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One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!

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Unconfirmed Member
Who is Chopper's father? Who is Franky's? They have no parents at all, just father (and in Franky's case mother via Kokoro) figures. Who died. Who are Nami's parents? She at least had a strong mother figure who yes died heroically. Same with Robin, except it was her real mother. Missing fathers for both of em though.

Franky has parents. They're pirates who abandoned him at sea. That's one of those dangling threads that is ripe to be tugged on at some point.

Anyway, this chapter went more or less how I thought it would. Luffy obviously refuses them because that's what he does, everybody still joins anyway. Awesome.

And we finally got the saga ending party!


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
I thought we had gotten to a good place with Veelk, but people get fished back in. It's an important topic and alerting the universe of it is not wrong, but bringing it up on a daily basis does more damage to the cause than good though. It's just producing a negative feedback loop against people who preach against sexism.
I just dont understand why oda feels the need to slow down the pace so bad, when there is soooo much more story to be told. It does not need to be stretched out to last another 15 years


It's not really any slower than usual. Dressrosa was a long arc, but there were things happening all the time.


I just dont understand why oda feels the need to slow down the pace so bad, when there is soooo much more story to be told. It does not need to be stretched out to last another 15 years

I'd say the opposite happened. In 1 arc (although 2 years long) we got....
new admiral, sabo revealed + fire fruit, law backstory + D reveal, ussop haki unlock, gear 4th, final OG warlord defeated, kaido reveal, strawhat fleet formed

This arc moved the story forward a LOT.


Well can you see why that may get some pushback? Excluding some oblivious individuals most of the things you bring up in this fashion are pretty well obvious and accepted, and have been for years. Presenting them as a dispassionate observer on a regular basis ends up making you seem like you're concern trolling. It's like someone saying "you know that's bad for you right" every time they eat a bag of chips. They know it, yes. Obviously they accept it and have chosen to engage with the chips anyway. It doesn't make the topic devoid of value, but once it's been discussed thoroughly the one time it stops being interesting, and comes off merely as an exercise in trying to make the junk food eater feel like a bad person.

Before this, I wanted to try to discuss Nami's tendency to wear revealing clothing and what that said about her sexuality. That wasn't even a sexism criticism, I was legitimately trying to discern something about Nami as a character, how she regards her crewmates and how she regards sexuality in general. it was a discussion that didn't have to center around Nami and could have started talking about how the rest of the crew regard sexism, but it was stopped before it got rolling because no one wanted to touch it. And the discussion on sexuality is completely different from the that came before, which concerned women's combat capability within the world of OP and what it meant. And now this in particular is a completely different conversation, the role of mothers and parents in the story, how they differentiate, and so on.

It may come down in the catergory of gender dynamics, but there is variety to what I am attempting to discuss. It's not like I'm harping on the same point. The last 3 discussions on this were about 3 different things. Sexism is a complex topic that ought to be viewed from a number of angles and the way it permeates culture can be very subtle, but every time a discussion heads in that direction, people try to stop it out specifically because "Sexism!" There's even a space where I can praise Oda for giving women characterization that other shonen have neglected to do, but we can't even get to that point, because any time this conversation gets started, it gets stamped out.

So, I know why it gets pushback, but it's not for the reasons you said. It's not something everyone 'already knows'. It's something people still fight tooth and nail to deny here. It makes people uncomfortable. It makes people feel complicit in something that is wrong. And while that may suck, I've said multiple times that I'm willing to let the topic lie if it's unchallenged. But that doesn't happen, not even with you. Look at your own post, the part I'm not quoting. The very next part is an opposition of my interpretation that the sexism criticism is valid. Which is fine, btw, despite how I act, I'm not infallible and I could be wrong on this. Does everyone see that part? I COULD BE WRONG. I might not be considering a particular perspective, or not accounting for some characters. I'm happy to consider the possibility I'm wrong. But how do we work to find out? By discussion. Which everyone tries to shut down the moment it happens, claiming they've acknowledged the aspects I was going to bring up, despite immediately trying to refute them the very next line. You can't tell me everyone already knows and agrees and acknowledges when every single time I write about this stuff, it's followed by a number of posts explaining why it's actually alright or not even sexist at all.

