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One Piece Thread (redux)


To be fair, that's a particularly bad and exaggerated shot in an episode where she was notably over-endowed compared to even her normal ridiculous proportions.

Nami isn't QUITE that bad, but close. Also Nami tends to be wearing less than Robin...


oda's wife must have serious back problems by now


Just finished the Warship Island/Apis filler arc. I kinda spaced out for most of it, lol. I'm guessing the only canon material in there is the
calm belt
, right?


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Just finished the Warship Island/Apis filler arc. I kinda spaced out for most of it, lol. I'm getting the only filler material in there is the
calm belt
, right?

You mean canon material?
And yes, the scene in the Calm Belt happened in the manga. The difference is that instead of Apis falling off the ship and getting saved by Luffy, it was Usopp.

EDIT: Heh, just saw your ninja edit.


You mean canon material?
And yes, the scene in the Calm Belt happened in the manga. The difference is that instead of Apis falling off the ship and getting saved by Luffy, it was Usopp.

EDIT: Heh, just saw your ninja edit.

Seems like I'm still pretty spaced out after watching that =P

Nothing seemed to happen until the very end. Oh well, hopefully the next few canon arcs are as interesting as the Arlong one was.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
If that display is for Z, and it looks like it is, it's probably of when she is 18.

Read though some Film Z spoilers.
That makes sense, Robin was de-aged to a teenager. I doubt that display is really Nami as she was de-aged to a child.
Yeah I loved the way the characters looked in the old designs, the worst is what happened to Nami and Robin.

I don't like most of the new designs but Franky is still my least favorite. He looks better in the anime than the manga but I still miss mobile Franky. He's so big now he's built stuff to move him around.




I really liked the way they looked 5000 episodes ago.

:'( the good old days when nami & robin didn't dress like or look like cheap hookers.

I wish nami & robin would at least have the decency to cover up especially nami I absolutely her outfit, she keeps putting on jumper or hoody on then keeps bloody taking it off.

op 581

OK this episode was hilarious all the way through.

Luffy & legs, ussop wa shock and puzzle faces.


How come the Anime has to release every week. Couldn't pacing be improved if it was released in 'seasons'. At least, why aren't edited DVDs/Blu-Rays released which closely follow the manga. The Marine ford arc could be so exciting if half of it wasn't just silence and slow motion.


How come the Anime has to release every week. Couldn't pacing be improved if it was released in 'seasons'. At least, why aren't edited DVDs/Blu-Rays released which closely follow the manga. The Marine ford arc could be so exciting if half of it wasn't just silence and slow motion.

Because it is used to sell toys. I'd rather there be filler and have it be slower paced than not airing. If you want the manga, read the manga.

281: Pretty funny, like where the story's going, should be a good arc.
Z: Had some pretty cool stuff in it, things that I had long wondered if existed in the OP world
海楼石の弾 kairouseki no tama, sorry I have no clue what Funi calls it, bullets made out of the stone with the same power as the sea
. The story was so so, but it had a lot of fan service. I preferred Strong World's plot more, but Z has some pretty slick fights.


This is gonna be kind of random, but I just rewatched
Ace's death
on youtube, and why was Luffy trying to get Ace's vivre card when Ace and Akainu are right in front of him? Ace is being stared down by Akainu and Luffy's just crawling around trying to get the card. Doesn't really make any sense.

Just asking because I haven't seen that bit in a while so I kind of forgot what happened. I may need to go back a couple of minutes or just watch the entire episode over.

Also, I was reading One Piece volume 57, and found something wrong. When
Whitebeard dies
, they claimed that he never had a scar or anything on his back because he never ran, but didn't Squard, like, stick a sword entirely through Whitebeard? Meaning that he should have a giant gash in his back where it came out the other side.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Because it is used to sell toys. I'd rather there be filler and have it be slower paced than not airing. If you want the manga, read the manga.

281: Pretty funny, like where the story's going, should be a good arc.
Z: Had some pretty cool stuff in it, things that I had long wondered if existed in the OP world
海楼石の弾 kairouseki no tama, sorry I have no clue what Funi calls it, bullets made out of the stone with the same power as the sea
. The story was so so, but it had a lot of fan service. I preferred Strong World's plot more, but Z has some pretty slick fights.

Funimation calls it Sea Prism Stone, though Sea Stone is a short-hand version that's also acceptable.
And yes, the anime keeps going because of moichendising.
Filler is a double-edged sword. It can help the pacing, allowing for no more "1:1", but we get the chance of having something like "Curry of Life" or "The Bount".

