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Okcupid is not that bad. I already got a date!

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Girls really know how to work those angles. I can't count how many profiles I've looked at where they look pretty cute in the profile picture, but then realize they are a lot heavier than they seem after examining their other pictures. Tricky


Judge away
Doesn't seem like many other people replied so I'll give a quick impression:

1. Your very first sentence has to go. No girl, I repeat, NO GIRL wants to meet a guy online who is interested in "military technology and firearms". Come on, dude... That'll scare them off right away.

2. You mention "anti-depressant" in your first paragraph. Girls want to find guys who are fun and confident. This is a universal truth. Trust me, I know how horrible depression is... But your profile isn't the place to share it. If you get far enough with a girl (i.e. enough dates where it is going to become a real relationship), then it's time to have an open discussion about any issues you may have. Not on your public profile.

3. What is "vidya"? Also the line about going through your backlog is very NeoGAF-y (in a bad way).

4. Your "most private thing" line has to go. OkCupid is retarded when it comes to their profile questions. I hated that question when I was on it.. I don't remember what I put but it certainly didn't have to do with hating fun. I switched to PoF after getting fed up with the immaturity of OkC and never looked back.

Sorry if I sound harsh. I'm actually trying to help, and unfortunately brutal honesty is what you need right now, in my opinion.


I got the number of a girl who eccentric is putting it politely. This chick is so random it's weird, she's one of those hippy, alternative medicine is the only medicine women.
Second date confirmed for Thursday

I told her she might have to think about what we are going to do otherwise we will have to resort to cinema/dinner/drinks if we can't decide, then she said it sounds perfect

Which I'm realllly glad, because I love going to the cinema, but with female company it's even better

Been texting alot so kinda excited to see her again...lol...a LITTLE excited! Gotta be careful :)
I hope so!

I'm the first date she's been on from the site, although she's been on there a few months. She's a really attractive chick so I'm not sure how to read it

I don't think she is lying as I told her she's not my first. So gonna take this one easy :)

How you getting along Ashong?


Did you ask her why she didn't go on any dates with anybody else?

It's going pretty slowly for me. Been out with only 1 girl so far, and she's cool and we get along but I'm not sure is there's a real spark. If anything she will make a great friend.

Other then that though, I message girls with pretty decent thoughtful messages, they visit me, but then don't message me :( Touching up my profile right now..
Did you ask her why she didn't go on any dates with anybody else?

It's going pretty slowly for me. Been out with only 1 girl so far, and she's cool and we get along but I'm not sure is there's a real spark. If anything she will make a great friend.

Other then that though, I message girls with pretty decent thoughtful messages, they visit me, but then don't message me :( Touching up my profile right now..

I asked her yea, she said she just wasn't interested and the messages were a little creepy. She said mine caught her eye and she thought I was nice so she hollered.

I hear what you're saying about sending out messages and getting no response. It's slow, but sometimes you get a response, but keep it going!


Girls really know how to work those angles. I can't count how many profiles I've looked at where they look pretty cute in the profile picture, but then realize they are a lot heavier than they seem after examining their other pictures. Tricky

I feel like its false advertising


all good things
I met someone on Friday at Kohl's! We were supposed to have a date but she lent her phone to her mom who was supposed to send out a all contacts text but I guess didn't know how so she messaged me late on Friday to come meet her if I wanted to.

I thought it went ok. She said "definitely text me tonight" a couple times when we were saying goodbye but she hasn't messaged me back lol so I'm guessing it didn't even though she could have lent her phone again. I sent her a couple texts and then I was at the mall and I saw her getting into her car haha.

I was like "OH NO! If I walk up to her and she doesn't want to talk to me she'll think I'm a crazy stalker. RUN!" So I ran into the mall lmao.
Doesn't seem like many other people replied so I'll give a quick impression:

1. Your very first sentence has to go. No girl, I repeat, NO GIRL wants to meet a guy online who is interested in "military technology and firearms". Come on, dude... That'll scare them off right away.

2. You mention "anti-depressant" in your first paragraph. Girls want to find guys who are fun and confident. This is a universal truth. Trust me, I know how horrible depression is... But your profile isn't the place to share it. If you get far enough with a girl (i.e. enough dates where it is going to become a real relationship), then it's time to have an open discussion about any issues you may have. Not on your public profile.

3. What is "vidya"? Also the line about going through your backlog is very NeoGAF-y (in a bad way).

4. Your "most private thing" line has to go. OkCupid is retarded when it comes to their profile questions. I hated that question when I was on it.. I don't remember what I put but it certainly didn't have to do with hating fun. I switched to PoF after getting fed up with the immaturity of OkC and never looked back.

