Yea that's what I mean when I said it. He's cool but he's just there. If I didn't know any better and this was a different show I'd expect him to diePedro is ok. Not sure how you can be an actual fan of him but he's ok.
Yea that's what I mean when I said it. He's cool but he's just there. If I didn't know any better and this was a different show I'd expect him to diePedro is ok. Not sure how you can be an actual fan of him but he's ok.
You don't like Blackbeard but will defend Pedro..rethinking our alliance
Pedro is ok. Not sure how you can be an actual fan of him but he's ok.
While true, this is only something else that will be eventually filtered through Luffy, You really think Luffy isn't going to fight Akainu?
Lol! True enough
This is you and me right now 😃
Blackbeard on the other hand is a garbage human who doesn't have any respect for his nakamas and his old family and is just doing any dirty trick to achieve his dream. I mean just look at his crew, the worst pack of pirates ever lol
We all do.I love to hate BB.
I love to hate BB.
You just know we'll get a flashback on why he has that absolute justice
You just know we'll get a flashback on why he has that absolute justice
Akainu has the potential to a huge curveball. Pirates did something to him in the past that made him the way he is.
I love when villains are built up as totally degenerate, hate-worthy people, only to have that flipped on its head somehow. Arlong is a good example of someone who turned out to be a racist scumbag but also someone who you could sort of empathize with or at least understand, even if you couldn't agree with them.
I think both types of villains are effective. There are definitely layers of evil. Having both in the same series helps to escalate the tension and make things even more dangerous for the heroes. Arlong -> Hody and Crocodile -> Enel are two examples. Arlong has reasons to be the way he is, and Crocodile is a scumbag, but one who had his dreams crushed and is searching for alternative methods to glory, so it's not like he's doing it for fun. Hody is just a complete sociopath, he's basically Fish Hitler. Enel is a total megalomaniac with a God complex and the skills to back it up. It's the removal of human traits from villain to villain that makes them effective.On the flip side, though I seem to be in the minority, I appreciated how chilling it was that Hody Jones was racist just because. He didn't have any traumatic or depressing backstory; he was just always a hateful fuck. That "Nothing" line will always stick with me lol
is searching for alternative methods to glory, so it's not like he's doing it for fun.
Well, what I'm saying is that he started off a man with dreams and aspirations to be the Pirate King. He had his youthful dreams crushed and became jaded because of it. He's not taking over Arabasta because he feels hatred towards its citizens or wants to see them suffer, it's a means to an end and, to him, part of the cruel reality he's come to accept. It's different from Enel who just got a really strong fruit and one day decided he was better than everyone else because he could kill them if he wanted to.Isn't that what glory basically is? Fun?
Or, well, that's not to say they're exactly the same thing, but both of them are just ways to have feelings of self satisfaction and contentment, so whats the distinction where doing what he does for glory is better than doing what he does for fun?
Seriously? Akainu is a mad dog.
If his slaughter of Ohara is supposed to be an end that's justifed by the means, then we have to assume that the World Government is actually doing the right thing by hiding the Void Century. Personally, I doubt it. It's probably just something that keeps the WG in power. And that's assuming Akainu even knows what the Void Century is and agrees that it should be kept hidden. It's possible that he has no idea and that he's merely following the WG's orders. Acting out of your own understanding vs just doing what your higher ups tell you is a big distinction.
So you're left trying to defend a guy having slaughtered hundreds for ??????. The most you can say is that whatever he's doing, he's doing because he genuinely believes it's the right thing to do, but authenticity only goes so far.
As for the Marineford War, he was sending Marine Mooks to try and take on Whitebeard. Whitebeard basically functions as a anthropomorphized nuclear weapon. Ordinary Marines have as much a chance of taking him down as a fly would. Yet Akainu demands that they go throw their lives away for basically nothing.
His philosophy seems to come down to "Pirates=bad" so anything done that works against them is good, no matter how ineffective it is and how many men die having accomplished nothing. And the WG is the main vehicle by which he does that, so he's fine with any means why which to better the WG.
That's not a guy I'd give any moral ground to just because if you abstract his basic philosophy can exist in a space where it might be considered reasonable after you've abstracted it away from the actual stuff that happened.
Not that I personally object to anything he did. The manga has failed to make me care about anyone in the series, so I'm A-OK with Akainu murdering pirates, marines, civilians, anybody he wants, for any reason at all. He's the closest one to have come to killing Luffy, and I can't help but like the guy for that. You go, you glorious magma motherfucker!
I just don't really see any moral argument working in his favor.
Well, what I'm saying is that he started off a man with dreams and aspirations to be the Pirate King. He had his youthful dreams crushed and became jaded because of it. He's not taking over Arabasta because he feels hatred towards its citizens or wants to see them suffer, it's a means to an end and, to him, part of the cruel reality he's come to accept. It's different from Enel who just got a really strong fruit and one day decided he was better than everyone else because he could kill them if he wanted to.
Hmm, I see your point. There really is no defense for his actions. That being said, my oopinion, although unclearly stated, was that Akainu was in the legal right, not necessarily the moral one. Of course law means jackshit in One Piece when a noble can kill whoever they want and buy slaves.
I just find it fascinating how you have this character who represents the face of law and order in the world be such a monster in enforcing it.
It makes me wonder what exactly will happen to the world if the Marines fall.
Okay so
- akainu who kills innocents
- blackbeard who is just a bad person and kills friends and 'family'
- caesar who uses children to experiment on them
- evil pudding who has fun in killing and manipulating people
are cool but guys like pedro and jinbei are lame? Edgelords!!
This thread rarely makes sense...
Okay so
- akainu who kills innocents
- blackbeard who is just a bad person and kills friends and 'family'
- caesar who uses children to experiment on them
- evil pudding who has fun in killing and manipulating people
are cool but guys like pedro and jinbei are lame? Edgelords!!
I think Pedro is cool but undeveloped, Jimbe is awesome and has great potential within the crew imo.
Jimbe helped Luffy to process the death of his brother and put him back on track, everybody calling him lame can shut up and leave this thread
Okay so
- akainu who kills innocents
- blackbeard who is just a bad person and kills friends and 'family'
- caesar who uses children to experiment on them
- evil pudding who has fun in killing and manipulating people
are cool but guys like pedro and jinbei are lame? Edgelords!!
I don't know why you're bringing up their evil deeds as if that somehow means we can't think of them as cool, like the character, love to hate them, etc. People do this with characters in all mediums. Coolness isn't inherently tied to someone being good or bad lol
And of course people would generally like the aforementioned characters more, they've all been far memorable up until this point. That isn't necessarily Pedro's fault since he's a new character (Though Pudding is newer...), but again, he's just been there for me so far. He's not lame, just... the most noticeably plain guy on Luffy's side right now.
Those who hate on Jinbe after everything he's done have no excuse though.
Jimbe helped Luffy to process the death of his brother and put him back on track, everybody calling him lame can shut up and leave this thread
He also caused Nami deep emotional what