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Olympic vote: London wins

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Chili Con Carnage!
Heh, not much beauty in the part of london where they want the games...but yeah this is good news for the East of London, hopefully it can revitalise communities as well as the skyline.


I thought Paris deserved the games. Just seemed the people there wanted it a lot more. My sister visited both London and Paris two months ago, and she said that you barely noticed any sign of the london 2012 bid throughout London; where as, in Paris there were flags and signs all over the place for the 2012 olympics. New York hopes for the games were dead as soon as the proposed Manhattan Olympic stadium got canned.
New York would have been a CLUSTERFUCK if they hosted the Olympic Games, and you guys in NYC would know it. You guys already hate traffic as is, could you just imagine?

London, well, good for them. Too bad the food is absolutely horrible. :lol


Yes, we knew it. It's just way too hard to get improvements made to mass transit when the state capital hates us. (We hate you back, bitch.) In retrospect, I think we deserve a shot to host the games at a point in the future, but the fact of the matter is we're not ready for something like the Olympics; we need to save the subway, and then we somehow need to extend a few lines and replace the 40-year old trains that a ricketing through Queens right now. Seriously, it's embarrassing.

Good on ya, London! Never knew you had it in you. :)


WasabiKing said:
New York would have been a CLUSTERFUCK if they hosted the Olympic Games, and you guys in NYC would know it. You guys already hate traffic as is, could you just imagine?

The funny thing is, I don't believe that a large majority of New Yorkers even wanted it. The Olympic bid was largely Bloomberg jerking off, and dragging the city into the bathroom to watch.

The dude will probably build his fucking stadium anyway, just out of spite.


Unconfirmed Member
Rocket9 said:
To all the (most likely americans) people laughing at France's 'failure'...you do realize that the U.S. failed too right?
New Yorkers didn't want it, and honestly, all the newspapers in the area ran headlines like a month or two ago that said "FUCK IT, THERE'S NO WAY WE'RE GETTING THE OLYMPICS."

So it's not surprising the IOC said "Fuck it, they weren't expecting to get the Olympics anyway."


xsarien said:
The funny thing is, I don't believe that a large majority of New Yorkers even wanted it. The Olympic bid was largely Bloomberg jerking off, and dragging the city into the bathroom to watch.

The dude will probably build his fucking stadium anyway, just out of spite.

I'm sure the new Shea Stadium will happen, absolutely positive. Big monuments to overpaid steroid users are what New Yorkers care about, unfortunately.


Chili Con Carnage!
No one really thought London would get it either until this week.

And im sure most of the UK didnt give a shit if we got it or not (i know i didnt).

London only won by virtue of events at the summit.


As a New Yorker, I would have loved to have it here.
Of course, I live/work in the 'burbs now, so none of this would have impacted me :)
But I would have at least had the opportunity to check out the event.

I'm glad London got it though... Fish and Chips for everyone!


Nerevar said:
2 things:

1) All the British flag-waving in here leads you to believe it's most likely Americans huzzahing the French failure? What?

2) No one in New York wanted the games. The fact that the city basically deep-sixed it's own Olympic bid by voting against building new stadiums (that would be used for Olympic stadiums) and requiring the NYOC to do an emergency change to their bid at the last second should demonstrate how the people felt about it.

Im English foo'
Rocket9 said:
To all the (most likely americans) people laughing at France's 'failure'...you do realize that the U.S. failed too right?
yeah, even the new yorkers that LIKE bloomberg dont want the olympics... playing the 9/11 card only goes so far...

of course, we don't want the french to win either, so that left only 3 choices, only one of which was valid...


testicles on a cold fall morning
let's see. i'm american, more importantly i'm a new yorker. i couldn't care less if france won or lost, but at least England will have a slightly better time difference for live action.

AB 101

Big monuments to overpaid steroid users are what New Yorkers care about, unfortunately.

Well, New York does not have a monopoly in that department.

*Looks at Toyota Center (Rockets), Reliant Stadium (Texans), and Minute Maid Park (Astros)*

Minute Maid Park:

"Where the fans get squeezed and the players get juiced."


