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Once Upon A Time S6 |OT| Magic Carpet Hyde


That doesn't make any sense from any standpoint. She became a fairy to be powerful enough to kill the great evil that was threatening her son, which was her. She's given the option to give up her power, thus vanquishing the great evil and keeping her son safe, but she wants to keep her power to protect her son from the great evil that would be gone if she gave it up since it's her.

Alright, that's one paradox, unless you want to tell me there's a 2nd great evil just hanging out.

On top of that, when she does finally meet adult Rumple and he questions her about abandoning him, her words aren't "I've been looking for you this whole time." They're more "haha, fuck you" and she flies away. In what way does this benefit her ultimate plan of escaping and finding Rumple? She's either full of shit or the writers just forgot the first half of the season.
Haven't watched much since Season 2 totally turned me off the series, but I'm a sucker for Musical episodes, so hopefully some fun Rumpelstiltskin moments. :)


Loved season 1. Season 2 was also pretty great. 3 was at least solid. 4 was alright, had it's moments but I found season rather dull and boring.

Is season 6 any better then at least season 5?


Loved season 1. Season 2 was also pretty great. 3 was at least solid. 4 was alright, had it's moments but I found season rather dull and boring.

Is season 6 any better then at least season 5?

Somewhat. Better villains than Hades and Dark Swan.


I thought the guy who played Hook played a good villain.

Yeah but I liked the villains brought up in season 6 (barring Gideon) a lot more. Hyde and Oded Fehr Jafar were fun to watch but completely wasted with how little they were used.

Well, the last episode is called the final battle.....but when has that stopped other things like final fantasy?

Supposedly this final season is meant to be a conclusion to this arc. So while it might not end the series it will end this story. If they do another season it's gonna be something different. Here's hoping they just say "fuck it", change the title to Fables, make Bigby the main character, and go from there. Recast everyone and call it an alternate universe.


For those curious about a season 7. There has been some movement and I'll just spoil tag this:

Sounds like ABC wants to greenlight a season 7. Some of the main characters will either not be returning or will be returning in a recurring role. Primarily Captain Hook, the Charmings and possibly Emma Swan.

No confirmations have been made yet by ABC but they did say that if a season 7 was to happen that it would be a new story (same world and same side characters) that focuses on a new male character (Andrew J. West( and his 10-year old daughter (Alison Fernandez).

More details here:


Not sure how to feel. I mean the show's main characters are a huge reason to watch the show. Without them it would feel strange but I suppose if the writing was at least solid then it could be interesting. This gives the showrunners a chance to change things up but at the same time they could ruin the show.

My relationship with Once Upon a Time has been a strange one. I use to love this show but as time went on the budget cuts and the writing took a huge HUGE hit and the show went from being one of my favorite shows on tv to rather popcorn affair that I could watch whenever the mood strikes. In a way I kind of hope a season 7 happens just to see where the show could go.


For those curious about a season 7. There has been some movement and I'll just spoil tag this:

Sounds like ABC wants to greenlight a season 7. Some of the main characters will either not be returning or will be returning in a recurring role. Primarily Captain Hook, the Charmings and possibly Emma Swan.

No confirmations have been made yet by ABC but they did say that if a season 7 was to happen that it would be a new story (same world and same side characters) that focuses on a new male character (Andrew J. West( and his 10-year old daughter (Alison Fernandez).

More details here:


Not sure how to feel. I mean the show's main characters are a huge reason to watch the show. Without them it would feel strange but I suppose if the writing was at least solid then it could be interesting. This gives the showrunners a chance to change things up but at the same time they could ruin the show.

