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One Piece Manga |OT3| Anything You Can Gum I Can Gum Better

Ray Down

Blackbeard isn't going to kill 3 Yonkos.

Big team up to take down Kaido, Yonko's need to start going down or else the story is going to be even longer.

Ray Down

Shanks is destined to fight Blackbeard before Luffy does and will most likely die.

But him and Shanks will meet up and have a proper reunion before hand, that's what I think the Barto stuff will help lead too.


I only wear #teampudding and #hatecarrot



East Blue special was very enjoyable.

Needed Usopp's pirate group is disbanded scene though.
Or the 30 seconds of Usopp's mother flashback


East Blue Special was actually a pretty good represent of the manga, though even for a special the drawing weren't that good.

Toei won't give us a well drawn animated One Piece or Dragonball :( Wish One Punch Man or Hunter x Hunter quality would be the norm


Imo it has to do with Blackbeard devil fruit
"Nothing escapes darkness" iirc Blackbeard said that to ace.
He absorbed white beard's devil fruit before it left the body, it couldn't escape, making it part of the darkness.

If he could do that, then why not show that to everyone? Needing to throw a tarp over Whitebeard's body while he worked gels with my theory because it's something they absolutely wouldn't want people to see, which means it's a secret at best and something horrific at worst.

Also because there's an implication that Blackbeard's other lieutenants are "stealing" Devil Fruit powers too.


If he could do that, then why not show that to everyone? Needing to throw a tarp over Whitebeard's body while he worked gels with my theory because it's something they absolutely wouldn't want people to see, which means it's a secret at best and something horrific at worst.

Also because there's an implication that Blackbeard's other lieutenants are "stealing" Devil Fruit powers too.

Well...why show it to everyone? Everyones most likely figured out BB has a very weak defense, why show that him getting close to you basically means you lost? You have burgess running around with a fruit bag and knife so the devil fruit can transfer right to him, at this point I really don't think how he got WB's fruit is even that important. Him even having 2 fruits is still the burning question. You know vegapunk and the others have most likely already tried Multi-Fruit warriors, and unless they succeeded and it's still a secret, BB's body is still a mystery.
Saw Episode of Nami and it was great, so nostalgic. Still top 3 arc for me, it's perfect.

And the use of we are! at the end, holy shit i was in tears. So good.

Ray Down

I don't think I can even watch the new special (Had some stuff come up as I was about to watch), my mind has melted due to Twin Peaks finale.

Also as bad as I thought that stream was, last week one is worse!





So, this cake thing, I wonder how it's going to go. From my perspective, there's like 3 primary concerns regarding the cake for a lot of people:

1. The amount of time the cake will take to bake

So right now we're at that point in the arc where a lot of us are just about to ready to move on to Wano, if not already. Oda and co. hyping up said arc isn't helping matters either. But now... Sanji has to bake this cake. In One Piece, we often suspend our disbelief for a lot of things so long as it makes at least a little bit of sense, and Sanji is a master chef, but one can't help but wonder how long it'll take to bake the cake. Not to mention it will presumably have to be rather big, so that it can justifiably satisfy Big Mom's appetite. So with that in mind, it feels like a safe assumption that it will take a decent amount of time to bake it. If so, that sounds concerning, as the last thing we want at this stage is for us to waste a bunch of chapters waiting for it to be baked. Something like that happening gives me flashbacks of the Dressrosa arc, where we had stuff like Bellamy fighting Luffy, or those infamous 10 minutes that Luffy needed to recharge his Haki, both of which just aggravated many readers due to it making the arc unnecessarily drag when it mattered most. That said, I guess we have the Luffy v. Katakuri fight to entertain us while that's going down, or hell, maybe even Sanji will fight Daifuku or something. Or maybe Oda will be generous enough to off-screen the majority of the process, thus saving us time.

2. The execution (i.e. How will Big Mom be fed the cake)

So when the cake gets made, I wonder how they'll serve it to Big Mom. Will she just see it off in the distance or whatever, and then just basically jump towards it and devour it? Or as some have theorized, is Luffy going to "attack" her with the cake, mirroring what Jinbe did earlier in the arc:


I guess if it's the latter, it gives Oda a way to easily make this part of the arc culminate in a rather epic way, well, relatively speaking, depending on how he goes about it. It'd be the perfect blend of humor and epicness that One Piece is well known for. Maybe people complaining now about the cake plot point being lame wouldn't change their minds even if that did occur, but I believe it has the highest chance of doing so.

3. Big Mom's response

Now this is by far the most important point to consider, which is how exactly Big Mom will respond after eating the cake. I feel like this is one of the rare times, or maybe even the first time (due to everyone's high expectations for a Yonko), where it feels like Oda is walking on a tightrope of sorts regarding how this arc will more or less conclude. The way Big Mom responds after eating the cake could have people go back and say that Oda was right to end things like that, or maybe they'll feel further justified for saying that it was stupid to do it in the first place. Will Ch. 876 remain as one of the most divisive OP chapters ever? We'll have to see.

