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On the Idea of Idris Elba being James Bond

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Tonight I learned about codename theory for the first time. This is a thing?

It was a theory for the previous films as a way for multiple actors to play the same character, but the Daniel Craig series has been a complete reboot, and Skyfall pretty much destroyed that theory when they show it is his real name and not a code name they give.
I think we should take it slow with diversity and Bond. Let's do all hair colors first.


But seriously: I'll laugh my ass of when Andrew Lincoln becomes the new Bond


Haircolors first, then we do black bond, then asian bond and then we'll have a female Bond!!! Bring it on :) The meltdowns alone would be glorious...
I would love me some black Bond. The series seems all about rejuvenating itself at the moment, so I could definitely see it happening (albeit probably with a younger actor).


Honestly don't think he would make a good Bond. I hope Craig keeps doing for a long time to come..best and most believable Bond imho


I want one movie with Elba as Bond and Fassbinder as the villain, and one where Fassbinder is Bond and Elba is the villain.


I think the bigger news here is that her name is Barbara Broccoli. That's incredible!

well uh obviously? she's the daughter of original Bond producer (1962-1995) Albert R Broccoli, whose name is displayed prominently at the start of every single title sequence for every single Bond film right up to the present day, and for future films too:


as a bonus, this is a fantastic photo:


From left to right - Albert Broccoli (producer), Sean Connery, Ian Fleming (bond creator), Harry Saltzman (producer) discussing the production plans for the film adaptation of Dr No.


I'd like him as Bond. Bonds skin colour has zero significance to his character, especially in 2015.

Ugghhhh this wave of... OH let's change every superhero's race/nationality is soooo dumb.

It's only dumb that peoples jimmies get rustled when creators try to be a bit more inclusive in their lines. Personally i hope the next Batman is a transgender Samoan.


And if he sticks around after his final contracted film, which is certainly a possibility, it gets worse. There's only a couple of years between Idris and Craig. I don't think they want another Moore on their hands where the dude already looks like he could be the leading lady's dad by the first film.

I think I'd prefer him as another double O, or maybe even the next M. He's got the chops to play a serious villain, so that's a possibility too.

Good calls.

Had it happened at luther time I think he would have handled it well, but then he was/is Luther and that's better than any bond to me.
No. James Bond is the stereotypical suave - white - uperclass Englishman who also happens to be a secret service agent.

Making him black all of a sudden doesn't make any sense to who the character is historically.

Also it screams of trying to be desperately and unnecesarilly politically correct which is just not a good reason to do things.

James Bond isn't black. It's that simple.


Ok. Is it me or does GAF have a weird infatuation with Idris lol? Oh and Fassbender and Benjamin Cucumber. All excellent actors but c'mon they can't be in EVERYTHING. Would've been a nice departure but I'm afraid he'll be too old by that time. Who knows tho...


Start shooting the new Bond now, like RIGHT now. Shoot them back to back like them Lord of the Rings, yo.

Idris would be a great bond. That accent cuts it. Embarrassing replies be embarrassing. Bond has never had any consistency apart from being English oops British and wearing a suit.

Ok. Is it me or does GAF have a weird infatuation with Idris lol? Oh and Fassbender and Benjamin Cucumber. All excellent actors but c'mon they can't be in EVERYTHING. Would've been a nice departure but I'm afraid he'll be too old by that time. Who knows tho...

They can and they should. Now give me that GAF membership card back.


Its probably going to be Dan Stevens as the next one.

I obviously won't be Idris, because he has far too much heat as the next Bond, and as others have noted, he'll be a bit old. I mean, Craig has one more Bond and options to keep on going. So he could do 2 or 3 more. Lets say its 2. Well that will probably conclude in a decade from now. Then give it another few years before development ramps up on the next Bond.

Edris would be in his mid fifties, and if things go a bit differently, depending the layovers between Bond movies, and the number they make with Craig, he could be over 60 during the release of his first Bond movie.

They'd obviously want him around, Craig is Bond well over a decade. Idris will simply be too old to potentially hold onto an action franchise for two decades. Idris is cool, but his Bond moment has passed. As much as I love Idris, I actually don't love him for Bond.


Oh, never thought about that. That would be a great choice.

Yep, not a bad idea.

My money may still be on Cavill depending on how Superman pans out, long tradition of guys being in consideration in their 20's then getting it in their 30's (Brosnan was offered it pre Dalton and Dalton when he was just 22 pre Moore).

Cavill was in the final 2 with Craig.


at last, for christ's sake
I think Cavill lacks the required charisma to be a great Bond. He's too classically pretty, doesn't have that dark edge. Works for Superman, not for Bond imho

Dan Stevens would be a much better fit, but two blondes in a row? Eh


Yep, not a bad idea.

My money may still be on Cavill depending on how Superman pans out, long tradition of guys being in consideration in their 20's then getting it in their 30's (Brosnan was offered it pre Dalton and Dalton when he was just 22 pre Moore).

Cavill was in the final 2 with Craig.

Cavill has been in the mix for tons of franchises before landing Man of Steel. And they didn't even want him as Superman either, they went threw tons of actors. Ben Affleck turned down Superman. They tried to get Joe Mangiello next, and True Blood made it impossible. They were on a strict timeline with MOS, otherwise the rights could've reverted back to the Shuster and Siegel estate, which is why they settled for a less than ideal choice of Cavill.