My relationship with Once Upon a Time has been a strange one. I use to love this show but as time went on the budget cuts and the writing took a huge HUGE hit and the show went from being one of my favorite shows on tv to rather popcorn affair that I could watch whenever the mood strikes. In a way I kind of hope a season 7 happens just to see where the show could go.

all i ever wanted in the show as no Hook, so i'd actually watch it consistently then
it'd still be bad b/c of the show runners
Oh man the cheese... Evil Regina and Wicked Zelena still the best but what was up with Regina's/Lana's vocals? Like they her song more rock but then gave it this shitty echo effect that sounded more like when she sang she was standing too far from the mic. Or maybe just mixed really, really poorly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, I wouldn't get hopes up
for some reboot of the show, it's been off the rails way too long.


This show can be really dumb but I still feel like it can sometime be really fun still. I always come back to this show even if I take a pretty big hiatus from watching.


So everyone was good IMO except the "star" of the show, Emma. Sorry she was bad......like Willow Buffy musical bad. She was the only one I felt I could really tell she laid her track down in the studio and was just mouthing the words as it played (sure probably more did this this ep, but her's was really apparent IMHO) also her performance wasn't as organic as the other performers and felt like it came out of no where and was out of place. I thought even Henry out sung her for the little he got and thought it was really bad pairing her with the other singers at the end because that was where it really stuck out. Again this is all just IMO.

But overall, I thought this musical ep KILLED the Flash musical ep this year and that surprises me given the musical background of the people on those shows where I think/thought none of this cast has a musical background ( am I wrong, do they?). Will definitely watch this again sometime in the future.. I love that Disney can be self aware with their cheesiness and just run with it sometimes which always equals an enjoyable viewing experience for me. This almost made me feel like what I felt like when I watched the Enchanted movie for the first time and I love that movie to this day.


So everyone was good IMO except the "star" of the show, Emma. Sorry she was bad......like Willow Buffy musical bad. She was the only one I felt I could really tell she laid her track down in the studio and was just mouthing the words as it played (sure probably more did this this ep, but her's was really apparent IMHO) also her performance wasn't as organic as the other performers and felt like it came out of no where and was out of place. I thought even Henry out sung her for the little he got and thought it was really bad pairing her with the other singers at the end because that was where it really stuck out. Again this is all just IMO.

But overall, I thought this musical ep KILLED the Flash musical ep this year and that surprises me given the musical background of the people on those shows where I think/thought none of this cast has a musical background ( am I wrong, do they?). Will definitely watch this again sometime in the future.. I love that Disney can be self aware with their cheesiness and just run with it sometimes which always equals an enjoyable viewing experience for me. This almost made me feel like what I felt like when I watched the Enchanted movie for the first time and I love that movie to this day.

Yeah, Emma's was probably the weakest as far as execution mixed with the recorded words goes. At least we know that the main theme apparently had lyrics all along now. The Charmings had a nice Disney song. Regina's Rocky Horror-esque villain song was okay. She was definitely the one having the most fun with it and performed the hell out of that song (and she snapped those guards' necks. That was nuts). I liked Hook's song but the actor looked like he was tired of everything by that point. Zelena's Wicked-esque song was definitely the best out of all of them, though.

I laughed when they set up Rumple's song and immediately shut it down.


is confirmed out next season,
said they had currently agreed to a one episode appearance.

So that means
is out too. Wouldn't make sense to have one without the other at this point. And, there goes my interest in this show.

Have fun repeating Once Upon A Time In Wonderland guys.

Not that I don't believe you, but could you link to a source?

And, if
is confirmed out that convention in SF in August they were promoting during the show just got more interesting to attend.
So that means
is out too. Wouldn't make sense to have one without the other at this point. And, there goes my interest in this show.

Have fun repeating Once Upon A Time In Wonderland guys.

Not that I don't believe you, but could you link to a source?

And, if
is confirmed out that convention in SF in August they were promoting during the show just got more interesting to attend.
Front page on TVline


The creators said they will end Season 6 like how they imagined the end of the show.
Season 7 will center around new characters, two of them will be introduced in the season 6 finale. Old main characters will still recur, if a contract is made.