Off the top of my head, I guess there's like 3 main ways Oda can go about it:

#1 is that Big Mom eats the cake, and passes out due to how delicious it is, because she's full, etc.

This feels like the most likely option, as Sanji foreshadowed it in Ch. 876:


She'd pass out, with her rage obviously subsiding as a result, thus giving the Straw Hats an opening through which to finally leave WCI. The only issue is figuring out what the rest of Big Mom's forces will be up to at that point, whether or not they would let them leave or continue to obstruct them, how many of them are left, etc. Having a momentary truce that Big Mom herself enacts or agrees to seems... disappointing, to put it mildly. But if her children are doing it? Like maybe they just want some damn peace and quiet to get the island back in shape and what not, I could maybe buy that. Yea, fucking with Big Mom means fucking with them as well, but as we've seen, they are far more likely to be reasonable. That said, Katakuri at the very least poses a problem, as he's determined to kill Luffy, so unless Luffy's able to defeat him or at least be rid of him for the time being, a truce may be off the table regardless of whether Big Mom is conscious or not.

Alternatively, they could obviously just escape without setting up a truce with her crew. They get away successfully, and the BM crew just basically gives up, or have a lot of distance to cover before they catch up with the Straw Hats once more. Then when Big Mom comes to, she'll likely still feel angry for the numerous other ways the Straw Hats fucked her over, and give chase to them, but would be stalled enough that the Straw Hats either get through the Wano arc, or if Big Mom is bold enough, she could risk it all and be a part of the Wanos chaos herself if she's truly that vengeful towards Luffy. But yea, maybe at this point Luffy and co. don't give a shit about a legitimate truce, and just want to focus on getting away from the island for now.

#2 is that Big Mom eats the cake, doesn't pass out, and willingly agrees to have a temporary truce of sorts.

I feel like this is the least likely option, as it would be extremely out of character for her to do so. Big Mom is flat-out one of the cruelest characters in the series, and is known for being very uncompromising. And this is not even factoring in that she'd actually be more or less justified in wanting to kill them all, with her literally yelling that she'll never forgive them for destroying Mother Carmel's picture. Even with her being a glutton, with Sanji likely to make the best cake she's ever eaten, I don't know about her being forgiving enough to just drop it all. To recap, the Straw Hats and company have committed the following in this arc alone:

- Defeated Cracker, a Sweet Commander
- Thwarted her plans to murder the Germa 66 and take control of their army/technology
- Destroyed the wedding cake that she had planned on eating
- Destroyed the picture of Mother Carmel
- Freed several prisoners from Mont d'Or's book
- Was the indirect cause of the tamatebako exploding and collapsing the Chateau
- Attempted to assassinate her lmao

There might be some other stuff I'm forgetting, and I won't count anything that has happened while she's in her crazed state (except maybe Perospero being taken out by Pedro, but meh), but yea, Luffy and co. wrecked havoc while on WCI. To say it'd be a bad look for Big Mom to let bygones be bygones, even temporarily, would be a massive understatement in my opinion. Even moreso when it has been made clear that Luffy and co. are basically incapable of defeating her at this point in time, so she kind of has all the leverage here. I mean, I get it, a truce makes sense in that they may also need to make sure Big Mom won't go and start murdering their loved ones like Zeff (Or is that only the Germa 66 that were going to keep their word on that?) for example, but I dunno. Given what we know at this point in time, a truce seems like a very poor way to end things. At the same time, my memory's fuzzy regarding how far Big Mom will go. We know she'll kill loved ones if people don't attend her tea parties and what not, so I guess it'd be a reasonable assumption that she could do it out of revenge for ruining her plans. But I dunno, maybe Big Mom at this point would just target them specifically and chase them forever until they're dead. Pudding even said as much:


If they no longer have to worry about loved ones dying, if Big Mom isn't going to waste her time on that, then it definitely makes things a lot easier for our protagonists.

I think the only way a truce could potentially work without numerous readers thinking lesser of Big Mom is if it involved Luffy and co. (Or maybe just Luffy) doing the roulette thing and taking a chance at having their lifespan stolen or something. That way, they could have the truce, where Big Mom finally leaves them alone, but it comes with a catch/twist. But that happening is a stretch I suppose. The only reason I even consider it as a possibility is due to us knowing Big Mom likes to use the roulette. Not to mention the fact that Luffy is no stranger to recklessly reducing his lifespan, so it wouldn't be completely out of left field for him to agree to something like that. And presumably they could meet up in the future, giving him an opportunity to get said lifespan back, I dunno. Sad part is if this actually happened, I'd still probably be a little disappointed lol

#3 is that Big Mom eats the cake, and while she's happy for the meal and all, she still does not forgive them, she offers no truce.

While this is more fitting with her petty personality, the main issue with this being the result is that well... nothing would have really changed. She'd still rightfully be pissed off at them, and want to kill them. It'd be like cool, she got her cake, she isn't rampaging anymore, but then she and her crew would presumably go right back to trying to kill them, and if that happens, then it kind of makes the last couple of chapters somewhat pointless. Same thing for those who speculate that she'll want Sanji to be a part of her crew. If she doesn't pass out, and says something like that, then that will be an issue, considering that this arc happened to begin with because Luffy wanted to go and rescue Sanji. Because again, she's a person that always takes what she wants.


