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One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!

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Yeah stop this nonsense Dressrosa ended now quite some time ago, use the Anime thread guys.. we are not the naruto thread where we mix all kinds of stuff.


Get Inside Her!
Someone confused the manga and anime threads.

We really should get the anime thread renamed.

No one confused anything, he just noted to the manga crowd that an anime event finally happened. I don't know why everyone is acting all weird about it.


Question about Amazon Lily Arc.

In the introduction, it's explicitly stated that beauty is determined by woman's strength (why an island of all females would even bother making such a connection between the two is...you know what, forget it). Stronger you are = more beautiful you are, regardless of physical appearance. This is reinforced more than a few times by a visual show of a fat girl pounding the face of a slimmer girl when it says this. And Hancock is specifically stated to be the strongest and most beautiful. This goes hand in hand because Hancock literally uses her beauty as her weapon.

So, people let her do as she wants because she's beautiful. However, this is not always the case, sometimes they object to her. When this happens, she flexes her attractiveness to put them back into place...but this isn't done by asserting strength, but weakness and idiocy. When Nyon tries to get her to explain why she told the government to fuck off, she briefly seduced her by saying "I'm so scared". And when she threw Nyan out and the other Kuji warriors objected, she said "I slipped" and they had hearts in their eyes.

Why would a society where beauty is defined by strength view Hancock as more beautiful when she appears weak and incompetent? That is literally the opposite of what should happen given the set up we have. She should basically be the female Donald Trump here, shouting down any opposition and that would be what gives everyone ladyboners.

Edit: And yeah, I know the 'real' answer is because Oda is using Japan standards of female attractiveness, in that women are more attractive than they are submissive. But if there is any hope of an in-universe explanation, I'd like to hear it.
Question about Amazon Lily Arc.

In the introduction, it's explicitly stated that beauty is determined by woman's strength (why an island of all females would even bother making such a connection between the two is...you know what, forget it). Stronger you are = more beautiful you are, regardless of physical appearance. This is reinforced more than a few times by a visual show of a fat girl pounding the face of a slimmer girl when it says this. And Hancock is specifically stated to be the strongest and most beautiful. This goes hand in hand because Hancock literally uses her beauty as her weapon.

So, people let her do as she wants because she's beautiful. However, this is not always the case, sometimes they object to her. When this happens, she flexes her attractiveness to put them back into place...but this isn't done by asserting strength, but weakness and idiocy. When Nyon tries to get her to explain why she told the government to fuck off, she briefly seduced her by saying "I'm so scared". And when she threw Nyan out and the other Kuji warriors objected, she said "I slipped" and they had hearts in their eyes.

Why would a society where beauty is defined by strength view Hancock as more beautiful when she appears weak and incompetent? That is literally the opposite of what should happen given the set up we have. She should basically be the female Donald Trump here, shouting down any opposition and that would be what gives everyone ladyboners.

Edit: And yeah, I know the answer is because Oda is using Japan standards of female attractiveness, in that women are more attractive than they are submissive. But if there is any hope of an in-universe explanation, I'd like to hear it.

This is a rhetorical question, and you know it. I agree with your post completely, but alas, like I've mentioned before, it's best to just try to ignore things like this, because thinking in this way will just hinder your enjoyment of the manga. There is no answer.


This is a rhetorical question, and you know it. I agree with your post completely, but alas, like I've mentioned before, it's best to just try to ignore things like this, because thinking in this way will just hinder your enjoyment of the manga. There is no answer.

I was hoping maybe it was addressed in an SBS or something.

To be honest, I'm surprised in all the sexism discussion that I never mentioned the Amazon Lily arc. I guess I just forgot about it. I won't bring it up now, because they'd be mostly variations of already established objections I've already said, but goddamn, even in a isolated, all female world, women are judged by males standards. And the fact that Hancock, strongest woman in the world, has her life defined at every point by men doesn't help.

Anyway, there is no enjoying this manga for me in the way you do because I refuse to allow worldbuilding discrepancies like this to get a pass. I don't consider this to be a minor, irrelevant thing, for immediate character interactions and how it compromises the overall authenticity of the OP world. It's just bad writing.

