what image of pudding
i sincerely don't care much about the character
still i would like my onepiece to make sense since most of the enjoyment i get out of the manga is about formulating theories based on logic.
if the manga stops making sense,it's a problem for me.
May...maybe..maybe pudding is faking, you know make allthink she is evil but thn she is a double agent?
Or she will redempt herself by taking mama with her own hands
Or maybe anything?
I am having a melting down
You mean like violet was in dressrosa?
Yeah i mostly agree with you, there are some inconsistency how everything was pulled out, but i guess that everything was an act as puding stated that she loves to do it and only "mom" knows here other self.
But that flashback was a bit weird still, i'm assuming she was just rewinding her life in her head as she is about to play out the rest of her act and go visit luffy.
The only thing i don't understand is why she went out to tell luffy ahead of time (yeah kind of torture measurement but she could have made him suffer after the vinsmokes would be killed) and how reiju found out what she is planning. She must have showed something.
I know Oda won't repeat the plot, but actually care about Pudding.
again,all you are listing are narrative reasons
i want what happens to make sense in the logic of the manga...if we are against big mom,a pirate that it's basically a queen and has access to infinite resources and infinite military power..i expect them to deal with luffy using them, because they have no convincing reason not to...if they knew where they were at all time, dealing with them before letting them set food on whole cake island would have been easy and painless
if i see a character acting in a certain way in front of his own comrades and family,i can't but assume they are sincere since inside the logic of the manga they have no reason to lie.
sure,it's a fiction so everything can happen if the author wishes it to happen, but make the twist convincing following the rule of the world he created is what separates the good writer from the round of the mill mashima.
until now, Oda ALMOST always made sense,eerything was ALMOST always coherent and logical, this was a planned twist that of course he planned in advance, but was made really sloppy and without care...
as an example,take one of the twist i consider the best in the series,the meeting between garp and ace at impel down.
The two characters are tallking, and ace says that both him and luffy are the sons of an infamous criminal.Given what we knew until them,it was absolutely logical to think that he was talking about dragon,with him and luffy,being brothers,both sons of the same infamous criminal.
instead, later we discover that ace is the son of roger, and what he really meant was that they were sons of TWO different criminals.
it was a twist,a swerve,but it was completely logical, everything was planted in advance to make us think that luffy and ace were biological brothers (apart from the hint otf the different family name)..and even people who already uspected that ace was not luffy's real brother,were convinced by that single sentence because it was, for all we knew, a direct confirmation..instead,surprise!
it was brilliantly done and even if you actively tried to look for inconsistencies, you couldn't find half of it, everything was played by the rules,and that's what made it brilliant.
this one instead lacks a lot of sense in terms of logic, and thus comes out like a swerve for the sake of a swerve, or just a poorly done plot twist
It won't be the same if pudding is unscathed.I know Oda won't repeat the plot, but actually care about Pudding.
Plz no not another swordsmanI wonder if Pedro and Pekoms were gathering the Road Poneglyphs for another Emperor. There are some signs Pedro might end up joining with his declaration that the Strawhats are the ones that will make change to the world. What if he was originally working for Dhanks and his "dream" has to do with something related to that.
Shut up fooled cookPlz no not another swordsman
I am ashamed did I not learn in dressrosa!Shut up fooled cook
People have been speculating on Pudding lying for a while/Oda left plenty of hints towards her lying/keeping secrets (the eye thing), but it wasn't until chapter 848 that Oda threw "doubts" towards it in regards to what Pudding said to Luffy and Nami and I do have to agree with Majukun that there was no narrative reason for Pudding to whisper what she really said to Luffy and Nami vs Oda throwing us/the audience off (making us believe she was saying something secretive that the rest of her family couldn't know). That said, the real "game changer" was Big Mom betraying the whole Vinsmoke family, which is something I don't think anyone saw coming/this brings everything else together in regards to Pudding IMO.
Nah it was stated that big mom wants germna's scientific knowledge from the start, considering her violent nature and the fact that we saw she does not even care about her own children it was obvious after marriage that she will not see much use of the Vinsmokes, but yeah i did not expect she would kill them immediately.
It won't be the same if pudding is unscathed.
Loss of years or life
Nami has to take out pudding..For reasonsAll the hints were there, but I refused to acknowledge them... Especially due to Reiju being in the same arc, she was a convenient red herring for the character I was expecting to reveal ulterior motives.
If Luffy or Sanji break her face in, I'll be satisfied lmao
People have been speculating on Pudding lying for a while/Oda left plenty of hints towards her lying/keeping secrets (the eye thing), but it wasn't until chapter 848 that Oda threw "doubts" towards it in regards to what Pudding said to Luffy and Nami and I do have to agree with Majukun that there was no narrative reason for Pudding to whisper what she really said to Luffy and Nami vs Oda throwing us/the audience off (making us believe she was saying something secretive that the rest of her family couldn't know). That said, the real "game changer" was Big Mom betraying the whole Vinsmoke family, which is something I don't think anyone saw coming/this brings everything else together in regards to Pudding IMO.