The creators said they will end Season 6 like how they imagined the end of the show.
Season 7 will center around new characters, two of them will be introduced in the season 6 finale. Old main characters will still recur, if a contract is made.

They are going to Once Upon A Time in Wonderland it. lol
They are going to Once Upon A Time in Wonderland it. lol

As long as they keep it feeling as it is it, would be better than that imo.
Wonderland felt so stupid without Mad Hatter, Aladdin, Jasmine, etc
It felt so constrained and bootleg.

Sadly we won't get more Mulan as she is a lead on that new X-Men series.


Yeah, it's gonna be an interesting finale.

Predictions on where the curse portaled them?

My question during the ep was that they went to the belltower, saw the curse while it was inactive, and did NOTHING about it. I thought that was pretty stupid. Was that another plothole of this show? Couldn't their "song magic" or something destroy it/ why didn't they try that?


My question during the ep was that they went to the belltower, saw the curse while it was inactive, and did NOTHING about it. I thought that was pretty stupid. Was that another plothole of this show? Couldn't their "song magic" or something destroy it/ why didn't they try that?

I had that question too. They're all happy and sing and "Oh, right. Curse cloud. Forgot about that..."


Just to refresh who is leaving the show do to contracts being up:

Emma Swan will have ONE episode next season and then she is gone. She said her good-byes on Facebook as well:


I am also hearing the Charmings will either be completely gone or will sign on for a small number of episodes.

O’Donoghue still has one year left in his contract so he will be there for season 7. They are also close to reaching a deal with Lana Parrilla and Robert Carlyle to return for season 7:


I don't think that season 7 has to necessarily suck. As mentioned before, this could give a bit of fresh air to show and well writing is always key to a good show so depending on what they did with the show next would determine the quality for me. That being said, I'll definitely miss the actors that are leaving. We still don't know who else will stay and/or leave as well. Hopefully no other victims.
Just to refresh who is leaving the show do to contracts being up:

Man the only reason I ever watched the show was because of Lana Parrilla. I'm not sure if I want her to continue, or have her try something on another show. Maybe they can reboot Star gate with Robert Carlyle. Give it another go.


Man the only reason I ever watched the show was because of Lana Parrilla. I'm not sure if I want her to continue, or have her try something on another show. Maybe they can reboot Star gate with Robert Carlyle. Give it another go.

Yea. I think it's stupid to have Lana without the charmings/Emma. They worked so well together and had such chemistry together. I really don't want to see her talents wasted here and would rather have her as a fresh new character on another show. So Hook is continuing without Emma....after they just got married? I think that will be more than a little weird. And Robert will continue without Belle? WTF! This show is all about relationships yet they are killing all of them yet trying to continue. How can they even think this will work/be successful?

If they want to move on to a completely new cast and new fairy tales I'm sure these guys are creative enough to make it work but continuing the old cast when half of what made each of them work is gone is a recipe for disaster I think. This won't end well if that's what they intend to do.


Yea. I think it's stupid to have Lana without the charmings/Emma. They worked so well together and had such chemistry together. I really don't want to see her talents wasted here and would rather have her as a fresh new character on another show. So Hook is continuing without Emma....after they just got married? I think that will be more than a little weird. And Robert will continue without Belle? WTF! This show is all about relationships yet they are killing all of them yet trying to continue. How can they even think this will work/be successful?

If they want to move on to a completely new cast and new fairy tales I'm sure these guys are creative enough to make it work but continuing the old cast when half of what made each of them work is gone is a recipe for disaster I think. This won't end well if that's what they intend to do.

They've written a lot of characters into corners that they can't escape with tripping over themselves with a plot point that they forgot about. They have to continue on with characters who have less plot baggage, or at least alleviate the baggage by killing it off. Or writing it out of the show


This definitely feels like the series finale. I don't think I want a Season 7. I want them to end on a high note. The musical episode was pleasantly surprising.
Recently caught up with the rest of season 6.