Count of Concision
Olympic vote: London wins

Thanks FREAKING God. What a relief to know that NY isn't hosting the Olympics. It would have been a disaster of epic proportions for all residents, and a boon to Bloomberg's business buddies. I'm glad to see Bloomberg and his plutocrat friends who keep trying to jam deals down the public's throats (at public expense, of course) get denied.

Seriously, not a single person I've ever spoken to here in NY has expressed a desire to host the Olympics. It was totally a manufactured interest propagated by wealthy elites. Screw 'em.


The big advantage Paris had over London was more modern and up to capacity transport. Otherwise London was always pretty good with so much weight being put behind it and there's loads to offer. There is going to be abit of development in some areas so people are happy about things like property price rises, businesses and stuff. I wonder if they will use places like Wimbeldon?


they call me "Man Gravy".
siamesedreamer said:
I was hoping Moscow would get it. London's cool though.

considering I read that an IOC member remarked that "the only thing organized in Moscow is the crime", I really don't think they stood a chance. And the fact that IOC polling showed that New Yorkers really didn't want the olympics (it was at like 48% in favor of the games, by far the lowest of the 5 cities) killed that bid (plus the citizens voting against a new stadium). I'm surprised Madrid had so much support considering that Barcelona had the games so recently. I think it really came down to London and Paris in the IOC's mind.


Deg said:
The big advantage Paris had over London was more modern and up to capacity transport. Otherwise London was always pretty good with so much weight being put behind it and there's loads to offer. There is going to be abit of development in some areas so people are happy about things like property price rises, businesses and stuff. I wonder if they will use places like Wimbeldon?

I'm so happy for London today, I work in an architectural practice in London and this is gonna mean plenty of work for us for a few years at least, so I don't mind the rise council tax. It's pretty exciting if they can keep the momemtum going and get things built.

And yes, Wimbledon's gonna be used for tennis. The new Wembley will also be used, the Dome will be used for gymnastics, Lord's cricket ground and stadiums around UK like Old Trafford will also host events. Many well known venues all round, while the main stadiums and the village will be new. That's in contrast with Paris, which would have used existing buildings mostly. So London's bid was more ambitious and looks towards the future while Paris was a safer bet. It's always good to beat the French.


I'm suprised no one mentioned how big of a commercial whorefest the Olympics have become. Athletes doping and an overemphasis on gaudy, excess instead of actual sport. Fuck the Olympics. I'm glad NYC didn't get it. I'm new here, but even I understand why people think Bloomberg is a fucking idiot. If he settles with teacher's union on a new contract that's good, then he can build all the fucking stadiums he wants. But right now, he's more about spending money on bullshit glitz and glamour and not on practical matters. How about hiring more MTA employees so the fucking subway trains don't run so erratic on the weekends? I swear, forget about getting from Queens to Brooklyn in under an hour on a weekend. You'll be lucky if the N shows up on anything even remotely resembling a regular schedule. And the sporadic destination changes and local/express changes are exasperating. Not that it doesn't happen during the week too, but the weekends are simply ridiculous. And maybe I won't have to keep my eyes peeled for the frequent line changes that get posted like a day before it happens. I so love running late only to find that I have to catch a train going in the opposite direction b/c it's running express by that station for a few hours...for god knows what reason.

OK, ranting off, I think it will be cool for London to get it. That is if they never got it before. But I wanted to see France get it really. Either way, I should be over there by the 2012, so either way, it's a trip across the channel. :) PEACE.


Ahaha i can see Lord's Cricket ground from my Balcony. Maybe i can watch the Archery?

London deserved the Olympics, cause we got gyped on the 2006 world cup...


they call me "Man Gravy".
talking head said:
i don't get why all of you hate the french?

"because they're smelly and ungrateful!"


Junior Member
talking head said:
i don't get why all of you hate the french?

Only people who give americans competition when it comes to feeling superior than the rest of the world. :p


asking dangerous questions
I never understood why people hate the French...
...until I went to Paris.