Sorry if I sound harsh. I'm actually trying to help, and unfortunately brutal honesty is what you need right now, in my opinion.

No I don't have any depression, but I can see now why it would seem that way

So all the stuff that makes you who you are has to go haha (I understand what your saying)

#3 No normal person knows what that is so I thought having it there wouldn't scare anyone off, but I dont want anyone to hurt themselves in their confusion so it'll go.
#4 was a joke, I guess if you thought I was actually depressed it would sound horrible

My self-summary
Into aviation, astronomy, computers, motorcycling, Guitar
I love intelligence, and kindness, but if I had to pick one I'd pick kindness. I'd rather be around stupid people with your best interest at heart than smart assholes.

I discovered my love for bikes when My brother borrowed his friends 150cc Aprilia scooter, and needed me to drive it to the gas station to fill it up. That was my first time on 2 wheels, and as soon as I got on I knew It was were I belonged. So I soon after bought a Ninja 250r and Rode it nonstop throughout the year, even during winter.
What I’m doing with my life
In school for Computer Networking, Graduating this spring, Interning at a Help Desk.
Play guitar in church band.
I’m really good at
Trivia, Snowboarding, Fighters, FPS, Motorcycling, photography, computers, Flight Simulators, only decent at guitar
The first things people usually notice about me
My sexy eyebrows
Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
Food: Pizza,Cheesecake, Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers, Ramen, Strawberries, Plums, Granny Smith Apples

Star Wars 4-6, Taken, Recent Batman Trilogy, Everything Pixar,

Baccano!, Hey Arnold!, Cops, ATHF, The Boondocks, Black Dynamite, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Archer

John Williams, David Wise, JOE SATRIANI, The Seatbelts, Hideki Naganuma, Stevie Wonder, Royksopp
The six things I could never do without
My friends
I spend a lot of time thinking about
The beginning of my career after I graduate, Saving money for a car, All the certs I'll need to get, starting with my CCNA
My bike needs a new chain, while it's being shipped here I'm already missing the daily riding.
On a typical Friday night I am
Working, enjoying the ride home, practicing Guitar
The most private thing I’m willing to admit
I'd rather be in a room with 5 snakes than one hornet


Maybe the issue with with my area and it's not that common in places where the site is more popular, but it's kind of annoying when they have profiles with nothing written on them and/or no questions answered - I have no problem with a lack of photos (I'm pretty much just updating my profile and not putting a lot of expectations into the site, but I do want to make it easier for things to happen through it), but what the hell is a guy supposed to write to someone who writes nothing about herself?

Stupid "send 25 messages to complete your profile" thing...

Oh well, at least I've exchanged some fun messages about movies with someone who's in another country.



Haha. This can be true sometimes.

My current girlfriend and I were actually friends/co-workers for a year and half before we decided to become more than that. We dated other people at first and what not, and then it's like we realized what was right in front of us all this time.


So all the stuff that makes you who you are has to go haha (I understand what your saying)

This is an unfortunate half-truth of online dating. You can let trickles of the "real" you (i.e. the stuff that would probably scare off most) during messages when you can CONTROL their release.

Putting everything on a profile for people to interpret however they choose to is the problem (hence my confusion towards your non-existent depression). In private messages, you can each share things at a pace appropriate to your level of intimacy.
So, I started OKC about three weeks ago. Filled out the profile, sent some messages, got some responses. One girl in particular was really interesting. We'd been talking, and everything was going fine, but then she stopped. This was a few days ago, do I write a quick message asking what's up, or just leave it?
So, I started OKC about three weeks ago. Filled out the profile, sent some messages, got some responses. One girl in particular was really interesting. We'd been talking, and everything was going fine, but then she stopped. This was a few days ago, do I write a quick message asking what's up, or just leave it?



I like seeing success stories on here...keep up the good work, gentlemen.

I can't seem to attract anyone without lots of baggage lately...current girl is cute and really great to talk to, but in a 5-year relationship where the guy is keeping it open and she wants him to commit. He's currently on "vacation" for three months, basically smanging his side women on the West coast. Can't tell if she's looking for a good excuse to jump ship, or is using me for emotional fulfillment until this dumb man-whore of hers comes back. As it stands right now, she doesn't want to meet just yet.

I'm also going on a "dinner date" tonight with this woman I've been talking to at Target. We'll see how it goes.

So, I started OKC about three weeks ago. Filled out the profile, sent some messages, got some responses. One girl in particular was really interesting. We'd been talking, and everything was going fine, but then she stopped. This was a few days ago, do I write a quick message asking what's up, or just leave it?

