You know what's great about this manga/anime? Everyone is useful and each character gets their time to shine and not just share the spotlight, shine in their own right.
You know what's great about this manga/anime? Everyone is useful and each character gets their time to shine and not just share the spotlight, shine in their own right.
I respectufully disagree. I think many of the characters are actually cheated of the spotlight, the weak trio, for example, if they truly did get their chance to shine and contribute in actually meaningful ways then I dont think theyd rank so low in power and opinion.
There's more to contribution than just brute strength you know.
And Ussop held his own against Luffy far longer than anyone could have imagined during the water 7 arc.
But among like 500+ episodes, thats like what, his only memorable moment or even arc for that matter if we extend to include sogeking.
How was "I'M ALWAYS NEGATIVE!" not memorable?
You really, reeeeeeeally suck.But among like 500+ episodes, thats like what, his only memorable moment or even arc for that matter if we extend to include sogeking.
But among like 500+ episodes, thats like what, his only memorable moment or even arc for that matter if we extend to include sogeking.
My problem with Usopp is that even after the timeskip and living on the man-eating island for 2 years he doesn't stop whining if things look dangerous. Pretty sure the island he was on was way scarier than some bird lady or some shit. Man up.
How was "I'M ALWAYS NEGATIVE!" not memorable?
You know what's great about this manga/anime? Everyone is useful and each character gets their time to shine and not just share the spotlight, shine in their own right.
Yes, but it can also be it's flaw later on, when you have 8-9 main protagonist and a few supporting characters and 8-9 villains per arc (so everyone can get a 1v1 fight) things tend to drag. It won't bother you when you marathon it but it'll be painful when you're caught up reading/watching week to week.
One Piece - :firehawk + Fishman Island Arcs (490-574)
I really wasn't planning on posting Fishman Island impressions, but then I remembered that I hadn't posted anything about the previous mini-arc yet, so here we are!
Anime Fishman Island was pretty bad. It had a couple of amazing moments (like the whole narrator speech during) and a few incredibly satisfying moments (likeLuffy's blood transfusion), but the overall impression I got from it was that most of what I assume are the arc's highest points in the manga were dragged down to the floor by the horrible pacing. It was still more enjoyable thanZoro cutting Hody like the little shit that he is or Chopper displaying complete control over Monster Pointbecause more interesting stuff happened... But only by a tiny margin.Impel Down
The first 2/3 of the arc were particularly bad. Absolutely nothing happens until ten episodes after the huge flashback is done, and even then events keep moving at a snail's pace. I think the whole point of the arc, at least in Oda's mind, was toIn theory, that would be great. But - I still have to confirm this by reading the manga, mind you - it seems that Oda failed to accomplish that at a decent pace. I think he didn't want to make the whole conflict feel cheap... But I don't know why. I mean, the way he dealt with Bellamy in Jaya was so awesome. He could've just repeated that here! Haha. But, yeah. It seems that even in the manga this arc was slow... So it was inevitable for the anime to be how freaking powerful and awesome everyone became in the two years they were away from the Sunny. Hell, if it wasn't for those ridiculous pills, Luffy would've killed Hody at least ten times over, and most of the time he was even handicapped by the water. They even fit all the coup de grâces into a single episode!
But, well, now it's over, and we've got at least two good things out of this arc:
1 -2 -Poseidon.Future nakama Jinbe hell yeah.
But before all that... Man...
Sabo's death flags were all over the place, but I knew he wouldn't die because I really didn't believe Oda'd kill Luffy's two big brothers. So I knew he'd live, but somehow disappear. He started talking about how he was mad at the nobles, despite being one... And I immediatelly pictured him as being a Revolutionary in the present time. He couldn't possibly be a pirate because if that was the case, he'd be a rookie or someone relevant and we'd already know about his whereabouts. He couldn't be a Marine either because that made no sense. But if he was a Revolutionary, he wouldn't have had a reason to show up yet... It made so much sense.
And then freaking Dragon showed up. You can only imagine my reaction, hahaha.
Previous impressions: Arabasta, Jaya + Skypiea, Davy Back Fight, Water 7 + Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Sabaody Archipelago, Amazon Lily + ___________ + Marineford.
So, yeah. 14 months later, I've finally caught up with the anime. Good times. Some of the best, actually.