This is gonna be kind of random, but I just rewatched Ace's death on youtube, and why was Luffy trying to get Ace's vivre card when Ace and Akainu are right in front of him? Ace is being stared down by Akainu and Luffy's just crawling around trying to get the card. Doesn't really make any sense.

Just asking because I haven't seen that bit in a while so I kind of forgot what happened. I may need to go back a couple of minutes or just watch the entire episode over.

Also, I was reading One Piece volume 57, and found something wrong. When Whitebeard dies, they claimed that he never had a scar or anything on his back because he never ran, but didn't Squard, like, stick a sword entirely through Whitebeard? Meaning that he should have a giant gash in his back where it came out the other side.

I think they meant a scar that began on his back. He never ran so the enemy never got a chance to strike his back. As Zoro put it waaay back in his "fight" with Mihawk "Scars on a swordsman back are his shame". Similar idea applies here.


I think they meant a scar that began on his back. He never ran so the enemy never got a chance to strike his back. As Zoro put it waaay back in his "fight" with Mihawk "Scars on a swordsman back are his shame". Similar idea applies here.

Ok, that makes more sense. I knew that he never obtained one that started on his back, just thought they messed up saying he never actually got one on his back.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
why did I check this thread WHYYYYY

Yeeeeah you need to be careful in this thread. Unmarked spoilers everywhere.

By the way, Snape killed Dumbledore, Vader is Luke's father, and Rosebud was his sled.


why did I check this thread WHYYYYY
Do you really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and post unmarked spoilers?

sorry about :(

I got spoiled on Aces death as well, but trust me, you'll still get major feels when watching it.


Punk Hazard has been good so far, however it is still isn't finished yet in the Manga.

*very mild spoilers*

It could still drag out and become boring

*Uber heavy big spoilers, do NOT read unless up to date with manga*

I really hope we see the proper results of the time-skip training, it would be awesome if the Straw-Hats just destroyed Doflamingo or are at least level with him. I really don't want an Enel situation where the fighting just last ages because the enemy managed to pull some cheap trick.

*Pre New-world spoilers, if your up-to-date with Anime following is ok.*

I also wonder what happened to the Whitebeard crew and Aokiji during the timeskip. Marco is as strong as an admiral and the rest are no slouches. Did the form an alliance with Shanks? Were the other pirate crews forced to join Blackbeard? Are they in hiding? Are they waiting for Luffy to meet them as Whitebeard wanted them to keep Ace's will alive?
Being a huge fan of Sanji, im truly looking forward to
Sanji vs Vergo
. But i just have a feeling Toei is gonna extend the fight which will be cool, but make it look like sanji cant keep up with a vice admiral. I watched Zoro vs Hordy and the manga version had the fight be like maybe 2 pages and zoro one shot hordy. But the anime version, they made zoro seem like he was weak, and i just know Toei will do the same with sanji's next big fight. Also can Toei make a new opening already, love We Go, but damn, Fishman Island is over, lets move along


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Being a huge fan of Sanji, im truly looking forward to
Sanji vs Vergo
. But i just have a feeling Toei is gonna extend the fight which will be cool, but make it look like sanji cant keep up with a vice admiral. I watched Zoro vs Hordy and the manga version had the fight be like maybe 2 pages and zoro one shot hordy. But the anime version, they made zoro seem like he was weak, and i just know Toei will do the same with sanji's next big fight. Also can Toei make a new opening already, love We Go, but damn, Fishman Island is over, lets move along

That's a big problem with the anime right now. They keep worfing the Straw Hats for no reason.
It was REALLY bad during the finale of Luffy vs. Hody, where Hody suddenly had an advantage, compared to the manga where Luffy continued to kick his ass with little resistance.
Or that filler arc where Luffy was somehow weak and could only defeat the villain with help from the filler ally.

Look Toei, there's a right way and a wrong way to use tension. You are using the WRONG way.


Also can Toei make a new opening already, love We Go, but damn, Fishman Island is over, lets move along

I keep seeing people getting antsy over this, I say wait until it's a little ways into the new arc because:

Toei fucking suck with keeping their dick inside their pants when it comes to OP's, and I'm not just talking about One Piece, but everything they do Sailormoon, the Precure series EVERYTHING.

Knowing Toei, the new OP will most likely have the Shichibukai and the boss of Punk Hazard's face in full view while the actual anime is attempting to keep them hidden until they're officially revealed including everything else that has been hinted at in the latest episode but not explicitly stated yet.