Alright this got a chuckle outta me lol. Dudes shaped like a litteral egg.. But than again shouldnt Pedro already know this? Haki up PedroIt's a nice day to start again
It's a nice day for a RED WEDDING
Yeah, a lot of things about Pudding were off. Her willingness to help the Straw Hats, that she was "too perfect" for Sanji, all part of her plan. Just about everyone called the third eye. Though what's the purpose of it? It looks like it can move independently as it's shown looking at Nami while she's looking down on Luffy.
Pedro is hardcore! Ripping out his own eye to save 10 years.
I wonder if Zepo is why Bepo became a pirate, to avenge him.
I doubt Tamago is down yet. He didn't bleed when Pedro cut him, well he didn't bleed blood. Something tells me he ate an egg-based Devil Fruit, and unlike Humpty Dumpty, he can put himself together again.
That was one hell of a two week cliffhanger Oda. His cliffhanger game has been strong this year.
For a moment, when we where discussing about Big Mom pulling a Red Wedding, I considered that she may have been interested in the clone army. I immediately remembered how those clones needed a few years in the making before reaching adulthood and discarded the idea. I was like "she doesn't have that much time, seeing how the competition is doing".
Guess I was wrong![]()
again,all you are listing are narrative reasons
i want what happens to make sense in the logic of the manga...if we are against big mom,a pirate that it's basically a queen and has access to infinite resources and infinite military power..i expect them to deal with luffy using them, because they have no convincing reason not to...if they knew where they were at all time, dealing with them before letting them set food on whole cake island would have been easy and painless
this one instead lacks a lot of sense in terms of logic, and thus comes out like a swerve for the sake of a swerve, or just a poorly done plot twist
Nah it was stated that big mom wants germna's scientific knowledge from the start, considering her violent nature and the fact that we saw she does not even care about her own children it was obvious after marriage that she will not see much use of the Vinsmokes, but yeah i did not expect she would kill them immediately.
Pudding is a psychopath just like the rest of her family .
She running away in tears is just to rub it in luffy face some more and of course make people wonder .
Now we know what type of person she really is still that she was allow to see them was already a big read flag .
The "alliance" was definitely shown to only be as useful as what each side had, even the Vinsmokes said as much directly a chapter ago. But it still would have been an alliance each side was honoring. It's the killing the Vinsmokes/outright betraying the alliance directly that is a surprise IMO based on everything we've seen. Even in the examples you mentioned, how many examples do we have of Big Mom betraying the alliances she's made in the process of having these marriages/union agreements? From the Fishmen to Capone, and even Pedro's flashback, Big Mom, while definitely crazy, has "honored" all of the deals we've seen her make. She definitely "used" people and wasn't straight forward with anything, but I think it's a stretch to say we could have seen her destroying the Vinsmokes coming.
Pudding crying is one thing and I agree with your comments in regards to her behavior, but whispering to Luffy and Nami to hide what she was saying from the rest of the room doesn't make sense even from a "Pudding is a psychopath" perspective. The only difference between saying what she wanted to say out loud for the rest of the room to hear (to laugh with her and the Straw Hats) and saying it in secret so that only Nami and Luffy could hear is that whispering threw us the readers off in regards to her intentions since it made us believe she was keeping a secret from her family.
Pudding crying is one thing and I agree with your comments in regards to her behavior, but whispering to Luffy and Nami to hide what she was saying from the rest of the room doesn't make sense even from a "Pudding is a psychopath" perspective. The only difference between saying what she wanted to say out loud for the rest of the room to hear (to laugh with her and the Straw Hats) and saying it in secret so that only Nami and Luffy could hear is that whispering threw us the readers off in regards to her intentions since it made us believe she was keeping a secret from her family.
Yeah, that doesn't make sense to me either.
Her brother was in the room, and thus should know of her psychopathic tedencies, yet she still didn't show them and still cried for some reason. Then there is the fact that her brother should also know that the plan is for them to kill the Vinsmokes as well as the Strawhats. There is no reason for her to get in close to the crew and act like this was some big secret if that was Big Mom's Crew's Plan this entire time.
Unless she wanted to squash every bit of satisfaction out of her performance. Showing how much she loves acting and backstabbing.Pudding crying is one thing and I agree with your comments in regards to her behavior, but whispering to Luffy and Nami to hide what she was saying from the rest of the room doesn't make sense even from a "Pudding is a psychopath" perspective. The only difference between saying what she wanted to say out loud for the rest of the room to hear (to laugh with her and the Straw Hats) and saying it in secret so that only Nami and Luffy could hear is that whispering threw us the readers off in regards to her intentions since it made us believe she was keeping a secret from her family.
