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One Piece Manga |OT2| Four Emperors, One King, All Blue

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I'm not sure. Sanji seems absolutely broken in that last panel. Pudding was the brights side in that unwinnable situation. Now she's gone, but that doesn't change the fact that Big Mom is still holding the Strawhats and Zeff hostage essentially.

we saw him broken in that panel, but that was immediately after he heard pudding say that. sanji isn't the kind of guy to sit around doing nothing about it.

we saw reiju free so that scene we just saw this chapter might of been in the past. sanji might have basically got destroyed but did just enough to get reiju free so she can do something. after all he can't go and set luffy free because that might cause big mom to kill zeff. if reiju is the one that does it then it won't count against sanji.

oh, that's a good point, and the vinsmokes will be much more likely to believe that Big Mom is going to betray them if they hear it from Reiju instead of Sanji

also, i thought that Judge was the one holding Zeff hostage, not Big Mom?


get some go again
oh, that's a good point, and the vinsmokes will be much more likely to believe that Big Mom is going to betray them if they hear it from Reiju instead of Sanji

also, i thought that Judge was the one holding Zeff hostage, not Big Mom?
both big mom and judge are holding zeff hostage. i think big mom is likely the one who told the vinsmokes about zeff since she is the one who likely has the information network.

I doubt Tamago is down yet. He didn't bleed when Pedro cut him, well he didn't bleed blood. Something tells me he ate an egg-based Devil Fruit, and unlike Humpty Dumpty, he can put himself together again.
i think he might have the matryoshka doll fruit. you break one layer and a smaller tamago comes out with perhaps faster speed.
Shamelessly stolen from AP



So we're apparently halfway through the arc and there's still a lot to cover:

How the crew will escape
Jinbe's whereabouts and role
Fate of Pekoms
Fate of Zeff
Katakuri introduction
Fate of the Vinsmoke Army
Caesar (Kaido?)

I think the Vinsmokes will find out about the betrayal during the wedding itself and the bomb will detonate around the same time. During the chaos, Jinbe may help the crew escape and get back to the Sunny. With WCI in panic, I think they could sneek out of Totland's waters.

Though that doesn't solve everything, like how the Zeff situation will be dealt, and how Big Mom would fit into another arc with potentially all of her strongest crewmates being taken out (this isn't vital but it'll make their crew look less impressive).

With Caesar, he seems to be a wildcard. Maybe he'll backstab Big Mom again and make something that to further disrupt the wedding. Kaido is still also looking for Caesar, so whether he goes with the Strawhats for some reason or is captured, I doubt his role in the story is done for yet.


get some go again
well if the vinsmokes do end up getting out of this alive i think ceasar might end up going with them and helping them out. don't know what they would be planning after that though.
i think zeff is probably going to die. it doesn't seem like they can get out of this situation without some sacrifices being made. Sanji is going to have to choose between himself and the strawhats and zeff.
i think zeff is probably going to die. it doesn't seem like they can get out of this situation without some sacrifices being made. Sanji is going to have to choose between himself and the strawhats and zeff.
There's no way. At worst it's classic Oda fake-out death. But not an actual death of a named character. That's happened like twice outside of a flashback.


get some go again
i think zeff is probably going to die. it doesn't seem like they can get out of this situation without some sacrifices being made. Sanji is going to have to choose between himself and the strawhats and zeff.
no reason for zeff to die when he's just a hostage needed for sanji to go through with the wedding. if the vismokes find out they are going to be betrayed then zeff becomes irrelevant. that is until maybe a new arc and luffy officially goes after big mom along with his entire crew and his allies. at that point you would expect big mom to go after everybody related to the strawhats. although luffy's people would be safe since garp is living on windmill village.


I think this was the best chapter of the arc. Not the twist itself, but the buildup to it and the fact that Sanji was there to hear Pudding reveal her true colors.
We thought he had hit rock bottom, but nope. THIS IS....TRUE DESPAIR!
Personally, I'm not convinced this isn't a double bluff. First of all, it doesn't make sense for Pudding to explain the plan to all these people except for Bond Villain Stupidity. Second, if this really is the Pudding being straightforward, tell me, would THIS be the right place to drop it? No, it would be as the wedding was going on. Narratively, it doesn't make any sense to make this bomb drop here.