And just to be clear, I don't phrase it this way to try and be intellectually dishonest. It's more that I don't want to be someone who just comes in every time to bash OP. Phrasing it as a question seems likelier to spark a discussion than "Hey guys, I found another reason why OP actually sucks!" If there is an actual justification, I want to give you guys to voice it not as a rebuke, but an response. And, if nothing else, it seems more polite than just bashing the story outright.

Edit: Minor nitpick, but how the hell does the World Noble's Slave Mark look anything at all like Hachi's mark other than the circle in the center? Does he see Hachi's mark everytime he comes across a circle?


Hancock does have power and she uses it all the time during her attempts at seducing, its literally her devil fruit. So when she can turn her enemies to stone and work her way to the top of Amazon Lily she did it in the same way as any other woman there would with power.

So until somebody at Amazon Lily can best her devil fruit and beat her, she's still the most powerful and most beautiful by their standards person around. Also thats all I'm saying on that.


Get Inside Her!
It is conceivable that her ability to dominate via beauty is a subtle mind control effect from her devil fruit. One that taps into and magnifies feelings of lust, however small. A similar mechanic is what fuels her mero mero beam, after all.

Dunno if there's any outright evidence for that, but wouldn't shock me.


It is conceivable that her ability to dominate via beauty is a subtle mind control effect from her devil fruit. One that taps into and magnifies feelings of lust, however small. A similar mechanic is what fuels her mero mero beam, after all.

Dunno if there's any outright evidence for that, but wouldn't shock me.

I'm not sure if this was in response to me, but that's not what I was asking in my post at all.

Hancock does have power and she uses it all the time during her attempts at seducing, its literally her devil fruit. So when she can turn her enemies to stone and work her way to the top of Amazon Lily she did it in the same way as any other woman there would with power.

So until somebody at Amazon Lily can best her devil fruit and beat her, she's still the most powerful and most beautiful by their standards person around. Also thats all I'm saying on that.

Okay, narrative arc analysis time.

Let me begin with an anecdote. I just saw Spectre yesterday and it reused one of those really old movie tropes I used to see as a kid. It was where they first establish that a female character is badass because she can do some combat related thing. She even helps out the main hero in some way. Then, however, she still gets captured despite that, and still is treated as though she is incapable. That's exactly what happened here. They set up the new bond girl to be capable, showing she knows how to handle a gun more safely than Bond himself, even helps him out in killing the Oddjob stand-in, and then spends the rest of the movie damselled. Yet at no point did she forget her ability. It's just that she was still overwhelmed by superior force and used as a plot device for bond. Alternatively, I can think of comparatively weak characters that have a lot of driving power behind a story.

Lesson here is that Narrative Agency is the important thing to have and very different from in-universe power. You can have all the power in the world, but it means nothing if you don't have any agency. So lets break down Hancock's character as it is presented.

The first chronological event of her life that we learn is that she is a victim of slavery. That is the first and only thing we really know. We don't know her dreams or desires or whatever, we just know that she was enslaved. From there, every major point of her life has been entirely determined by men. How did she live her life? Other than the fact that she was a Kuja, we have no idea, because we're told he was captured and enslaved. She mentions that there was some terrible man that she remembered more than any other that was treated her horribly, heavily implied to have raped her and her sisters. Then she ate a devil fruit. Did she steal it or take it of her own volition? No, the Nobles gave it to her. I personally imagine a beavus and butthead sort of conversation, because honestly, who the fuck thinks "Hey, huh huh, wouldn't it be hilarious if we gave these slave girls that hate us superpowers? Lolz". But this somehow worked out for them, since they apparently aren't charmed by the Mero Mero fruit when she's a child, despite the pedophilic implications. Then we go on to Tiger Fisher, where they escaped specifically because of him. Not because they helped him get a secret entrance or anything. Hell, he even seem to have had to tell them to run. So both her capture and her escape was a plot element engineered by the hands of men. The most agency she had was that she ran when she got the chance (and was told to do so). That is literally the foundation of free will that she has to build her personality on. Consider the flashbacks of all the strawhats who worked toward stuff from even a young age. Hancock has done nothing from what she tells us. Her agency all her childhood is effectively 0.