I glanced at it but I'm only 60 episodes in so I have no clue what you're talking about =P

But please, spoiler tag any major spoilers. I'm still going through this for the first time =(


I glanced at it but I'm only 60 episodes in so I have no clue what you're talking about =P

But please, spoiler tag any major spoilers. I'm still going through this for the first time =(

Yup I did. BatDan did quote me, so he might have to go through and edit his post with my new one.
I glanced at it but I'm only 60 episodes in so I have no clue what you're talking about =P

But please, spoiler tag any major spoilers. I'm still going through this for the first time =(

Just don't read this thread lol probably just best to post your thoughts/opinions quickly and escape
Punk Hazard has been good so far, however it is still isn't finished yet in the Manga.

*Uber heavy big spoilers, do NOT read unless up to date with manga*

I really hope we see the proper results of the time-skip training, it would be awesome if the Straw-Hats just destroyed Doflamingo or are at least level with him. I really don't want an Enel situation where the fighting just last ages because the enemy managed to pull some cheap trick.
Current chapter discussion isn't very welcomed here, I believe, so I'll make it short!

No way.
Doflamingo needs to rip the Straw Hats a new one, seriously. I'm so excited to finally see what he can do and Oda's been building him for at least 6 years now. For him to arrive and be knocked aside that easily would be infuriating. I want the Straw Hats to run, since I want him to be MUCH stronger than them. But, even if they do somehow beat him, it's not like he'll be gone forever since we still need to see the Donquixote Pirates fight! Maybe this mysterious figure will save the Straw Hats and buy them time to escape?

Just my two cents. Remember folks, major manga spoilers!


So I just finished episode 236...

these feels man. :'(
Water 7 is starting a lot stronger than Alabasta was.

I feel water seven was one of the top 3 arcs, a little after Enies and Alabasta. Some people probably wouldn't agree, but the interactions between the crew were definitely top class. Great ark.
I feel water seven was one of the top 3 arcs, a little after Enies and Alabasta. Some people probably wouldn't agree, but the interactions between the crew were definitely top class. Great ark.

Ah I think my top 3 would also have Alabasta, Alabasta, Marineford, Goa Kingdom...



Im always behind. Anyway Zoro was just plain awesome and Luffy too, this arc already starting off so god and even better than I remember in the manga
Didnt realize full decapitation of the dragon, dear heavens that was intense


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Reposting from the anime thread once more!

One Piece - Amazon Lily +
Impel Down
+ Marineford Arcs (406-489)

Well, alright. I have a whole bunch of different feelings to share with y'all.

That old Luffy gets incapacitated in some way -> crew fights with underlings -> Luffy shows up in time to face the final boss and save the day structure that was starting to annoy me back then was ignored during Sabaody and crushed here, so for that I'm happy. On the other hand, what the fuck, Toei? I've been hearing comments like "the anime turns to shit after some point" since I started watching this show about a year ago, but I never really gave them any serious thought. But I was wrong. Stuff moved at a snail's pace back then, and now it moves at a rock's pace instead. It's absolutely horrible. I can't imagine waiting an entire week to watch a single episode filled to the brim with repeating footage and useless filler scenes, so my plan of going forward with the anime instead of catching up with the manga is now dead. I'm already buying the new manga volumes that are being released here in Brazil, so all that's left is for me to start reading them once I finish the anime's Fishman Island adaptation... Which I imagine will be absolutely terrible to watch.


I don't have any strong feeling towards Amazon Lily (AKA the "Stop Sexualizing Luffy Arc"). While I can't say I had a blast with it, I can't say I hated it either. It was stupid and ok. I often caught myself laughing at all the Luffy's Balls antics, and it did introduce me to the awesomeness that is
Hancock. (I already knew about the character's existance and the fact that she fell for Luffy somehow, but my mind was kind of blown by her Shichibukai status.)
Still, the effects of the increasingly terrible pacing started to show up, with a couple of episodes ending up being voids of emptiness, and the excitement from Sabaody quickly quieted down.

In summary:

- Marguerite = the hawtness.
- I'm really thankful for Luffy's nakama, because
without them, only an EXTREME ADRENALINE RUSH-mode arc like Marineford is bearable with Luffy as the only Straw Hat getting on-screen time. I absolutely love everything about the way the crew was separated and the consequences of such event, but watching Amazon Lily's initial episodes (the ones before the battle, in which Luffy would only run around avoiding arrows) was an experience that I wouldn't recommend to anyone.
- Bath scene = the hawtness.
- I just love the
Willpower thing. I've said it before: it's completely stupid, but at the same time it's so awesome. So Luffy's got this... Haoshoku Haki, is it? That's awesome. So ominous.

