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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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all good things
Wait what?

lol someone said to use it to ask for a phone number with someone you've been talking to.

I've tried it and it usually gets a laugh and the phone number.


Az333 8/30/2012 5:12:38 PM
Oh no! I lost your phone number! What is it again? :D

Her response
Lmao u are wayyy too cute.. Omg!! Lol

Shes not a very good speller and she left out the damn number but I'll take it lol. The other times it worked.


Crafting clever, unique messages is annoying, time-consuming work, so this is what I have been doing to cut down on effort:

1. Rate any girl I'm interested in 4 or 5 stars. This sends them an email notifying them of this, and only takes one easy click to do.

2. Wait. At this point, women will either visit my profile and not respond, or in rare cases message me.

3. Message whoever visited that I think I might have a shot entertaining.

This cuts out messaging anyone who doesn't bother logging in or looking at profiles, which reduces the burden of effort considerably.


I have a really hard taking online dating seriously. I just end up going into girls profiles and making fun of them. I don't think I have made one well thought out reply yet. Here's one I sent earlier:

(Some girl's profile) What is the most private thing you are willing to admit?:
My last two boyfriends cheated on me. If you cheat on me I may cut your dick off!

My message to her: I liked your profile until I got to the dick cutting part. The joke's on you though, I'm already circumcised.


I have a really hard taking online dating seriously. I just end up going into girls profiles and making fun of them. I don't think I have made one well thought out reply yet. Here's one I sent earlier:

(Some girl's profile) What is the most private thing you are willing to admit?:
My last two boyfriends cheated on me. If you cheat on me I may cut your dick off!

My message to her: I liked your profile until I got to the dick cutting part. The joke's on you though, I'm already circumcised.

Pretty much how I'd love to message most of the girls on there, but how do you expect this to end? My answer : Never good.


Poet Centuriate
I have a really hard taking online dating seriously. I just end up going into girls profiles and making fun of them. I don't think I have made one well thought out reply yet. Here's one I sent earlier:

(Some girl's profile) What is the most private thing you are willing to admit?:
My last two boyfriends cheated on me. If you cheat on me I may cut your dick off!

My message to her: I liked your profile until I got to the dick cutting part. The joke's on you though, I'm already circumcised.

This is the perfect reply.
Well, after 5 months and 55 first messages sent, I've finally got a date set up. I actually hadn't been very active in the last week or so, but I logged on, looked at my 'visitors' list, and found that one girl was really cute and a great match, so I sent her a message. Turns out she was supposedly going to message me, ha. Good chemistry so far. We are supposed to meet on Tuesday and perhaps go swing dancing on Thursday.

Feels good man. Of course, she could bail before the date happens, but at least I feel like I've gotten better at this stuff.

Sounds like me. I was off for a couple of months then just answered a few questions and got a tonne of visitors. Messaged the one I've been interested in for a while

She actually said she gets a lot of messages but mine stood out! But the only advice I can give is try and organise in your head where you will take her...

Then forget about it marry on like you're still hungry, message more girls. If she bails then you didn't lose much. If you do get to go on the date then result.

But don't think she will bail, just carry on with things as usual!


jesus christ @ the amount of big girls on this site. decided to make a profile to see what it was all about. found one girl I really like. she's hot as fuck (google back searched pics to make sure they weren't taken) but her profile is really snarky with all sorts of sarcastic jokes I think I would understand/appreciate more so than most other guys.

I am most likely not going to reply unless you say something interesting. Good luck.
"Hey, what's up? ;)"
"Hey i just read your profile and you seem interesting. please talk to me."
"You're crazy... blah blah.. something Kelsey Grammar"
"Is this interesting enough?"

can't tell if desperate for attention or trolling. maybe a bit of both?

any suggestions on what to say?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Make no attempt to mention any of the things she will not respond to, not even jokingly. I've got nothing else, sorry.


Crafting clever, unique messages is annoying, time-consuming work, so this is what I have been doing to cut down on effort:

1. Rate any girl I'm interested in 4 or 5 stars. This sends them an email notifying them of this, and only takes one easy click to do.

2. Wait. At this point, women will either visit my profile and not respond, or in rare cases message me.

3. Message whoever visited that I think I might have a shot entertaining.

This cuts out messaging anyone who doesn't bother logging in or looking at profiles, which reduces the burden of effort considerably.

What about the tons of girls who I assume browse privately?


Finally got a reply from a message I sent out a week ago.

Girl seems pretty cool judging from the reply.

Crossing my fingers!
This girl on POF is giving me short messages since the introduction but both times she replied right away so she probably is interested..... I dunno. How do you move a conversation forward like this?

8/31/2012 7:12:29 AM
Hey, my name's *****. Nothing overwhelmingly clever or original in my introduction and I'm sure you get a lot of messages but I thought you were attractive and wanted to introduce myself.

8/31/2012 7:13:36 AM
^_^. Hi *****. I'm ****.

8/31/2012 11:50:48 PM
That's a very unique name, although I'd assume that it's short for something else.

Either way though, it's nice to meet you ****.

9/1/2012 12:12:05 AM
Not short for anything. Just ****.