Aren't you the one who's basically saying that all women want to be mothers?

Referenc-ing. A past discussion on another Oda SBS. He was given a question about why he calls them man's dreams and that women have dreams too. His reply was that going on adventures was a man's dream, which women can also happen to have. Someone here clarified that it was a japanese culture thing, where men's dreams are interpreted as going out into the world, while women's dreams are to be home staying in with family. I can find the SBS if you want. Probably the posts themselves too. But that's what I meant. So, Oda basically did say that women stay at home, with women that go out in the world being outliers and manly in their actions.

I thought we had gotten to a good place with Veelk, but people get fished back in. It's an important topic and alerting the universe of it is not wrong, but bringing it up on a daily basis does more damage to the cause than good though. It's just producing a negative feedback loop against people who preach against sexism.

This is an argument I hear often, by people who don't even hear about sexism too much. Do you have any proof that 'damage has been done' by people talking about it that would otherwise not be there?

But that's as much as I'm gonna say today. I have stuff to do today for school in any case. Rejoice. But, as mentioned above, the idea that I'm harping on the same points, or just constantly blasting Oda for the same thing simply isn't true. Nor are all my posts about it serious attempts at discourse. That's why I said "I'm not gonna say anything, just post this here" to Oxm's clearly sarcastic remark. I would say that's a sexist answer and genuine on part of Oda, but I didn't intend it as a major conversation starter. It was just something I found funny as I was going throug the SBS's. When Oxm responded, my response was more based around the "it's a joke, therefore immediately meaningless" part. From there, it spiraled out of control. Keep in mind the conversation only really turns to sexism when you guys try to deny it. Again, if it were just acknowledged as what it is, there would be nothing to discuss. "Yeah, that's a sexist reply from oda" "Yup" "Agreed". There's nothing to engage in posts like those. In a world where Oxm was the only one to respond to that post, I'd have ended it at that remark that there is another author who is basically doing what Oda says is the antithesis of who that character is. And left it at that. But instead, people want to justify it, or excuse it, or disregard it. And other than that itself being a worthy reason to continue discussion on it, there is also the fact that, as I said before, I COULD BE WRONG. There were discussions where I was considering something from a sexist or racist angle, and it just wasn't there. In fact, I corrected my friend on racial remarks she made on the Vixen show (She somehow it was racist that the black female character wore african jewelry. Iunno.). So I'm perfectly willing to accept the possibility of myself being so. But to figure that out, we need to engage in discussion, which everyone wants to shut down before it starts.

Look, this is a discussion board, and I'm going to discuss stuff that catches my interest in relation to OP. I'm going to make the posts as good as I can, to make intelligent arguments on the subject matter. As a poster, that's the best I can do for you.


I was mainly referring to the anime where nothing significant happens for long stretches.

Hell they made usopps snipe on sugar one whole episode.
I was mainly referring to the anime where nothing significant happens for long stretches.

Hell they made usopps snipe on sugar one whole episode.

This is the manga thread.

The anime has been extremely drawn-out and slow-paced for many, many, many years now. Nothing new there.

I doubt you were actually referring to the anime anyway, since you said "oda", and Oda doesn't do the anime.


This is the manga thread.

The anime has been extremely drawn-out and slow-paced for many, many, many years now. Nothing new there.

I doubt you were actually referring to the anime anyway, since you said "oda", and Oda doesn't do the anime.

I actually wasnt reading the manga until a few weeks ago. I felt they were moving way to slow, and i wanted to see how dressrosa would conclude, that when i started reading it. That and on youtube where they recommend things to watch, topics about one piece keeps popping up and spoiling it for me.

I only started coming to this thread like 2 weeks ago.


Even the anime's been pretty good recently, pacing wise. IIRC, that last episode was 2 manga chapters!
I'm super cuious about ussop's bounty. I have a feeling it might exceed zoro's.

Look, this is a discussion board, and I'm going to discuss stuff that catches my interest in relation to OP. I'm going to make the posts as good as I can, to make intelligent arguments on the subject matter. As a poster, that's the best I can do for you.

This is a discussion board, but your discussions are so irrelevant and do nothing but derail on a fairly regular basis. I don't find them intelligent at all, more streching and borderline trollish.

