That would be a sight to behold
Pretty sure it would kill him.
That would be a sight to behold
Pretty sure it would kill him.
The bikini battle, anything involving Sabertooth guild, anything involving Sting, Erza vs Minerva, the dragon that whole gimmick is blowing off people clothes, the trip to the water park....Veelk please read this series
The bikini battle, anything involving Sabertooth guild, anything involving Sting, Erza vs Minerva, the dragon that whole gimmick is blowing off people clothes, the trip to the water park....Veelk please read this series
The bikini battle, anything involving Sabertooth guild, anything involving Sting, Erza vs Minerva, the dragon that whole gimmick is blowing off people clothes, the trip to the water park....Veelk please read this series
I think the Prehistoric Mini Story would be enough for him.
This is the one.
Just curious, but what is bad about this fight? I read about two volumes of Fairy Tail and stopped.
I believe it's the one where Erza is stripped naked and tortured, with a tentacle monster thrown in.
Then the actual fight has Minerva shut down all her senses, but then Erza manages to win anyway because, according to the cats, "she's Erza and thus she's awesome"
I believe it's the one where Erza is stripped naked and tortured, with a tentacle monster thrown in.
Then the actual fight has Minerva shut down all her senses, but then Erza manages to win anyway because, according to the cats, "she's Erza and thus she's awesome"
I believe it's the one where Erza is stripped naked and tortured, with a tentacle monster thrown in.
Then the actual fight has Minerva shut down all her senses, but then Erza manages to win anyway because, according to the cats, "she's Erza and thus she's awesome"
Different fight, lol.
Fight with Minerva I barely remember outside of the bit where Erza pulls out an armor that neutralizes ALL MAGIC and never uses it again.
Different fight, lol.
Fight with Minerva I barely remember outside of the bit where Erza pulls out an armor that neutralizes ALL MAGIC and never uses it again.
HUH?! WHAT?! PARDON ME?! Wow, that is...just wow.
Or at least that's what I remmeber what the manga said
God Veelk is gonna love Erza armor designs, even the one that's just a Jungle bikini top.
Or at least that's what I remmeber what the manga said
God Veelk is gonna love Erza armor designs, even the one that's just a Jungle bikini top.
Fairy Tail is sooo bad. Not even the unapologetic, poorly thought out fanservice but the friendship is power plot. The fights have no weight to them like in Bleach.
I'd take Bleach's convenient ability match up over FT's friendship is power. Both are bad, but at the former is entertaining in how specific Kubo could make them.
Fair point. Fairy Tail is miles below Bleach. I just meant the fights feel the same, which I suppose is more true for Bleach's last arc.I'd take Bleach's convenient ability match up over FT's friendship is power. Both are bad, but at the former is entertaining in how specific Kubo could make them.
Fair point. Fairy Tail is miles below Bleach. I just meant the fights feel the same, which I suppose is more true for Bleach's last arc.
Even Veelk likes it.
Haha, I noticed that.
Wait, Veelk likes something manga related?! I think I heard about that being one of the signs of the end times....
Kidding Veelk, kidding.
Veelk needs to read FT.
That would be a sight to behold
Either though reaction posts here or Veelk makes his own long winded reaction thread, it would be fun from his initial reaction to a generic shounen series to...what ever the hell we call it now.
Friendship Fetish Smut series.
Pretty sure it would kill him.
So I just got a crazy idea for ARMS. Stay with me folks but....Afro Luffy. Think about it.
Also Veelk would have a goddamn conniption reading Fairy Tail.
The bikini battle, anything involving Sabertooth guild, anything involving Sting, Erza vs Minerva, the dragon that whole gimmick is blowing off people clothes, the trip to the water park....Veelk please read this series
I think the Prehistoric Mini Story would be enough for him.
you forgot orgasm magic
Veelk reads Fairy Tail |OT| Courage is the Magic that makes Magical Bikinis into Reality
Oh yeah, Veelk would flip the fuck out just from reading this.
Or at least that's what I remmeber what the manga said
God Veelk is gonna love Erza armor designs, even the one that's just a Jungle bikini top.
My Hero Academia is awesome, for a LOOOOT of different reasons. I have some criticisms regarding it's worldbuilding, but their the same kind of criticisms I have with American comics (particularly X-men) and how they depict a world where people get random superpowers. But it's really not that big a deal. What's great about MHA is that it does a lot of interesting and unique things with it's character designs (It often feels like different characters come from entirely different schools of design, especially the villains feel like their straight from a horror manga), the art is GORGEOUS, every character feels grounded and real in their own way, the characters use smart applications of their powers to win victories, and because a lot of the challenges they face are personal (either having a personal beef with a character or else want to advance in the school), that allows a greater chance for failure that creates a greater sense of tension, the pacing is amazingly refreshing and brief (the longest arc has been 22 chapters)....
The best way to describe it is that this is a manga made by a guy whose been a huge fan of shonen, but is highly cognizant of it's pitfalls and learned from them. As a result, we have this super intensely personal and authentic coming of age story, filled to the brim with charming characters (seriously, there's basically no one of the main cast I don't want to see developed more), with really amazing and creative art. I really, really, really recommend it.
And as a bonus, I think literally every shonen mangaka should read the fight between the main girl and the asshole main rival in chapter 35-37 and refer to that whenever they are wondering how they should depict a girl fighting.
So how about that Switch? Looks neato and ARMS, BOTW, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Splatoon 2, Odyssey, Super Bomberman R and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe look amazing.
Also I need my new chapter, like right now.
My thoughts on the Switch: gamers are stupid. System looks great. Can't wait to see them proven wrong.
I thought the whole reveal event was pretty enjoyable, and I was shocked to see so many people negative on it. First time I'm ever buying a system at launch.
The paying for online on a handheld really soured it for me. i could handle the rest since the games would come and the price would eventually reduce. But paying for online is just an extra tax that'll never really go away.
I endorse Veelk reading Fairy Tail. It's like all the people watching Fuuka on ToonamiGAF!
I know that this community hates me, but this just feels cruel and unusual. How could anyone willfully subject someone else to such an awful experience?
Well you stuck with Bleach until before the last Arc. So it's not like it's an entirely alien concept. Maybe you watch it side by side with black clover to compare and contrast.
If Veelk decides to read Fairy Tail, even I would read it to better apreciate his/her reactions.
I wouldn't recommend the anime, they tried to cover 21 chapters in 13 episodes, and the pacing was really bad 'cause of it. Plus some animation issues from a rushed production.Maybe I got to be actually try it, maybe I will start with the anime.
Well, looks like it's time to set up a gofundme...You'd literally have to pay me actual money.
You know, I wonder if I can convince Veelk to read Air Gear
Yeah, but everybody needs to see how a manga can start off being about flying roller skates, and end up having, among many other incomprehensible things, Barack Obama as a major character.I read Air Gear and I'm saying no.
I know that this community hates me, but this just feels cruel and unusual. How could anyone willfully subject someone else to such an awful experience?