Arrogant fcks...

...almost as bad as Americans.


2012 - The London Olympics begins

2011 - The Chav Elimination Squadron is formed

...well you can always dream, right?


Scary Euro Man
Deg said:
so people are happy about things like property price rises

In London? Fine. If it extends out as far as where I'm trying to buy a house, I will have to hunt down and kill Seb Coe.


Scary Euro Man
Cubsfan23 said:

Ha. Ha. Ha. I find this oh so hilarious, especially from an American source:

Wikipedia on the American War of Independence said:
European nations

Early in 1775, the British army consisted of about 36,000 men, but recruitment steadily increased this number. Additionally, over the course of the war about 30,000 German mercenaries (popularly known in the colonies as Hessians because many of them came from Hesse) were hired by the British. Germans would make up about 1/3 of the British troop strength in North America. By 1779, the number of British and German troops stationed in North America was over 60,000, though these were spread from Canada to Florida.

France, the Netherlands and Spain entered the war against Great Britain in an attempt to dilute Britain's superpower status. France officially entered the war in 1778 and soon sent troops, ships and military equipment to fight alongside the American Patriot army against the British for the remainder of the war. French military involvement in the war proved decisive, though disastrous for the French economy. France's standing army at the time is estimated to have been some 100,000. Spain entered the war in 1779, but did not recognize the new American nation and sent no troops to fight alongside the United States. The Netherlands entered the war late in 1780, but its navy and army was soon overwhelmed by the superior British Royal navy and army.


iapetus said:
In London? Fine. If it extends out as far as where I'm trying to buy a house, I will have to hunt down and kill Seb Coe.

You still in Reading? Shouldn't get that far.

Is the rowing at Dorney lake BTW? Thats walking distance for me - be kinda cool to go see it and driving would be a no-no for those two weeks anywhere near London.


Chili Con Carnage!
mrklaw said:
Is the rowing at Dorney lake BTW? Thats walking distance for me - be kinda cool to go see it and driving would be a no-no for those two weeks anywhere near London.

Yeah it is.


Im glad someone finally realised the Dome makes a perfect indoor arena.

Holy shit the mountain biking is in the park right behind my parents house....Cant wait to watch that on TV.


Rocket9 said:
To all the (most likely americans) people laughing at France's 'failure'...you do realize that the U.S. failed too right?

Difference here is that George Bush didn't talk shit about British cuisine the day before. Chirac made himself look like a stupid fuck, and he deserves all the mocking he gets. Fuck him.

Nash said:
Beating France is always such a good feeling :D

Why? It's like a tiger shark fighting a trout.

Scoobert said:

:lol :lol :lol

The Faceless Master said:
yeah, even the new yorkers that LIKE bloomberg dont want the olympics... playing the 9/11 card only goes so far...

of course, we don't want the french to win either, so that left only 3 choices, only one of which was valid...

:lol Yeah, the Olympic bid for New York was clearly another ridiculous 9/11 play up, which I thought was just ridiculous. With all the money the city has spent just to get back to normal, why that dunce Bloomberg thought the ridiculous expense of hosting an Olympics would somehow be great for the city is beyond me.

Nerevar said:
considering I read that an IOC member remarked that "the only thing organized in Moscow is the crime", I really don't think they stood a chance.

:lol I guess an IOC member would know about organized crime...

iapetus said:
Ha. Ha. Ha. I find this oh so hilarious, especially from an American source:

I've always been amused at the yanks who claim the French are ungrateful for their assistance in World War 2, while the French contribution to the American revolution is always glossed over. And Americans calling the French arrogant? :lol That's the icing on the cake.

That said, Chirac certainly did nothing to help their own rep...and it looks to have bitten him in the ass.

Voting in all rounds is strictly secret, but sources in Helsinki said today that Finland's two IOC members, Peter Tallberg and Jari Kurri, backed London.

Although there is no evidence that this was linked to remarks this week by President Jacques Chirac that Finnish cooking is the world's worst, it could give the French leader more food for thought about how he handled support for the Paris bid.

