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One Piece Manga |OT2| Four Emperors, One King, All Blue

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Red Fire

You don't like Blackbeard but will defend Pedro..rethinking our alliance

Pedro is ok. Not sure how you can be an actual fan of him but he's ok.

Pedro is an honorable and loyal guy, a good person. He risked his life for the strawhats playing decoy (brook asking him to risk his life and pedro agreeing is an awesome and very underrated scene btw)
He also has a cool and (at least to me) likeable personality and is doing his thing without fooling aroung too much (decoy, defeating tamago while transforming etc.)
He is kinda like jinbei, a serious yet friendly dude who shows respect towards others and stuff
His design is pretty cool too
So i don't see why you couldn't be a fan of him.

Blackbeard on the other hand is a garbage human who doesn't have any respect for his nakamas and his old family and is just doing any dirty trick to achieve his dream. I mean just look at his crew, the worst pack of pirates ever lol

You can't rethink our alliance, once an alliance always an alliance 😆

Rebel Leader

This alliance is over



Blackbeard on the other hand is a garbage human who doesn't have any respect for his nakamas and his old family and is just doing any dirty trick to achieve his dream. I mean just look at his crew, the worst pack of pirates ever lol

Blackbeard is probably the truest real son of a bitch pirate this pirate manga series has to offer. If you're not a BB fan, then you're a lost soul!

I look forward to the BB flashbacks and we get to see why he is who he is. Will probably be the best thing Oda has written in his 20 years of this manga.
I really like both of them. Blackbeard represents the type of pirate nobody in One Piece had encountered before, an evil Luffy. He has the same dream but goes with methods so unorthodox and dishonorable nobody really saw him coming all the same. He was a y under the radar that became one of the biggest fish in the seas.

Akainu isn't even a villain so much as an antagonist. He's the very concept of absolute justice and government lapdog taken to the ultimate extreme. Ethically what he does at times may be wrong but everything is within legal bounds making the face of the world government' and calling into question its practices as a whole. He's just the major symptom of a larger problem.

I'd love to learn more about both of the characters.
You just know we'll get a flashback on why he has that absolute justice

I mean it seems pretty obvious.

The dude was born in the Golden Age of Piracy. In an age a black flag you're either obeying the world government or against it. In a world where the strongest survive it's easy to see at least one marine develop the mindset of us vs. them and take it to its extreme.


To be fair to loyal marines it doesn't help when pirate half of the Yonkos, buggy and Kidd exists. Even Roger destroyed an army because they insulted their crew. A lot of pirates are ass holes.

Akainu is still a pos


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Akainu has the potential to a huge curveball. Pirates did something to him in the past that made him the way he is.

I love when villains are built up as totally degenerate, hate-worthy people, only to have that flipped on its head somehow. Arlong is a good example of someone who turned out to be a racist scumbag but also someone who you could sort of empathize with or at least understand, even if you couldn't agree with them.
I mean it's debatable on how evil Akainu is. I mean morally, destroying the passenger ship from Ohara was wrong but it was also the most practical way of assuring no one made it off the island. There's also his actions in Marineford which when considering it was wartime and Ace was sentenced to death makes his actions there justifiable even if they suck for the protagonist's side.


Akainu has the potential to a huge curveball. Pirates did something to him in the past that made him the way he is.

I love when villains are built up as totally degenerate, hate-worthy people, only to have that flipped on its head somehow. Arlong is a good example of someone who turned out to be a racist scumbag but also someone who you could sort of empathize with or at least understand, even if you couldn't agree with them.

On the flip side, though I seem to be in the minority, I appreciated how chilling it was that Hody Jones was racist just because. He didn't have any traumatic or depressing backstory; he was just always a hateful fuck. That "Nothing" line will always stick with me lol


Seriously? Akainu is a mad dog.