99% of the time this just means she's bored with you. If you really want to message her again, go for it, but be coy about it. Don't ask why she stopped talking, just maybe induce a topic change. You still aren't likely to get a response back, but asking women about why they haven't messaged you back is 100% assured failure.


I feel like I'm on a different site than you guys or something.

1. Only had to answer 100 questions and upload pics, never had to rate people for 100%

2. I can browse privately and still see my visitors

3. some other things I forgot now

edit: I see so many girls putting "just lounging around, watching a movie" on their Friday night question. That's what I want to put, but I thought girls wouldn't want a lazy guy lol. Is it acceptable for a guy to put that as well?


Welp, drove a half-hour to meet Target girl for dinner...seven minutes after she's supposed to be meeting me, I get a text saying she needs to stay late at work and has to cancel. That's life, I suppose...
I'm having a hard time believing it, but I guess I signed up for this shit. Had two somewhat interesting girls message me in the first few hours. Pickings seem slim in the area. It's a college town so it's not like I or anyone else has trouble meeting people. Just thought I'd see what's there.


Welp, drove a half-hour to meet Target girl for dinner...seven minutes after she's supposed to be meeting me, I get a text saying she needs to stay late at work and has to cancel. That's life, I suppose...

All you can do now is move on, do not contact her anymore, and have a drink.


I don't know about the other guys, but I don't lie or mislead with my profile descriptions. Crazy angled pictures are just deceiving and not cool.


So what's the difference between girls using flattering pictures and you guys workshopping your profiles to hell and back?

There's a difference between a flattering picture and then an angle shot to disguise the fat on a woman.

And workshopping =/ lying on one's profile. That's at least what I'm gathering from your comparison.


all good things
I don't know about the other guys, but I don't lie or mislead with my profile descriptions. Crazy angled pictures are just deceiving and not cool.

Hey, I don't know what you're talking about.

That picture of a shirtless man without a head is totally me. I just gained a little weight since it was taken!


You know, I don't want to sound like a cynical jerk and maybe it's just the way you type it but so much of your stuff sounds like massive bullshit.

I don't think he's full of shit at all.

I do want to know what the full deets on his story is though, but I feel like GAF is just giving him shit for the sake of shit, so I suppose I wouldn't respond either.

I may become reactive in this thread soon unfortunately. After a giant messy fight and a lot of bull shit this last week, I want to call it off with this girl. Giving her another chance, but I only give one extra one.



Hate it when I message a girl and she checks out my profile but doesn't message back. Feels bad bro :'(

I had a girl view my profile and rate me highly. So I messaged her. She replied back and seemed really interested in me. I sent a second message and...no reply. I don't even know what I said wrong. I just replied to her comments, added a bit about my self like she asked, and asked a couple questions, that's it. :\


Haha yea, these girls are just extremely fickle it seems. My latest strategy is finding the new girls who sometimes don't even have a profile yet, hoping they haven't been flooded with messages. I send off a quick message saying

"Hey how's it going? The OKCupid Robot told me to ask you why your profile is blank so here I am. blah blah blah"

100% success rate so far lol. Pretty hard continuing the conversation after message 2 or so because of the lack of information in her profile..


100% success rate so far lol. Pretty hard continuing the conversation after message 2 or so because of the lack of information in her profile..

Maybe say that you want to know more about her, her interests, what she does, ect. Whatever she replies with go with that. Or just start asking questions YOU'RE interested in. They can be totally random.
Haha yea, these girls are just extremely fickle it seems. My latest strategy is finding the new girls who sometimes don't even have a profile yet, hoping they haven't been flooded with messages. I send off a quick message saying

"Hey how's it going? The OKCupid Robot told me to ask you why your profile is blank so here I am. blah blah blah"

100% success rate so far lol. Pretty hard continuing the conversation after message 2 or so because of the lack of information in her profile..

This is exactly what I do on here and pof, Message the new girls before they get bombarded by messages. I've been a lot of girls first meet up.


Maybe say that you want to know more about her, her interests, what she does, ect. Whatever she replies with go with that. Or just start asking questions YOU'RE interested in. They can be totally random.

Yea that's what I try. Awkward sometimes because I can see that she's in the middle of slowly updating her profile. I wonder to myself, should I wait until she's done? Should I just ask? I think too much


Yea that's what I try. Awkward sometimes because I can see that she's in the middle of slowly updating her profile. I wonder to myself, should I wait until she's done? Should I just ask? I think too much

Get in first. Even make a joke about how you want to find out before all the riff raff get to read it, VIP info. Or...you know, something like that.


Haven't check in here in a while, but just thought I'd mention that I finally met a keeper on the site over a month ago, and as of a couple days ago we are in a relationship.

Only took about 2 years to find a winner. :_)
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