Ps1 era was off the charts in the number of new games, genres, ideas, jrpgs, tactics games, fighters, and action adventure games. Some of my favorites are from that gen.
PC from 98'-07'... When it had AAA exclusives like quake 3, unreal tournament, undying, black and white, Alice, baldurs gate, torment, icewinf dale, battlefield, rune, rtcw, bold, fear, farcry, half life 1&2, vampire bloodlines, kotor, never winter nights 1&2...etc.... Also the tech. Soundblaster live, voodoo 2-5, geforce 256, geforce 3, raedeon. Everything was new.
3rd best era is the ps3/360 era. So many awesome games got released in that era. It was an era in stark contrast to now. Lots of cool HD releases.