But that's okay! Because after that, she grew up and became the Kuja Pirate leader, right?! Keep in mind, at this point, her life has been defined around feeling a lack of control to live her life, and she HATES that and NEVER wants to be put in that position again. And now she has the power to maintain her freedom! Do you know what she does with power?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

If her story is to be believed, she went out on precisely one raid to some unspecific location that upped her bounty to 80m beri. After that, the WG would immediately give her Shichibukai status. Ever since then, the most she seems to have done is go out on a minor raid every now and then. That's it. Compare that to her colleagues. Crocodile was trying to create his own kingdom, Moria was trying to build a super soldier, Doflamingo is running a criminal empire, Jimbe was is working out relations with the WG, Bartholomew Kuma is obviously working some angle, and Mihawk is trying to create a worthy opponent in Zoro. Even as minor as Mihawk's goal is, we still have a history of him doing things. He crossed swords with Shanks, he seeks out strong fighters. He's not wholly inactive, he's just lowkey searching for what he wants, a competent swordsman to challenge him. In contrast, Hancock's goal is not to do any particular thing, it's to avoid doing something else: Being controlled by the government. Since the WG doesn't control her given her Shichibukai status, she just sits on her perfectly sculpted ass for 11 years. Until Luffy finally comes....

"But wait!" I hear you say. Isn't the choice to do nothing still a choice? Isn't the fact that she's living her life how she wants to, however ill advised, evidence that she has agency? Well, in some small way, perhaps, but I'm leaning toward no. Consider how little sense this makes for her character. As I mentioned before, she's essentially the only Shichibukai that isn't making some sort of scheme. Yet, of all the Shichibukai, she arguably has the MOST reason to be plotting something behind the scenes against the WG. Croc and Moria and Doflamingo just want power, Kuma is playing some larger game, and Mihawk just doesn't give a fuck. Jinbe is the only one who has a similarly traumatic past to hers that lays the blame of his suffering on the government he is now working for. However, since he's trying to change the system from within, making moves behind the scenes would actually be counterproductive for him. But Hancock? How the hell does she stand working for the same shitheads that fucking enslaved her? Does she feel any amount of job security working for her former fucking slavemasters? She doesn't even seem to acknowledge that she is in a business deal with the people that used to hold her chain. Of any of the Shichibukai, she should know how easily her deal is going to go south, yet she doesn't do anything to prepare for it a head of time? To the extent where the WG flat out says to her face that they are going to come after her and not even then? What, does she think she is going to just take out the entire Marine army as they come?

No. There is no explaining her lack of activity except a truly excessive amount of stupidity (though average for OP). From what I can tell, she's not going to do anything at all unless physically forced to do so, which seems kind of a moot point if she's trying to avoid the whole slavery thing. The entire point of agency is that you move under your own power. Refusing to do anything until the enemy literally forces you to do so is giving control to the enemy. So I would say she's not using the agency she has, rather than using the agency on nothing. Look at it this way: In the best possible scenerio, if Luffy hadn't come around, she'd have effectively doomed all her Kujan sisters into suffering the same past she did, and she'd lose a war of attrition as they eventually send the strongest marines after her and she'd get captured and she'd probably end up a slave once again if not outright killed. So in the best possible terms, she's using her agency so badly, she might as well just turn herself over to the WG.

Her inaction is so extreme that before Luffy comes, she cares about literally nothing. Not the wellbeing of her tribe, and not anyone except arguably her sisters, and even they're afraid of her, implying that she wouldn't hesitate in killing them if they displease her. She just fucks around, twiddling her thumbs. Now, once Luffy comes, he's an invader in her territory and she fights back against him. I was going to say that she gives up once he shows that he is immune to her seduction, which would have been a really bad example, but upon rereading it, she shoots him with Haki and does a James Bond scenerio where she has her sisters try and kill him for some reason instead of offing the little shit right then and there. This is what I consider her moment of highest agency, though it's underhanded by the fact that she deals with it so half assed.