So overall, I feel like the best option is for her to pass out from Sanji's cake. There'll be other factors in play to figure out of course, but I feel like it does the best job of allowing the Straw Hats to escape, while also not making Big Mom look pathetic by having her offer/accept a truce. I feel like the bolded is what most people would prefer.

There's also other predictions, like Pudding's powers being used on Big Mom once she calms down (Acceptable I guess), or Luffy just deciding to kick her ass (LOL), but yea, I guess we'll see. I think this is the first arc where despite it being my most favorite NW arc yet, I feel like there's so many ways it could fuck up at the very end.


what if the cake becomes the new croquembouche for big mom because its so good? Where every food tantrum asks for that cake, the big mom pirates are screwed without those fancy ingredients XD
Great post Lotus!

I still think Pudding could play a bigger part, tbh. Her power is very convenient for this situation. I'm conflicted because people predicted the cake stuff, so maybe Oda will throw a twist at the end. Specially if we consider Luffy lol.


what if the cake becomes the new croquembouche for big mom because its so good? Where every food tantrum asks for that cake, the big mom pirates are screwed without those fancy ingredients XD

They'd probably be fine, they go out of their way to get ingredients for Big Mom anyhow.

Great post Lotus!

I still think Pudding could play a bigger part, tbh. Her power is very convenient for this situation. I'm conflicted because people predicted the cake stuff, so maybe Oda will throw a twist at the end. Specially if we consider Luffy lol.

Yea, I guess it'd be... fine if Pudding actually ended up using her powers on Big Mom. Maybe it could be a mix of Pudding using her powers while Big Mom is knocked out. That said, it could be easily neutralized by anyone else in BM's crew just reminding her of the situation they're in. Unless Pudding uses her abilities on everyone or something, I dunno...


Lotus with the emperor level post.

It would be funny if Big Mom just lets them go since they make them the cake. Cake solves all assasination attempts/psychological damage done!
Random thought;
It's strange the strawhats have not come across a wild devil fruit in all their journeys. There are like million of them ! But they never found one ?
Yea, I guess it'd be... fine if Pudding actually ended up using her powers on Big Mom. Maybe it could be a mix of Pudding using her powers while Big Mom is knocked out. That said, it could be easily neutralized by anyone else in BM's crew just reminding her of the situation they're in. Unless Pudding uses her abilities on everyone or something, I dunno...

Pudding going to Streusen to learn how to prepare the cake and seeing what happened to Mother Caramel seems likely.

Big One

Hrm you know with Twin Peaks last night, I have a question for you guys:

How would you guys feel if Oda left a lot of the mysteries in the series unresolved or ambiguous in their nature?

Oda already does little things like foreshadows big events and plotpoints through visuals. That bunny image for example could be one of them. However, One Piece is literally sprinkled with moments like that and a lot of them remain unresolved till this day. I would feel conflicted if something like this happened, because Oda is a master of resolution and building up to the climax of things, so I'd be disappointed if a lot of the stuff set up just never falls through in the end. However I think ambiguity is fine in a series like One Piece in some cases, FE I don't think we need to be explicitly told certain character's backstories like Akainu for example.


Hrm you know with Twin Peaks last night, I have a question for you guys:

How would you guys feel if Oda left a lot of the mysteries in the series unresolved or ambiguous in their nature?

Oda already does little things like foreshadows big events and plotpoints through visuals. That bunny image for example could be one of them. However, One Piece is literally sprinkled with moments like that and a lot of them remain unresolved till this day. I would feel conflicted if something like this happened, because Oda is a master of resolution and building up to the climax of things, so I'd be disappointed if a lot of the stuff set up just never falls through in the end. However I think ambiguity is fine in a series like One Piece in some cases, FE I don't think we need to be explicitly told certain character's backstories like Akainu for example.

I've always been a big believer in trying to make a story as authentic feeling as possible and in life, you don't really get everything wrapped up in a neat little bow, all mysteries solved, all questions answered. That just doesn't really happen because life always get a sequel: The next day.

So, all my story sensibilities lie in that yes, there will be or atleast should be a lot of mysteries left unresolved....but then again Oda seems determined to be utterly antithetical to my story sensibilities, so who knows.
I've always been a big believer in trying to make a story as authentic feeling as possible and in life, you don't really get everything wrapped up in a neat little bow, all mysteries solved, all questions answered. That just doesn't really happen because life always get a sequel: The next day.

So, all my story sensibilities lie in that yes, there will be or atleast should be a lot of mysteries left unresolved....but then again Oda seems determined to be utterly antithetical to my story sensibilities, so who knows.

I don't see how that makes it more "authentic". You don't always get everything wrapped up nicely in life because you have a limited perspective and a limited lifespan that ends outside your choosing. An author has none of these restrictions, so the only reason they'd leave things unanswered is because they choose to, which I hate.


Naruto's an example of what can go wrong if you try to explain every aspect of your universe. Eventually you hit one or more explanations that fall flat.
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