Get Inside Her!
Obviously still salty Wanda never came
Blackleg your avatar's been driving me nuts here I made you this.

Obviously still salty Wanda never came
lol don't be like that...I didn't do it show respect lmaoBlackleg your avatar's been driving me nuts here I made you this.
Part of me feels that way, but part of me also suspects Oda is going to do a TWEEST in this arc and reveal Carrot is the one that sold Zou out to Jack and there might be something there as well. That's the only way they can properly salvage Carrot as being a character that's more than just comedy relief, as well as establish a character arc of sorts with the dichotomy between Pedro's Inherited Will and her dedication to Kaido's crew and whether she wants to see the "Dawn of the World" under Kaido...or under Luffy.
I would say more like her good self.
That or a new true self when all is said and done.
Because there needs to be more to her than just wanting to go on adventure. That's Luffy's role in the series, while all the other Strawhats have clear and defined goals. I"m not saying that SHOULD be a twist, I'm saying Carrot needs a bit more than just a tragic Pedro death to kickstart her role as a Strawhat IF she were to join. For one, if Carrot had a goal of learning what the "Dawn of the World" actually means for example as her dream, or perhaps we'll learn more about it and why it's so important to the Minks and she can have that passed on down to her. All Strawhats had some sort of defined character arc at some point, and Carrot needs her's as well. Robin was the only exception to this rule cause she joined the crew way before she ever got a real backstory or arc, but she was hinted at having a mysterious past in Alabasta so something was there...unlike Carrot.
Blackleg your avatar's been driving me nuts here I made you this.
Now *there's* a cool idea. Evil Carrot would completely throw people after evil Pudding.
Evil carrot I'm dropping this manga
12 days to new chapter
12 days to new chapter
Evil Carrot feels redundant since we just had Pudding.
Veelk you don't get want you want ever though.
The only issue with that is the WG is racist as fuck. Doubt they put a Fishmen or a Mink in CP0. Though again, any sort of twist or angle for Carrot is more than welcome imo.Carrot is a secret CP0 agent, she and Stussy are gonna take down Kaido for kicks.
The only issue with that is the WG is racist as fuck. Doubt they put a Fishmen or a Mink in CP0. Though again, any sort of twist or angle for Carrot is more than welcome imo.
lol don't be like that...I didn't do it show respect lmao
I'm down for Carrot as well. She hits the right notes combat and personality wise.
She's going to calm down and be normal eventually but still have eyes for Sanji.
Evil carrot I'm dropping this manga
Why is her being good her "normal" self though lol
Because she's clearly going to be nice in the end.
One going to be more dominant than the other.You can be good and a bitch though. Pudding can have that.
Did big mom get her devil fruit power ....By eating her mother?
While a hint it still wouldn't explain how he didn't explode into a treeThat's the implication.
Opens up all kinds of horrible ideas to what Teach did to Whitebeard.
Ah missed the episodeAnime rekindled my hatred for the Vinsmokes.
Pretty much.Did big mom get her devil fruit power ....By eating her mother?
Pretty much.
lmao that's not what he said goddammit. He was assuming like ppl do with dragon before we even saw his fatherHoly shit, how could anyone think Judge was super strong, major fail on KoL.
Daifuku and Smotthie could kick his ass :topkek
While a hint it still wouldn't explain how he didn't explode into a tree
What was the state of his body after they were done with it
lmao that's not what he said goddammit. He was assuming like ppl do with dragon before we even saw his father
His line of thinking was flawed because the influence between the two is vast yes judge has enough pull to sway bounties and what not but dragon is the most wanted man and with that comes bounty hunters admirals etc dude has to be a monsterEven then I wouldn't ever put Judge as a top tier or compare him to the likes of Dragon.
no hxh, no dragon ball super and no one piece, wtf is this week
We got Knack soon, so all is good....
I think it does. My guess is there's some specific part of the body where the devil fruit power "lives," and that the way to pass it from one person to another is to ingest that part of the body before the Devil Fruit power *leaves* (so you eat them alive, as with Mother Carmel, or get them very shortly after death, as in Whitebeard).
The part that makes you explode is when that part of your body tries to absorb the second devil fruit power but explodes instead, but ingesting somebody else's is a loophole.
It's perhaps the case that Blackbeard discovered it, or that it's something people know about, but nobody does it because it's so abhorrent.
O good I'm not the only one bothered by that side of the fan art community? Why the pudding you drawing the man all happy with his damn family lolBut you denounced your lineage.
But stupid fans try to draw you happy with your shit lord family.
O good I'm not the only one bothered by that side of the fan art community? Why the pudding you drawing the man all happy with his damn family lol
Lmao all them blonde picsVinsmokes artist got fuck with the hair color reveal was hilarious.