Cavill was in the background for Batman. He's been a ultra last resort guy for franchises. Like a really boring, conservative, choice. He got lucky with MOS. I don't think there's anyway they'd ever offer it to Cavill. He looks great, but he doesn't have any charisma. Zero humor. Not a great actor either. And they'd never give Bond to someone who already played an iconic character like Superman.

Dan Stevens looks incredible, and he appears to be emerging has a truly great actor, one of the best of his generation. He has presence, and most importantly he has a twinkle in his eye. And edge of humor, and madness that I think makes the best Bond. Dan Stevens would have fun in the role, I think that is key.

There are some other fantastic choices for Bond, mostly they are too serious though. Although, I would like to see how Tom Hardy would handle it. He could be great, but when I think about it, no one is as perfect as Dan Stevens. The dudes destined to be the next great start, imo. I used to like Paul Bettany for the role too, but again perhaps too serious.

You know I think Sam Neill would've made a great Bond. He was tested for the role, but it went to Brosnan.


If hes too old to do a series. as some suggested. Idris as a villian will also be a great option. Just put him in the movie as a major character.


He [Elba] is only 42, according to wikipedia.
I think if they start now they can squeeze a couple of bond films in, before he gets realistically to old to be an action star.

It's not like Bond is supposed to be the young hero anyway, he's supposed to be on the older side.

I liked Craig, but i'm getting tired of him.
I'm no long-time Bond fan though, so my opinion doesn't carry that much weight, i suppose.


He's getting too old for the role, now. I'd hope that they'd give him at least two films as Bond, but I don't know if they work that way.

God dammit.
Ok. Is it me or does GAF have a weird infatuation with Idris lol? Oh and Fassbender and Benjamin Cucumber. All excellent actors but c'mon they can't be in EVERYTHING. Would've been a nice departure but I'm afraid he'll be too old by that time. Who knows tho...

Difference is that Idris doesn't get enough parts to be in "everything".
No. James Bond is the stereotypical suave - white - uperclass Englishman who also happens to be a secret service agent.

Making him black all of a sudden doesn't make any sense to who the character is historically.

Also it screams of trying to be desperately and unnecesarilly politically correct which is just not a good reason to do things.

James Bond isn't black. It's that simple.

Those stereotypes aren't relevant any more, nobody cares about the history of the character. Idris Elba is a competent actor and thus would save the series from the shit we've had for the last ten years, anybody who doesn't want Idris pretty much is actively trying to ruin the series.


Those stereotypes aren't relevant any more, nobody cares about the history of the character. Idris Elba is a competent actor and thus would save the series from the shit we've had for the last ten years, anybody who doesn't want Idris pretty much is actively trying to ruin the series.


Daniel Craig's run is not only the most successful both critically and financially in the franchises history, but its also regarded by the majority of fans (going by the official fan club, and unnoficial forums such as CBn) as a success too.

You are entitled to your opinion, but calling Craig's tenure "shit" is factually wrong in every single way possible. Sorry.


I would like Elba as Bond, but casting him as Bond would stray a bit from the original source material (although to me Roger Moore strayed even further and was basically playing the Saint during all his movies). Of course, the Bond makers have already set the precedent for that.

If they stay true to the character with Elba and not make a movie that's a swapped version of "Live And Let Die," it could work. I still think Michael Fassbender would be perfect as the next Bond or maybe the next Bond villain.

Dan Stevens would work if they make a movie version of Carte Blanche (he's already in The Guest).


He cant be James Bond because then I wouldnt relate to him and this choice would be OBVIOUSLY based on pleasing the social justice warrior tumblr audience that is widely known for being fans of womanizing shorta-sexist male power fantasies.
I want it to be Idris after Craig.

It's such a great fit, him being a proper Londoner and he'd be able to play Bond over the hill.

If the newer Bond films were going places that were not like traditional Bond, then I want the next Bond to continue that kind of push. I believe Idris to be capable of doing that.

He can pull off super cool guy moments and moments of actual emotional depth(which is what I love about Craig's Bond).
How about they create something new entirely.

There's lots of new spies out there for you to jump on if you don't like how Bond is going! You got that Kingsman thing going on, Man from UNCLE is coming out later, there's that whole Bourne series, Mission Impossible's comin out soon too! That's not even getting into stuff like The Americans, or Homeland, etc. etc.

If you like spies, theres there's a ton of shit out there to check.

Do you really think EON is giving Idris Elba all this love as a means to cynically, calculatedly pander to liberal white people who feel good about themselves for being seen to advocate for easy progressivism in modern media?

or do you think they just like the guy's style?


The funny thing is that people never bitch when it's a white guy playing a traditionally black character.. Oh wait, that never happens, because the later almost doesn't exist. And hence you see the need for opening more roles to black actors.

Idris is a fuckin bad ass, i really hope he gets it.

People complain about whitewashing all the time and rightly so, because it's a despicable, creatively vapid practice. Unfortunately, the same people decrying it have their valid position undermined by hypocritically supporting 'colour-blind' casting for traditionally white roles in the same breath. There are sometimes valid creative reasons for changing a character's race, but such people rarely think about that when there's righteousness to be done.
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