Chie Satonaka
I swear to god I have no idea how people as thin as Robin and Nami can hold up those colossal boobs.
Don't question it. Accept it. Embrace it. Love it. <3
I swear to god I have no idea how people as thin as Robin and Nami can hold up those colossal boobs.
I swear to god I have no idea how people as thin as Robin and Nami can hold up those colossal boobs.
DTL JUST BROKE CHARACTER.It can happen. I have a friend that's skinny but also has enormous breasts. Even she doesn't know how it happened.
Wait, did I just see DTL post a gif of a female character?
Overlaying Film Z footage with We Go made me chuckle and then weep bitterly as I realized I wont be able to see the movie by the time I graduate in three+ years. Looked really good. Ive been waiting so long for one moment in this and it was so good even with Luffy's voice and silly face. Hope this arc is a good improvement over the manga form and cant wait forTraffy
It can happen. I have a friend that's skinny but also has enormous breasts. Even she doesn't know how it happened.
Wait, did I just see DTL post a gif of a female character?
Not of her breasts.? But I have posted a gif of Robin before
Whoa. I haven't seen the anime since the end of Water 7 (mostly just watching the dub now, so I'll probably properly catch up when it gets there) and just watched a few clips as I was bored and..what on earth happened to Robin? She looks like a completely different character! I mean, the fanservice has slowly been creeping up ever since the start, but now going to be impossible to ignore.
On a more positive note, or well, more positive for me, the Funimation dub is really well done. It was kind of weak in the beginning but by the time it gets to Nami's arc it really starts being awesome. The Water 7 episodes have been fantastic too.
I haven't been watching anything of the show for a week now, mostly to prevent OP burnout and I spent all my free time watching Awesome Games Done Quick. I'm gonna get back to watching tomorrow, and I know that a lot of episodes after Skypiea are filler. So, what episodes from 196 (start of G-8) to 227 (beginning of Water 7) are worth watching?
Whoa. I haven't seen the anime since the end of Water 7 (mostly just watching the dub now, so I'll probably properly catch up when it gets there) and just watched a few clips as I was bored and..what on earth happened to Robin? She looks like a completely different character! I mean, the fanservice has slowly been creeping up ever since the start, but now going to be impossible to ignore.
On a more positive note, or well, more positive for me, the Funimation dub is really well done. It was kind of weak in the beginning but by the time it gets to Nami's arc it really starts being awesome. The Water 7 episodes have been fantastic too.
I haven't been watching anything of the show for a week now, mostly to prevent OP burnout and I spent all my free time watching Awesome Games Done Quick. I'm gonna get back to watching tomorrow, and I know that a lot of episodes after Skypiea are filler. So, what episodes from 196 (start of G-8) to 227 (beginning of Water 7) are worth watching?
It's more a fault of Oda's terrible art style (when it comes to female characters) so you can't fault the anime too much.
Whoa. I haven't seen the anime since the end of Water 7 (mostly just watching the dub now, so I'll probably properly catch up when it gets there) and just watched a few clips as I was bored and..what on earth happened to Robin? She looks like a completely different character! I mean, the fanservice has slowly been creeping up ever since the start, but now going to be impossible to ignore.
Also, thanks for the guidance BatDan and Metatron
As someone who is only 50 episodes in so far, this looks fucking hilarious to me. Please tell me Nami doesn't look like this too?
Well there was a..short timeskip
I'm too early in to be worrying about that stuff. I'm just gonna assume there is a perfectly logical reason for why she looks like that now lol.
This kind of explains it perfectly. Its how i feel about it too.Nah, the anime has really fucked Robin up. Specifically ever since the timeskip. Oda's design of her is a little questionable now, but it just requires very precise drawings to not make her look like an idiot. Alas, the anime's drawings are FAR from "precise," so she looks inbred 9 times out of 10. Really a shame, I used to love Robin. GUESS NAMI WILL HAVE TO DO.
I'm too early in to be worrying about that stuff. I'm just gonna assume there is a perfectly logical reason for why she looks like that now lol.
A reason? I thought most of the shonen mangaka just arbitrarily make them bigger and bigger each arc in their series for no reason.
I think the bigger issue is the type of outfits Oda gives them, it never makes sense for their outfits, Nami and Robin alternate with having clothes that show too much skin or for Robin shes way too olde to be wearing such clothes.
He has nothing else for them to do other than have breasts, so.......
Well, she can snap your neck with her mind. That's sort of cheap.Isn't Robin the Fugo (JJBA) of One Piece? A power that's insanely cheap and hard to write fights for?
Isn't Robin the Fugo (JJBA) of One Piece? A power that's insanely cheap and hard to write fights for?
What's even worse is thesomehow made her powers even more broken. Without any definition on what her limits are I wonder what point Robin has on the crew besides spouting exposition and forgetting to use her powers. It is a shame because all the best arcs in One piece (Alabasta and Enies) all revolved around Robin and she has probably the most interesting backstory.time skip
That really wasn't about Robin until the end of it. It was about Vivi saving her country.
When were the last major fights Nami/Robin had?
30 is way too old to be wearing a long skirt and a shirt that shows some cleavage?
Isn't the whole point of the movies to sell toys and merch? The manga is telling a story, the anime is adapting that story into motion along with selling toys.
By the way, objecting to a 30 year old woman wearing skirts and cleavage-bearing tops, but no problems with the 36 year old man running around in a speedo. Double standards?
Toei's Licensing One Piece Film Z in the US and Europe
Well...that was quick. Certainly not comlaining though.