If his slaughter of Ohara is supposed to be an end that's justifed by the means, then we have to assume that the World Government is actually doing the right thing by hiding the Void Century. Personally, I doubt it. It's probably just something that keeps the WG in power. And that's assuming Akainu even knows what the Void Century is and agrees that it should be kept hidden. It's possible that he has no idea and that he's merely following the WG's orders. Acting out of your own understanding vs just doing what your higher ups tell you is a big distinction.

So you're left trying to defend a guy having slaughtered hundreds for ??????. The most you can say is that whatever he's doing, he's doing because he genuinely believes it's the right thing to do, but that authenticity only goes so far, especially if he's working on the faith on part of the WG.

As for the Marineford War, he was sending Marine Mooks to try and take on Whitebeard. Whitebeard basically functions as a anthropomorphized nuclear weapon. Ordinary Marines have as much a chance of taking him down as a fly would. Yet Akainu demands that they go throw their lives away for basically nothing.

His philosophy seems to come down to "Pirates=bad" so anything done that works against them is good, no matter how ineffective it is and how many men die having accomplished nothing. And the WG is the main vehicle by which he does that, so he's fine with any means why which to better the WG.

That's not a guy I'd give any moral ground to just because you can abstract his basic philosophy into a space where it might be considered reasonable after you've taken it away from the actual stuff that happened. At it's core, his basic belief is that piracy, which causes people harm, ought to be stopped, sure. But it's kind of rendered meaningless when to stop the harm caused by piracy, he causes a shitton more harm.

Not that I personally object to anything he did. The manga has failed to make me care about anyone in the series, so I'm A-OK with Akainu murdering pirates, marines, civilians, anybody he wants, for any reason at all. And he's the closest one to have come to killing Luffy, and I can't help but like the guy for that. You go, you magnificent magma motherfucker!

I just don't really see any moral argument working in his favor. He's a nut.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
On the flip side, though I seem to be in the minority, I appreciated how chilling it was that Hody Jones was racist just because. He didn't have any traumatic or depressing backstory; he was just always a hateful fuck. That "Nothing" line will always stick with me lol
I think both types of villains are effective. There are definitely layers of evil. Having both in the same series helps to escalate the tension and make things even more dangerous for the heroes. Arlong -> Hody and Crocodile -> Enel are two examples. Arlong has reasons to be the way he is, and Crocodile is a scumbag, but one who had his dreams crushed and is searching for alternative methods to glory, so it's not like he's doing it for fun. Hody is just a complete sociopath, he's basically Fish Hitler. Enel is a total megalomaniac with a God complex and the skills to back it up. It's the removal of human traits from villain to villain that makes them effective.

It's why Doffy was one of the best so far. He got a tragic backstory and a foil with his brother and still ended up the way he is. All of the New World villains have really been monsters, which fits with how the New World has been portrayed until now. I guess it could be argued that it makes the villains too one dimensional, but it's not like you don't get people like that in real life too. Some people really are more twisted than others.


is searching for alternative methods to glory, so it's not like he's doing it for fun.

Isn't that what glory basically is? Fun?

Or, well, that's not to say they're exactly the same thing, but both of them are just ways to have feelings of self satisfaction and contentment, so whats the distinction where doing what he does for glory is better than doing what he does for fun?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Isn't that what glory basically is? Fun?

Or, well, that's not to say they're exactly the same thing, but both of them are just ways to have feelings of self satisfaction and contentment, so whats the distinction where doing what he does for glory is better than doing what he does for fun?
Well, what I'm saying is that he started off a man with dreams and aspirations to be the Pirate King. He had his youthful dreams crushed and became jaded because of it. He's not taking over Arabasta because he feels hatred towards its citizens or wants to see them suffer, it's a means to an end and, to him, part of the cruel reality he's come to accept. It's different from Enel who just got a really strong fruit and one day decided he was better than everyone else because he could kill them if he wanted to.
Seriously? Akainu is a mad dog.

