I'm not up to the timeskip yet (far from it) but I like the designs of all the pre-timeskip main characters better.![]()
Yeah I loved the way the characters looked in the old designs, the worst is what happened to Nami and Robin.
I'm not up to the timeskip yet (far from it) but I like the designs of all the pre-timeskip main characters better.![]()
what does that even mean? doesnt funimation already get the one piece license from toei or at least Ive never seen toei release anything here in the us.Toei's Licensing One Piece Film Z in the US and Europe
Well...that was quick. Certainly not comlaining though.
To be fair, that's a particularly bad and exaggerated shot in an episode where she was notably over-endowed compared to even her normal ridiculous proportions.
Nami isn't QUITE that bad, but close. Also Nami tends to be wearing less than Robin...
Just finished the Warship Island/Apis filler arc. I kinda spaced out for most of it, lol. I'm getting the only filler material in there is the, right?calm belt
You mean canon material?
And yes, the scene in the Calm Belt happened in the manga. The difference is that instead of Apis falling off the ship and getting saved by Luffy, it was Usopp.
EDIT: Heh, just saw your ninja edit.
Shes way too old for this
If that display is for Z, and it looks like it is, it's probably of when she is 18.
YESSeems like I'm still pretty spaced out after watching that =P
Nothing seemed to happen until the very end. Oh well, hopefully the next few canon arcs are as interesting as the Arlong one was.
Yeah I loved the way the characters looked in the old designs, the worst is what happened to Nami and Robin.
I really liked the way they looked 5000 episodes ago.
How come the Anime has to release every week. Couldn't pacing be improved if it was released in 'seasons'. At least, why aren't edited DVDs/Blu-Rays released which closely follow the manga. The Marine ford arc could be so exciting if half of it wasn't just silence and slow motion.
Because it is used to sell toys. I'd rather there be filler and have it be slower paced than not airing. If you want the manga, read the manga.
281: Pretty funny, like where the story's going, should be a good arc.
Z: Had some pretty cool stuff in it, things that I had long wondered if existed in the OP world. The story was so so, but it had a lot of fan service. I preferred Strong World's plot more, but Z has some pretty slick fights.海楼石の弾 kairouseki no tama, sorry I have no clue what Funi calls it, bullets made out of the stone with the same power as the sea
This is gonna be kind of random, but I just rewatched Ace's death on youtube, and why was Luffy trying to get Ace's vivre card when Ace and Akainu are right in front of him? Ace is being stared down by Akainu and Luffy's just crawling around trying to get the card. Doesn't really make any sense.
Just asking because I haven't seen that bit in a while so I kind of forgot what happened. I may need to go back a couple of minutes or just watch the entire episode over.
Also, I was reading One Piece volume 57, and found something wrong. When Whitebeard dies, they claimed that he never had a scar or anything on his back because he never ran, but didn't Squard, like, stick a sword entirely through Whitebeard? Meaning that he should have a giant gash in his back where it came out the other side.
I think they meant a scar that began on his back. He never ran so the enemy never got a chance to strike his back. As Zoro put it waaay back in his "fight" with Mihawk "Scars on a swordsman back are his shame". Similar idea applies here.
This is gonna be kind of random, but I just rewatched ...
why did I check this thread WHYYYYY
Yeeeeah you need to be careful in this thread. Unmarked spoilers everywhere.
By the way, Snape killed Dumbledore, Vader is Luke's father, and Rosebud was his sled.
why did I check this thread WHYYYYY
Do you really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and post unmarked spoilers?why did I check this thread WHYYYYY
Just marathoned all of Fishman Island.
I no longer consider Skypiea the most boring arc.
Please tell me Punk Hazard is better.
Being a huge fan of Sanji, im truly looking forward to. But i just have a feeling Toei is gonna extend the fight which will be cool, but make it look like sanji cant keep up with a vice admiral. I watched Zoro vs Hordy and the manga version had the fight be like maybe 2 pages and zoro one shot hordy. But the anime version, they made zoro seem like he was weak, and i just know Toei will do the same with sanji's next big fight. Also can Toei make a new opening already, love We Go, but damn, Fishman Island is over, lets move alongSanji vs Vergo
why did I check this thread WHYYYYY
Also can Toei make a new opening already, love We Go, but damn, Fishman Island is over, lets move along
I agree. Sorry to anyone who got spoiled by my post, I went back and spoiler tagged two parts.Well its better than Skypeia and Fishman Island.
Do think major character deaths should at least mostly be spoiler tagged, I mean, common courtesy.
I glanced at it but I'm only 60 episodes in so I have no clue what you're talking about =P
But please, spoiler tag any major spoilers. I'm still going through this for the first time =(
I glanced at it but I'm only 60 episodes in so I have no clue what you're talking about =P
But please, spoiler tag any major spoilers. I'm still going through this for the first time =(
Just don't read this thread lol probably just best to post your thoughts/opinions quickly and escape
Current chapter discussion isn't very welcomed here, I believe, so I'll make it short!Punk Hazard has been good so far, however it is still isn't finished yet in the Manga.
*Uber heavy big spoilers, do NOT read unless up to date with manga*
I really hope we see the proper results of the time-skip training, it would be awesome if the Straw-Hats just destroyed Doflamingo or are at least level with him. I really don't want an Enel situation where the fighting just last ages because the enemy managed to pull some cheap trick.
So I just finished episode 236...
these feels man. :'(
Water 7 is starting a lot stronger than Alabasta was.
So I just finished episode 236...
these feels man. :'(
Water 7 is starting a lot stronger than Alabasta was.
I feel water seven was one of the top 3 arcs, a little after Enies and Alabasta. Some people probably wouldn't agree, but the interactions between the crew were definitely top class. Great ark.