At this point I think I'm ready for this series to end.

And for god's sake, Belle needs to stay away from Gold.
A lot of the character relationships are just weird at this point.
Also, Hook killed Charming's dad? "Ah whatever, was a long time ago, bud!" Okay then.
Welp, it's official OUAT is getting a seventh season.

BTW, I might be forgetting something but whatever happened to that ex-friend of Emma's who turned out to be Maleficent's daughter that felt like they were building up to something, did that go absolutely no where or am I forgetting stuff?

Dr. Malik

I'm kind of glad Emma won't be on the show anymore she always seem soulless and robotic for the most part. Get someone who actually has a range of emotions

Welp, it's official OUAT is getting a seventh season.

BTW, I might be forgetting something but whatever happened to that ex-friend of Emma's who turned out to be Maleficent's daughter that felt like they were building up to something, did that go absolutely no where or am I forgetting stuff?
Maleficent and her went off on a road trip in the real world


Rebecca Mader (Zelena) just announced on Instagram she won't return for season 7 and they didn't really give her the option either.
She also congratulated the actors of Hook, Regina and Rumple/Gold who could stay. I wonder how the show will explain that Hook spends an whole season without Emma. And I hope Robert Carlyle only appears in flashbacks as Rumple.

Was gonna wait until the season finale for possible OT suggestions but if you have any now I'd be open to hearing them.

Once Upon A Time S7 |OT| Once Upon a Reboot


Rebecca Mader (Zelena) just announced on Instagram she won't return for season 7 and they didn't really give her the option either.
She also congratulated the actors of Hook, Regina and Rumple/Gold who could stay. I wonder how the show will explain that Hook spends an whole season without Emma. And I hope Robert Carlyle only appears in flashbacks as Rumple.

Once Upon A Time S7 |OT| Once Upon a Reboot

I really think they should've saved this news for after the season finale because now I'm banking on the non-returning characters to die.
Emma's still got one more episode in the new season but it could very well be a flashback.
There are definitely changes coming. They sold off the small store that they were housing the props in Steveston. Wonder if they'll continue to film in Vancouver.
On one hand a lot of characters are beyond played out on the other the show should've just ended this season instead of this "reboot" for obvious budget cutting reasons that's not going to make it beyond one season.
I'm treating the two hour finale as the series finale. The story is essentially over and they wrapped it up well by bringing it full circle. I'll pop in and see what season7 does but my investment is done


I'm treating the two hour finale as the series finale. The story is essentially over and they wrapped it up well by bringing it full circle. I'll pop in and see what season7 does but my investment is done

I'm with everyone else who thinks they're gonna "In Wonderland" it and treat it as a spinoff.


Really like this show despite some really bad story arcs and episodes at times. I am about half way through season 6 and I'm really enjoying it a lot more then I was expecting too. Feels a bit more like the earlier seasons but with a lesser budget.

Hearing that they didn't even ask most of the cast to return sounds really disappointing. I am assuming it's due to even bigger budget cuts then what the show has already gone through.

The storyline I am hearing about a time jump could possibly work and not suck but in equal parts could be total crap as well.

What could work (and this is just speculation so I don't think I need spoil tag it):

If there is a 15-20 year time jump, it would be cool to see Storybrooke at that point in time. People having moved on, new faces, just make it feel like there really was a time jump and that things changed after whatever events happen in the season finale.

Being that Storybrooke currently takes place in our timeline of 2017, I don't really know what to expect from technology and cars and such in 15-20 years but I have a feeling they will completely ignore this aspect and make it continue to look like 2017-2018 which would be kind of lame.

I don't know what to expect from this season 7. I'm not ready to give up on it quite yet but I also don't have high hopes. I guess it just depends on the writing really. Losing so many beloved characters that made the show what it is really does hurt though. I'm still tune in unless it looks like complete barf. The writers really need to focus on good writing to make up for the epic lost of actors and budget...
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