I honestly believe racism disappears for gop/Republicans/conservatives when it actually happens. That whoLe racism paradox thing should be written and peer reviewed because it's true as fuck.
Only when it's against them, whatever slight, it becomes visible again ans the worst thing in the entire world. Which it should be. But it's only on their terms when it is or not and that's the problem. I understand though, much like trauma victims will totally delete or suppress memories, being associated with the horrors of the not so distant past, in any way, is just something their minds can't cope to. Because it means their world view of bootstraps and post racial society is all twaddle, and that brown people really do have a bone to pick with society. It's not equal, and they've been taking advantage for so long.
That's a ton to about face to. Which is why it is always argued and debated so heavily. No one willingly gets a world view change. Well few do. But those few aren't the majority of voters. People directly responsible for the world today..
We never came to terms with racism here. One of the main issues, just changed form legally.
But many people still live in the world where brown people are less than them. Can you blame them? Their world didn't change after segregation/slavery. Brown people didn't revolt and demand respect. It was settled by them, and we just continued forward. Society declared "eh, you're good now right bro?" But never came to that conclusion from within. Just legally.