I really don't like how Hordy was able to take every punch from all-new Luffy and just eat more Energy Steroids to get stronger(&faster). Like, 5 times, at the end he even surpassed him kinda (Luffy should have been still be faster AND predict his attacks via Haki).
After getting cut by Zorro and eating tons of it to turn grey, THAT should have been his limit before the drug kills him or something. I would have been fine with having a totally underpowered villain and just making Noah the main threat for Luffy to solve. (though he didn't really solve it anyway as he promised NOT to destroy it... Decken is just unconscious in the story.. I would have though that was on purpose to being able to save the day using him, but nope, just the usual no-one-dies in OP)
That part was anime filler I believe. I don't remember Hordy ever putting up that much of a fight in the manga.
It was supposed to be over in the last episode.
I I could have sworn that Hordy did try to get up but got instantly slapped down by Luffy Elephant Gatling'ing Noah.
Yup thats right...but the anime apparently wanted to make luffy not seem TOO invincible XD
Someone better gif happy dancing monster chopper!
and laser reactions.
LOL. I'm so glad I don't take you seriously anymore, you would infuriate me so much.Finally this awful Skypeia arc is over. I do not know what Oda was thinking when he penned this but he should have definitely gone back to the drawing board or something. This is one of those cases where I wish he had been inspired by Mashima, of Fairy Tail the other grande adventure battle shounen writer of the age, to learn how to structure his arcs in such a way as to continuously keep my attention. Skypeia was plagued far too much with fights no one cared about, history that was just dull and placed in the worst places, themes that are just boring, and an antagonist that is just awful. Even worst, how the arc concluded is just really unsatisfactory. I thought the anime would make it better but it just made it just as bad. This arc is truly the worst canon arc in all shounen anime that I have seen and experienced, just as bad as this anime's portrayal of Davy Back.Enel simply just not even being defeated and going off to space
fuck this episode. god it pissed me off so much. what the hell was luffy doing jobbing to hodi so damn much? the point of this arc was to show how much the strawhats had powered up. luffy getting his ass kicked and coming from behind was not the way to show it. usopps attack looked really weak as well. didn't like sanji's attack all that much.
Agreed. But then the way I see it, that's all Zoro needed to do, a frog is no match for him.I'd say Zoro's was the most unimpressive. Looked the same as a regular Onigiri.
Yeah the filler in 566 was very poorly done...Hody is nothing to Luffy in the manga. Hody gets destroyed by Red Hawk and then a few seconds later pounded by Elephant Gun. Toei's efforts are pathetic at this stage
I recommend people read the manga from now on, and then when they're caught up, watch the anime.
I will agree, the anime did a piss-poor job on this fight. It was supposed to be a curbstomp battle.
In Funimation news, Rightstuf shipped my copy of Season 4 Volume 2 despite not coming out until the 30th. I know they ship stuff like 2 weeks in advance, but normally not an entire month. Ah well, at least I get to see Funimation's Kuzan.
Dedication Through Light hates on it a lot. So that means it's awesome.I've noticed that I'm deliberately holding myself back from watching too much of this at once. I'm loving the fact that I have hundreds of episodes to watch so much that I don't want to be caught up ever.
I've read a lot of whining about Skypiea, which is upcoming for me. Is it objectively worse than what came before or is it a vocal minority thing or what?
I've noticed that I'm deliberately holding myself back from watching too much of this at once. I'm loving the fact that I have hundreds of episodes to watch so much that I don't want to be caught up ever.
I've read a lot of whining about Skypiea, which is upcoming for me. Is it objectively worse than what came before or is it a vocal minority thing or what?
I've noticed that I'm deliberately holding myself back from watching too much of this at once. I'm loving the fact that I have hundreds of episodes to watch so much that I don't want to be caught up ever.
I've read a lot of whining about Skypiea, which is upcoming for me. Is it objectively worse than what came before or is it a vocal minority thing or what?
Thanks to speedy shipping, I got my DVD in. Kuzan/Aokiji sounds great, as does Kokoro and Chimney.
Season 4 Volume 3 comes in December, I have that pre-ordered too.
I should really start ordering from rightstuf instead of amazon, but that stiff 49$ for free ground shipping is too hard to justify for one dvd, especially, since AMZN prime and all.
Who is the VA for Aokiji?
fuck this episode. god it pissed me off so much. what the hell was luffy doing jobbing to hodi so damn much? the point of this arc was to show how much the strawhats had powered up. luffy getting his ass kicked and coming from behind was not the way to show it. usopps attack looked really weak as well. didn't like sanji's attack all that much.
To me I really love the Water 7 arc
what is this "revenge" hordy keeps going on about
such a terrible villain
So I just finished with the Mermaid Island arc. Was it just me, or was the story mostly useless except to showcase the new powers of the Straw Hat Pirates? Also,Sanji can fly now, that's hilarious.
what is this "revenge" hordy keeps going on about
such a terrible villain
Several points of interest happen
- Shows off post time skip powers for SH
- Jimbei- Luffybasically says he'll join the SH at a later time- Introduction of ShirahosiChallenges the emperor Lin setting up that fight- Reveals motivation forReveals she is Posiedon one of the 3 weapons- Shows fishman's desire to join the surface world, and that meeting of kings is happening soonArlong and expands upon Boa's story of how she escaped slavery
Much of the story is setting up events that we will see eventually in the plot. Saying the story of this arc is useless right now is extremely short sighted, it'd be like saying the Laboon and Little Garden arcs were useless, they didn't establish much right away but they came back to play major roles in later stories.
The truth about Hordy isThat there is no hidden reason, he is just a fishman who was raised in a racist environment and became the very thing the royal family/fishman tiger feared. Hordy believes he was given divine power to eradicate all humans and fishman who ally themselves with fishman. It may not be as complex as past villains, but it fits thematically with the story the arc told