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One Piece Thread (redux)


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
No love for "Brand New World"? What a great OP, its a shame it only lasted like 6 episodes lol

That's definitely one of my biggest annoyances with the series. Brand New World was great, then it was replaced with the Straw Hats singing We Are for the recaps, and instead of going back to BNW they went to a new song. What a disappointment.

I'm hoping "We Go" isn't permanent at this point. I know Toriko has had "Guts Guts" for its entire run (87 episodes so far) so I hope this isn't Toei being cheap again.


No love for "Brand New World"? What a great OP, its a shame it only lasted like 6 episodes lol

Oh my god yes. Aside from 'We Are' it is my favorite opening. Too bad it didn't last for the arc (despite having several key scenes in it) and got replaced by something I can't remember.

Most of the One piece Openings tend to be good but I really hope they change 'We Go' soon.


That's definitely one of my biggest annoyances with the series. Brand New World was great, then it was replaced with the Straw Hats singing We Are for the recaps, and instead of going back to BNW they went to a new song. What a disappointment.

I'm hoping "We Go" isn't permanent at this point. I know Toriko has had "Guts Guts" for its entire run (87 episodes so far) so I hope this isn't Toei being cheap again.

Eh it depends how much you like the song. Depature! in HxH is great and I am glad it stuck around. I am also glad JoJo kept Roundabout for it's ending.

Sorry for the double post. I was listening to BNW and it always gets me riled up.
That is what the word haki means, yes.

Jozu uses the term in 316. As his crewmates are dropping like flies to Shanks' Haoushoku, he says "sugei haki da na." Pretty unmistakable that he's talking about the power knocking all of his bros out.

Apparently Teach also uses the term haki back in Jaya too, though from the context (talking about Luffy's bounty boost after taking out Crocodile) he may have actually meant it as just "ambition" as opposed to haki power.

I don't understand what your point is, though. Haki was, at least in part, technically a mystery all the way until the very last chapter of part 1. It was never clearly or adequately explained in detail prior to that, and everything we knew about it came from "hints" like the one on Whitebeard's ship that accumulated over time. But by that incident with Shanks, all three variations of haki had already appeared (some numerous times, just without the haki label) and the name applied to the power had already been used in conjunction with said power. No matter how you slice it, haki had been introduced to the series by that point, even if the audience didn't completely understand what it was (or even necessarily that the disparate appearances of it were all related). Oda, if nothing else, knew exactly what haki was at least by that point, assuming he didn't always know what it was.

My point is that filler writers don't.


A little ot, but where are you guys getting your avatars from?



If you want one, just go on that thread and ask Neoriceisgood when he has time for taking up requests!

Anyway....beside "We are" I liked "Fight together". The song fit well for the time it was introduced, along with I really like the flashback part of Luffy recruiting everyone.


I think someone in ManGAF was makin' them. :eek:

Check the official Manga thread in OT Community. A user called Neoriceisgood is making them.



If you want one, just go on that thread and ask Neoriceisgood when he has time for taking up requests!
Wow, thats awesome! They are really well made, too.


Funi's Hikari E was brilliant.

What does Funimation have to do with Toei's song selection or The Babystars? I'm pretty sure the song would have remained the same regardless of Funimation's existence, considering they didn't even start translating One Piece until years after those episodes had already been made.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
What does Funimation have to do with Toei's song selection or The Babystars? I'm pretty sure the song would have remained the same regardless of Funimation's existence, considering they didn't even start translating One Piece until years after those episodes had already been made.

He was just saying that Funimation's English version of Hikari E was really well done. That's it.


He was just saying that Funimation's English version of Hikari E was really well done. That's it.

Oh, I didn't know they did a dubbed version. I guess they did a decent job of keeping most of the ideas of the song, props to that. Not a fan of what I just heard on YouTube, but I've never cared of dubs, and I dislike the idea of dubbing songs even more. I do like hikari he, it's a good song, and has a fun opening animation.

Edit: let's start this new page off right. What's everyone's favorite ending theme (yeah, it's been a long time since they had one, I know). Mine is Memories.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
What makes Franky a hard character to dub is that Oda specifically designed him for Kazuki Yao after hearing his Bon Clay performance.
Hopefully Patrick Seitz will relax into the role by Season 5.


That's way too far in for me, but so far I'm enjoying all the English(Funimation) voice acting 50 episodes in. Nami in particular impressed me during the Arlong arc.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I like it. You can't do anything close to the Japanese voice in English. Just can't work.

True, his voice is difficult to pull off in English. Like I've said, English Franky will take some getting used to.

Also, here's Funimation's Bon Clay voice (another character voiced by Kazuki Yao). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAuqEFOMkTQ
It definitely works here, and is leagues ahead of what 4Kids gave him *shudders*
Edit: let's start this new page off right. What's everyone's favorite ending theme (yeah, it's been a long time since they had one, I know). Mine is Memories.

Ive only seen the ending themes dubbed. But Id probably have this as my favorite so far.

Ending 11 - A-Z come back to your friends, come back to your friends, come back to your friends, come back to your friends, come back to your friends, come back to your friends, come back to your friends! yeah!

Ending 4 is a close second
Ending 5 is third.


4kids Bon Clay. His Funi voices (much like the rest) are fine.

4kids Bon Clay sounds like a white guy trying to speak like a jive talking black woman. It is all sorts of wrong.
I'm getting this morbid curiosity to look up 4Kids Bon Clay. I'm sure its horrifying.


4kids dub was my first introduction to One Piece. It's why I never gave OP a shot until a couple weeks ago. I thought the show was just like that!

