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Oldboy aka The Best Revenge Movie Ever!

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Whoa...... where to start with this movie. Well, I'm fairly unfamiliar with Chanwook Park & the Korean movie scene in general, so after reading so much high praise for this film, I just had to see it. I guess, the best way to describe Oldboy is a horribly distrubing, gritty & most notably twisted tale of grand revenge, I mean.. Kill Bill was something, but Kill Bill ain't got shit on this movie, as far as the revenge theme goes.

Oldboy is just unsettling on so many levels & I mean that in the best possible way. Chanwook makes you feel every mental & physical blow Oh Daesu (the films lead) takes, and it's absolutely unrelenting right through to the end, just the torment and pain this man is put through is uneasy to watch.

The violence in this movie is up front & brutal in presentation, no.. real fantastical sort of take on fight scenes, like you might expect for say Miike. You'll come away believing every kick & punch thrown is genuine. The film itself looks gorgeous, even against the moody backdrop of the cold grey hotel room in which Oh Daesu is imprisoned, Chanwook make this film look so beautiful.

What else is there to say?! I'm was so drawn to movie from start to unbelievable ending, I can't possibly recommend it more highly. You must see this movie!

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