But that completely ends the moment she decides to open up to him and fall in love. I'm not linger on the how unbelievable her character transformation is here, but that's nothing new in OP. But lets talk about subtext for a minute. It should be noted that before Luffy came, she was about to just ignore the summons to Marineford for the war. The marine warned her that her Shichibukai priveledge would be revoked if this happened. You would think that upon being told this, now of all times, she'd take some active measures, since now she knows the WG will come to Amazon Lily for war, right? No, she's apparently planning to sit on her ass and lounge. Again, her concept of freedom is not being able to do anything, just lack of being forced to do something. She is going to sit there and do absolutely nothing until the WG walk right up her front door and make her move. Yet, when she falls in love with Luffy, she acquiesces to his request to go to the Marineford. In doing so, she maintains the Shichibukai status and maintains protection of Amazon Lily from the WG. Think about the subtext of this. She finally did right by her people, and Nyan pretty much explicitely said so. But it wasn't because she decided to take consideration for the safety of her people. Her being a good ruler hinged specifically on her following the decision of the man she wants as husband.

Oh, whats that I hear? That I'm looking too much into it? That it's too abstract to hold substance? Okay. You know what? I agree. Fuck the subtext. We don't need it. Lets get textual in this bitch. Lets get as literal as possible.


"I can't even think to refuse Luffy's request." Can't. Can Not. As in incapable.


Well, that's obviously because....

Love sickness, according to the manga, is something Kujan empress's get, because bacteria are apparently into political romance drama's now. Anyway, when contracted, the person is put under pain and weakness unless they give into their feelings, which in this case happens to mean that Hancock has to give into Luffy's demands. Let me describe the literal situation: Under threat of pain and death, Hancock cannot refuse to do what Luffy asks. AND, as a bonus, her willpower has been eroded away, more effectively than King's Haki ever was, because not only can will she be in pain if she refuses, she seems literally incapable of saying now. This isn't metaphorical or thematic, this is what is literally happening in the OP world. Boa Hancock has literally lost her freewill to Luffy. And if she hadn't, her choice as a character is now either do as Luffy asks or die.

Meet the new Boa Hancock, freshly enslaved! Except not to Luffy himself, but her feelings for Luffy, which by sheer coincidence happen to be the same thing! Even her skewed concept of freedom is now shattered, as now it seems she'll do whatever Luffy demands. So lets summarize how we understand her as a character. Her early life is defined by others at every angle, from her devil fruit to her escape. Her current life is a life without any purpose whatsoever, no motivation nor any goal. If she has a goal of staying in control, she's not working towards it. So she literally does nothing until she meets Luffy. And at that point, her desires literally align themselves with whatever Luffy's are once he enters the picture with no regard what she as a person wants. While also being praised at having finally become a proper ruler, making the correct decisions for her people, simply because she is giving in to another's demands. She could that dwarf's Kaido's and Whitebeard's combined, it doesn't matter when this is a character who clearly has no narrative agency. If her life isn't being decided by others, either through slavery or love, then it is basically at a standstill, even if it is knowingly in the process of endangering itself.

This is not a character with agency.


Get Inside Her!
I'm not sure if this was in response to me, but that's not what I was asking in my post at all.

If it's actually happening, it covers most of what your issue was. It doesn't matter what the culture values, if she's mind-controlling them she's mind-controlling them.

"I can't even think to refuse Luffy's request." Can't. Can Not. As in incapable.

I don't really remember her saying that. Not that this really undermines the point you're trying to make, I'm just sayin, you make a lot of arguments based on poor fan translations. If you're gonna use quotes as evidence, find some VIZ scans first.


If it's actually happening, it covers most of what your issue was. It doesn't matter what the culture values, if she's mind-controlling them she's mind-controlling them.

No, it doesn't. Reread my post. I am pointing to out the discrepancy of being more effective with her showing weakness. If anything, your proposal raises more questions. If it's mind control, then it shouldn't matter how she phrases it, but if it, a strong insistence on the command should be the stronger command, you'd think, either because a stronger authoritative tone is both culturally in line and, by definition, more authoritative.

What I am actually asking is: in what context is Hancock being weaker mean she is more strongly suggestive? Not in universe culturally. Not through the df.

I don't really remember her saying that. Not that this really undermines the point you're trying to make, I'm just sayin, you make a lot of arguments based on poor fan translations. If you're gonna use quotes as evidence, find some VIZ scans first.