I do hope Pudding still fucks up Sanji though.
A double bluff would be even more stupid narrative wisely imo. For the sake of consistency, Oda needs to define her true personality. If he keeps changing it, he will lose control of the story, like he is almost losing it.

The reason why he is revealing this now is probably to make Sanji come up with something during the wedding.


Pudding's behavior is super confusing.

On one hand, we're lead to believe she's been acting innocent and she's really an evil agent of Big Mom with the ultimate plan of stealing Germa's secrets and killing them.

On the other hand, she is being shown to want to defy Big Mom and live her own destiny. Why else would she act innocent in front of Luffy's guard only to whisper her plans to shoot Sanji?

I get a strong impression that Pudding doesn't want to be Big Mom's "doll" and yet when she's captured Reiju in the privacy of her room, she acts like she is Big Mom's minion.


People saw this face


and are still not convinced that Pudding is a demon who gives no fuck about the Strawhats or Sanji



People saw this face


and are still not convinced that Pudding is a demon who gives no fuck about the Strawhats or Sanji

wonder if we are going to see a new Enel face when Sanji somehow doesn't die

improved due to the tryclops part


Saint Titanfall
One Piece chapter 844, there's a panel where Sanji glares at Nami and Luffy begins to doubt Sanji/believe Sanji's words. While Luffy still "believed" in Sanji and refused to fight him, he didn't doubt Sanji's words at this point. Nami even slaps Sanji at this point and says goodbye to him with tears in her eyes. After this, Luffy declares he's not moving from the spot he's in until Sanji comes back/tells Sanji if he doesn't come back that's where he will die/he can't become the pirate king without him. This is a proclamation in his belief in Sanji/his refusal to abandon him, but that doesn't mean he didn't believe what Sanji was saying, or that there wasn't any doubt that Sanji was lying. Now, this may be where we have to agree to disagree in regards to how this chapter plays out and our interpretation on Luffy and Sanji's interaction and that's fine/we can end this here as I'm only interested in discussing the Pudding twist and not getting too far off the original discussion I was participating in, particularly if you're going to keep asking me to show you panels and pages with no effort on your part to defend what you're saying.
This is all inference without a lick of character statements and well anything. Do you seriously think the person that got Robin to say "I want to live" despite an entire arc her saying she wants to die and went through arlong park and even said the Sanji was the one hurting through that entire fight believed a word he said. Not only does that drastically contradict Luffy's character it doesn't make a lick of sense.
Criminal minds who think that they are outwitting everyone to need to have some way of actually letting people know how smart they are and how they are on a whole other planet intellectually to their victims. It's a cliché but it's also a real trait. if you fantasise so much about playing people like a mastermind then the moment that you let them in on your plan is the ultimate realisation of your fantasy.

Could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that there is more chance of Caesar or Capone doing a face turn than Pudding right now.

Also we have Pekoms and Jinbei still missing.


get some go again
lol i don't remember this scene. where the hell is jimbei? is he lying low waiting for the wedding to make his move? that seems like the easiest time for him to do something since big mom will be occupied by food. since the 2 week break is coming does that mean we will get the next chapter leaked next week? i think that's how it usually goes and we end up waiting close to 3 weeks for the next chapter. i think jump ships out the chapter early to retailers to not have delays thanks to the holidays in japan.


I'm not a fan of MangaStream translations lately. It looks like there is too much slang as cursing. Doesn't feel natural. I don't have any way to prove it, so it could be just me.

Well if she can take "years" from things, it's possible she can put them into things as well, inducing rapid aging/maturity

Could be. But so far it seems people whose lifespan was stolen don't suffer any change in their appaerance or their power.

But yeah. If she is really willing to pull a Red Wedding there must be some kind of short term effect big enough to counteract the fact that she will lose credibility.


Pudding putting both sides at each others throats while she runs away is so damn possible.

Yeah. Maybe she just wants to see everything burn since:

A) She has told Luffy her plans.
B) She has told a Vinsmoke her plans.

If either Luffy or Sanji's sister manage to scape from their imprisonment in the next few chapters, she may be doing this whole thing just for chaos. He may be an awesome liar, I don't doubt that. But if the Germa 66 attacked Big Mom's in the middle of the wedding, it could be used as a distraction to save Sanji or something.

There's no way. At worst it's classic Oda fake-out death. But not an actual death of a named character. That's happened like twice outside of a flashback.

I don't think Oda will kill Zeff like that either. Off-screen, without any real drama behind it.