Yeah, that doesn't make sense to me either.
Her brother was in the room, and thus should know of her psychopathic tedencies, yet she still didn't show them and still cried for some reason. Then there is the fact that her brother should also know that the plan is for them to kill the Vinsmokes as well as the Strawhats. There is no reason for her to get in close to the crew and act like this was some big secret if that was Big Mom's Crew's Plan this entire time.
Eh it doesn't seem that strange, if she just announced it front of everyone then there's a chance Luffy and Nami would think she's just acting and still on their side so the effect wouldn't be half as strong. The fact she whispered it removes all shadow of a doubt of her intentions. She's a sadist and Luffy and Nami thought she was on their side so her expectation would be at the lowest.
Even if that was the case, I just realized, the plan she revealed doesn't make sense. Why would Big Mom wait until the wedding to kill the Vinsmokes? They are in her territory, on her island, with all of her crew. If she was going to kill them, why not just do it now or the moment they arrived? Why go through the whole charade of a wedding when the main players are all under your roof right and take all of their tech, which is also on the island right now. She has everything she needs and I doubt the Vinsmoke family are strong enough to take on a Yonko in their own territory. She has no real reason to set up this big betrayal. Unless she just wanted a damn cake out of this entire thing.
Well that is what i said, maybe i expressed myself in the wrong way.The "alliance" was definitely shown to only be as useful as what each side had, even the Vinsmokes said as much directly a chapter ago. But it still would have been an alliance each side was honoring. It's the killing the Vinsmokes/outright betraying the alliance directly that is a surprise IMO based on everything we've seen. Even in the examples you mentioned, how many examples do we have of Big Mom betraying the alliances she's made in the process of having these marriages/union agreements? From the Fishmen to Capone, and even Pedro's flashback, Big Mom, while definitely crazy, has "honored" all of the deals we've seen her make. She definitely "used" people and wasn't straight forward with anything, but I think it's a stretch to say we could have seen her destroying the Vinsmokes coming.
Eh it doesn't seem that strange, if she just announced it front of everyone then there's a chance Luffy and Nami would think she's just acting and still on their side so the effect wouldn't be half as strong. The fact she whispered it removes all shadow of a doubt of her intentions. She's a sadist and Luffy and Nami thought she was on their side so her expectation would be at the lowest.
I don't think Pudding is completely "evil" however. I think like all of Big Mom's children and subordinates, there's going to be a clear grey area here. Here's what I think is going on with Pudding...
I REALLY think the goal of her telling Reiju this plan is to ultimately stir shit between the Vinsmokes and Big Mom. I do not think Big Mom actually wants to kill them like Pudding says they do. Why would Pudding reveal a plan that Big Mom's actually trying to accomplish to Reiju of all people? I think this might be another elaborate ruse at play here. Pudding is going to have Reiju escape and warn the Vinsmokes of the plan and ultimately start a conflict between them and Big Mom, negatively affecting the wedding at hand.
- Pudding is actually a fairly nice girl (Back in Fishman Island arc, she was getting grossed out by Big Mom's eating habits. This is her true self, since no one was around to see it one can assume this.)
- Pudding intentionally lead the Strawhats into the Seducing Woods at Big Mom's orders (Remember Pudding said previously in the arc that "she could never disobey Big Mom")
- Big Mom's children are a bit "twisted" in their own way. Lola is no exception. Remember Lola was trying to kill Nami just because Absalom had the hots for her. Lola herself has mental issues just like her mother. Pudding should be no different.
- Pudding still has fondness and love for her family, hence her flashback of Lola on the balcony. She also realizes Big Mom views her as a "doll" as well.
- Pudding whispered her plans to Luffy and Nami.
I also believe she might've whispered those plans to Luffy and Nami so Big Mom's crew wouldn't know about her own plan to expose Big Mom or create a conflict.
Considering Sanji was able to fool Luffy and Nami with his act and how many times Pudding fooled Luffy, Nami and Sanji, I'm not buying this. Even how you describe the difference between whispering and saying it out loud seems to be coming from your perspective as a reader. To us it definitely made a difference/made the reveal stronger and I definitely understand why Oda did it/I enjoyed the twist, but I think the affect would have been just as strong from Nami and Luffy's perspective of hopelessness if Pudding walked into the room and made fun of the Straw Hats openly/said she was going to kill Sanji with the rest of the room laughing at them with her.
Pudding crying is one thing and I agree with your comments in regards to her behavior, but whispering to Luffy and Nami to hide what she was saying from the rest of the room doesn't make sense even from a "Pudding is a psychopath" perspective. The only difference between saying what she wanted to say out loud for the rest of the room to hear (to laugh with her and the Straw Hats) and saying it in secret so that only Nami and Luffy could hear is that whispering threw us the readers off in regards to her intentions since it made us believe she was keeping a secret from her family.