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One Piece Thread (redux)


Master of the Google Search
So what does "Don" mean?

It's a sound effect that the One Piece manga uses to signify the importance of someone's presence or something they said. In the anime it tends to be portrayed by a single echoing drum beat. When said out loud, think of it as translating to "with Gusto!"


Man, I need to start coming to this thread more than once or twice a week. Such a joy reading all the impressions from people at different points in the series. Keep 'em coming people.

And thank goodness a new opening's on the horizon. I don't think I can stand to see We Go again, and I quite liked it at first. Hope it's as good as the new Naruto one, or better.


Finished G8. Was pretty mediocre, kind of wish I had just skipped it. So obviously filler, the next arc is going to start and this will have absolutely no bearing on it. They are literally at the same place they were when Skypiea ended. Had one really funny part though, when Luffy pulled the octopus out of his pants.
Finished G8. Was pretty mediocre, kind of wish I had just skipped it. So obviously filler, the next arc is going to start and this will have absolutely no bearing on it. They are literally at the same place they were when Skypiea ended. Had one really funny part though, when Luffy pulled the octopus out of his pants.

Don't worry the next arc is the canon filler arc if that makes sense.
Finished G8. Was pretty mediocre, kind of wish I had just skipped it. So obviously filler, the next arc is going to start and this will have absolutely no bearing on it. They are literally at the same place they were when Skypiea ended. Had one really funny part though, when Luffy pulled the octopus out of his pants.

I dunno, I thought condoriano & zoro warping space with his directional sense were pretty funny.


Finished G8. Was pretty mediocre, kind of wish I had just skipped it. So obviously filler, the next arc is going to start and this will have absolutely no bearing on it. They are literally at the same place they were when Skypiea ended. Had one really funny part though, when Luffy pulled the octopus out of his pants.

Yeah, I don't get all the hype about G8 either. The Luffy/octopus part was funny and Johnathan seemed like a rather likable antagonists (although he seemed to waste his potential by the end of the arc). But that was it. Better than other filler arcs, sure. But it was still mediocre to me. Definitely worse than all the other canon arcs, Davy Back included.

Minor spoilers:
Not to mention it contradict's Akainu's personality, as Johnathan is in no way someone that would be a favorite of his.




Yeah, I don't get all the hype about G8 either. The Luffy/octopus part was funny and Johnathan seemed like a rather likable antagonists (although he seemed to waste his potential by the end of the arc). But that was it. Better than other filler arcs, sure. But it was still mediocre to me. Definitely worse than all the other canon arcs, Davy Back included.

Minor spoilers:
Not to mention it contradict's Akainu's personality, as Johnathan is in no way someone that would be a favorite of his.

....opposites attract work well with each other?


Finished G8. Was pretty mediocre, kind of wish I had just skipped it. So obviously filler, the next arc is going to start and this will have absolutely no bearing on it. They are literally at the same place they were when Skypiea ended. Had one really funny part though, when Luffy pulled the octopus out of his pants.

G8 is, at worst, tolerable. It also establishes a character you wouldn't expect plays a major role...


Just saw 5th intro for the first time, really liked it! Will need to warm up to the song but the intro itself was the best so far.


Jack Flack always escapes!
Well I just watched 396. I've seen a lot of people being punched by Luffy over the years, but that one felt goooooooood.......
After I finished the Fishman Island Arc, I stopped for the time being because I want to wait for the next arc to be done. Also, I'm loving reading the manga too.


get some go again
Just saw 5th intro for the first time, really liked it! Will need to warm up to the song but the intro itself was the best so far.
i think this opening lasts a long time. at least it felt like it was around forever. my favorite opening is still op2 and of the newer ones its op14.
i think this opening lasts a long time. at least it felt like it was around forever. my favorite opening is still op2 and of the newer ones its op14.

Funny how you mention how Kokoro no Chizu lasts a long time and then go on to say that Believe, an opening that went on like 25 episodes longer, is one of your favorites. =P
Has anyone seen a subbed version of the OPxTorikoxDBZ episode yet? I know that funimation won't be doing it due to copyright shenanigans so I'm hoping some fans might pick it up.


Foxy Pirates are some legit antagonists. I'm actually angry watching the shit they pull.

Omg Sanji fuck you dude I fucking hate you


This is a fucking troll arc.


Master of the Google Search
How would they not be able to? I thought they dub all three of those shows?

There are a few competing theories towards this:

  1. Toei's simulcast agreement specifically disallows the crossover episode
  2. The two different licensing agreements between One Piece and Toriko don't line up
  3. An outside party is involved in the crossover episodes and they are obstructing it
One Piece: Episode of Luffy Hand Island Adventure

It feels as if these specials always follow the same pattern. That is, the first ten or so minutes are interesting, then the next hour or so is just really dull since they spend too much time on the background, then the final 30 minutes have nearly non stop cool action scenes and some plot. That is to say Hand Island Adventure also did too.

Focusing on Luffy's backstory with the thoughts of Shanks and how he got the hat for close to an entire duration of an episode felt really excessive. Maybe I thought it was boring for it was my fourth time encountering the content but they could have spiced it up beyond just making it with the modern day animation style and such. And for Shanks part, they made it clear that haki was involved, but if he could have done that then why his arm.

For the plot of Hand Island, I guess it was fun overall and a nice change of pace for some type of filler such material. Zoro's skill were epic,
Coby was awesome in action living up to my expectations of him in this new world era, and Sanji's skill as well. Technology created by the Artisans made for really good fight moments and challenges.

Ah and best moment
cruel that he is only wax :(

6 / 10 I guess. Some of the action did feel weak and kind of murky to look at in terms of usual quality or just didnt feel all that exciting but was still fun. Alright overall but could have been just one hour instead of one hour and forty two minutes :/
One Piece: Episode of Luffy Hand Island Adventure

Liked it, but I usually enjoy all the specials, movies and filler arcs to some extent.
However, I really hated how the fight between the villain and Luffy went. I'm used to some inconsistencies regarding power levels of characters in filler arcs, but this was more than ridiculous...


Watched that special a few months ago, really enjoyed it but thought some of the changes to Luffy's past especially his encounter with the Sanzoku were odd, even though they ultimately don't change much.


He 'bet' the arm on Luffy, that's why he didn't bother saving it.
Wait what. That doesn't really make sense. He definitely couldn't save his arm back there.

I'd accept "it's stupid, but he couldn't save his arm" as an argument more than "he could but he didn't." Even if it's not stupid.


He uses the word かける (wager, bet, gamble) when he refers to the loss of his arm. Although that doesn't mean he could or could not save his arm. Haki isn't some invincible technique, so it's possible the situation put Shanks at a terrible disadvantage and had to choose between Luffy and his arm, that being said, it is hard to imagine that Luffy was as strong as Shanks the day he left the island and beat the monster to a pulp. So who knows.


One thing I'm really liking is that even though Luffy's Gum Gum powers seem pretty basic they keep beating all these guys with really wild and crazy powers. Makes me wonder if there's something more to those powers or if Luffy is actually just that great.


One thing I'm really liking is that even though Luffy's Gum Gum powers seem pretty basic they keep beating all these guys with really wild and crazy powers. Makes me wonder if there's something more to those powers or if Luffy is actually just that great.
What episode are you on now acid?
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