Fine. Someone find the via translation. But even so, whether she says the literal line or not, she DOES effectively give her will over to him. Her desires rarely come into play and they certainly never override Luffys.


Get Inside Her!
No, it doesn't. Reread my post. I am pointing to out the discrepancy of being more effective with her showing weakness. If anything, your proposal raises more questions. If it's mind control, then it shouldn't matter how she phrases it, but if it, a strong insistence on the command should be the stronger command, you'd think, either because a stronger authoritative tone is both culturally in line and, by definition, more authoritative.

What I am actually asking is: in what context is Hancock being weaker mean she is more strongly suggestive?

If it's love-based mind control, she exhibits stereotypically feminine characteristics (per Japanese standards, as in your original not-in-universe suggestion, which is Oda's modus-operandi) to hook into the latent lustful part of her subject's mind, and by activating it, gains control over it. The key here is that it's not just mind-control, it's love-based mind-control, force isn't the catalyst, infatuation is.

...if it's actually mind control at all, and not just Oda Odaing it up.

Fine. Someone find the via translation.

Won't be me, not interested in the topic. Just a fan of proper citation.


If it's love-based mind control, she exhibits stereotypically feminine characteristics (per Japanese standards, as in your original not-in-universe suggestion, which is Oda's modus-operandi) to hook into the latent lustful part of her subject's mind, and by activating it, gains control over it. The key here is that it's not just mind-control, it's love-based mind-control, force isn't the catalyst, infatuation is.

...if it's actually mind control at all.

I really don't see how you guys don't see this as a serious flaw of writing. Even if your okay with external influences coming in, this is a direct contradiction of what is considered attractive by the Kuja themselves within that very arc. It's a clearly a plot hole.


Hancock falls in love with Luffy and helps him out. Oh no! It's also helpful that Oda set up the fact that she's not the biggest fan of the Government either. The contradiction that flies in the face of the Kuja and Hancock's character is oda's main gag here. She's someone that can make most people fall in love with her immediately. She finds someone who isn't affected and is kind to her, and it drives her madly in love.

Oda exaggerates the situation for comedic effect. News at 11. It's the same with Sanji: lovestruck character that lives by comedically strict standards for said love.

If Hancock was this huge, important character that was vital to the plot, I'd probably share your complaints about a lack of agency. Her shtick does get old. But as it stands, she was a bit player in a larger story.

Oda plays fast and loose with character writing all the time, but this is a gigantic story with a gigantic cast. I've always maintained that, when it counts, Oda has the writing chops to deliver a satisfying conclusion to something. I'd never sit here and say that One Piece has the greatest writing ever, but it certainly has a lot of well written moments that keep me coming back for more.


Get Inside Her!
I really don't see how you guys don't see this as a serious flaw of writing. Even if your okay with external influences coming in, this is a direct contradiction of what is considered attractive by the Kuja themselves within that very arc. It's a clearly a plot hole.

Well, to be pedantic, the Kuja consider strength to be beauty, and contextually it means they place value on it, and admire it over traditional beauty. They don't say that they're sexually attracted to strength. That comes down largely to biology, the animal part of their brains reacting to sexual stimulus. If the Love-Love Fruit can act on that part of the brain, it's not really a plot hole.

...if it's actually mind-control.
If it cheers you up any Veelk, I have a friend who likes OP but hates literally everything about Boa & what she stands for.

Aside from not having any particularly strong feelings either way, I don't think Boa's particularly well writen.


I really don't see how you guys don't see this as a serious flaw of writing. Even if your okay with external influences coming in, this is a direct contradiction of what is considered attractive by the Kuja themselves within that very arc. It's a clearly a plot hole.

Easy, I just read what is on the page as it is presented and then that's it. Not everything bears such close examination.

You wrote more about Boa in one post than Oda has in the character's entire history.


Well, to be pedantic, the Kuja consider strength to be beauty, and contextually it means they place value on it, and admire it over traditional beauty. They don't say that they're sexually attracted to strength. That comes down largely to biology, the animal part of their brains reacting to sexual stimulus. If the Love-Love Fruit can act on that part of the brain, it's not really a plot hole.