As for the rest
of the crew and their whereabouts... I can easily separate those storylines in the "good" and "bad" groups. Although I'm sure everyone will get out of their respective new homes properly powered-up for the New World, some characters ended up in really boring situations. Nami, for example. Another Sky Island, eh? Cool. But that's that. Hm... I love a good list!

The Good:

- Zoro
getting stuck with Perona is the hottest thing ever. Fuck Kuina's clone, this is the OTP right here.
- Robin
ended up in the shittiest place possible, and one with an opressive regime, obviously. Otherwise, how would Toei fit in all the mandatory Robin rape imagery? Still, the setting is pretty interesting, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what'll happen there.
- Franky
is funny as hell, so naturally his unique setting is too. I'm more interested in seeing how Vegapunk fits into all of this than in the kid and the old man.
- Sanji

The Bad:

- Nami
ended up in a mindboggingly boring place. It fits her character, though!
- Chopper
is so much stronger than Oda likes to portray him for some reason. Hopefully he'll learn to kick some ass now that's he's stuck in this hell-jungle with the bully birds.
- Usopp
got stuck with an idiot. Great.
- Brook
just wants some goddamn panties, you creeps. Could be cool, but it's just boring. At least he has battle in store, I guess.

And so...


Impel Down
Arc! AKA the "Oh My God Toei Just Kill Me Now Arc"! What a load of toxic waste.

I mean: it's not your fault, Oda. The idea behind the whole arc is awesome, and I bet the execution is awesome in the manga. But in the anime it's a freaking torture session. Nothing less, nothing more.
My expectations for this arc were absurd, but it's not my fault! They started hyping up Impel Down literally 200 episodes before Luffy actually got there. This shit was supposed to be about an epic solo stealth adventure through hell... But instead, we ended up getting about 25 episodes of Gomu Gomu no Pistols against a million weaklings, Buggy's group of imbeciles, okamas screaming and dancing freaking aggravatingly, and Hannyabal OH MY GOD SHUT THE HELL UP HANNYABAL NO ONE CAREEEES.

If all that crap wasn't enough, Toei broke some kind of record by managing to effectively spoil the following arc with the OP when they showed
not only that Crocodile, Jinbe, Buggy, Ivanovic, Mr. 1, and Mr. 3 escaped Impel Down alongside Luffy, but also that Mr. 2 didn't.
Absolutely infurating.

One last complaint:
Magellan is a shit villain.

As for the positive points...
Everyone ditching Magellan behind without even bothering to defeat him! That was delicious. But even more delicious than that... Mr. 2. Fuuuuuuuuuck, man. I don't even know what to say. I need a moment :'(

I honestly thought Luffy would somehow manage to go in and do all his stuff by himself, but was pleasantly surprised by the old faces showing up. Hell, I even like Buggy (when he doesn't get more than 1 minute of on-screen time per episode, that is). The whole secret okama society in the middle of Impel Down was surprising and kind of a relief (at that point I was getting a bit tired of Luffy's hopelessness), and Iva being Dragon's nakama... Is something that'll probably be the cause of some interesting events down the line.

But, yeah. I believe in Oda, so I trust that I'll have fun reading through this arc in the manga.

In the end, though, all that matters is:


Marineford Arc, AKA the "Everyone is Insanely Overpowered Arc". Oda goes "You think Enel was a pain in the ass? Oh, little child, c'mere a second and I'll show you something amazing."


Let me get this out of the way:
I've known that Ace died since way before I started watching One Piece. I even thought he'd be dead by the end of Arabasta, as I said in the last line of this post! Haha. Before I started watching this arc, I wasn't sure whether knowing that spoiler would affect my enjoyment of it negatively. I'll never know for sure, obviously, but in the end, I think it did. After every single little victory Luffy's side had, I'd think something like "Well, all this shit for naught." I was basically the supreme cynic. Then when Ace stopped doing the Robin and actually said he was happy that everyone cared for him, I was basically numb. I'm pretty sure I'd have cried like a baby when he died after actually being rescued if I didn't know beforehand that his fate was sealed.

