I'm hip
Lol I'm like Man God in that I'd love to have both... but this ain't a perfect world. Meanwhile Carrot has actually shown that she's capable of fighting (And it's close-range at that, which has
always been how I wanted a 3rd female member to fight) whereas Pudding has yet to show any clear offensive capabilities. Like, that is literally all I need to see in order to take Pudding more seriously as someone that may very well join. Like obviously there's other "required" criteria for the both of them, but I want to know if Pudding can fight.
Personality-wise, it's pretty even for the most part, as I enjoy both of them. That said, I guess Carrot is more consistent, or more accurately, she's less likely to one day irritate me? (I don't think Pudding will though, but I do get the arguments of why people are slowly getting fed up with her characterization) She got her mink quirks and charming naivety, and is also rather similar to Luffy in a lot of ways, like being carefree for instance. (That little touch of her jumping away from Prometheus' attack in a more lax manner compared to the rest of the gang was great for example) while Pudding has her evil trollish streak/demeanor, which may potentially fully devolve (Or evolve if you're into that) into tsundere/yandere tendencies, if not already.
I'm on the why not both train, but Pudding is probably going to be involved a bunch and I see Carrot sticking around.
If I had to choose one...I'd chose Carrot.
Can't get on the why not both train because for me it's always been Jinbe and one other person, and then that would presumably be it, with Luffy leading 10 members of the Straw Hat crew.
If Pedro is dead I could see Carrot inheriting his will and joining the crew, yeah. She really doesn't have anywhere else to go and she desires to travel the world as well. What if Pedro's story on Whole Cake Island is Carrot's tragic backstory? It just isn't told in a flashback.
I don't think Pedro has to die for this to happen, (Mainly because Oda is iffy when it comes to actually killing people) but this does seem to be the first genuinely traumatic thing that Carrot has experienced since joining Luffy and co., judging by her reaction, which even has her having a larger reaction panel than everyone else. That said, anyone using this chapter to say Carrot's joining at the end of the arc is setting themselves up for disappointment. As for this being the tragic backstory, eh, maybe? I definitely won't be surprised if Oda is subverting things here and there due to it being over 9 years since Brook joined, not to mention he's saying multiple members will join in succession or whatever. And then of course it's pretty much being subverted already with Jinbe, who has in the works to join the crew for years now, we just needed to get Luffy to a point where he isn't inviting a Warlord that's stronger than him.
I don't know about her not having anywhere else to go though. She obviously has the Minks and Zou. Unless you mean like for the immediate Wano arc. Because yea, it's obvious that she'd be leaving with them to go to Wano. And it's very unlikely that she'll suddenly break off from the Straw Hats and go join the Mink alliance instead. Wondering where she'll go when Wano's over, that's the real question. I disagree with those saying she might be a Commander or something, that's not something either Luffy or Carrot would go for. She's not really someone you'd trust with a leadership position, especially when you have several Mink characters that seem to be far more reliable in that regard. (Wanda, Neko, Inamushi, Pedro to name some examples) And Luffy ain't the type to tell someone to be a commander or whatever; if he likes you like that, he's just going to tell you to straight up join the crew itself.
But yea, my stance for awhile now has always been that Carrot would have further characterization in Wano. Would be somewhat fitting too considering the animal theme that'd be present in Wano, between the Minks that will be there, as well as Kaido's Zoan army. At the same time, I'm not that surprised that Oda planted at least one seed in this arc. Where she's going to go from here, who knows, but as always, I'm watching lmao