...if it's actually mind-control.

That seems like a very generous interpretation to me. I just took it that the woman island, lacking men, internalized what are traditionally masculine ideals to women (supported by the previous showing of women taking traditionally masculine jobs such as carpenters), so beauty (femininity aka what makes a proper woman) was strength. Gender roles are the way they are due to a particular history of men being the ones who were the warriors of every culture. With no men around, would would have to step up and it isn't a long step from fetishizing violence from there like any other culture. They don't need to be attracted to physical strength itself, but they were attracted to power and displays of it. That the warrior who wins is the warrior who is beautiful aka valuable. That wording was specifically used because it implies that normally women are valued for their beauty, not their abilities. If nothing else, such an interpretation is hardly unique to the world that I'd believe the Kujan's had unique claim to it. I would argue that even Japanese women would want power to maintain their lifestyle, and so would the women of the OP world. Women are valued for their looks because that's what men, the dominant gender, decided they'd be valued for. Without men, it's hard to tell if women would value the looks of other women more than men value the looks of other men. Valuing power over beauty would probably not be a particularly uncommon trait, it's just not expected of women because norms say women don't get to choose what they value, men do. It makes far more sense to me that the commentary is remarking on the warrior culture, and that having fighting skills makes one the worthier mate. Whether that is their particular sexual kink, that is the common norm, and either way, it wouldn't make sense why in an all female society, displaying weakness such as this would be considered attractive.

Easy, I just read what is on the page as it is presented and then that's it. Not everything bears such close examination.

You wrote more about Boa in one post than Oda has in the character's entire history.

There's nothing that doesn't warrant such close examination and closer than I can provide. There are examinations that are more useful than others, I'll grant you, but I wouldn't be reading at all if I was just blithfully glazing over what is happening on the page, trying to enjoy it such on a surface level that I can't make a comprehensive character evaluation from one page to another. If I'm going to try to enjoy something that mindless, then I'd just go watch some porn. Far more useful at being enjoyed as it is presented and that's it.


If I'm going to try to enjoy something mindless, then I'd just go watch some porn or something. Far more useful at being enjoyed as it is presented and that's it.

Now you're speaking my language. We could bridge the gap and go with some hentai manga. Maybe even some yuri to make it sorta on a similar topic of Boa's powers over women.
I really don't see how you guys don't see this as a serious flaw of writing. Even if your okay with external influences coming in, this is a direct contradiction of what is considered attractive by the Kuja themselves within that very arc. It's a clearly a plot hole.
Read your post and I actually agree with most of it.

For clarity's sake, do you mean her lack of agency is contradicting how the Kuja's view strength as beauty?

Perhaps then her strength is the power to do what she wants (doing nothing) in the face of adversity? You see how her underlings mock the marines and the WG when Hancock is summoned, I'd say it's simply the strength to create your own freedom and be confident about it that defines their beauty. What do you think?


Read your post and I actually agree with most of it.

For clarity's sake, do you mean her lack of agency is contradicting how the Kuja's view strength as beauty?

Perhaps then her strength is the power to do what she wants (doing nothing) in the face of adversity? You see how her underlings mock the marines and the WG when Hancock is summoned, I'd say it's simply the strength to create your own freedom and be confident about it that defines their beauty. What do you think?

To the bolded, they were seperate points. One is just a seeming contradiction of the established culture, the other is a breakdown of her character as a whole. By either Kujan or ordinary OP standards, Boa Hancock lacks agency.

Regarding her ability to do what she wants, I kind of addressed this in the breakdown. She can't do anything. The entire arc is about Nyan bitching her out that she's essentially throwing Amazon Lily into war if she doesn't do as the WG says. The WG has been tolerating her insubordination, but they have made it clear they would crush her if she got uppity, which is the approaching conflict that is being had. If she is acting the way she is on the allowance of the WG, then that's not independence, that's permission. And she takes no preventative measures to deal with the oncoming threat. Again, consider her colleagues. Crocodile was looking for an ancient weapon, Moria was making a supersoldier, Doflamingo could threaten how the world would be thrown into chaos in his absence as a background dealer, Mihawk seems like he'd actually be able to beat the marines, and Kuma is Kumaing, whatever that is, and Jinbe would have worked with anything the WG said up until the Ace card was played. Every one of these was working toward some goal, some small, some large, but Hancock is the only one sitting on her ass doing absolutely nothing until Luffy tells her what to do.

