“Be a man” is good advice, if you’re a man. Of course, you need to have a healthy understanding of what a man should be, which is a longer discussion. It suffice to say, being a man doesn’t mean not having feelings or whatever bullshit current society pretends it does.So many "tough guy" hot takes, in this....ITT.
Depression fucking sucks, so does anxiety. I wrote about it a lot on this page. Just because there are attention seeking whores out there, does not mean that they are not people suffering from mental illness, quite the contrary. However the issue, that the voices which actually needs attention are silenced in screaming of entitled retards.
And I also believe that those who are suffering from it, don't really talk about it. Hell I was always "ok", then I ended up in 5 minutes to 12 type of situation, almost died and only after that I was able to open up. Shit like "be a man" is fucking toxic. I am not saying that you should seek belittlement, pity or something like from twitter. No not at all, however people should at least keep their insecure bullshit to themselves and not poisoning mind of others. This is big time issue in parenting.
My 2 cents.
There are problems with labeling every negative emotion as some kind of clinical diagnosis. One is that very often, people will then assume that it is outside their control to fix. If someone is sad, we try to cheer them up. If someone is depressed, we take them to the doctor. There are truly real, clinically depressed people. Then there are people who are sad. People whose emotional state is a result of things in their life that they could and should improve. That feeling of sadness is very often appropriate, healthy, and necessary for improving your life, much like pain tells you the stove is hot so you don’t burn your hand off.
Another problem is that often people will adopt these labels as a way to excuse their behavior and not change. “I’m sad because I’m depressed” is not really acceptable. Very often people will sit around just waiting to feel better when sitting around is big part of reason they feel bad. Or they’ll take a pill and hope that fixes the problem without actually changing anything about their life.
Too often, we use the labels as a crutch to remove responsibility for our mental and emotional well being.