I'm having a harder time remembering all the stuff from this arc (that I finished just two hours ago) than from the previous two... And that's because, even with the increasingly terrible pacing I mentioned above, this arc still has so much stuff happening in each episode. Most of those events are inconsequential in the larger picture, but all the characters involved are so important that they stick with you. Like that
five-minute face-off between Hawkeye and the Vista guy from Whitebeard's crew. Your mind goes "Oh, holy shit, Mihawk's gonna fight! Oh, this guy's keeping up! Awesome!", and no more than a few seconds later you get, I don't know, Jinbe punching Moriah or something fanservicey like that. None of that mattered in the end, because no one actually defeated anyone in the war (except for Ace and Whitebeard, obviously), but it was still great to watch.

Let me go with a list again here because it's easier to remember stuff that way.

- Oda once again proves that he's second to none in creating character designs that make sense in the world of the series but are still quirky enough to stand out on their own. Just like with the Supernovas in Sabaody, here he introduces a shitload of new characters and all of them are great. So alongside the
all-stars cast
you get a bunch of minor and not-so-minor characters that despite their status still manage to cause a big impression, like... All of
Whitebeard's commanders and allied captains.
And Marco, man. Dat
phoenix power.
- So many good moments and mindfucks. Right off the bat they
mislead you into thinking they'll announce to the world that Ace is Dragon's son, only to drop za bomb. What the hell. Little Oars Jr.'s breach of the bay, Whitebeard's power revealed, Luffy's Willpower scream, Crocodile saving Ace from being executed, Whitebeard hugging Squard, Luffy attacking the three Admirals at once, Luffy vs. Garp, Ace's rescue, Ace's death, Whitebeard's death (HOLY SHIT, son), Teach stealing Whitebeard's powers (clearly being set up to be the final boss of the series), the revelation that Whitebeard has no scars on his back, Trafalgar Law showing up, Shanks showing up...
Phew. What a freaking ride.
- The one moment I hated:
Akainu: "What's wrong Ace? Chicken?" Ace: "Nobody, NOBODY calls me chicken!" ARE. YOU. FUCKING. KIDDING. ME. At least he died saving Luffy and not just being one-shot after pulling the McFly. What the fuck.

It was awesome. It's not my favorite arc - Enies Lobby still holds that title -, but it probably would be had I started it without knowing its biggest twist beforehand. I'm guessing things will slow down a lot until the final final arc now, because holy shit, but I'm still looking forward to what comes next.
Especially Luffy's and Ace's detailed backstory and the time skip stuff. I love time skips.

Also, I haven't forgotten, Oda. The WTF lingers on.

Previous impressions: Arabasta, Jaya + Skypiea, Davy Back Fight, Water 7 + Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Sabaody Archipelago.


So I finished Water 7 yesterday.

Easily my favorite arc yet, and I'm 10 episodes into Enies Lobby and it's looking even better.

Thoughts (I'm not gonna bother spoiling only certain parts)

-First, what a wonderful location. I love water based cities, so it was really cool to see. Kaku jumping on the rooftops was one of my favorite scenes in the arc.

-The Usopp vs. Luffy has to be one of my favorite battles yet, if just to see Usopp showing off his slingshot techniques and seeing him being a competent fighter, even if it was just because he knows all of Luffys weaknesses. WAY TOO MANY FLASHBACKS though. Every other second, -FLASHBACK-...

-Franky is awesome. So awesome. :D I love the idea behind the cyborg part to him, and I loved the backstory between Tom and Iceberg and him. Wish they went a bit more indepth about how he made himself a cyborg though. Him and Usopp made for a good character bond too. Also, it was really nice to finally find out what that ghost in Skypiea was. Really glad this guy becomes a crew member, he's already one of my favorites.

-I did NOT see the CP9 members twist coming. ESPECIALLY Kaku (heck, I still can't believe he's a member :p) and Blueno. 10 episodes into Enies and I already want to see the ever living shit being beaten out of them (especially Spandam), as with every great villain this series has.

-The Sea Train part I felt dragged on too long, but the battles were all done well so I can't complain. I don't really understand Sogeking's purpose, but I'm sure it will become evident as the series goes on... I hope. I really want to see Usopp become a more useful member.

Even with a lack of big flashy fights, I loved Water 7. This series is almost too good, man. I don't want to finish catching up and having to move on a week-by-week basis, having entire arcs available to watch is so good. :(

And, I just got up to episode 273.
Can someone fully explain Luffy's Gear power to me? I didn't really understand it in the show. Like, how does he do it, when did he learn it, what does he do to achieve it... agh o_o
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