Hancock stands alone as being the only one with motivation to fight the government, cause to fear danger from them, yet would just stand around and wait until they killed her. She does what she wants, but in such a stupid and immature way that it's more that she's simply out of control, rather than in control of herself. She only shapes up, both as a ruler and a person, when Luffy starts having her do things for him.

Besides, even if it was, it wouldn't really address the basic question of why a society of warrior woman find seeing a weak female attractive.

Edit: and for the record, here is the official Viz translation of the first picture. "What's come over me?! I can't help doing whatever Luffy asks! I agreed to go to the Central Zone without even thinking it over. But I don't mind!" So, that's removal of free will right there. She is so subject to her attraction to Luffy that she is effectively enslaved and reinforced with pleasure. And the second quote is pretty much accurate. "That's LOVE! The pain you feel when you're seperated....will weaken and eventually kill you! The previous empresses ruined themselves by suppressingt hose feelings. By choosing to go with that man, you've saved your own life." Hancock's livelihood is now officially decided by a man she just met and has to follow him or she'll fucking die.

Yeah, there's a strong independent character for you. She has total control over her life, that one. The worst thing about it is that Luffy doesn't give a shit about her any more than he does anyone else. She's no one special to him. Can this be any more of a shallow sexual fantasy?
Im really not understanding the problem with boa here. Her luffy love is a gag with him being the only one she listens too. What exactly is the problem again..

Russ T

Im really not understanding the problem with boa here. Her luffy love is a gag with him being the only one she listens too. What exactly is the problem again..

What, are you serious? It's been clearly explained multiple times. She has no agency because she is bound by her love for Luffy. She has no control over herself when it comes to the insane levels of devotion for the man she loves.

Whether or not you care is up to you (based on other posts from you regarding issues with female representation in One Piece, it's rather obvious you don't give a rat's ass - and that's, you know, whatever, you do you), but it's not like it's hard to understand.
What, are you serious? It's been clearly explained multiple times. She has no agency because she is bound by her love for Luffy. She has no control over herself when it comes to the insane levels of devotion for the man she loves.

Whether or not you care is up to you (based on other posts from you regarding issues with female representation in One Piece, it's rather obvious you don't give a rat's ass - and that's, you know, whatever, you do you), but it's not like it's hard to understand.
Your second statement was severely uncalled for but I'll let it slide. It is hard to understand. Because i say once again what's the problem. Her gag is she gets weak in the knees(singing) when around luffy. That doesn't make her a bad character or change her at all jus a gag oda decided to give her. Am i supposed to write off sanjis entire character because of a nose bleed/i love women gag no!


Get Inside Her!
Am i supposed to write off sanjis entire character because of a nose bleed/i love women gag no!

Well... Sanji's actually barely been a character since the timeskip, his only trait is "ladies wahoooo." Hopefully whatever Oda's doing with him now will make him worth a damn again!
Im really not understanding the problem with boa here. Her luffy love is a gag with him being the only one she listens too. What exactly is the problem again..

Veelk. Veelk is the problem, his inability to read a simple manga.

Stop it. Nobody is going to force you to read walls of texts or engage in deeper discussion, but if you're not going to bother reading it, then stop whining and just ignore it.

Russ T

Your second statement was severely uncalled for but I'll let it slide.

Well, I wasn't trying to offend, but every post I've seen from you about this topic (aka sexism) is just asking people not to talk about it, or asking "what's the problem here". Entirely possible I've missed things, but... you know, first impressions, and all.

It is hard to understand. Because i say once again what's the problem. Her gag is she gets weak in the knees(singing) when around luffy. That doesn't make her a bad character or change her at all jus a gag oda decided to give her. Am i supposed to write off sanjis entire character because of a nose bleed/i love women gag no!

The problem is it's a) bad writing and b) sexist and shitty.

You're allowed to criticize something and still enjoy it. I don't know why this should be an exception. Not least because Boa in general is just not an interesting character, period. Her entire purpose is to be Luffy's love slave, and Luffy doesn't even give a shit about her. How is that at all interesting? Or, for the matter, funny?

