two days ago, but still hasn't.

I just changed my profile pic a couple of hours ago in hopes of getting more messages. It used to be the second picture...what am I doing wrong? Is it because I'm Asian? Haha. I don't have anything witty written on my profile, but maybe I should.

This is usually what I write:

Probably won't get a reply, but thought I'd try anyhow. How's it going? We seem to have similar interests, and I think we'd get along well. :)

Feel free to check out my profile and critique me:

Your profile doesn't make you out to be particularly exciting. Think of it like a resume - pick a strong point about yourself and emphasize it. You don't really talk much about yourself. Why should someone be interested in meeting you?

Your first message sucks. It gives no indication that you've even read the girl's profile, nor does it entice a reply. Put some more thought into it - tailor it for that girl in particular. If she doesn't respond, move to the next one. Or don't even wait, just go to the next profile that interests you.
I don't know about this site man, it's like a damn circus. The first thing I did was put up a pic and I immediately got an uncomfortable message. I don't like that my profile went live before I even started filling it in. I'm a dude by the way and the chick was not attractive at all, but it was interesting to see how creepy desperation can be. I guess that's what girls must feel like when reading most guys' messages.

Also, has anybody gotten a serious relationships with this site? It seems more like classier version of Craig's List where people try to get one night stands and I'm not into that.


Just got back from meeting up with OKC girl, this is number 4. Her parents don't want her driving at night so I went to pick her up, I met her family lol It went well, apparently I'm a likable dude :) It was really late though, we went to get sushi and all the places were closed, so we just drove around looking for a random place, we finally found a place that let us do takeout, so we get some sushi and came back to my house, sat on my bed eating sushi, watching family guy lol. Then I taught her how to drive on the highway on the way home lol, it was a strange "date". She made it very clear she's not looking for anything serious and just looking for people to hang with, and that's perfectly OK with me. We'll hang out again for sure.
I revised my profile if anyone's interested in looking at it again. I think it looks a lot more interesting now, haha.

and back to pestering-- the girl added me on facebook. Hooray?
I don't know about this site man, it's like a damn circus. The first thing I did was put up a pic and I immediately got an uncomfortable message. I don't like that my profile went live before I even started filling it in. I'm a dude by the way and the chick was not attractive at all, but it was interesting to see how creepy desperation can be. I guess that's what girls must feel like when reading most guys' messages.

Also, has anybody gotten a serious relationships with this site? It seems more like classier version of Craig's List where people try to get one night stands and I'm not into that.

I'm polyamorous, so my definition of "serious" probably differs from most people, but I've met lots of friends/lovers that have been a part of my life for 2+ years now (coming up on a 3 year anniversary for one person in particular, heh).
I got a reply! Hooray!

Granted, it was a two line pithy reply, but it included a question. That's good, right? She wants to volley the conversation back to me?

Of course, I instantly replied back, and then she hung around online a little longer. And then didn't reply back to me.

So... should I have waited? Did I violate an unwritten rule? Did I seem desperate? I was already online! Should I have not sent a message? :/

I'm polyamorous, so my definition of "serious" probably differs from most people, but I've met lots of friends/lovers that have been a part of my life for 2+ years now (coming up on a 3 year anniversary for one person in particular, heh).

And could you save some for the rest of us? :p
I got a reply! Hooray!

Granted, it was a two line pithy reply, but it included a question. That's good, right? She wants to volley the conversation back to me?

Of course, I instantly replied back, and then she hung around online a little longer. And then didn't reply back to me.

So... should I have waited? Did I violate an unwritten rule? Did I seem desperate? I was already online! Should I have not sent a message? :/
It's probably fine. She may just be playing the waiting to reply game. Also, never forget that women are bombarded with messages. Never assume that it's personal.


UPDATE? I guess?

Stuff with Girl is going really good, the only problems I have is that she has to take a lot of downtime between visits (just because of how she is). I just want to show her that I really care and I like being around her.

She told me that she needs time to warm up to it, and I've been giving her a lot of space. So I hope this helps her out a lot, but after that initial couple of dates together, it is kind of hard to not miss her.

Now that you're no longer banned, where's our UPDATE?
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