I don't know why it took me so long to figure out Funimation did a dub as well.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Holy shit! I just looked this up. And wow, the 4kids version has different music as well. Was it playing pretty much during every scene? Because it is during this clip.

holy shit zolo :lol :lol

Yes, music was ALWAYS playing. There was never a quiet moment as 4Kids had the belief that silence will bore the audience. Also known as lull destruction. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LullDestruction
It wasn't even good music, it was this generic as hell synthesizer that blared over every scene.

... What fresh hell was that?
I never saw that before. That awful rock song and all that mismatched dialogue.
It feels like 4Kids gave up at this point since Funimation had the rights now and they were just pushing out the remaining episodes.



I'm not sure if Sanji has a Brooklyn accent so much as a serious case of sounding like he's not anywhere near the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Memories, Eternal Pose, Run! Run! Run! are probably my top 3.

Good choices. I like early 2000's jpop, and they all fit it to a T.

True, his voice is difficult to pull off in English. Like I've said, English Franky will take some getting used to.

Also, here's Funimation's Bon Clay voice (another character voiced by Kazuki Yao). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAuqEFOMkTQ
It definitely works here, and is leagues ahead of what 4Kids gave him *shudders*

Thank goodness you posted the link, would have been trying to figure out who that character is all evening otherwise. They really translated 盆暮れ to Bon Clay? Strange, why not go all the way and call him Ben Clay?

Ive only seen the ending themes dubbed. But Id probably have this as my favorite so far.

Ending 11 - A-Z come back to your friends, come back to your friends, come back to your friends, come back to your friends, come back to your friends, come back to your friends, come back to your friends! yeah!

Ending 4 is a close second
Ending 5 is third.

Ending 4 is pretty cool, I like the Lupin Sansei feel to it.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Seriously, most of the direct ways to describe what Sanji's 4kids voice actually sound like would get me a perma.

I see what you're trying to get at, and I can kind of see it. Personally I like to think of 4Kids Sanji as the lovechild of Wheeler from Captain Planet and Dr. Girlfriend from The Venture Bros. With a little bit of Tony Danza.

Thank goodness you posted the link, would have been trying to figure out who that character is all evening otherwise. They really translated 盆暮れ to Bon Clay? Strange, why not go all the way and call him Ben Clay?

Bon Clay is the acceptable English translation. Viz uses it, 4Kids used it, and Funimation uses it. I know it's actually Bon Kurei, named after a day in the Obon Festival (keeping with the day theme of Baroque Works) but "L/R" rule took place here. Kind of like Krillin over Kuririn.


Master of the Google Search
Haki was explicitly mentioned, as haki, in episode 316. Ten episodes before the Ice Hunter Arc. In that particular case, though, it was Haoushoku Haki.

But as I said, I'm specifically talking about arnament haki as it had not been previously set up that "ambition" could armor a character against attacks or devil fruit powers. Though it was frequently theorized that something had to work as such.

Thank goodness you posted the link, would have been trying to figure out who that character is all evening otherwise. They really translated 盆暮れ to Bon Clay? Strange, why not go all the way and call him Ben Clay?
Bon Clay is the acceptable English translation. Viz uses it, 4Kids used it, and Funimation uses it. I know it's actually Bon Kurei, named after a day in the Obon Festival (keeping with the day theme of Baroque Works) but "L/R" rule took place here. Kind of like Krillin over Kuririn.
Only the original Japanese manga romanizes it as "Bon Kurei" (well that and obvious intentions of the name...)

The name is romanized as "Bon Clay" in the japanese video games as well as pronounced as such in the anime. And since the english fandom uses "Bon Clay" too, Funimation went with it. Its a rather weird situation really.

What makes Franky a hard character to dub is that Oda specifically designed him for Kazuki Yao after hearing his Bon Clay performance.
Hopefully Patrick Seitz will relax into the role by Season 5.
Yeah. Since the voice is so hard to replicate, Funimation and Seitz seems to be trying to base the voice on Franky's characterization as an "American thug/gangster". Which works. I'm just curious how Seitz will alter his Franky voice as Franky transitions from a thug character to more of a wacky character.

Similarly, I'm interested in how Sonny Strait changes his Usopp voice as Usopp's characterization changes substantially by the end of the Enies Lobby arc. Reading interviews it seems the voice directors have already forewarned Strait about it so it should be interesting (how he did "THE FIGHT" bodes well). The same with Stephanie Young with Robin too.


Only the original Japanese manga romanizes it as "Bon Kurei" (well that and obvious intentions of the name...)

The name is romanized as "Bon Clay" in the japanese video games as well as pronounced as such in the anime. And since the english fandom uses "Bon Clay" too, Funimation went with it. Its a rather weird situation really.

Yet, they decided to stick with "Eneru" instead of "Enel". Eneru still sounds weird to me... the "ru" syllable is so often localized as "l", and I had been calling him Enel for years by the time FUNi, and even Viz, reached Skypiea.


Master of the Google Search
Yet, they decided to stick with "Eneru" instead of "Enel". Eneru still sounds weird to me... the "ru" syllable is so often localized as "l", and I had been calling him Enel for years by the time FUNi, and even Viz, reached Skypiea.

Eneru/Enel (エネル) is based upon the the japanese word for energy (エネルギー) so going with Eneru would be appropriate imo


Yeah, my only experience with any of the translations is this thread, so all the decisions seem odd to me. I guess Bon Clay is as good as any, I just hadn't seen it before. That and I don't think names should be a thing that is translated. But I guess the meaning would have been lost anyway as no one in the states has any idea about Japanese Buddhist traditions.

Any recommendations on games (DS/PSP/PS3)? The only one I have played was ギアスピリット and that was kind of unsatisfactory.
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