But, I guess that's what the ignore function exists for.


This is a discussion board, but your discussions are so irrelevant and do nothing but derail on a fairly regular basis. I don't find them intelligent at all, more streching and borderline trollish.

But, I guess that's what the ignore function exists for.

And I don't think about your arguments at all, since you haven't made any I can remember. If you're a regular, you haven't made an impression.

Either refute the posts or ignore them. I don't care which.
I actually wasnt reading the manga until a few weeks ago. I felt they were moving way to slow, and i wanted to see how dressrosa would conclude, that when i started reading it. That and on youtube where they recommend things to watch, topics about one piece keeps popping up and spoiling it for me.

I only started coming to this thread like 2 weeks ago.

People actually complain a fair amount that a lot of the stuff in Dressrosa just felt like it was unnecessarily drawing things out or didn't need to be there at all. Really a huge number of characters were introduced and kept in play this arc compared to the earlier arcs. I've only just managed to remember who Ideo is. You read all the chapters in one sitting and things flow better.


People actually complain a fair amount that a lot of the stuff in Dressrosa just felt it was unnecessarily drawing things out or didn't need to be there at all. Really a huge number of characters were introduced and kept in play this arc compared to the earlier arcs. I've only just managed to remember who Ideo is. You read all the chapters in one sitting and things flow better.

it's gonna be super fascinating going back through dressrosa and how much more important the collosseum scenes will feel now that we know their fate.
So out of the 7 captains who's you guys favorite, feat wise,personality,etc.
Im going to have to go with Cavendish he really stuck out to me after the tournament.
People actually complain a fair amount that a lot of the stuff in Dressrosa just felt like it was unnecessarily drawing things out or didn't need to be there at all. Really a huge number of characters were introduced and kept in play this arc compared to the earlier arcs. I've only just managed to remember who Ideo is. You read all the chapters in one sitting and things flow better.

Some people complain about everything but if you read OP you knew certain things were being set up.
Like why Oda introduce all those characters or why fuji did not during the arc etc etc

On the topic of the anime i hardly even watch it anymore .
Everyone now and then i would look at a part to see how it would look in anime format .

So out of the 7 captains who's you guys favorite, feat wise,personality,etc.
Im going to have to go with Cavendish he really stuck out to me after the tournament.

Cabbage and Bart would be number 2 .
Speaking of that, I guess the King of Prodence obviously isn't ditching his kingdom just yet. But I'm sure he'll be around when push comes to shove.


So we're totally gonna have a Luffy being captured like Ace and Roger scenario and his crew and friends will be successful in saving him, right?

I can see Luffy losing to Kaido, and getting turned in. Then Zoro takes over as interim Captain, tries to save Luffy and fails, thus leaving him to carry on the Will of D and finding One Piece to become Pirate King.


So Luffy got a bounty increase, which will probably increase again with the Strawhat fleet forming. Dressrosa was pretty good, though it felt drug out at some times.
So I wonder why the Krieg Pirates did not have a higher bounty?

They had 50 ships and 5000 man,guess its all about quality.

He was a rookie. A pirate from east blue with a big fleet. He was infamous in east blue, but hadn't made a big name of himself. He got unlucky and ran into Mihawk early on.
So Luffy got a bounty increase, which will probably increase again with the Strawhat fleet forming. Dressrosa was pretty good, though it felt drug out at some times.

It was so long because what he's setting up here is going to be the end game. I mean it was basically as long as the entire Water 7 saga and just as important.


Man, I kinda like reading everyone's reactions after a chapter every week, hah. Gives me some thoughts on where Oda might go or explore.

I'm actually thinking Oda will have an arc where Akainu would go so far to the extreme for his justice and have Garp be held hostage so they could draw either the straw hats & fleet or dragon & the revolutionaries into a war or trap.

Then ex-CP9 would jump in and aide them while they take their revenge on the World Government, hah.

Still very much awaiting for Enel to return too. That guy is too powerful to be just be sitting on the moon, unless Oda got a Space arc planned in the cards as well. Shiit.


