Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who doesn't pay attention to Twitter or other forms of social media, because I know there are narcissists and other negative energy on those sites and I don't need that in my life. I would suggest others to stop dwelling on everything you read on the internet from complete strangers. Just focus your time and energy on the things you can control, whatever it is that makes you happy, and the people you love.
I hate to see any mental health disorder handwaved and scoffed at by others but I also don't like people who pretend or advertise their suffering because what you should be doing is working to lift yourself out of the darkness, not wearing it like a personal identifier and throwing a pity party. Misery might like company but people don't like those who are always miserable. But I know it's struggling to get yourself in the right mindset and it helps to pay attention to the kindness of others. Surround yourself with good, loving people and have faith.
I've said it many times on this board too.
Focus on yourself. Don't worry about dumb shit on Twitter or Instagram or how much money the guy down the street has. Stop comparing yourself to others. Leave the dumb shit to dumbasses who think getting clicks is more important than life, or people in a decent state of life who want to laugh at losers on Twitter. The only people who should consider it that important are people trying to make a career in social media getting enough ad click revenue and endorsements to live off. 99.9% of people wont be able to do that.
And the best way to stop being hit with stuff that makes you miserable is to get off the net or at minimum stop scouring social media, poisonous forums etc.... If it wasnt for the politics board which was nuked, I don't even focus on Reddit or Twitter or anything. I dont even have accounts on those platforms. My key source of news now is CP24 which is a mainstream news site which I dont think even have comments/forum.
I have FB, but I just post 1-2 times a month an half the time its boring shit like holiday pics with family. I take a skim of news feeds, realize friends post boring shit too and log off.
I just focus on fun stuff like gaming, sports, business and stocks and skimming job boards. I also like reading reference material stuff like Mental Floss, Wiki, Kickassfacts etc.... I know I'm not going to remember 95% of it by the next day, but at that moment of time, it's fun informative random content. Not everything in life needs to be connected to MP gaming or interacting on Twitter just because it looks like being connected is a must have. Just chill out and be yourself and do your own thing. Think of it like SP vs MP gaming. Just because the trend is more MP gaming, nobody says you cant enjoy and do SP gaming.
At some point in life, everyone should have a game plan for school, career, based on realistically looking at yourself in the mirror plan where you want to be in 5 or 10 years kind of thing. I know what I want to do. Milk my career for another 15 years, make money n stocks and real estate and retire at about 60. I have a big tracker in Excel I made that tracks my assets with reasonable gains and it all calculates my worth at 60 as long as things hum along like now based on what I make, expenses and investments. I started this tracker on an old version of Excel about 15 years ago. And to add to the pot, I'm going to move away from the Toronto GTA to some a small town hours away like up north or London, On and cash out. Will probably bank a good half mill moving away from the metro area later in life.