Well... Sanji's actually barely been a character since the timeskip, his only trait is "ladies wahoooo." Hopefully whatever Oda's doing with him now will make him worth a damn again!

Also yeah this. For a long time Sanji was one of my favorites, but man he's severely dropped in my rankings over the years. I'm also hoping this latest stuff provides actual real character development besides "oh no now I faint every time I see a woman because it's been too looooooooooooong"
All i literally asked was what is the core problem hes having like wth man..this one piece community

The thing is; the question has been answered multiple times. It's clear that you just come in without reading any of the discussion.

And your comparison with Sanji is silly; the whole thing about Sanji is his love for women. The part with the nosebleed is something different altogether.
Well, I wasn't trying to offend, but every post I've seen from you about this topic (aka sexism) is just asking people not to talk about it, or asking "what's the problem here". Entirely possible I've missed things, but... you know, first impressions, and all.

The problem is it's a) bad writing and b) sexist and shitty.

You're allowed to criticize something and still enjoy it. I don't know why this should be an exception. Not least because Boa in general is just not an interesting character, period. Her entire purpose is to be Luffy's love slave, and Luffy doesn't even give a shit about her. How is that at all interesting? Or, for the matter, funny?

Also yeah this. For a long time Sanji was one of my favorites, but man he's severely dropped in my rankings over the years. I'm also hoping this latest stuff provides actual real character development besides "oh no now I faint every time I see a woman because it's been too looooooooooooong"
Aaah so its another sexism thing. O well carry on than. Thought he had another argument for it
To the bolded, they were seperate points. One is just a seeming contradiction of the established culture, the other is a breakdown of her character as a whole. By either Kujan or ordinary OP standards, Boa Hancock lacks agency.

Regarding her ability to do what she wants, I kind of addressed this in the breakdown. She can't do anything. The entire arc is about Nyan bitching her out that she's essentially throwing Amazon Lily into war if she doesn't do as the WG says. The WG has been tolerating her insubordination, but they have made it clear they would crush her if she got uppity, which is the approaching conflict that is being had. If she is acting the way she is on the allowance of the WG, then that's not independence, that's permission. And she takes no preventative measures to deal with the oncoming threat. Again, consider her colleagues. Crocodile was looking for an ancient weapon, Moria was making a supersoldier, Doflamingo could threaten how the world would be thrown into chaos in his absence as a background dealer, Mihawk seems like he'd actually be able to beat the marines, and Kuma is Kumaing, whatever that is, and Jinbe would have worked with anything the WG said up until the Ace card was played. Every one of these was working toward some goal, some small, some large, but Hancock is the only one sitting on her ass doing absolutely nothing until Luffy tells her what to do.

Hancock stands alone as being the only one with motivation to fight the government, cause to fear danger from them, yet would just stand around and wait until they killed her. She does what she wants, but in such a stupid and immature way that it's more that she's simply out of control, rather than in control of herself. She only shapes up, both as a ruler and a person, when Luffy starts having her do things for him.

Besides, even if it was, it wouldn't really address the basic question of why a society of warrior woman find seeing a weak female attractive.

Edit: and for the record, here is the official Viz translation of the first picture. "What's come over me?! I can't help doing whatever Luffy asks! I agreed to go to the Central Zone without even thinking it over. But I don't mind!" So, that's removal of free will right there. She is so subject to her attraction to Luffy that she is effectively enslaved and reinforced with pleasure. And the second quote is pretty much accurate. "That's LOVE! The pain you feel when you're seperated....will weaken and eventually kill you! The previous empresses ruined themselves by suppressingt hose feelings. By choosing to go with that man, you've saved your own life." Hancock's livelihood is now officially decided by a man she just met and has to follow him or she'll fucking die.

Yeah, there's a strong independent character for you. She has total control over her life, that one. The worst thing about it is that Luffy doesn't give a shit about her any more than he does anyone else. She's no one special to him. Can this be any more of a shallow sexual fantasy?

Somewhat confused, but I think I got it. Good character analysis, especially the comparison to the other warlords.
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