:lol Dumb fuck...
Sorry to bump an old topic, but almost everyone I know here in NYC are ecstatic that our city wasn't chosen. Though it's already been touched upon, I can't help but repeat how fucking ridiculous that at a time when cops and teachers desperately need raises, the major wanted to make the rich richer and make life even more difficult. And I have to really question those who are in New York that wanted it here. Why? Bloomberg promised more jobs. Yeah, if you want to sell hot dogs for a living. And its not like we need more tourists crowding up the streets.


The olympics means a flurry of new construction and road work. Those are good paying jobs. Also, the boost in tourism when the games happen.


ToxicAdam said:
The olympics means a flurry of new construction and road work.

Because even more of that in the five boroughs would go over so well. I'm back east a lot, and I talk to friends from home plenty. The only people that wanted the Olympics in New York were those who would directly benefit from the construction projects.


Count of Concision
ToxicAdam said:
The olympics means a flurry of new construction and road work. Those are good paying jobs. Also, the boost in tourism when the games happen.

Here's the point you should take home from those of us who actually live in NY:

Nobody besides those who would somehow stand to make money off the Olympics wanted them to be hosted here. Sure, there may be a few people here and there, but by and large, the vast majority of those who expressed support for hosting the games are those who stand to benefit: cops, construction workers, real estate developers/agents, concessionaires etc.

You heard some police officers expressing interest in it, since they'd get to work a shitload of overtime (and this was the expressly stated reason for their interest). My friend's sister, a very well paid real estate agent, was very upset after we lost the bid, since she was already counting the dollars she was going to make on property sales. A couple of guys I know who work in construction were upset because it was going to mean steady work for a few years. And, of course, Bloomberg and his billionaire buddies are distraught over not being able to amass more riches while the rest of us suffer (hey, did you know that rookie cops are set to earn only $25K/yr next year in one of the most expensive cities on earth while cops in neighboring counties start at nearly $50K?). You get the picture.

I am beyond relieved that the Olympics aren't coming to NY. It would have been a traffic and security nightmare, and I certainly did not believe the biased economic analyses floated by Bloomberg which stated that it would be a boon for our economy. I mean, look at how much it helped Greece...<snicker>

Bloomberg's incessant push to host the games (and other nonsense like the West Side stadium) is transparent in its aim-- and the aim is money. Money for his rich friends. He doesn't give a shit about the average NY'er, and I honestly can't stand to look at his face. If he gets re-elected next term, it'll be a tragedy.
Serious question here, aside from anti-French rethoric, I've noticed many people really supported the London bid. I am just wondering... why?

Is it because they've been there and love the city, above all others?

Do they see London as the same ilk as Canada, the US or Australia and support it out of tribalism? :)

Did they... sift through the London bid in detail and decided it was the best place to host the next Olympics for whatever technical reason? :D
Yeah it seems that those who supported the Olympics in NYC either wanted just the monetary benefits or simply don't even live here to have a clue about the ramifications.

Hell I wouldn't mind it that much if I knew I was getting at least one ticket to the games, but like everything in NYC, nothing is done to benefit those who live here and pay the taxes, but just some dome family vacationing here for a week.


London is my home town, and if those guys wanted it, I'm glad they got it. But honestly I don't think it's much of a benefit to any city to host, outside of those involved in the construction of the sites.

They oughta just recycle the Olympic events in the six or seven towns that have hosted the games, so the expense of hosting is reduced to a minimum.

I am glad Paris lost though...I'm not a France hater, but Chirac needed to get his trap shut.


Paris is actually a nice place and its very close as it is but I am glad London got it. Hopefully it means more sporting facilites for different sports rather than just football.

The NY bid was just half hearted.

Shinobi said:
I've always been amused at the yanks who claim the French are ungrateful for their assistance in World War 2, while the French contribution to the American revolution is always glossed over. And Americans calling the French arrogant? :lol That's the icing on the cake.

America means hypocrisy :p According to history lessons anyway.
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