Perhaps I wasn't giving her much to work with either. Any way to salvage this or should I just forget it?


I am not complaining but the last couple of weeks i have been getting a lot of numbers and action with considerably less work. I got about 6 numbers the past couple of days and i have not messaged as many people as i usually do. I am not trying to stealth brag, just report but it's going well for me so far on pof and okcupid.


This girl on POF is giving me short messages since the introduction but both times she replied right away so she probably is interested..... I dunno. How do you move a conversation forward like this?

Perhaps I wasn't giving her much to work with either. Any way to salvage this or should I just forget it?

Damn right you're not giving her much to work with. Follow up with something interesting STAT. Jeez, I'm getting bored just looking at it.

Ask something funny or something that will make her think. Something that makes her think that you actually care about her.


Finally got a reply from a message I sent out a week ago.

Girl seems pretty cool judging from the reply.

Crossing my fingers!

Sweet :)

1 thing; Online dating = just seeing where it goes. Try to stay positive without too much riding on it, if you know what I mean. People get harassed online non-stop. And many people have been through lots of email exchanges that fizzle.. so don't read into anything too much.

Have any of u run into someone u know personally?

Yes, they promptly contacted my ex to let them know. H8trz


Sweet :)

1 thing; Online dating = just seeing where it goes. Try to stay positive without too much riding on it, if you know what I mean. People get harassed online non-stop. And many people have been through lots of email exchanges that fizzle.. so don't read into anything too much.

Oh yeah, absolutely. I was shocked to see it. Especially since it was sent at like 3:30 in the morning.

Won't count my chickens before they hatch.


Well....2nd date tomorrow night and we're going out of town on Sunday. Me and her have been talking on the phone nightly for an hour or two each night since the first date. She's into me and she's funny/cool to be with. I just need to get over the fact that she's not active like I am. She's more/less a 'homebody', yet I like to get out and bike, run, hike, etc.... Maybe I can get her into SOMETHING. It's just a bit of a turnoff to date someone who really doesn't like to do a whole lot, but at the same time I'm thinking maybe give her a chance....


YO Peeps! I'm back from banland. Want to hear more exploitz!?!?!?

I'm just posting right now to let you all know that I'm back for more stories.

First off, the girl I was crushing hard for wanted to date other guys. OUCH.

But I found a new girl, and there's more crazy stories to that.

One of them involves 50 shades of gray.

Oh snap!
This girl on POF is giving me short messages since the introduction but both times she replied right away so she probably is interested..... I dunno. How do you move a conversation forward like this?

Perhaps I wasn't giving her much to work with either. Any way to salvage this or should I just forget it?

Holy shit, dude, talk about something. Who gives a rats ass about names?


YO Peeps! I'm back from banland. Want to hear more exploitz!?!?!?

I'm just posting right now to let you all know that I'm back for more stories.

First off, the girl I was crushing hard for wanted to date other guys. OUCH.

But I found a new girl, and there's more crazy stories to that.

One of them involves 50 shades of gray.

Oh snap!

Better than mine wanting to date girls...if I only had a vagina


YO Peeps! I'm back from banland. Want to hear more exploitz!?!?!?

I'm just posting right now to let you all know that I'm back for more stories.

First off, the girl I was crushing hard for wanted to date other guys. OUCH.

But I found a new girl, and there's more crazy stories to that.

One of them involves 50 shades of gray.

Oh snap!

Stop trying so hard.
YO Peeps! I'm back from banland. Want to hear more exploitz!?!?!?

I'm just posting right now to let you all know that I'm back for more stories.

First off, the girl I was crushing hard for wanted to date other guys. OUCH.

But I found a new girl, and there's more crazy stories to that.

One of them involves 50 shades of gray.

Oh snap!

Is that you in your avatar? You remind me of Ian from big brother.


Sent out a reply to the girl who had messaged me back.

IF anything, I'm just happy a girl felt I seemed decent enough to warrant a reply. Definitely a nice morale boost.


well its true
and ive tried every other approach

and you're about to blow this approach if you don't start treating yourself with some more respect.

how about fill your profile out with what you're all about and what you look for in a girl. list a couple things you like. don't have to have a wall of text. I've kept mine simple and straight to the point. say you're open for a chat anytime.


Man, this girl seems awesome. I asked why she replied to me over others, and she said because I seemed sweet, was handsome, loved hockey, and sent a constructive message.

I'll keep you guys updated. In a dream land, this would be it and we would get married. haha


and you're about to blow this approach if you don't start treating yourself with some more respect.

how about fill your profile out with what you're all about and what you look for in a girl. list a couple things you like. don't have to have a wall of text. I've kept mine simple and straight to the point. say you're open for a chat anytime.

tried that for years
its time to stop trying and hope that going sideways works


But I found a new girl, and there's more crazy stories to that.

One of them involves 50 shades of gray.

Oh snap!

You know, I don't want to sound like a cynical jerk and maybe it's just the way you type it but so much of your stuff sounds like massive bullshit.
I had a pleasant date yesterday, but pleasant isn't really what you want! Also I discovered the magic of choosing the right pictures - she didn't look quite how I expected shall we say.
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