Welcome to the world of waiting for saturday night/sundaymorning, it sucks here![]()
New scan confirms Buggy, Crocodile, and Mihawk as playable characters in One Piece Musou 2, leak is looking more and more right
What leak?
Hated this weeks chapterI waited two weeks for fucking fanservice????
Punk Hazard really has too many groups to follow at the beginning, the fact we won't really see Smoker vs Law for 2 more episodes is bogus
Edit: Also I'll post this here as well to complete the cycle, this is the rumored final roster for One Piece Musou 2, it's worth mentioning because this was posted about 5 days before today's reveal of Garp, Post time skip Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru
Time Skip Strawhats + Jimbei, Pretime skip Strawhats + Jimbei, Garp, Smoker, Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, Kuma, Mihawk, Hancock, Law, Crocodile, Whitebeard, Marco, Ace, Blackbeard, Enel/eru, and Perona
Hated this weeks chapterI waited two weeks for fucking fanservice????
Punk Hazard really has too many groups to follow at the beginning, the fact we won't really see Smoker vs Law for 2 more episodes is bogus
Edit: Also I'll post this here as well to complete the cycle, this is the rumored final roster for One Piece Musou 2, it's worth mentioning because this was posted about 5 days before today's reveal of Garp, Post time skip Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru
Time Skip Strawhats + Jimbei, Pretime skip Strawhats + Jimbei, Garp, Smoker, Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, Kuma, Mihawk, Hancock, Law, Crocodile, Whitebeard, Marco, Ace, Blackbeard, Enel/eru, and Perona
Oda confirmed that if Enel were actually a wanted pirate, he might have a bounty that could possibly be as high as 500,000,000 beris (which means he could have the second highest known bounty in the series, after the former bounty ofPortgas D. Ace, 550,000,000).
If LuffyIs Eneru really that strong compared to the rest of One Piece?
Yea, Skypea had some pretty bad parts where people should have died, but then they're fine and dandy later onSkypea Arc was great, but Eneru(or Enel in Manga) is some kind of broken. Also, what is with the characters in this anime essentially dying and yet they are still alive?They already made it aware that using the Impact Dial or whatever would kill Wiper and how amazing it would be if he survived it, not only does he get up after being shocked by Eneru, but then he survives Eneru's judgement attack AND he gets up later to use the Impact Dial once more on the beanstalk and still survives. Soooo...yeah.
So uh...
Is Eneru really that strong compared to the rest of One Piece?
If Luffy
A) Didn't exist
B) Wasn't on Skypeia at the exact right time, he would have had no opposition whatsoever. He may be one of the top 3 characters in the series in terms of power.
Dunno about top 3, Whitebeard, Shanks and the Admirals could probably take him with little effort. Dunno about the other Emperors though. He'd easily be top 10 though.
One thing you have to remember is until the Straw Hats came along nobody really challenged Enel/eru so like Crocodile he really as strong as he could have been. If he had decided to head down to the Grand Line and attempt to do the normal OP pirate thing he would have been pretty damn near unstoppable once he learned the truth behind his mantra power and learned to master it further.
wow I totally forgot about his mantra. He is basically an Admiral class Pirate. Is he the only Logia type Devil Fruit user with Haki that's a pirate?
Errr...maybe I should stay away from this thread until I complete the series of all anime and manga.
Yep. And if you do want to come in and post impressions/ask questions, make sure you don't read many of the posts.Errr...maybe I should stay away from this thread until I complete the series of all anime and manga.
Does this have a title?
It has Goku and Luffy teaming up against Eneru.
Also, in Episode 110 around 12:43 there is a song that plays there that I cannot seem to locate the name of, does anyone know what that song is called? thanks.
Probably a good idea.
Granted, One Piece is a very difficult series to avoid spoilers for.
Yep. And if you do want to come in and post impressions/ask questions, make sure you don't read many of the posts.
The song's called Shichibukai(warlord in english).
Yeah, I'll just write my impressions and post them later when I am done with the series.
Oh, it must not be 12:30 in the japanese version, the song I'm talking about is the one before that song, it happens when Luffy throws the very first punch at Crocodile, when they just start the fight. Thanks for looking for me though, I hope to find that song so if you find it may you PM me? thank you very much. episode today? How come? Also noticed there's no HunterxHunter episode either :/ episode today? How come? Also noticed there's no HunterxHunter episode either :/
Why would you do this. I mean really.