because it's edgy. funny edge man did the funny depression joke and now they gotta replicate it every 0.1 milisecondThis maybe will sound ignorant, but why are so many people telling the whole world that they are depressed. Everybody is sad sometimes, but so many "younger" people are almost celebrating their “crippling depression” and have to remind the whole world about it.
This is not the first generation to face challenges after WW2. There were so many things going on in the past and while people are safer, wealthier, and more secure than any generation before. People are only celebrating how hard it is. Even the pandemic is not the first bad thing that happened. I remember the time when I had to spend almost a year in fear if we did not get too much radiation because of Chernobyl. Had to stay inside during the summer, farmers were destroying their products and people were afraid. We worried about the ozone layer as well as other things and I was born during the cold war. We all had our challenges and problems.
I don’t say everything is great, but sometimes you really have to face your problems. Self-diagnosing depression may get you a lot of fake internet points and fake internet friends, but it will not help you in any way. Why are people so in love be their victim status, if it is not wealth, race, or gender it is mental health or anything else. And why are people demanding to be treated special because of it? There are rooms in colleges now, where you can hug pillows or stuffed animals if you don’t feel well or you can bring your emotional support animal to school. This is stuff Toddlers are doing, when do you grow up, when not during your college time? These were the best years of my life, I went to foreign countries, stayed two years in Japan, and did a lot of stupid and crazy things. If you are too afraid you are missing all of this.
i doubt 90% actually suffer of depression and the ones that do use the meme to cope with it.