If his slaughter of Ohara is supposed to be an end that's justifed by the means, then we have to assume that the World Government is actually doing the right thing by hiding the Void Century. Personally, I doubt it. It's probably just something that keeps the WG in power. And that's assuming Akainu even knows what the Void Century is and agrees that it should be kept hidden. It's possible that he has no idea and that he's merely following the WG's orders. Acting out of your own understanding vs just doing what your higher ups tell you is a big distinction.

So you're left trying to defend a guy having slaughtered hundreds for ??????. The most you can say is that whatever he's doing, he's doing because he genuinely believes it's the right thing to do, but authenticity only goes so far.

As for the Marineford War, he was sending Marine Mooks to try and take on Whitebeard. Whitebeard basically functions as a anthropomorphized nuclear weapon. Ordinary Marines have as much a chance of taking him down as a fly would. Yet Akainu demands that they go throw their lives away for basically nothing.

His philosophy seems to come down to "Pirates=bad" so anything done that works against them is good, no matter how ineffective it is and how many men die having accomplished nothing. And the WG is the main vehicle by which he does that, so he's fine with any means why which to better the WG.

That's not a guy I'd give any moral ground to just because if you abstract his basic philosophy can exist in a space where it might be considered reasonable after you've abstracted it away from the actual stuff that happened.

Not that I personally object to anything he did. The manga has failed to make me care about anyone in the series, so I'm A-OK with Akainu murdering pirates, marines, civilians, anybody he wants, for any reason at all. He's the closest one to have come to killing Luffy, and I can't help but like the guy for that. You go, you glorious magma motherfucker!

I just don't really see any moral argument working in his favor.

Hmm, I see your point. There really is no defense for his actions. That being said, my opinion, although unclearly stated, was that Akainu was in the legal right, not necessarily the moral one. Of course law means jackshit in One Piece when a noble can kill whoever they want and buy slaves.

I just find it fascinating how you have this character who represents the face of law and order in the world be such a monster in enforcing it.

It makes me wonder what exactly will happen to the world if the Marines fall.


Well, what I'm saying is that he started off a man with dreams and aspirations to be the Pirate King. He had his youthful dreams crushed and became jaded because of it. He's not taking over Arabasta because he feels hatred towards its citizens or wants to see them suffer, it's a means to an end and, to him, part of the cruel reality he's come to accept. It's different from Enel who just got a really strong fruit and one day decided he was better than everyone else because he could kill them if he wanted to.

Well, you're assuming that he wasn't willing to inflict such a cruelties before. As far as I can recall, his dialogue only suggested that he learned that he himself could suffer at the hands of cruel reality as well as anyone. I don't remember anything suggesting he was a kinder man before this.

And in any case, Enel didn't hate anyone either. He just viewed himself as superior so he felt entitled to being able to do what he wanted with them.

Only Hody, Arlong, Doflamingo and Akainu seem motivated by hatred. Other villains seem to just have differing shapes of "I'm stronger than you, therefore I am entitled to hurt you as I please"

Hmm, I see your point. There really is no defense for his actions. That being said, my oopinion, although unclearly stated, was that Akainu was in the legal right, not necessarily the moral one. Of course law means jackshit in One Piece when a noble can kill whoever they want and buy slaves.

I just find it fascinating how you have this character who represents the face of law and order in the world be such a monster in enforcing it.

It makes me wonder what exactly will happen to the world if the Marines fall.

Well, yeah, when the governmental authority gives you carte blanche to handle situations however you want, you're going to be within you're legal right no matter what you do.

I know what you mean though. Those kinds of archtypes are scary because they're one of the realer aspects of OP.

Red Fire

Okay so
- akainu who kills innocents
- blackbeard who is just a bad person and kills friends and 'family'
- caesar who uses children to experiment on them
- evil pudding who has fun in killing and manipulating people

are cool but guys like pedro and jinbei are lame? Edgelords!!


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Okay so
- akainu who kills innocents
- blackbeard who is just a bad person and kills friends and 'family'
- caesar who uses children to experiment on them
- evil pudding who has fun in killing and manipulating people

are cool but guys like pedro and jinbei are lame? Edgelords!!