Get Inside Her!
Look, this is a discussion board, and I'm going to discuss stuff that catches my interest in relation to OP. I'm going to make the posts as good as I can, to make intelligent arguments on the subject matter. As a poster, that's the best I can do for you.

I wrote a lot of stuff I was pretty happy about here but man I don't want to escalate I just wanna talk about One Piece. I'll just say that you should really consider some culpability in what happens here, it can't be everybody's fault but yours.

WOO ONE PIECE anyone think Bellamy will end up joining the fleet, either as a member of one of the seven crews or with his own crew? I feel like they were awfully emphatic about that seven, and probably won't essily bump it to eight.

ALSO I bet that giant at the slave auction will be one of the members of the future giant crew.
Man, I kinda like reading everyone's reactions after a chapter every week, hah. Gives me some thoughts on where Oda might go or explore.

I'm actually thinking Oda will have an arc where Akainu would go so far to the extreme for his justice and have Garp be held hostage so they could draw either the straw hats & fleet or dragon & the revolutionaries into a war or trap.

Then ex-CP9 would jump in and aide them while they take their revenge on the World Government, hah.

Still very much awaiting for Enel to return too. That guy is too powerful to be just be sitting on the moon, unless Oda got a Space arc planned in the cards as well. Shiit.

I like the idea of Garp being put in jeopardy. Not only would it give Luffy a successful chance to stop Akainu from killing his family, but it might also make sense as more D. stuff is revealed, which as we all know, Garp is one too.


Favourite allience members: Bart, then Cavendish (who i originally hated, but he won me over in the end). All of them I quite like.

I actually think the most logical thing for bellame would be for him to join law's crew since they both have history with Dolflamingo. -both joining the dolfy family willingly and both got screwed over.
Plus Law is known to randomly recruit people and he does need more recognizable crew members.

Akainu's friction with the Gorosei a few chapters ago was super interesting. I wonder how that will come into play.
Remember when a few people where complaining that Fujitora didn't get to use the rubble last chapter?

LOL Something was obviously going to happen with that rubble. There would have been no point to just letting it stay in the air.
Akainu's friction with the Gorosei a few chapters ago was super interesting. I wonder how that will come into play.

I find having a marine admiral like Fuji going to be the bigger shake up .
Akainu was piss that the Gorosei keep him out the loop but what Fuji did was the biggest fuck you both the marines and the WG.


1000-1100 is my prediction.

I'd be okay with this, but I don't know how it would be possible to wrap up all the loose ends in that timespan, given how long arcs go for now. You've still got whatever has to happen with Kaidou, Big Mom, Shanks, Blackbeard, the Reverie, the hidden century, Raftel, Enel's revenge from the moon, the eventual "here's each SH's dream achieved" stories, and whatever else I'm forgetting.

Unless stuff is highly condensed, I would bet at least another 8-10 years at the current pace.
Another decade is basically what Oda stated was left about a year ago, and we know his issues with estimating the length of the story.

The final arc will probably be close to 200 chapters if we're talking about tying up all loose ends and involving most of the key players in the finale.


I'd be okay with this, but I don't know how it would be possible to wrap up all the loose ends in that timespan, given how long arcs go for now. You've still got whatever has to happen with Kaidou, Big Mom, Shanks, Blackbeard, the Reverie, the hidden century, Raftel, Enel's revenge from the moon, the eventual "here's each SH's dream achieved" stories, and whatever else I'm forgetting.

Unless stuff is highly condensed, I would bet at least another 8-10 years at the current pace.

Much like how dressrosa ties up multiple story threads in one arc (Sabo, Law, Dolfy, Fleet) I think a lot of the hinted at future plot-points will take place within one arc.

-Kaido's war will probably involve wano country and the samurais, It might also involve shanks, if kaido allies with kidd. Possibly big mom too (she's a bit of a wildcard at the moment, IMO; likely an ally.)

-Elbaf is definitely a future destination. Probably going there to recruit a full army of giants. It might be the destination before the final war, where all the allies meet up since they have luffy's vive card.

-There's going to be another war with the marines, but whether that's a different war than what kaido wants to start is unknown.

-Each strawhats dreams and void century are probably connected to finding raftel. This is probably where blackbeard will come into play too.
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