The War of the Best proved that people CAN die in One Piece. It's happened before. But if somebody dies it's going to be big and feel important to the audience.

The whole Sabaody to Marineford Saga is about Luffy's struggles and his inhability to face the strongest enemies ahead. Ace sacrifying himself to save Luffy further cements that fact. And it shows how important Haki really is, even if you are a Logia owner.

Whitebeard dying was necessary in order to turn Blackbeard into a Yonko.

That's why I've said that I think the next character that could die is either Law or Jinbei. They're important enough to have an impact in the series. their sacrifice could serve a bigger purpose.

I don't remember a time when almost eight pages were filled with black spoiler bars

It was an awesome chapter to end the year and a really cool plot twist. I need to read it again, since I did it on rush this morning.


A double bluff would be even more stupid narrative wisely imo. For the sake of consistency, Oda needs to define her true personality. If he keeps changing it, he will lose control of the story, like he is almost losing it.

The reason why he is revealing this now is probably to make Sanji come up with something during the wedding.

Maybe. Like I said, I'd have been more impressed if Pudding had taken on both sides of her antithetical personality in some way. Like if she did indeed care for Sanji or her sister Lola in some way, but was also cruel to her enemies and wanted to overthrow big mom like she suggested here.

But given the choice between good pudding and bad pudding, I prefer bad. I hope she does indeed make some kind of power play against big mom for herself.


This is all inference without a lick of character statements and well anything. Do you seriously think the person that got Robin to say "I want to live" despite an entire arc her saying she wants to die and went through arlong park and even said the Sanji was the one hurting through that entire fight believed a word he said. Not only does that drastically contradict Luffy's character it doesn't make a lick of sense.

I gave you a chapter and a simple synopsis of what you asked for. Now you're going into a different discussion on Luffy as a character from how he handled a situation with another character years prior, despite a chapter full of panels of Luffy proclaiming to Sanji that if he doesn't come back this will be where he dies/his journey ends (which he wouldn't need to do if he knew 100% that Sanji was lying), which is going into yet another different tangent from the original discussion about Pudding whispering vs talking out loud that you stopped addressing after my last post, after I responded to your "inference" on Pudding's whispering being more effective than speaking out loud that you made "without a lick of character statements and well anything". Again, let's just agree to disagree and move on.


Saint Titanfall
I gave you a chapter and a simple synopsis of what you asked for. Now you're going into a different discussion on Luffy as a character from how he handled a situation with another character years prior, despite a chapter full of panels of Luffy proclaiming to Sanji that if he doesn't come back this will be where he dies/his journey ends (which he wouldn't need to do if he knew 100% that Sanji was lying), which is going into yet another different tangent from the original discussion about Pudding whispering vs talking out loud that you stopped addressing after my last post, after I responded to your "inference" on Pudding's whispering being more effective than speaking out loud that you made "without a lick of character statements and well anything". Again, let's just agree to disagree and move on.

Your proof consisted of looking at a characters face and making conclusive judgments based on that which is worthless proof as that chapter was clearly portray very different things things to many other people.

What your saying doesn't make sense he said that because he believed in Sanji but he also that Sanji like Robin and Nami before him was trying to push him away. He knew Sanji was lying about everything he said during that encounter because it's extremely obvious you don't go through the kind of shit Luffy and Sanji has gone through and come out with half hearted feelings like that. He knew sanji was lying but had no idea of the specifics so he trusted that sanji would sort it out himself and come back to him.
The year of Pudding begins!

I made a prediction way back that Oda is going for an irony bait and switch where Pudding is evil at first, but falls in love with Sanji after events unfold.

Either way I hope Sanji breaks his creed and kicks her in the face. Oda is rebuilding Sanji from the ground up and it would be a great way to kick off his new characterization.


The year of Sanji only consisted of showing us that he sucked through time.

Should have called next year his year when he will hopefully redeem himself

Ray Down

Make Sanji great again 2017!

I made a prediction way back that Oda is going for an irony bait and switch where Pudding is evil at first, but falls in love with Sanji after events unfold.

Either way I hope Sanji breaks his creed and kicks her in the face. Oda is rebuilding Sanji from the ground up and it would be a great way to kick off his new characterization.

There's a part of me where I want either one to get a Soma reaction to each others food, lol. (Look them up, though some are NSFW)
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