This thread rarely makes sense...


Okay so
- akainu who kills innocents
- blackbeard who is just a bad person and kills friends and 'family'
- caesar who uses children to experiment on them
- evil pudding who has fun in killing and manipulating people

are cool but guys like pedro and jinbei are lame? Edgelords!!

I think Pedro is cool but undeveloped, Jimbe is awesome and has great potential within the crew imo.


Jimbe helped Luffy to process the death of his brother and put him back on track, everybody calling him lame can shut up and leave this thread

Red Fire

I think Pedro is cool but undeveloped, Jimbe is awesome and has great potential within the crew imo.

I can agree with that. He definitely is undeveloped but that doesn't necessarily make him boring like people here say

Jimbe helped Luffy to process the death of his brother and put him back on track, everybody calling him lame can shut up and leave this thread

Yes, plus he risked his life a bunch of times for his friends. He isn't afraid to die for people he respects (and he even repeated that again a few chapter ago). He also went to jail because he refused to fight his friends. What a badass.


Okay so
- akainu who kills innocents
- blackbeard who is just a bad person and kills friends and 'family'
- caesar who uses children to experiment on them
- evil pudding who has fun in killing and manipulating people

are cool but guys like pedro and jinbei are lame? Edgelords!!

I don't know why you're bringing up their evil deeds as if that somehow means we can't think of them as cool, like the character, love to hate them, etc. People do this with characters in all mediums. Coolness isn't inherently tied to someone being good or bad lol

And of course people would generally like the aforementioned characters more, they've all been far memorable up until this point. That isn't necessarily Pedro's fault since he's a new character (Though Pudding is newer...), but again, he's just been there for me so far. He's not lame, just... the most noticeably plain guy on Luffy's side right now.

Those who hate on Jinbe after everything he's done have no excuse though.

Red Fire

I don't know if this is true but i have a feeling that people (not necessarily in this thread, i mean in general) would like jinbei more if he had a 'cooler' design. Being a fat fish probably doesn't help him.

I don't know why you're bringing up their evil deeds as if that somehow means we can't think of them as cool, like the character, love to hate them, etc. People do this with characters in all mediums. Coolness isn't inherently tied to someone being good or bad lol

And of course people would generally like the aforementioned characters more, they've all been far memorable up until this point. That isn't necessarily Pedro's fault since he's a new character (Though Pudding is newer...), but again, he's just been there for me so far. He's not lame, just... the most noticeably plain guy on Luffy's side right now.

Those who hate on Jinbe after everything he's done have no excuse though.

Of course not but looking at that list it shows some kind of leaning towards that direction
Nah it's not his design he's boring to me which some will argue is good for the strawhats but meh. Oda has been trying to give him funny moments no im just like meh
Pedro is just kind of boring. I have a hard time imagining having a strong feeling on him one way or the other.

Jinbe is okay. I've enjoyed him in the recent chapters, but he's still not someone who I really love or anything.


I honestly think it just his personality not his design that doesn't make him more popular especially in a series with OTT characters


I wonder if Luffy's starting to show ill effects.. he's done that 'hard' to wake up bit twice now... once in Zou another here in Cake Island.


Akainu's thing is simply that authority = justice. Even the one time we've seen him cross his superiors (when it was shown that he disapproves of the Shichibukai as an institution and was willing to tell his bosses as much) is related to that. He feels (quite correctly) that the Shichibukai are a threat to the WG's legitimacy given how untrustworthy they've proven to be. He'll obey any order he's given, but where is heart lies is the idea that anything that could possibly undermine the authority of the WG is a threat and needs to be destroyed, hence his massacre of civilians at Ohara on the mere possibility that one of the researchers had gotten aboard the evacuation ship. The lives of a few hundred people were worth less than the off-chance that somebody who had the power to reveal the Void Century could escape.
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